Confirmation Of Huckaby Suicide Attempt Prior to Arrest

A suicide attempt in this case, regardless of how, is synonymous with guilt in my opinion. The note of the location of SC's body may have been part of a suicide note or just a way to clear her conscious before she died. Was the note revealed before or after the alleged suicide attempt? I'm not sure.
I don't believe she's insane or crazy. I think she's highly disturbed and that is exacerbated by an actual mental illness which has yet to be properly and publicly diagnosed by an expert, along with possible sexual, mental and physical abuse along with other recently escalating criminal activities.
And I think she is an evil, wicked B*tch that kidnapped, raped, and murdered a beautiful 8 year old child because she was obsessed with her. I think she did it for her own selfish pleasure which is not associated to any of the above things you mentioned. But hey...those are only my opinions.
A suicide attempt in this case, regardless of how, is synonymous with guilt in my opinion. The note of the location of SC's body may have been part of a suicide note or just a way to clear her conscious before she died. Was the note revealed before or after the alleged suicide attempt? I'm not sure.
IIRC, She brought the note up in the Tracy Press interview on Friday, but it was not clear if there was actually a note written and given to LE...or if it was all another one of her lies. She claimed to have found the note after the second vigil which she attended, but no confirmation on when the note was brought to light or if Friday was the first LE even heard of it. To me, it was written like it was a psychic revelation of sorts and I think it was meant to give her some sense of hidden power or control since she followed it up with the "they should have payed more attention to me or listened to me" speech.

According to Huckaby, the note said, "Cantu, Suitcase, Water. The word 'suitcase' was misspelled, and there were two street names including the word 'Whitehall.'"

"I wish they could have found her a lot sooner, if they would have followed up on this a lot sooner," Huckaby said earlier Friday.
And I think she is an evil, wicked B*tch that kidnapped, raped, and murdered a beautiful 8 year old child because she was obsessed with her. I think she did it for her own selfish pleasure which is not associated to any of the above things you mentioned. But hey...those are only my opinions.

And I believe that in criminal cases there are usually clinical reasons why people do things for their own selfish pleasure, many of which are associated with the things I mentioned. :)
And I think she is an evil, wicked B*tch that kidnapped, raped, and murdered a beautiful 8 year old child because she was obsessed with her. I think she did it for her own selfish pleasure which is not associated to any of the above things you mentioned. But hey...those are only my opinions.

Ok I understand these are just your opinions but it seems to me you really want this woman to be this person... almost to the point of obsession. Am I wrong?
Here is some reference info. More at link.

Foreign-Body Ingestion in Patients With Personality Disorders


In this article, we will review what is known about deliberate foreign-body ingestion, present several illustrative cases, and discuss some of the clinical problems they pose, with a particular focus on this behavior in patients with personality disorders.


Case 3. "Mr. C" is a 31-year-old man with history of polysubstance dependence, major depression, antisocial personality disorder, multiple incarcerations, repeated psychiatric admissions, and suicide attempts, who was brought by ambulance to the ED after a bystander saw him ingesting razor blades while waiting for the bus. Upon admission, the patient reported that his original plan was to sedate himself with lorazepam and then kill himself in a specific, distant location he had chosen. When the bus failed to arrive on time, he decided to buy and ingest four razor blades, instead. He could give no specific reason for this behavior. Two uncapped razor blades were recovered endoscopically, and the patient spontaneously passed a third one. The fourth razor blade was never found.

The patient reported having attempted to kill himself in various ways (overdosing, cutting, hanging) since the age of 14. Since he began ingesting razor blades, 15 years ago, he has not used any other method of self-harm. He endorsed suicidal ideation in response to life stressors, noting that, each time, he would feel tension rising for a few hours, then impulsively ingest razor blades, with an immediate sense of relief, since he "had done something to hurt" himself. He then alerted others to the ingestion or came to the hospital. The patient claimed to have done so over 40 times, with no significant medical complications, and had never followed up with outpatient care.
From a forum about Self-Harm Syndrome…

‘cutting’ is a loose term that refers to Deliberate Self-Harm Syndrome, or Repetitive Self-Harm Syndrome. many sufferers refer to themselves as cutters, or use SI for self-injury – e.g. ‘I SI once a month’. the methods, area & seriousness of the injuries can vary incredibly; most common are cuts to the arms, wrists, neck, upper torso, with genital mutilation also common. cutting with nails, broken glass, knives, razors, blades, needles, nails, scissors, ceramics – indeed anything that can pierce skin, often the more painful the better. SI can also take the form of swallowing batteries so the acid burns internal organs, swallowing glass, razor blades, needles, banging one’s head against objects or punching things repeatedly. pulling out hair, scratching or biting until blood is drawn, and interfering with wound healing are also very common behavioural patterns. cutting is a coping mechanism, often favoured by those who find it difficult to express their emotions.
IIRC, She brought the note up in the Tracy Press interview on Friday, but it was not clear if there was actually a note written and given to LE...or if it was all another one of her lies. She claimed to have found the note after the second vigil which she attended, but no confirmation on when the note was brought to light or if Friday was the first LE even heard of it. To me, it was written like it was a psychic revelation of sorts and I think it was meant to give her some sense of hidden power or control since she followed it up with the "they should have payed more attention to me or listened to me" speech.

According to Huckaby, the note said, "Cantu, Suitcase, Water. The word 'suitcase' was misspelled, and there were two street names including the word 'Whitehall.'"

"I wish they could have found her a lot sooner, if they would have followed up on this a lot sooner," Huckaby said earlier Friday.

I'm practically speechless.

This is one deeply disturbed individual.
That was the first thought that came to my mind, Sarah. In fact, since the news first broke that the perp was a woman, I've been thinking about Sybil even though it's been 30+ years since I read the book. I just pray to God it was nothing as awful as that.

