Bullying Victim Fights Back

:maddening: My ten year old grandson has a mild form of autism. He is an honor student and was lately voted most valuable player on a basketball team. A church sponsored the teams and worked with children of all kinds. My grandson's biggest hurdle was to learn that it was ok to take the ball from the opposing team mates. He loves people and is very witty and loved by many. My daughter called me first thing this morning, crying, upset that as soon as she came home from working a double shift late last night she learned that for the fifth time in the past year a pack of four boys have attacked my grandson and beat him. This occurred at an afterschool program at the Boys and Girls Brigade. The administrator always gives the song and dance that they do not tolerate "bullying" and will check into the incident. The only actions I have seen thus far is that the aggressive attackers are suspended for a short time and the victim is also suspended for a short time. I will never forget reading the very first report made when my grandson was suspended for three days. Actual wording: After J was knocked to the ground and several boys kicked him three times in the stomach and multiple times in the face, J struck back and hit one of the boys. Because J (my grandson) finally defended himself, he was punished equally with the bullies. My daughter would not let me get involved at that time. She met with the administrator and heard the same ole song and dance line that they would not tolerate bullying. That was four bullying incidents ago. Well, this time my daughter has asked me to meet her at the facility at 3:00 pm today to talk with the administrator again. I'm trying very hard to control my temper at this time and it is going to be very difficult to wait for my daughter to get off of work and to meet at 3:00 pm. I have zero tolerance for bullying. Add that stance to the fact that I have zero tolerance for anyone bulling my very own grandson. I would appreciate any suggestions or recommendations for how I should approach this situation.:maddening::maddening::maddening:

How terribly sad Lonetraveler!!!! Wish I could hug your precious grandbaby. As for what to do, i wish I were of more help. Maybe you could try a few different tactics.

Record the date, time, and person spoken to. Is the Boys and Girls Brigade directly related to the school? If so, make sure there is a rep from the school in the meeting. Are there professionals there with experience working with Autistic children? Also, try to record specific things done to your grandson. Get specific with names, dates, times, adults in the vicinity. It angers me that no teachers seem to be helping J.

Does the school district have parent liasons? If so, make sure they are invloved in every single aspect from now on. If not, perhaps you could ask around if there any other students getting bullied, and attempt to involve their parents as well. You would be surprised how many teachers would go off the record and suggest others that are getting the same treatments. Strength in numbers.

There is always someone higher up in the chain, so if you get no results, go up the chain. Make sure to have everything recorded for reference.

Not sure of the rules in your district, but would they allow a parent to attend class with the student? It sounds like your daughter works long hours, so I dont know how realistic that option is. Bullies scurry when faced with authority. But, then again, it may just start back up once the parent stops attending.

Perhaps try to discuss this in a meeting with the bullys' parents'. Once you get the names, you could ask the administration to arrange a sit down. But often times, it seems, bullies do not seem to have the most stable home lives. If all else fails, call the local newspaper. They may be able to do a story or investigate more to expose the lack of a positive outcome that the school admin is displaying.

Lastly, hug your grandbaby as often as you can, and his Mother. Make sure they know you are ALWAYS on their side. Good luck today!
:maddening: My ten year old grandson has a mild form of autism. He is an honor student and was lately voted most valuable player on a basketball team. A church sponsored the teams and worked with children of all kinds. My grandson's biggest hurdle was to learn that it was ok to take the ball from the opposing team mates. He loves people and is very witty and loved by many. My daughter called me first thing this morning, crying, upset that as soon as she came home from working a double shift late last night she learned that for the fifth time in the past year a pack of four boys have attacked my grandson and beat him. This occurred at an afterschool program at the Boys and Girls Brigade. The administrator always gives the song and dance that they do not tolerate "bullying" and will check into the incident. The only actions I have seen thus far is that the aggressive attackers are suspended for a short time and the victim is also suspended for a short time. I will never forget reading the very first report made when my grandson was suspended for three days. Actual wording: After J was knocked to the ground and several boys kicked him three times in the stomach and multiple times in the face, J struck back and hit one of the boys. Because J (my grandson) finally defended himself, he was punished equally with the bullies. My daughter would not let me get involved at that time. She met with the administrator and heard the same ole song and dance line that they would not tolerate bullying. That was four bullying incidents ago. Well, this time my daughter has asked me to meet her at the facility at 3:00 pm today to talk with the administrator again. I'm trying very hard to control my temper at this time and it is going to be very difficult to wait for my daughter to get off of work and to meet at 3:00 pm. I have zero tolerance for bullying. Add that stance to the fact that I have zero tolerance for anyone bulling my very own grandson. I would appreciate any suggestions or recommendations for how I should approach this situation.:maddening::maddening::maddening:

I'm so sorry LT for what your grandson is going through. I'm glad your daughter has asked you to be involved. My suggestion is that you let the administration know thay YOU, too, do not tolerate bullying. Let them know that if it doesn't stop immediately, you will press charges on the individuals and their families and the program. Be sure you have documentation of exactly what happened as you stated above, before saying anything to them. My granddaughter age 13, 7th grade is beginning to go through something similar, although no blows have been exchanged yet. Only threats. Violence is rampant now in our society, and it's hard to know what to do. We have to pray that God takes control of what is going on now in the world. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Hang in there, and put your foot down with the administration.
I'm so sorry LT for what your grandson is going through. I'm glad your daughter has asked you to be involved. My suggestion is that you let the administration know thay YOU, too, do not tolerate bullying. Let them know that if it doesn't stop immediately, you will press charges on the individuals and their families and the program. Be sure you have documentation of exactly what happened as you stated above, before saying anything to them. My granddaughter age 13, 7th grade is beginning to go through something similar, although no blows have been exchanged yet. Only threats. Violence is rampant now in our society, and it's hard to know what to do. We have to pray that God takes control of what is going on now in the world. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Hang in there, and put your foot down with the administration.

