CANADA Canada - Bowmanville, Ont, Black/S. AsianFem 18-30, 90UFON, near freeway, Oct'06

Certainly a possibility. I have to admit I do find it difficult to make comparisons with sketches. Hopefully this case will soon find a resolution via DNA efforts, sounds very hopeful!
You mentioned in the post previous to this one that you got confirmation Sheryl Sheppard wasn't a match. So which query is this post about re the two emails sent? Thanks.

Hello, this was for another lady who went missing in 2006. The email confirmation I had from Sheryl was done in 2009? 2010? When I was on another online board. Unfortunately, this website is now down, or I would have been able to post the original email
Have we looked at Dale Nancy Wyman??
Nancy went missing in 1980, and she also has a larger frame which would result in larger ring size. Nancy was known to wear multiple rings. She lived in Montreal/Thunder bay, and was known to hitchhike and use buses etc. The unidentified was found near a truck stop that heads towards Montreal; although, it is 2 hours or more away.

Dale Nancy Wyman has been missing for over 40 years – sketches of what she may look like now are available
Nice suggestion!
Started thread for mp..
CANADA - Canada- Dale Nancy Wyman, 22, Voyageur bus station, Ottawa, Ont.16 July 1980 *Fresh initiative*
Have we looked at Dale Nancy Wyman??
Nancy went missing in 1980, and she also has a larger frame which would result in larger ring size. Nancy was known to wear multiple rings. She lived in Montreal/Thunder bay, and was known to hitchhike and use buses etc. The unidentified was found near a truck stop that heads towards Montreal; although, it is 2 hours or more away.

Dale Nancy Wyman has been missing for over 40 years – sketches of what she may look like now are available

Hi, Jessica, Dale Wyman was 22 years old when she went missing in July 1980.

If she met with foul play within a couple of years of going missing, say 1982, and her remains were discovered at the high end of the PMI (post-mortem interval, the time that has elapsed since the TOD), of 24 years (range of 2-25 years on DDP site), then yes, this Doe could be Dale Wyman.

Has this been sent in to tipline and to Dale Wyman tipline?

The red burns ring is extremely distinctive.


Added: Prior to 2014; Last Updated: 12/21/2019

Computer-generated forensic reconstructions and artistic renderings of the victim;
''Clothing: None. In 2010, a man's hooded Tip Top Tailor striped shirt was found at the scene due to the drop in the water table. It was labeled "Blue Rodeo" and sold between 1995 and 1996.
Jewelry: A small red heart and a woman's digital watch was found near the remains. The straps were stainless steel. Investigators determined that the watch was manufactured by the Omni Watch Company in the early 1980s. It was sold exclusively at the now defunct Consumers Distributing from 1981 to 1983. In 2010, a unique woman's gold garnet ring (size 9) with two one-point diamonds on either side was found at the location when the water table dropped. The ring is believed to have been sold by Burns Jewelers in Oshawa. The store was a family-run business on Simcoe Street from 1923 to 1994. The ring had been made by A&A Manufacturing in Toronto.
Additional Personal Items: A piece of red ribbon was found near the remains.'

Added: Prior to 2014; Last Updated: 12/21/2019

Computer-generated forensic reconstructions and artistic renderings of the victim;
''Clothing: None. In 2010, a man's hooded Tip Top Tailor striped shirt was found at the scene due to the drop in the water table. It was labeled "Blue Rodeo" and sold between 1995 and 1996.
Jewelry: A small red heart and a woman's digital watch was found near the remains. The straps were stainless steel. Investigators determined that the watch was manufactured by the Omni Watch Company in the early 1980s. It was sold exclusively at the now defunct Consumers Distributing from 1981 to 1983. In 2010, a unique woman's gold garnet ring (size 9) with two one-point diamonds on either side was found at the location when the water table dropped. The ring is believed to have been sold by Burns Jewelers in Oshawa. The store was a family-run business on Simcoe Street from 1923 to 1994. The ring had been made by A&A Manufacturing in Toronto.
Additional Personal Items: A piece of red ribbon was found near the remains.'

Thanks, Dotr, of note - the man's shirt is not determined to necessarily be a part of the Doe's attire, which is important because of the date it was manufactured.

Kind of interesting about the Consumers watch only being manufactured from 1981 to 1983. That is to say - the watch greatly pre-dates the man's shirt.

Also, I don't recall the ring being found 4 years later in 2010 when the water table dropped. I wonder if LE has ever gone back to that recovery location with a metal detector to see if more jewelry or evidence is there?
Another theory floating in my head :shame:

Can i have some input? Why would a family owned business owned and Operated in the busiest part of Oshawa move? They were located in the prime location for traffic. and before you say no business, there is now an Omni jewelery right where this Burns jewelry was located and yes they get business.

Some thing sticks out to me, there is no indication of poor sales but the shop is closed and moved to Perth Ontario in 1994 (a town with a population 5840 as opposed to Oshawa 157,000) seems like a poor business move to me. Does anyone know why they closed?

I don't want to point fingers or blame anyone I just always think why did they move? I have searched hi and low hoping to come across a reason but the only think I find when I search them is the UID.

