Deceased/Not Found Danka Ilić, 1 year old, Bor, Serbia, 26 March 2024 *arrest*

'Juric said that some 1,500 children had been reported missing in Serbia in 2017. “Some 1,300 to 1,500 children disappear in Serbia every year and we as a society are not doing enough and not caring enough for the children or about the reasons why they go missing,” he said.''
'Fourteen trafficking cases, 10 of which were children trafficking cases, were reported this year to the Centre for the Protection of Trafficking Victims but that is not a realistic figure because children are usually too scared to report kidnappings, Juric said.'
The Informer's claim about the mother's Google searches has been categorically denied by a police source in a different (non-tabloid) media outlet. I posted about it earlier today. In the past, Informer has been involved in scandals where they were spreading false information.
Oh thank you for letting me know I had no idea about that!!
Didn't want to accuse the mother of anything btw just trying to share as much information as possible
After the family of the missing child saw the video, it quickly became clear to them: It must be the missing Danka (2). Based on these statements, the Vienna police confirmed in a broadcast on Tuesday "that it could very likely be the girl in question from Serbia."
Personally, I'm skeptical. What are the odds that foreign abductors were in a small Serbian village when Danka went there with her mother? She probably wandered off and fell somewhere. The police and Danka's father arrived soon after the last photo of Danka was taken, so I don't suspect the mother. She also had another child with her to attend to. If an abduction took place, it's likely by a local. (all IMO)
I'm skeptical too.
The child shown in the Vienna photos does not appear to have heavy bangs reaching her eyes.
And would abductors be dressed in very noticeable clothing, like the bright yellow outfit, out in public with cameras around with a child people would be on the lookout for?
And agreed, abductors hanging around in a small Serbian town waiting for an opportunity, when other busier locations are far more "fertile"?
Might be wrong, but to me the probability is low.
'Juric said that some 1,500 children had been reported missing in Serbia in 2017. “Some 1,300 to 1,500 children disappear in Serbia every year and we as a society are not doing enough and not caring enough for the children or about the reasons why they go missing,” he said.''
'Fourteen trafficking cases, 10 of which were children trafficking cases, were reported this year to the Centre for the Protection of Trafficking Victims but that is not a realistic figure because children are usually too scared to report kidnappings, Juric said.'
Majority of these cases are runaways, young teens and those living in urban areas.

Someone upthread mentioned a quote stating that in rural villages everyone notices everyone, everyone knows everyone.
If there was a strange car or people, they would notice.
The only time they wouldn’t be suspicious is if they saw the unknown persons speaking to a local. And if they did see that in this case, they’d tell.
My only question is… is this abandoned property on the outskirts or away from the village?
Condition of the property before it was cleared:

The first close-up shots: Garbage, hay, landfill in the yard of the house where Danka disappeared (2)

The house from whose yard Danka Ilić disappeared
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This is what the terrain looks like where little Danka (2) disappeared: The house is surrounded by forests and hills, the locals are afraid of one thing

Locals explain that there are also holes in the surroundings of the house, which are also being checked. There are also streams nearby, and the locals fear that the girl may have fallen into the water.
EXKLUSIV: KOSMO hat die Frau vom Foto gefunden! „Das bin ich mit meiner Tochter! Es ist nicht Danka!“
Translated: EXCLUSIVE: KOSMO has found the woman from the photo! “This is me with my daughter! It’s not Danka!”
"The two women are mother & grandmother of the little girl (in the video). The women in the video have no connections to the criminal milieu and have nothing to do with the kidnapping of the child."
The article shows the mother & daughter at home together, the grandmother & grandaughter together & describes the efforts the mother has gone to since she became aware her child was mistaken for Danka.
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EXKLUSIV: KOSMO hat die Frau vom Foto gefunden! „Das bin ich mit meiner Tochter! Es ist nicht Danka!“
Translated: EXCLUSIVE: KOSMO has found the woman from the photo! “This is me with my daughter! It’s not Danka!”
"The two women are mother & grandmother of the little girl (in the video). The women in the video have no connections to the criminal milieu and have nothing to do with the kidnapping of the child."
The article shows the mother & daughter at home together, the grandmother & grandaughter together & describes the efforts the mother has gone to since she became aware her child was mistaken for Danka.
I'm glad they were able to be found. Now the focus can go back on finding Danka, not chasing this other little girl who looks like her.

