FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #3

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Does anyone think the police might have a short list of suspects? Surely they must have suspicions about at least one individual.
There was a whisper around that there is some forensic evidence from the car but it doesn't match up to anyone on any data bases.
Does this mean the police have to wait until the abductor reoffends? To answer that myself, it appears that this is the case and the waiting game has begun.
Mystery, Personally, I don't think that LE does have a short list of suspects. Assuming there was some physical evidence, such as DNA or prints left in the car, it certainly doesn't take one year to get a warrant to obtain prints and a DNA sample from potential suspects.

Anyone else find the timing of the Kesse's starting to call around looking for their daughter at around 11:00am, and calling friends, the apartment management, etc. and within an hour of these calls, Jenn's car just happens to be dumped less than a mile from her complex. The timing of this has always bothered me. WAS the POI somehow alerted that the heat was on, and got rid of the car?

Also, why do the two pictures of the POI have the exact same time? The time states it was 13:00:27. Assuming this means, 1:00pm and 27 seconds, why wasn't the second picture, 13:00:30? I've heard Drew Kesse state the camera takes pictures every three seconds. I sure hope that LE checked the camera/internal clock, to verify the clock is accurate, since that time is so vital to this case.

Time for LE to solve this case. I just don't understand why this case is so difficult to solve.

leftcoast said:
Anyone else find the timing of the Kesse's starting to call around looking for their daughter at around 11:00am, and calling friends, the apartment management, etc. and within an hour of these calls, Jenn's car just happens to be dumped less than a mile from her complex. The timing of this has always bothered me. WAS the POI somehow alerted that the heat was on, and got rid of the car?

You made an excellent point about the timing of the car being parked right after the phone calls were made.

Several points of timing are interesting as well.

The fact that Jennifer had just returned from a mini-vacation.
The fact that she had moved into her new condo Nov. 24 and disappeared
Jan. 24 (exactly two months) later.

drumstick said:
You made an excellent point about the timing of the car being parked right after the phone calls were made.

Several points of timing are interesting as well.

The fact that Jennifer had just returned from a mini-vacation.
The fact that she had moved into her new condo Nov. 24 and disappeared
Jan. 24 (exactly two months) later.


That is interesting. I would like to know how LE know exactly what time the car arrived in that parking lot? I know there was someone who lived there that called LE about Jennifer's car or at least that is what I seem to remember. Where LE going by when the caller left home and then returned? Maybe the car wasn't there when she left but was there when she returned?
Otherwise I can't figure out how they knew what time it was parked there.

How would the kidnapper know that LE had been called? I believe that the kidnapper is connected somehow to Jennifer's condo or else he never would have headed right back there. A worker is my guess...someone who had been watching her and then decided to grab her when she got back from her vacation. During that time she was gone his need/determination to grab her must have built and built. There is always the possibility of it being some single guy who lives there too. I think it was a worker though. Someone who could have taken her to his place and tied her up and gagged her so he could go back to work. It just makes sense to me.
Ah yes the million dollar question. how do the cops know when the car was dropped off? it can't be the person that called two days later on a thursday. That wouldn't be enough information to pinpoint within an hour or so when the car was left there. Also I believe a woman said she nearly backed into it the following day of Jennifer's disappearance, Wednesday, she hadn't noticed it before. Again this is not evidence the car was left at about 12 or 1 in the afternoon on Tuesday, the day of JK disappeared.

So how do they know? Obviously it ties in with the POI because the cops say the POI was present around the time the car was parked there. We keep asking over and over again, wish we could get an answer to that question. It's probably what we've already suspected....that there is another camera nearby that shows JK's car pull into that lot at the right time, but the person driving isn't visible. Perhaps this is from a camera across the street or whatever (I dunno that area well) or maybe there is another camera in the Huntington which is what has been the rumor (according to Myserty) That's a little puzzling though if that's the case. If there's another camera on the Huntington, I would find it odd that there is no better photo of the POI. Camera is nearby, car being driven, the POI gets out....even if the camera only shows the car being pulled into the lot, maybe a face to show us? I guess not. I'm so tired of that stupid photo we have now, it's useless. I have tried many many times to figure out something and I can only guess.

