Caylee Marie Anthony - 2 - missing for a month before mother contacts authorities! #2

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Caylee Just Called....

Is she with Jesse's parents? Is Jesse's father trying to rid her of the supernatural evils of the world?!?!?!?!

This case just keeps getting more and more bizarre! I'd like to know if Cindy actually heard Caylee's voice on the phone or is she taking Casey's word that she received a call from Caylee???

In tonight's interview with Cindy and the attorney, Jose Baez, Geraldo asked Cindy about a call received from someone who has Caylee. Cindy declined to answer the question.

At the time I heard that, I wondered if Casey has made up a story that Caylee has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom. After all the lies Casey has told, I'm skeptical about anything she says.

Until tonight, I've had sympathy for the grandparents. But after the interview with Geraldo, I believe Cindy, the grandmother, is actually impeding the investigation. By retaining a criminal defense attorney for her daughter, that has blocked LE from being able to question Casey and possibly get at the truth.

I feel that George and Cindy Anthony need to step back and allow LE to do their job.
I must be missing something - what indicates that she was looking for Caylee's daddy in these posts? I do believe that the Jesse being referred to is Jesse Grund. His mom, Deb, has a photo on her MySpace of Caylee as an infant (I'd guess a couple of months old).

did you notice it is a "new photo" maybe telling everyone something.
Is grandma the only person in this family who can speak up for this poor little girl?

The gargantuan chip on her shoulder totally distracted the national TV network audience she was just given the opportunity to ask to be on the lookout for Caylee, and instead just throws more suspicion about all these seamy details she's obviously trying to avoid having discussed (with zero success).

What's the deal with Casey's dad? Has he been talking? He can't possibly be a less sympathetic character than the mother, or can he?

Jesse is now saying he was the fiance? The same Jesse who, according to the affidavit, called LE as soon as he saw the news reports to inform them that Casey is a habitual liar and tried to hook up with him on June 25th? (Odd that he would remember the exact date, or no?)

BTW, here's his facebook page.
She was rather snippy, wasn't she?

This lawyer was a little better tonight than last night, but still totally unrealistic.
I do not feel that Casey should get out of jail until or unless she agrees to cooperate!

The grandma seemed annoyed by all the can anyone help if you can't ask questions? Giraldo pretty much pointed that out.
i've said it before; I am no fan of Casey's whatsoever. However, review the photos. Notice it is her head in the pix with the same facial expression? A lot of these pix imo are photoshopped. Look at the user's interests; one is a self promoting wanna-be NYC rapper. I do not doubt in anyway that casey lived the nightlife. But c'mon and exercise a bit of scrutiny when thinking a pic you see of casey is indeed casey.

I just cannot see what you are seeing here as being photoshopped. I have looked and looked and FIRMLY believe that these pics are real.
Thanks to everyone who gave a rundown on what transpired on Geraldo. I wish I could have watched it. It appears Geraldo doesn't update his vids very often, but I will keep my eye out for it. I was really shocked at how defensive she got with Nancy Grace.

I really wish you could have seen Geraldo as well, SuziQ. I think you would have been surprised at the Grandmother's demeanor tonight.
Hello friend! I don't know, I know myself I would want to know who the father of that baby was. If it was my daughter I would find out one way or the other. For the grandmother to say she can't remember the man's last name??? I think there is so much more to this. I wasn't sure until tonight. That interview with Geraldo cinched it for me.

Hello my friend! :) Yes, I too think there's more involved. The interview with Geraldo tonight made that a lot clearer.
She was rather snippy, wasn't she?

This lawyer was a little better tonight than last night, but still totally unrealistic.
I do not feel that Casey should get out of jail until or unless she agrees to cooperate!

The lawyer is the least of their worries (altho I don't know many that will go on national television in a t-shirt like he just did. Very professional. :rolleyes:)

I don't think Casey is actually able to cooperate. I think the psych hold is in order in this case. I think she is seriously messed up and the reason could be her mother. Altho, I do think she does know what doesn't mean she did anything to her child.

After watching Cindy (on reruns) tonite on Geraldo...Sheesh!! My opinion has not changed and has worsened. She really doesn't act like a concerned mother or grandmother to me. She is angry and vindictive. She doesn't sound as if she really cares if Casey comes home or if Caylee is really found to me. There is something wrong here.

How do we know that Casey left the car to be towed? Has anyone come forward to say they saw her leave it there? She could have done that. She also could make up this whole story and be blaming it all on Casey.