I was going to read the whole thread before commenting. Burns Jewelers was around for a long time. Since 1923 so it was a family affair. Sidney Burns passed away in 2020 after suffering from Alzheimer's. His wife Pauline was born in 1935 so it's possible he was a few years older than her. He probably retired in the 1990s. There are two other locations in Ontario, one in Perth and the other in Carlton Place which is a very upscale location outside of Ottawa where many diplomats live. I don't think there is anything suspicious about the demise of Burn's Jewelers in Oshawa. Perhaps their children had interests other than a retail store.
I've read the whole thread now. I used to live near here and I'm surprised I had never heard of this case. Just to recap, the skull and the ring were found during the initial discovery and the clothing and watch were found several years later when the water table dropped.

I am very familiar with this area. I lived in Whitby and I can't tell you how many times I used to drive my dad down the baseline (Victoria St) all the way over to Oshawa and then down Courtice Rd to the Darlington Power Plant. It was always a memory lane trip since he did a lot of work for both Darlington and Pickering power plants before he retired.

I also find it very frustrating that there isn't a rule out list. I can't figure out why any LE personnel who inherit UID files have to continually field calls from an interested public regarding specific individuals only to be told, no it's not them, and no we don't provide the list of names of those ruled out. If the files are kept up to date it would be obvious that specific people have been submitted before, perhaps more than once. The only reason I can come up with is that it might be considered an invasion of privacy of family members who have contacted LE to find out if the remains are their loved ones.

So I have gone through numerous missing individuals, too. There is one that interests me. Her name is Marianne Minor who went missing from St. Thomas, Ontario in September 1984. I don't know if St. Thomas was her home town because she went missing from St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital.

The Doe Network: Case File 1963DFON

Living in Whitby I was well aware of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital near Lake Ontario just off the Baseline Rd. Both Whitby and St. Thomas hospitals are closed now. I wondered if it was possible that Marianne left St. Thomas of her own accord and ended up at the Whitby Psych hospital.

When looking for circumstances that cause anemia I found that anemia is very frequent in chronic psychiatric patients. According to this study (link below) anemia can actually cause psychiatric problems with a 35% frequency for psychotic disorders. So I was wondering if our UID had some psychiatric issue.
Another thing that bothers me is the fact that the ring was a custom order from Burns Jewelers in the 1980s. Since it appears the company closed in 1994 I guess there was no records to review. I don't think that ring belonged to the deceased, at least not to wear. Maybe a keepsake or something given as a promise.

I remember those shirts. Wide stripes like soccer jerseys but I've never seen a short sleeved one with a hood. The watch could be a watch a nurse would wear.

Frequency of anemia in chronic psychiatry patients.


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I honestly dont think the shirt was the Jane Does. In the 90's, Darlington had a huge construction project going on, and they had many people in and out of the facility. I believe all of this was the construction on what is now the power plant, but the workers frequently parked their trucks/equipment in that general location. It would be so easy for someone to leave an old shirt if they were working outside. IMO
There is a new article about her, the DDP team found out she is either African American or Southest Asian, there is also a new reconstruction of her, it looks like a Carl Koppelman’s reconstructions

Genetic genealogy offers new clues in 2006 Bowmanville cold case - insauga | Local Online News

View attachment 311836
That's intriguing, and probably explains the low matches. If anything it's always nice to get some more clarity on the admixtures for some of these cases in which they are uncertain.
That's intriguing, and probably explains the low matches. If anything it's always nice to get some more clarity on the admixtures for some of these cases in which they are uncertain.
I am not sure if in Canada there is anything like Codis? If not may be it worth checking missing women of African-American/South-East Asian ancestry who were reported missing around that time
Genetic testing reveals new clues in Bowmanville cold case: DRPS
''Investigators aren’t sure when she died, but believe the body had been in the field for years.

Forensic testing determined the woman was likely 18 to 25-years-old.

Police originally thought she was Caucasian or Indigenous, but now believe she was of African or South-East Asian descent.

That discovery was made with the help of the DNA Doe Project, who also provided a sketch of the woman.''

''Based on these clues, police think she may have died anytime between 1980 and 2004.

They say the unidentified woman had prominent upper teeth and evidence of recent nasal surgery.

Anyone with information about this case or who may recognize this woman is asked to call Det. Dorego at 1-888-579-1520 ext. 5319, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).''


Photos courtesy of Durham police
I am not sure if in Canada there is anything like Codis? If not may be it worth checking missing women of African-American/South-East Asian ancestry who were reported missing around that time

Canada has the National DNA Data Bank (NDDB) which can be cross referenced to Codis.

I was reading about ancestry and a study done using 23 and Me data base makes reference to genotypes. In essence many people self-identify based on ethnic and racial identity rather than genotype data. Bi-racial people may identify more with their physical characteristics eg., being black because of how society views them so that characteristic molds their identity.

Many genotype characteristics aren't always visible.
This woman was classified as indigenous because her birth mother was Inuk but she presented as a blond haired, blue eyed woman. Her mother is clearly an indigenous woman of Inuk heritage.

So it's possible that this woman may not have exhibited any characteristics of a AA/SE Asian person. It makes me wonder sometimes when people are reported missing, especially when family are not in the picture (and sometimes even if they are) report the individual based on their superficial characteristics because they aren't aware of their racial background. We might end up excluding a lot of missing people if we focus too heavily on physical appearance when the DNA profile is available. I know I never would have looked at Loretta Saunders as an indigenous woman if only her remains were discovered based on her image.

Here's a copy of the overview I referred to earlier.

The Genetic Ancestry of African Americans, Latinos, and European Americans across the United States


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