here is something I've been thinking about. If JK was abducted at her complex, why would the perpetrator drive her car around? All that is doing is risking somebody seeing you driving a car you're not supposed to and even more risky...leaving traces of YOU (the kidnapper) in the car. Then drop the car off a mile away? Surely whoever drove the car to the Huntington knew Jenn's car would eventually be found, it was only a matter of time. A couple of possible scenarios....Perhaps the perp got in when JK was starting the car and ordered her to drive wherever with a gun or some other way to control her. OR JK was abducted away from her apartment complex. Perhaps the kidnapper had no car.

Another thing, if JK was abducted in her parking garage or anywhere else in her complex, what was the kidnapper doing there? Doubtful that this guy would randomly walk into some apartment complex looking to abduct somebody and VOILA! An attractive blonde by herself. It may not even be possible for anyone to get in the parking area. Are there gates? If so, it would be even more difficult for just anybody to get in. If the cops know for a fact JK was abducted in her complex....there is a very high chance whoever did this was/is connected to that place somehow, be it a construction worker, somebody who lives there, or somebody visiting someone who lives there.
The majority of the appartment complexes with gates are very easy to get into- as long as you follow someone in quickly- they are unmanned. The complex I lived in (in Orlando) someone actually rammed the gate off track... and then picked it up and threw it to the side.

Plus, they have public access ways. Her area is very transient- with lots of tourists heading to the mall. Orange Blossom Trail (OBT as it is called) is not a nice place. Something like a 4 mile portion of it accounts for something like 70% of all calls of service (police) for the county (pardon me if the statistic is wrong... I have to look it up). Crazy. It's a haven for prostitution and drugs. When you go waaaaayyy south on OBT- you run into nice developements (Hunters Creek). But anywhere around I-4... and down to the Beeline (which is now called something different)- you're asking for trouble. They are trying to revitalize it.

I believe that they know more... and it may be best for them to wait it out until they have more information (like wait for a POI to screw up). Showing their hand of cards may not help them win a case... or keep leverage in negotiating on where to find Jennifer...

Does anyone know- who's the primary investigator? Orlando PD or Orange County Sheriffs?

Also... was the car wiped clean? I'm wondering if that's why they think there was a crime... maybe the carpets were missing, everything wiped down... etc...
With regard to the POI, about a month after Jennifer vanished the head detective in the case, Det Ring said this:

'the investigation shows that someone other than Kesse drove her car, and he said police believe Kesse was in or near her car when she was abducted.'

There must be some evidence of someone other than Jennifer and most likely the POI driving her car.
Also Det Rings comment indicates to me the fact Jennifer was abducted at Mosaic.

Abductions happen in seconds and are usually violent or at least a deal of force is used. There is also the element of surprise.

Where is the POI today? Is the POI alive? Is the POI a lone operator or an accomplice?
LE must know more than we do. I think by the way her car seat was pushed back they know she wasn't driving it. That would be my guess. Her parents said that they could tell that she had taken a shower that morning because the shower was still wet. So she got ready for work in the morning. There were different outfits on her bed that she had tried on and discarded while getting ready for work too and her makeup was scattered on the bathroom counter. I think someone was waiting for her when she went out her door or started to get into her car.

I don't know how anyone could identify anyone from that picture from the camera. To me it's hard to even tell anything about the person. Why buy cheap cameras that don't do any good? If you can't see what a person looks like then the camera isn't worth the money paid for it....why bother? Just think if there had been a really good camera there instead of a worthless piece of poop. They might just have the killer....maybe not though. Maybe that person was just walking by.
Also on the picture of the POI Det Ring said this:

' That picture was very close to the time that the vehicle was dropped off at the apartment complex.'

Note that the real time the picture was taken was less than a minute after 12 noon.
It is obvious the police know when the car was dropped there.
Ed Miller from AMW said this re the POI:

Sources tell us that this may very well be more than a person of interest, that this person caught on tape in this picture may very well become the suspect. Again, I`m not going to say anything that`s going to impede the investigation or could possibly impede the investigation..................’

