Caylee Anthony 2 years old #9: General Discussion

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"Do me a favor," the grandmother, Cindy Anthony, said Wednesday. "Put a little piece of pizza or any piece of garbage in your car today and leave it shut up for 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 days in this heat and then come back to me in 19 days and tell me what it smells like."

More at the link. It's a good thing we have already started that experiment. Forgive me for forgetting the wonderful person that is doing this experiment for us, but any chance you want to keep it in there for 2 weeks or more to prove her wrong?!?!?! I completely understand if you say no!
I googled zanny the nanny and she is a character in the starbucks family adventure and other books.. I have taken zanex as well and it would take more than a few to make someone forget 12 hours but it would knock a child out pretty quickly.
Could GM be that nuts to use a character from a book? Oh and thanks absolut...that's why I questioned how these shows work. I think that's awful btw.
Kathyn, the point is, there WAS a ZG that viewed an apartment, THE apartment that Casey said she dropped her kid off at. What do you suppose the odds are that she pulls a name out of her *ss, happens to be ACCURATE that she DID actually visit the apt and leave her cell phone number and she confirms same to LE when they call her?? There is no babysitter for 1.5 years other than the GMA, she made it up.. However, based on this report (and the possibility of a theft of a CPU of a woman of the same name) imo, it is a mistake to discount the importance of this, but that's just me
From affidavit Page 5:

snip..." They ran several names in their system and found Zenaida Gonzalez who came to look at an apartment on April 17. She was never a tenant. They gave me a guest card, completed by Zenaida Gonzalez, which contained her cell number... " snip

snip.." While the defendant was with Detective Wells, I called Zenaida Gonzalez I identified from the Sawgrass Apartments. She was open and responsive, and when asked, denied knowing Casey, Calee or babysitting anyone at all. She agreed to meet with an investigator to give a sworn statement. This letter was done by OCSO MP investigator Awilda McBride and investigator Kari Roderick where she was shown photos of the defendant and Calee and denied knowing either.

You make a very good point Blink...very good indeed! The odds are about the same as me giving up chocolate.

I wonder if she was in a bar and overheard ZG telling friends about seeing the apartment and maybe ZG gave someone at the table her cell phone number and Casey noted it for future reference.
Hi all! This is my first time posting. I have been lurking since day one and was only able to get on now. I read one poster wanted to know more about the area the Anthony's lived. I hope this helps a little.

Hopespring is in a very nice neighborhood of Chickasaw Trail. If you were to go N on Chickasaw and then W on Curry Ford, the Orange County Landfill is located on 12100 Young Pine Road. It's approx 15 mins from Hopespring. If you were to go the opposite direction on Chickasaw and the W on Lee Vista it dead ends into the woods.

There is all a little place called Narcoosee to the South. Approx 12 miles. It used to be all country and now a lot of development going on there. St Cloud is next and it is cattle country.

My point in all this and I'm not trying to be gruesome is there are so many places to bury a body in the area.

Amscot is on the corner of a very busy intersection. It's across the street from CVS, Sam's and a Vet's office. This area is noted for drugs and homeless people.

My husband just mentioned if someone wanted to dump a body all they needed to do was drive out to Christmas, FL and dump at gator jungle. It's about 35 miles. Amscot and gator jungle are on the same rd.

Another point, if Casey were trying to cash checks she stole, there is a closer Amscot to where she lives then the one where the care was found.

Hope this helps.

Welcome Sparky!

Great information! Now considering that the person in question is 22-years-old, and may have difficulty digging a hole, is there any one location that stands out among the others?
Kathyn, the point is, there WAS a ZG that viewed an apartment, THE apartment that Casey said she dropped her kid off at. What do you suppose the odds are that she pulls a name out of her *ss, happens to be ACCURATE that she DID actually visit the apt and leave her cell phone number and she confirms same to LE when they call her?? There is no babysitter for 1.5 years other than the GMA, she made it up.. However, based on this report (and the possibility of a theft of a CPU of a woman of the same name) imo, it is a mistake to discount the importance of this, but that's just me
From affidavit Page 5:

snip..." They ran several names in their system and found Zenaida Gonzalez who came to look at an apartment on April 17. She was never a tenant. They gave me a guest card, completed by Zenaida Gonzalez, which contained her cell number... " snip

snip.." While the defendant was with Detective Wells, I called Zenaida Gonzalez I identified from the Sawgrass Apartments. She was open and responsive, and when asked, denied knowing Casey, Calee or babysitting anyone at all. She agreed to meet with an investigator to give a sworn statement. This letter was done by OCSO MP investigator Awilda McBride and investigator Kari Roderick where she was shown photos of the defendant and Calee and denied knowing either.
I agree that we cannot forget this. It is all so very strange. She had this same woman's cell phone number wsers... so how could she have come about it?
Not to side track u's with ur zanny the nanny conversation, BUT has any research been done who has access to the guest files at that apartment and who has access to keys. Like a manager, cleaning person, etc.
you know i just thought of something,... one of the first things that is reported when a child is missing is what she is wearing! That was never reported! Casey never said what she had on. It isn't reported on any of her fliers either! very suspicious!

the only that i have seen about what she was wearing was when she was spotted by a family friend at the mall.
excellent thought!
If she was giving her xanax, would there be a trail to find on the pills? This is a prescription medicine so where would it have come from? Is anybody in the family prescribed it?

