CANADA Canada - Elizabeth Bain, 22, Scarborough Ont, 19 June 1990 #1

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The person MS is a witness for seeing RB getting out of his car at the rec lot going into work out. here is the excerpt from the book on that.

7:15pm: While getting out of his car, twenty-five-year-old MS sees RB-whose brother PB he is familiar with-stepping out of his Cordoba in the Recreation Centre parking lot. As MS locks his car, RB casually jogs past him to the front doors of the Rec Centre and goes inside. ( When later asked what RB was wearing, MS says a blue and white striped sweater, multi-coloured dress shorts with a check pattern and casual shoes.) Inside, MS sees RB in the basement locker room changing into his usual workout gear. They then head upstairs, where MS approaches RB as he's hoisting the bench press and asks if he can work out with him. RB says sure and they spot the bar for each other and then continue on with their separate routines. MS sees RB in the weight room until 8:30pm."
excerpt from the book regarding DD, witness sighting of liz's car in port perry. he was passenger in coworkers car, stopped at hwy 7a and hwy 12, travelling east. car pulls up beside them in the left turn lane. and just south of this intersection is haugens chicken and ribs barbeque restaurant. he phoned 42 division on july 1st, not the crime stoppers number as i originally stated in a post, sorry bout that. his sighting was around 6am as stated in the book.

" Looking to his left out drivers window, DD noticed that there was a small silver import braking beside them in the left-turn lane. The only reason for taking more than a passing glance at the car, he was now explaining to the detective, was that he saw those weird-looking plastic fingers sticking out of the door and he wanted to have a look at the driver. It was like pulling up beside somebody with a "Honk if you love jesus " bumper sticker or the *advertiser censored* end of a Garfield the cat doll hanging from the trunk-it was hard to resist the urge to size up the kind of person who would want to draw that kind of attention to themselves out on the road.
So DD peered across his coworker and through the passenger window of the silver car, which was a foot or so closer to the intersection than their. The officer wrote down what DD recalled about the man he saw behind the wheel; " Lone occupant, described as male, white, 24-25, blond hair, semi-receding, wearing white fluorescent T-shirt, also driver had blond moustache and was thin faced". DD remembered that, for a brief instant, their eyes met before the guy quickly glanced away and began fiddling around inside-down between the seats, up in the dash and then back down below the seats again-as though he was looking for something. It sort of struck him that the guy didn't look like he belonged in the car.
It also appeared as though he'd been on a real bender the night before. Besides the five o'clock shadow on his face, his longish hair, which came halfway down his ear and just below the collar at the back, was all over the place. His coworker hadn't really seen any of this, DD said, as he'd been watching the lights, a bit anxious that they might be late for work. After no more than a minute, the light turned green and they were off, and DD's gaze was back on the road in front of them, not bothering to watch the other car make its turn south.
That was pretty much all he could remember. When asked why he'd waited more than a week before contacting the police, DD didn't really have a solid answer; he just said that he'd wanted to talk it over with his wife. The officer could hear a couple of young kids horsing around in the background.
As the officer's typed report on DD's observations filtered through the Homicide Squad, it was met with little fanfare. Neither Steve Reesor nor Brian Raybould bothered visiting or even calling DD-that job was left up to another, more junior detective. Their lack of enthusiasm was the result of disbelief-their standing theory was that Elizabeth's Bains car had never left Scarborough. They had come to this conclusion because of what the receptionist at the Three R Auto Body had told them about Bain's car. The receptionist had been adamant that she'd seen the silver Tercel across the road when she'd arrived for work the Wednesday morning after Bain's disappearance and that it had remained in the exact same position during regular working hours until the police arrived on Friday afternoon. With the receptionist's version of events already accepted, DD's sighting was, for the time being, officially deemed "impossible".
Is it a relatively easy walk from 3r to the small lot where EB's car was reported on the evening of 19 June? 1 km or so?
excerpt from the book about the witness who saw liz's car in the little lot at the valley park.

6:20pm: " A twenty-three-year-old woman named MV gets home from work around six o'clock-she still lives with her parents-changes clothes and drives to Colonel Danforth Park with her mother and her dog. The park in the rectangular lot next to a small grey car. As MV steps out of her car, she notices some pink plastic fingers on the driver's side door. Curious, she moves closer and touches them. The window is open and she sees an orange and blue striped cloth on the driver's seat and a read package of du Maurier cigarettes on the passenger seat before heading off into the park for her walk.

now an excerpt from the book regarding liz possibly walking past someone on a bridge down in the valley park.