I feel the POI was very involved in this abduction.

Everybody brings up some good points.

I agree that the POI is a suspect. If the POI was simply just a person walking by when the car was dropped, he/she would be called a "potential witness", not a POI.

Also, I sure would like to talk to the members of Jenn's condo management team who went to check on her condo after the Kesse's called on the 24th. Supposedly, these two people actually went into Jenn's condo and saw nothing out of the ordinary, and then drove the lot looking for Jenn's car. Too bad, that somebody didn't shut down the condo complex and start writing down license plate numbers of cars at the complex, as I have a feeling that the POI's vehicle may have been parked in the complex. Remember, this is just my opinion.

I sure am suspicious of all the keys out there to Jenn's place. Just how many people had access to her condo key?

I believe that when the Mosaic management people went to Kennifer's condo they found it to be locked. I don't remember reading where they gained entry to her condo. I remember thinking to myself at the time they might have held keys to the condos. They may have done so for any investment/rental condos but not for privately owned ones such as Jennifer's.
My understanding is Mr & Mrs Kesse along with Logan were the first ones to gain access to the condo and this was close to 3pm.
I stand to be corrected on any of this.

As far as keys to the condo go I did hear that the locks to Jennifer's condo were never changed. This would indicate that copies of keys any previous tenants had would open the door to the condo. If true this seems a bad slip up by a family that was both safety and security conscious. Whether the story about the locks is true or if it had a bearing on the abduction I have no idea.
Anybody know what is currently being done to solve this case? It just seems to me that the entire strategy is to keep showing the picture of the POI, and hope somebody calls LE and breaks open the case. Call me stubborn, but, doesn't LE have any other strategy, or is it that we just don't know about it?

You know, there is a saying in the LE community. Cases are solved wearing out shoe leather, not sitting in an office waiting for a tip. Time to wear out some show leather, re-interview witnesses, go door to door in the neighborhood surrounding Jenn's condo, etc. JMO

Firstly I would like to say hello to you all I just registered with this site mainly because I, like yourselves am extremely intrigued by these cases.

In an ideal world this would not be possible as these cases would not exist and the hell this poor family is going through I cant even begin to imagine however they do happen and I sincerely hope a miracle occurs.

Before anyone pulls out the ‘this could be someone close to the case following it online’ theory I will let you know I am English, 29, living just outside of London (hence UK Sleuth) and I have never visited the US, I hope to one day!

I have read up on this case as I have on other cases mostly in the UK(the disappearance of Suzy Lamplugh in 1986 you may be familiar with, another vanishing case and she has never been found although there is a strong theory)

I have read the proposed theory by Christopher Marlowe that Jennifer was abducted and swiftly put in a van which would explain a lack of evidence however the authorities have stated that the car is a crime scene.

I take issue with Christopher Marlowe’s theory.

My question is ‘Why on earth would the kidnapper drive Jennifer’s car around if she had been bundled into a van?’

1) There was the potential evidence left by getting into her car, fingerprints etc.

2) You could be exposed to somebody she knew seeing you in her car, a friend, a neighbour, a colleague.

3) The possibility of being caught on camera by CCTV as the POI was however the photos are beyond poor you cant even tell gender for definite although probably male.

Don’t forget these people are sick but very cunning surely you would stay well away from her car unless she was already in it!

The general consensus of opinion is that Jennifer was abducted in the morning at her complex based on the fact that she last spoke to her boyfriend at 10pm the previous night but this is an assumption, she may not have been able to sleep and got up in the night to run the errand, unlikely as she was safety conscious but possible and would tie in with the ‘totally vanished’ problem.

Also why would you leave your work clothes on the bed and go out in ‘sweats’ the following morning to deliver a package and then come home again, surely you would just deliver/post the package en route to work?

Or have I misunderstood that?

My theory is Jennifer went out in the morning to deliver the package/go to work got in her car and the abductor immediately jumped in the car and forced her at gunpoint to drive to a prearranged destination, his house probably.