This makes me concerned even more about her own little girl. Still wondering where she is now. Is she still on a "planned vacation with her grandmother, her father and step mother, where? Could it be that the family is hiding her out because she may know more? I too would want to hide her from the bad publicity, reporters, etc. But I can't help but wonder if LE knows where she really is, or if they have questioned her yet, or maybe had a doctor check her out to be sure she hasn't been harmed by this MONSTER!!! :eek::furious: Nonni
Instead of death by cop, death by murder?

I haven't finished reading the thread, but the only way I am buying an insanity defense is IF 1)there are documented suicide attempts PRIOR to this heinious act and Sandra going missing 2)IF it was some psyciatric medication then we need tox tests to indicate a. She was not combining her medication with street drugs AND if not, there is a study somewhere indicating people commit rape and murder when they have a rare reaction to psychiatric medication. I have heard of people-mostly teens- commiting suicide after taking things such as zoloft/paxil but I have yet to hear someone taking FDA approved meds and commiting heinious crimes against others.

Remember, SHE LEFT THE NOTE, and lied to the reporter amongst other things. This is NO crazy woman, other than HER OWN GUILT for her own actions causing this behavior.

She is not crazy. SHE IS JUST MEAN THROUGH AND THROUGH!:furious:
That was the first thought that came to my mind, Sarah. In fact, since the news first broke that the perp was a woman, I've been thinking about Sybil even though it's been 30+ years since I read the book. I just pray to God it was nothing as awful as that.

I am telling you sarah & bessie: I DID NOT READ YOUR POSTS before posting my own thoughts about the book/movie Sybil on another thread about the mother not only being sadistic but possibly a pedophile!

We are both actors, bessie--and I think that case is impressed on our memories.
It is a symptom of Borderline Personality D/O. Symptoms of other personalilty disorders are similar, and may "cross over". Other personality disorders are: Narcissistic, Histrionic, Obsessive-Compulsive, Paranoid, Schizoid, and Psychopathic,(Antisocial ) as well as others. The DSM-IV notes that personality characteristics are "inflexible and maladaptive, and cause either significant functional impairment or subjective distress." Personality disorders are chronic, do not come and go, and originate in childhood or adolescence, and continue throughout adulthood. Borderline P. D/O is part of Cluster B D/O, along with Psychopathic (Antisocial), Histrionic, and Narcissistic. Cluster B is the dramatic,emotional, or erratic cluster, according to DSM IV, which is the "Bible" for mental health professionals, diagnosing mental illnesses. Sorry for the long post, hope this helps.:blowkiss: Nonni

Sorry about bumping my own post, but thought it might be helpful here.:blowkiss: Nonni
I think this one is a cry for the DP.

Well that is one step to getting it. COG can be used by the DA against her and I imagine he will do so.

She probably threatened to swallow them. If they had done severe damage she sure wouldn't be out of the hospital in a just a few days imo.

I can see Melissa being Obsessive/Compulsive. Petty theft/shoplifting would fit this theory. I also think she is an obsessive thinker leading to why she abducted Sandra and carried out these horrific crimes.
I will preface this by saying this is just thinking out loud--While I would have no problem believing this, I am wondering if this is the whole, correct story. Press has been known to make mistakes, especially in a fast moving case. I don't think Nancy Grace even LOOKED at the video of her in court yesterday the way she was talking about it. It's illegal to release medical records, so who was their source? The family, in some weird way trying to make people feel sorry for her?

That was my thought, too. Unless a family member released this info to the media - where did the source come from? I can't imagine anyone swallowing an "open knife" like that and not need some sort of surgery. Even "IF" they passed.....uh, wouldn't that hurt quite a bit.

Now if she was trying to commit suicide, why go to the hospital? If you're bleeding internally, how do you know? Speaking from personal experience, I was due to a non-malignant tumor and didn't know it until I was too weak to walk and became incoherent. 3 blood transfusions later (and surgery) I was okay. But I never knew it (just talking from experience). It was also a 5 hour surgery and 3 month recovery. So this story just seems so OFF to me, and I don't buy that she could be up and about in court a few days after.

Weird if ya ask me --

They also have a rounded end where the blade attaches to the handle. I assume they went down rounded edge first.

I had to bump up my own post to correct an error I made.

The blades I have which are rounded at the end are Dexter, not Exacto. I think the Dexter blades went with an old mat cutter I haven't used in years. I had to go through my old art supplies to see why I said the blades were rounded after I saw examples of Exactos on the net which were straight at the end. I did not see the blades NG showed. My mistake, I apologize. Mea culpa, mea culpa...

I had to bump up my own post to correct an error I made.

The blades I have which are rounded at the end are Dexter, not Exacto. I think the Dexter blades went with an old mat cutter I haven't used in years. I had to go through my old art supplies to see why I said the blades were rounded after I saw examples of Exactos on the net which were straight at the end. I did not see the blades NG showed. My mistake, I apologize. Mea culpa, mea culpa...

You are forgiven. LOL is no biggie. NG and the media could have it wrong and maybe they were Dexters after all! ;) Since it is a medical issue and protected supposedly...they are only getting bits and pieces of information on the topic.

Please pardon me if you have come across this message posted on other threads, but it's so important to get the word out even to future visitors or casual visitors who may read only this thread.

Thanks Ingrid, I think it is an understandable situation, as unfortunate as it is. One thing though is the media has pointed it out many times. Hopefully it will die down quickly. xox
Nothing says you have a guilty conscience like swallowing X-Acto knife blades does......
I agree. Isn't it also interesting when these murderers always happen to unsuccessfully off themselves, but they manage to murder their victims without much trouble...

FREAK is all I gotta say about this "lady."

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