The administrator and the director were not seeing the attacks as bullying because each incident was being viewed independently. I had them put all the incident reports side by side, gave them the first names of the "pack" and asked them to read each report and note the boys involved and look at the pattern. The director made a comment "If we had known this was happening, we would have acted differently". ???????? This really set me off. Could they not read their own written reports? How could these very same four boys be in multiple reports of violence against other students and they not recognize it???? I finally said that "Well, from this day forward you can no longer plead ignorance. Consider yourself informed". I also asked if the parents of the boys been informed that their child was bullying other children, some of them disabled? They answered that "they couldn't just call the parent and say that their child was bullying other children" I asked, Why not? Most parents would be horrified to find that their child was bullying other children and would be willing to do something about it". My daughter demanded that they protect J and keep him safe and that they were responsible for his safety while he was in their care. They realized that we were totally serious. After I told them that the bully's parents would definitely know that their boys because if they did not meet with them and inform them that I would definitely go to the local media and broadcast it from the rooftops. I also let them know that if my grandson was harmed again that charges for neglect and assault would be filed. Much more was discussed, this is the short version. We'll see. I let them know that I have absolutely zero tolerance and expected them to use preventive measures instead of just reactive actions after the fact.....thanks for your concern.
The irony is rich.
I don't remember reading anything about it being the victim who released the video showing the bully at fault... It's obvious our victim didn't do the taping.

It's just a mother's ploy to redirect attention from her bully-son...
She doesn't think her child should apologize for the way he carried on? She should be ashamed.
:maddening: My ten year old grandson has a mild form of autism. He is an honor student and was lately voted most valuable player on a basketball team. A church sponsored the teams and worked with children of all kinds. My grandson's biggest hurdle was to learn that it was ok to take the ball from the opposing team mates. He loves people and is very witty and loved by many. My daughter called me first thing this morning, crying, upset that as soon as she came home from working a double shift late last night she learned that for the fifth time in the past year a pack of four boys have attacked my grandson and beat him. This occurred at an afterschool program at the Boys and Girls Brigade. The administrator always gives the song and dance that they do not tolerate "bullying" and will check into the incident. The only actions I have seen thus far is that the aggressive attackers are suspended for a short time and the victim is also suspended for a short time. I will never forget reading the very first report made when my grandson was suspended for three days. Actual wording: After J was knocked to the ground and several boys kicked him three times in the stomach and multiple times in the face, J struck back and hit one of the boys. Because J (my grandson) finally defended himself, he was punished equally with the bullies. My daughter would not let me get involved at that time. She met with the administrator and heard the same ole song and dance line that they would not tolerate bullying. That was four bullying incidents ago. Well, this time my daughter has asked me to meet her at the facility at 3:00 pm today to talk with the administrator again. I'm trying very hard to control my temper at this time and it is going to be very difficult to wait for my daughter to get off of work and to meet at 3:00 pm. I have zero tolerance for bullying. Add that stance to the fact that I have zero tolerance for anyone bulling my very own grandson. I would appreciate any suggestions or recommendations for how I should approach this situation.:maddening::maddening::maddening:
get an attorney and sue for discrimination and failure to provide a safe learning environment......then involve the news...that usually gets the schools attention....
I'm wondering if the rest of the pack received any punishment for their involvement. They were encircling the victim and videoing the abuse. They are equally as guilty as the pizzzer who struck the victim.

I wonder whether it was the first time RG had picked on CH. I wonder if he picked on others too. If that's the case, I hope the others come forward.

As far as the one who videotaped, I did get the feeling (JMO) it was someone more on the side of RG (thought I heard a laugh and a "are you okay?" like a friend would say), not someone who was doing it to finally show someone what RG the Bully was doing.

From the article in which the mother demanded an apology for her family saying they didn't need the video posted everywhere:

The school however did not pick sides in the fight and instead suspended both boys for four days.

Gotta love the media. Who knows how long either was actually suspended for.
Ok, I have no words for this punk. Isnt sorry in the least. What a shame.

Interviewer: "Are you sorry?"
Punk Boy: "No...." [looks off screen at Dad] "...I mean, yes."

That kid has learned no lesson except to try to shift the blame. He kept looking to the left, looking down...I think he was lying about being bullied first by Casey. When Casey was interviewed he looked straight ahead and told what happened -- very believable.
i saw this story on the news. Good for the bigger kid. I am and have always been tall. I've been 5'11 since i was about 13! I consider myself very shy. I've gotten better over the years, but yeah kids use to try to bully me and my mom told me to fight back. One boy was making fun of me and I threw him in the bushes. That was the last time I saw him!

Did anyone see the dateline episode about 2 weeks ago. They set up actors to bully a kid and people's children were put in the room and they video taped it. It was shocking. The girls were the worst.
WS does not allow bashing of anyone, including those charged with crimes. And, I definitely don't understand why anyone would bash the physical appearance of a child, even if he is the alleged perpetrator in this incident.

Knock it off!!

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