It would also tie in that the abductor was at the apartment block and immediately pounced because according to the detail I have read Jennifer rang her b/f every morning in the car, that call never came so its fare conjecture to say that she was almost certainly abducted the minute she got into her vehicle.

What happened after that who knows apart from the fact that the car was dropped at lunchtime (I concur with the general theory that it is someone tied to the complex a resident, worker or former worker - the POI looks a bit like they are wearing dungarees – A decorator perhaps?)

They then have the short walk back to the condos to continue work where they may have been working individually therefore were not missed. (I don’t know the place obviously but it sounds like a lot of workers were around)

This was clearly a planned abduction, if Jennifer was as routine as she sounds it wouldn’t be hard to know when she would be getting into her car.

Could someone let me know what the ‘uneasiness’ was that she felt which she told her b/f?

I guess it was something vague therefore we don’t know and it may be a tragedy that her b/f didn’t dig deeper into what was bothering her but how was he to know the implications.

Maybe she was being harassed by someone and didn’t want to tell her b/f knowing what us men are like she might not have wanted a confrontation and thought she could deal with it herself.

What I think needs to happen (if it hasn’t happened already) is a thorough interrogation of all workmen/residents on that site that day – matched to any previous criminal record no matter how insignificant.

I’m sure not to many of the workmen/male residents would be 5ft 3 – 5in to cross reference to the POI

The police need to tell us why the car is a crime scene?

If they have prints then print all the workers and residents I’m sure they won’t mind – if they are innocent!

What harm can it do now? It’s been over a year and the investigation has clearly dried up.

The only other thing I can think is the police have a suspect who they believe is guilty but simply don’t have enough evidence.

Often in these cases the police know who is involved but proving it is another matter and they are waiting for him to re-offend/slip up.

If I have any of the facts wrong I apologise and please correct me but I have only recently read about this case.
Welcome UK.

Hi, and welcome. Like you, I also live thousands of miles from Florida.

We are all hoping that LE does have a suspect. However, after one year, we are starting to get impatient. It seems to me that if LE does have a suspect, why can't they tie him to prints, hair, fiber, etc., left in the car? At least get the suspect on "unauthorized use of a car" and search his residence for more. It is difficult for me to believe this is a first time offender. Not to mention how easy it would be to take a photo of the suspect and compare it to the POI.

As for Jenn's uneasinesss, all I know is what has been reported on this and other sites. That she felt uneasy with the workmen. You see, after she moved in, varius workmen were required to enter her condo to fix inadequate craftmanship, etc. From what I have gathered, it was this traffic that made her nervous. I have not heard that it was one specific person, but, maybe somebody knows more. Regardless, people normally have good instincts about their safety, and it is definitely a red flag.

I agree with you about Marlowe's theory.

Thanks for your input and we all hope you have more to add.

Thanks for the response left it really reads as such a tragic case(not that others arent) but such a young, vibrant girl with such a full life.

I understand the uneasiness she felt now perhaps it was related to the way one or more of the workmen were behaving perhaps coming on to her or asking her on a date and not taking no for an answer.

You generally get a feel for people and Im sure women have had workmen in their properties where they have felt totally at ease therefore something must have occurred.

JK sounds like an intelligent young woman and I dont think she would have felt uneasy over nothing.

Clearly the answer lies very local to her apartment as the amount of fuel left in JK car suggests it wasnt driven far before being dumped.

Unless the abductor refuelled? Dont know if thats a possibility however I suspect not as that would leave them open to more CCTV in the petrol station.

I really hope this case has some resolution for the families sake even if is not the outcome we all want.
Hello UK Slueth it's nice to read some fresh viewpoints on the Jennifer Kesse mystery.
I too think the perpetrator came from the immediate area and I think Jennifer is close by too.
The general belief is JK was abducted either close to or just as she got into her car to drive to work. It appears there were no witnesses and there is no evidence in the public arena. However there just has to be some evidence from her car because we shed hair and skin wherever we go. I don't know if fingerprints were found but there was a whisper that there was.