6:45pm : " As RB spots liz's car on his way through the valley, a Scarborough man named RR is walking on a path with his five-year-old son and his German short-haired pointer in the heavily wooded area east of the tennis courts, closer to Morrish Road. About to cross a bridge on his way back towards the coursts, he sees a white female with dark hair, approximately five feet four inches tall, wearing a bright-coloured long-sleeved blouse, black pants, and black, flat-heeled shoes walking towards him at a quick pace. The woman veers off the path in the order to walk around them in a wide arc. She has a nervous look about her and RR deliberately avoids making eye contact as she passes so she will have no further cause for fear. He doesn't notice anyone following her. (although RR's description of the woman's clothes were a perfect match with those of Elizabeth Bain, he didn't look at her face long enough to make a solid identification.) "!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sBS_B_WDi1r0OrDRowmQhsA!2e0

hoping this works, a street view for 3 r auto and the little park across from it, the house like structure up on the right across from the parkett is the 3 r office, where that mini van is is where the witness would have seen the car as she is walking up morrish road from this view. the parkett on the left is where the car was found on the friday, those posts at the road weren't there at the time, you could park cars perpendicular to the road.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1spfwah6PDBZ6juHGjQd3gYw!2e0

this is a closer view the building just south of the 3 r office is/was their body shop.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s4WCwT2EciGHp_oA9xRCcUw!2e0

if you go north up to the first stop sign at old kingston rd, hang a left and go through the next set of lights continuing west on old kingston road you go down a hill, over a bridge and this is the little lot that liz's car was seen at.

also if you go to the 3 r office and turn the view to the left just north of the office there is a little white house there, that was reportedly a biker house.
go west from the little lot couple hundred meters, and you come to the road RB travelled down towards the tennis courts.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sOE9ETjksRYRK1sGQr_Q3fA!2e0

travel down this road and it ends at a parking lot where RB would have parked his car then went down the stairs to the tennis courts, at this view you can see the parking lot on the left and the stairs are on the right, the stairs lead down to the tennis courts and the water fountain and the picnic tables that were at the tennis courts.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s03ir1KUhTyGZQZnoPZZGqA!2e0!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sjKDTKPOsoL_v3VbBUZfFzA!2e0!3m4!1e1!3m2!1siGBG9aJFc_8vbCLsQgB4oA!2e0
woodland, your question on how far to walk from 3r auto to the little lot in the valley.
take it your idea there is the possibility the person parked the car up across from 3r auto then just walked down to
his vehicle at the valley lot area, because if she was meeting someone there, that's where his car would most likely be parked
if they took off in her car with him driving.
also be easier for him to park her car and slide away walking than to get into another car right there and drive away.

that kinda the line you are thinking, if so, its a great line of thinking.
The map views are great eyesonly, thank-you!

Did RB say he parked in that lot and went to the tennis courts after seeing EB's vehicle? Was he guessing that's where she was? Or did he carry on to the rec parking lot and go into the gym as EB would have had to rush back to her car and leave immediately to get to her class on time.

I do buy into the woman seeing EB's car with the novelty 'fingers' and walking up to the car to touch them and look inside - I would have done that myself to make sure anyone inside was ok (or would one realize they were fake from a distance? Need to find a pic of these things). Did this person see the car when she returned from her walk? That seems to be the missing piece at this point.

Gotta get me some Toronto newspaper archives today (not that everything in them will necessarily be correct).
woodland, your question on how far to walk from 3r auto to the little lot in the valley.
take it your idea there is the possibility the person parked the car up across from 3r auto then just walked down to
his vehicle at the valley lot area, because if she was meeting someone there, that's where his car would most likely be parked
if they took off in her car with him driving.
also be easier for him to park her car and slide away walking than to get into another car right there and drive away.

that kinda the line you are thinking, if so, its a great line of thinking.

That's almost what I'm thinking (at this point anyway).

To elaborate, and painting with a broad brush here, EB could have gotten into a vehicle upon her arrival at that lot - willingly as she had 3 hours before her scheduled class. Oh to be 21 again! If that happened, my thought is, the person came back and parked at 3R, walked to where EB's car was, moved it to 3R to avoid it being spotted in the short term, and drove off in his (I'm guessing male) vehicle. Then returned for it late Thursday night-into Friday morning.