I missed when they said it tested positive for luminol. The only thing I have seen is that there is a stain in the trunk that needs further testing. Could you point me to a link that talks about the luminol, I have searched and searched and came up blank.

but that wouldn't explain the blood that tested positive with the Luminol. THAT'S what make me think it was no accident. Although I certainly believe she could have done this anytime.
I googled zanny the nanny and she is a character in the starbucks family adventure and other books.. I have taken zanex as well and it would take more than a few to make someone forget 12 hours but it would knock a child out pretty quickly.

I think this zanny the nanny thing makes more sense. She borrowed it from the books she probably read when she was younger. I looked at the publish dates and they would coincide with when Casey was in the 7, 8, 9 year old range. I think she's pulling from something she enjoyed reading. Adventures of twins who had a nanny named Zanny. That's where the "nanny" story probably came from when she told someone Caylee was with a nanny.
I agree that we cannot forget this. It is all so very strange. She had this same woman's cell phone number wsers... so how could she have come about it?
Could they have met and they both forgot about it? Maybe they chatted each other up about apartment hunting and Casey took her number in case she heard of a good deal.
While I was reading I thought I would share some disgusting maggot info. I have three dogs and in the summer it gets hot and humid here. I have a separate garbage can that I put the dog waste and other stinky things that I would rather not throw away in the kitchen can due to the smell. My garbage day is Wednesday (new bag in can). Some weeks I can have maggots in the can by Saturday or Sunday. If I leave the dog waste alone in the yard in the air and sunlight it never gets maggots, however, they really seem to like moist/warm and dark areas. Sometimes I take the top off the can just to dry/air the can out. With that said I just cannot see maggots getting that bad on a pizza, maybe if the pizza was in a trash bag (tied with enough room for flies to come in and out of, along with other gross things) maybe. Let me tell you my trash can stinks to high Heaven when I clean it out, and that is by far the worse smell I can ever imagine, if a dead body smells worse I hope with all my heart I never have to smell one. :(

Just thought I would share that with you since I seem to have maggot problem when it is hot here, but it is only in a closed trash can with poop and other disgusting things in there.

Just thinking if by chance there was a garbage bag in the trunk covered with maggots why did they hold onto it for a few days. I have to put gardening gloves on to touch my bag and then will not even put it in a can until an hour before the garbage man comes it sits out in the sun and I spray it with raid a few times. I just cannot imagine someone not dumping it somewhere and not holding onto it for a few days. But then again that is me and smells bother me. Wouldn't it stink up the neighborhood? At least the neighbors on the sides would smell it too.
Beefie, put a couple old fashioned moth balls in your can, never have maggots.Nore
Amy was on vacation in Puerto Rico for a week, from July 8/9 until July 15th.

Grandma and grandpa were on vacation in June, returning on June 8th.

Casey allegedly went on vacation with Caylee on June 9th, with grandma initially saying that she last saw Caylee on the 8th. The 'last sighting' date was later disproven because the Father's Day video with Caylee was shot on June 15th.

This makes the last confirmed sighting of Caylee by anyone other than Casey to be Sunday, June 15th.


Thank you for the really does help. Could you put little marks on the dates and keep using it as your siggie??? If I am being a big pain in the butt, I apologize.

Oh good grief!! I hadn't even thought of that. It's obvious to me the police have never really thought of this as anything other then murder. We haven't even received a description of poor little Caylee!
If she was giving her xanax, would there be a trail to find on the pills? This is a prescription medicine so where would it have come from? Is anybody in the family prescribed it?


Prescription pills are used more now for recreational purposes than illegal ones by teenagers and twenty somethings. She could EASILY buy these and probably pop a couple of them for herself as she partied and drank.
If she was giving her xanax, would there be a trail to find on the pills? This is a prescription medicine so where would it have come from? Is anybody in the family prescribed it?

The urban dictionary has an ad to buy this online no scrip needed for $9.95 i think. This drug is on the street.,2933,389642,00.html

"Do me a favor," the grandmother, Cindy Anthony, said Wednesday. "Put a little piece of pizza or any piece of garbage in your car today and leave it shut up for 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 days in this heat and then come back to me in 19 days and tell me what it smells like."

More at the link. It's a good thing we have already started that experiment. Forgive me for forgetting the wonderful person that is doing this experiment for us, but any chance you want to keep it in there for 2 weeks or more to prove her wrong?!?!?! I completely understand if you say no!
it is the awesome chatty! thank you chatty!
If she was giving her xanax, would there be a trail to find on the pills? This is a prescription medicine so where would it have come from? Is anybody in the family prescribed it?

My daughter ,who works with juveniles, told me recently that the real drug problems these days are not illegal drugs. She says all these kids by prescription drugs on the streets. Xanax, Oxycodone, Ambien are some of the most popular.
I don't think Casey provided the cell number, the cell number was on the guest card the apartment complex provided. Think in the affidavit it referenced Casey didnt know the phone number.
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