Everything we are hearing is coming from her. Period. Everyone is believing her over her daughter easily because of the circumstances. I want to wait until we hear from Casey, if that can happen.

Another thought...where did grandma go on "vacation" and is it possible she had Caylee with her? You guys are talking about Casey partying...but how do we know that dear old mom didn't take Caylee with her and tell Casey they were going to Disneyland? If Caylee was with the grands, then Casey would have no qualms about being out to party every night...would she?
Ok, while websleuths was "down," I found some interesting stuff -
*Jesse is a Police Officer in Orlando (Reserve or Full Time, Not Sure which)
*Jesse's father, Rev. Richard Grund, is the founder of Supernatural Response Team (this is freaky - go to
then go to yahoo and search for "supernatural response team" "grund" - read all that you come up with - some weird, weird, stuff!!!!!)

ALSO..... she posted this on July 5th on a friend's site - how long was her boyfriend gone to NY?

Jul 5, 2008 7:09 AM

ha. you son of a ! i ****ing love you mark. i'll call you later. my boyfriend is coming back home today!!!! you have NOOOOO idea how happy i am
miss you hunny

You are right about this freaky stuff. I can guarantee you that no one that is into that kind of freaky stuff is in LE. Supernaturalresponse Team, my foot. Crazy!

If that is Jesse's father, then I feel sorry for Jesse. How screwed up is his Dad? VERY
Geeze! What is up with that? The grandmother was about to jump through the screen at Geraldo.

Mark Geragos can go fly a kite! I cannot stand that man! you remember one of the earlier interviews where the camera focused on her hand covering/clutching that of the reporter on the top of the table? She exudes the same sort of hypersexual aura that her daughter does...IMHOO AND NO FLAMES PLEASE....
This case just keeps getting more and more bizarre!

*respectfully snipped*
Until tonight, I've had sympathy for the grandparents. But after the interview with Geraldo, I believe Cindy, the grandmother, is actually impeding the investigation. By retaining a criminal defense attorney for her daughter, that has blocked LE from being able to question Casey and possibly get at the truth.

I feel that George and Cindy Anthony need to step back and allow LE to do their job.

I am certainly with you on this, Leila!

I am more beginning to think that Casey's Mom knows so much more than she is telling.
I also think that when the dogs 'hit' on something in the back yard, it might have been where Casey hid her 'stash' as in drug stash.

This grandmother has to be on medication. This is the impression I get because of how she kept running her tongue around her mouth during the interview with Geraldo. She may be on medication due to some medical condition, but this woman was on something tonight, IMO.
SS, you said this:

After watching Cindy (on reruns) tonite on Geraldo...Sheesh!! My opinion has not changed and has worsened

and I completely agree with you!
Is grandma the only person in this family who can speak up for this poor little girl?

The gargantuan chip on her shoulder totally distracted the national TV network audience she was just given the opportunity to ask to be on the lookout for Caylee, and instead just throws more suspicion about all these seamy details she's obviously trying to avoid having discussed (with zero success).

What's the deal with Casey's dad? Has he been talking? He can't possibly be a less sympathetic character than the mother, or can he?

Jesse is now saying he was the fiance? The same Jesse who, according to the affidavit, called LE as soon as he saw the news reports to inform them that Casey is a habitual liar and tried to hook up with him on June 25th? (Odd that he would remember the exact date, or no?)

BTW, here's his facebook page.

Thanks for the facebook page link, DianeB. If this guy is a full fledged LE, then I am Queen Elizabeth! May be reserve, but I somehow doubt it.

I really have only briefly seen Casey's Dad on tv or heard him say more than one sentence. Grandma should stay out of the media from now on. She is really going to just turn everyone against her. I no longer think she is telling the truth, or at least not all of the truth.
I really wish you could have seen Geraldo as well, SuziQ. I think you would have been surprised at the Grandmother's demeanor tonight.

does Geraldo's videos show on the www?

It would be interesting for you to see. She was a site.

I would not be surprised if other TV's stations try to get rights to air it also. It was something.
Been trying to tell you something is not right with that grandmother! (Nurse sees it, too!)
Been trying to tell you something is not right with that grandmother! (Nurse sees it, too!)

I DO see it, SS.... and I do not know what to make of it.... it just does not compute with any description of a grandmother in my life~book~vocab..:eek::confused::eek::confused::eek:
Caylee Just Called....

Is she with Jesse's parents? Is Jesse's father trying to rid her of the supernatural evils of the world?!?!?!?!

You have got to be kidding me! And gma bought this cr*p? Gma is flat out lying or she's way outta touch with reality.
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