Fwiw, if I want to look into details of a particular case, the first thing I do is set aside all sightings of a missing/deceased person. Then I start adding them back in if there is something to corroborate what they are claiming to have seen. I may add back in many other sightings here at some point. I think it comes from having 2 teenagers and 2 step-teenagers. An eye opener imo.
bit confused at your scenario woodland. are you suggesting that whatever happened, happened in the males car, then he parked his car at 3r, walked down
to the valley lot and brought liz's car back up to the 3r, parked that car and left in his car. then came back for liz's car thursday night friday morning.

if that's what you mean, my question is, where is liz's body, and at what point is her body put in the back seat area of the her car. in relation to the blood found and blood smears found.

and yes i agree about setting aside all sightings and then adding them back in if there's something to corroborate it. i started this research for her whereabouts 18yrs ago, and that's how i approached it as well to keep a fully neutral mindset with the focus on finding liz.

part of excerpt from book from one of RB's jailhouse notes he wrote for finkle and the book i believe.

" I got back in my car and by this time it was about 6:50. I drove to the tennis courts, got out of my car, walked down the stairs and casually glanced around to see if i could see her, but i could only see a few people playing tennis. I walked back up to my car and returned to where liz's car was."

so woodland, he may have parked in the parking lot there or just on the side of the road near the courts, hard to say, but he did drive down there as per his words.
and i would imagine that would be one thought where she might be and the quickest way there would be to drive.
I'm thinking EB met up with someone (a guy) on a pre-arranged rendezvous in that lot, left with him and was held at a location he had for a couple of days. One reason for leaning this way is the time of day - approaching the dinner hour. 'Lets go for a drive and grab a bite to eat, then come back for your car before your class' type of scenario. Another hint, imo, is telling her mom she was going to check the tennis schedule - naming a place close to where she was actually going. Always reliable - just ask my daughter.

Then, at some point he left EB where he had her captive as he was wise to retrieve her car and hide it for a while. He drove his vehicle to and parked at 3R, walked to the small lot where EB left her car, drove it back to 3R to park it and retrieve his car.

Looking for what was in the papers/on the news regarding EB after her car was found 22 June and when people started coming forward - expecting to find 'missing woman last seen wearing ....'

Interesting that RB parked somewhere other than that small lot to go to the tennis court area to look for EB. If EB was checking the tennis schedule, guessing she would have parked somewhere else as well. Will have trouble adding back EB was seen at a picnic table at the tennis court area that day.
EB is reported to have withdrawn some cash late afternoon on 19 June then returned home and left again.

Meant to mention this as another reason for a possible rendezvous for dinner - could have been someone she did not know well or for very long, it was possibly not an 'actual' date and she wanted to be able to pay her share 'just in case'.
RB prob drove over to tennis courts cause fastest way to get there and probably to go that way
walk downstairs and maybe catch her with someone.

One question about your scenario of Liz being held by someone and even the cops scenario. Why would the person go back thurs night and use her car. He would have to think someone is looking for it.
That aspect doesn't really make sense imo.
Still wondering why EB didn't park at the fastest way to get to the tennis courts, if she was in fact going there. Why park further away? Her next destination (her class) did not involve going in that direction. Can't help but think she had a plan that evening for 3 hours prior to class.

Sadly, I think that by Thursday night EB had to be disposed of, not her car. In this scenario, the guy had a choice of which car to get blood in. Jmo.
It makes sense to me that RB looked for EB at the tennis courts and later after her class. Surely he knew something was not right with where her vehicle was.

Looking forward to learning if the woman that saw EB's car at 6:45 pm or so, saw it later when she returned from her walk.
Why would he have no choice of which car to use.
If he held her for a couple of days driving his own car
would be much safer and more practical to dispose of
her than risk being seen in a car that people would
actually be looking for don't you think. imo
Not sure when the lady got back from her walk
book says she got there approx 6:20pm.
RB says he waited for a bit on the side of the road
watching her car to see if she would come to it
RB says it was 7:15pm when he finally left the area
to go to the rec center.
The money she withdrew $80 was never located as far as
we know. And yes woodland all indications are was she was
meeting someone other than RB.
I also agree with you regarding RB checking
the tennis courts out and her class after. It does make
sense for him to do that.
Woodland, my search partner has also been working
on the theory of her being held till thurs night,
and the one reason that someone could hold her
till thurs night then use her car is because he doesn't have
a vehicle himself.
For clarification - I think 'he' did have a choice of vehicles, going with the rendezvous scenario. Ie he arrived in his vehicle, she arrived in hers.

No one realized EB's car belonged to a missing person while parked at 3R between Tuesday night? and sometime on Friday. If someone retrieved the car Thursday night and returned it early Friday morning - don't see how anyone is going to be the wiser. I do see that blood was better off in her car though if someone realized there was going to be blood to deal with.

Will put more thought into 'he' didn't have a car though - never thought about that one!
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