BTW I have read up on the Suzy Lampugh case you mentioned and what a sad story it is. It seems the police are very sure who did this but haven't been able to get the evidence required.
Hi Thanks for the welcome.

I think its pretty much been narrowed down having read all the thoughts to the fact that she was abducted and wherever she was taken to is fairly local the trouble is it doesnt appear there is much more to go on than that.

In that case she has either been held captive for over a year or is no longet with us, I hope the former of course however as with all these cases the longer they go on the less like a resolution.

The Suzy Lamplugh case was huge news here and although I was 9 at the time I remember it well she is probably the most well known missing person in the UK after Lord Lucan!!!

Yes there is a strong theory against a convicted Rapist/murderer although he has always denied it his ex girlfriend claimed he confessed to the crime and told her where Suzy is buried, he even taunted the police by personalisin a number plate with the date she vanished and her initials I believe.

Unless he confesses we shall never know!!!
I think that Jennifer was abducted as she came out to get into her car. I think the abductor had her drive to his home where he taped or tied her up and left her until he got off of work. I don't think that he lives far from Jennifer's place. I'm sure he held a knife or gun on her.

I think he is either one of the workers, someone who has a girlfriend who lives at the complex or is married and lives there. He brought Jennifer's car back and left it not far from Jennifer's complex and the dog followed his scent back to Jennifer's complex ....where he had left his vehicle.

If Jennifer was tied up and her mouth gaged and taped she wouldn't have been able to go anywhere while the guy was at work. What happened after he returned is a big question. I don't believe that she is still alive after all of this time. That would be to big a risk for any man to take as she probably would have managed to get away at some point. We rarely ever hear of adults being held for months and months...although there have been a few that were kept underground, etc.

This is only my opinion of course but it makes the most sense to me just going by the timeline and the return of the car and the scent dog.
I agree entirely and unfortunately I find it highly unllikely that she will be found alive if found at all.

The more I read about the case the more I feel that it is someone who has become obsessed with Jennifer, a stalker who may have been stalking her more than she realised if she realised at all.

This person may have approached her in some manner which produced the uneasiness but unbeknown to Jennifer the person may have been watching her for a while.

Something that has dawned on me is that the abductor had to know that Jennifer was going to be going to work that day.(If we assume that she was abducted getting into her car which most people agree on)

This sounds obvious however she had just come back from holiday so it could be quite possible that she was going to have the next day off to settle back in, unpack and recover.

I dont know about anyone else but I have often done this upon returning from holiday booked an additional day off.

Either the abductor got lucky on that and assumed she was going to work or they knew for definite she was going (Again if we assume this was a planned abduction)

If they knew for definite then it is someone who knew her movements intimately, would workmen know if she was going to work or not? I doubt it so that may focus it more on someone in the complex who perhaps she told she was going away and when she was coming home/back to work.

Obviously there are a lot of assumptions in here but the timing of it being when she just got back from holiday bothers me, whoever it was had to be very close to her daily life to even know she was back.

If you saw her going out to her car Monday - Thursday at 8am then you would be much more confident that she would be there at 8am on the Friday but if she hadnt been to work for a while then surely you would be less confident in her being there at that time unless you knew for sure that she would be.

The thing that could blow this out of the water is if it was an unplanned abduction and the person just saw their oppurtunity and went for it however I think most peoples gut feeling is this was planned.

Im just theorising here Im not saying I think im right but its another theory.

I think if we knew who knew for certain she was going back to work that day you could narrow down the suspect list however that is very hard because we dont know who if anyone Jennifer told.

The person would have to know that she was back and that she was going to work the next day wouldnt they?

Im sure a lot of us get back from holiday and then take a day off to recover from the travelling and get settled back in.

Im sure the authorities know a great deal more than they are revealing.
Did Jennifer know her abductor?
Was the abductor a former boyfriend?
Was the POI merely dropping the car as a favor?
Is the POI in fact a female?
Was the abductor a registered sex offender?
Where was the POI walking to when he/she was caught on the security camera?

I have merely added these questions to the ones in the previous couple of posts.
This case is enough to push one over the edge!

BTW I wonder who got the polygraph tests and why?
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