Condition of the property before it was cleared:

The first close-up shots: Garbage, hay, landfill in the yard of the house where Danka disappeared (2)

The house from whose yard Danka Ilić disappeared

The teams consist of 18 firefighters-rescuers with 5 all-terrain vehicles and a rescue dog​

the dog is lovely, waggy tail, happy to be searching :) the house looks so cold and uncomfortable
Interview with one of the village neighbors:

- On the day of the disappearance, I was in Banjsko Polje. My wife and I were home, but we didn't see them that day. I don't know Ivana and Miloš (Danka's parents), and I've lived here for more than 35 years. The woman (wife) says she saw a white vehicle on the street, but I didn't pay attention. I have never seen anyone come there in my life. I thought many times and thought that people from that house must have died because I never saw anyone there. I really thought that there was no living soul there - said Veselin.

do we know why the mother was supposedly at the abandoned trash heap property?
Mother's statement:

- We live in Bor. I brought them (to Banjsko polje) to run around and take a walk. My parents are from here and as a child I often stayed there - said Danka's mother after her disappearance.

The family car the mother drives is a white Ford (also seen in Danka's last picture which was taken at 13:20 that day). According to other sources (linked previously) the mother's family moved away in 2013.
Horrible news:

DANKA ILIC KILLED! Vučić: Two men were arrested, they confessed to the CRIME (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Vučić is the president of Serbia.

DANKA ILIC MURDERED, TRACES OF BLOOD FOUND ON THE CAR The killers lead the police to the place where they dumped the body
Horrible news:

DANKA ILIC KILLED! Vučić: Two men were arrested, they confessed to the CRIME (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Vučić is the president of Serbia.

DANKA ILIC MURDERED, TRACES OF BLOOD FOUND ON THE CAR The killers lead the police to the place where they dumped the body
In English

It is now suspected that she was hit by a car about ten minutes after the reported time of disappearance, and that her body was then thrown at the garbage dump.”
Two men were arrested, they confessed to the CRIME
As it was announced, earlier today, traces of blood were found on the car during a forensic investigation, and on the basis of that, two people were detained . A DNA analysis was done (on the blood) and the identity of the missing Danka Ilić was confirmed.
They hit him with an official car (work car), Danka Ilić was killed, and the suspects are two employees of the Public Utility Company "Vodovod" from Bor.
According to "Blic" reporters from the scene, the police are currently on the Starobanjska road and have blocked the access to the landfill.
There is a video from a few days ago in which a local man claims to have seen a little girl on the street around the time of Danka's disappearance. I was thinking, could she have been hit by a car?

ETA: the video in question (from March 27, one day after Danka went missing)
Was this man the last to see little Danka (2)? Listen carefully to what he told us
They refer to him as a neighbor.

Another source:
"I was walking down the street and I saw a child, a girl": It is suspected that this man from Banjsko polje was the last to see the missing Danka (2)
"At some point when I was moving here on the street, I saw a child, a girl. Then I turned and continued down the street. I live about 50m from here. I saw the child, and when I came back she was gone. It was around 15 minutes till 2. When I came back, it was empty," said neighbor Dragan Dojčinović.
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I was thinking, could she have been hit by a car?
Yeah, I almost feel bad, because usually when "maybe X was hit with car and the driver panicked and disposed of the body" is suggested, my face muscles work hard to avoid rolling my eyes... Just so unlikely. But with a little toddler, in the middle of nowhere, and a work car and maybe even driving the work car under the influence (and not wanting to lose your job), it does not sound outlandish any more.
Interesting, that there was blood on the car, but AFAIK, no blood was found on the road during the searches? No break marks? I would assume some pretty telling signs on the scene tbh.
The suspects are both 50 and are from the village of Zlot (14 km from Banjsko polje).

With full names and pictures:
They are suspected of killing Danka Ilić (2) from Bor: The child's body has not yet been found
As we have learned, the girl was hit by a car, her body was put in an official vehicle and dumped in a landfill. They allegedly covered her body with garbage

Apparently they are from two different villages.
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Yesterday the suspects were taken (separately) to the scene by police and were recorded by the media (who called them witnesses) pointing at something:

According to unofficial information, the suspects, after hitting a child with the official vehicle "Fiat Panda" in Radomira Putnika Street, packed the body into a trunk and threw it away.

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