FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #21

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And since all other information from LE is at a standstill, I'd like to say that I thought SP's telling AC "You go and look good before I call your mother" sounded to me like a threat. I do NOT mean a physical threat, but one of those, "You better do what I say, or I'm telling" threats.
Some kids respond to those. Even if telling DT might not have amounted to a hill of beans, the threat was implied.
Too bad for you that I'm on the team as I don't have a quick reference. I know that I read it here for sure, but don't remember anything else except that there was discussion about it. Very strange to use heavy equipment, I think.

Hey - I'm glad you're on the team!

Here's a thought - maybe the "heavy equipment" was used to lift and empty that construction dumpster. I know they climbed up next to it at one point and pulled some items out, but in my mind, if I was the one digging thru that thing, I'd rather it be dumped out so I could sift thru the contents more easily. And they had rather large tarps spread out on the ground. So maybe they emptied the dumpster onto those tarps, using the heavy equipment.

Would this qualify as a fact?

After searching the house on Gano, they immediately went across the street and searched the restroom in the park?

Does anyone have ANY idea on what led them from the house on Gano straight to that park restroom? I don't have any idea. Would like to hear some of your thoughts as to what it could have been.

It was said they took SOMETHING from that bathroom and were not in there very long.

The bathroom is right at the front of the park across from 1080 and borders the park parking lot. I think it just an obvious place to look. Its spooky but right in the open. The door was open today.
I never heard they found anything in the bathroom..
IMO, SP was hangin out. Kids came home and AT said she didnt know where somer was. SP said go look for her and he hung out some more. AT came back and said she couldnt find her. SP said look REALLY good and he hung out some more. DT texts him, he says AT cant find somer... and they started to freak.. an hour later, he called friends, she called PC, someone cleaned out the house while others looked, DT looks thru neighorhood and really does start to freak out when she gets to the neighborhood behind school and ( i would think its a reg beat) flags down LE..
I dont know if SP was really there or if DT called and said get to my house somer is missing and I need someone there, so LE wont know they come home to a empty house..and clean while ur there?


Yep, someone cleaned out the house while the others looked - and now what is everyone going to do with all of this money -- nobody has to work anymore.

I'm so sorry - this is just making me sick, so I'm going to get off of here -- thanks, Sadnpod, to giving the phone numbers to ST --

Wow, what a money-maker! Does anyone think that no one else, no idiot, is going to think of this?
Ya'll are bringing out an interesting thought.

If the perp has defensive wounds on him/her - maybe they were not that big and strong.

I could probably not control a 7 yr. old well enough for them not to get some kind of shots in - but I bet a big guy could.

I do wonder about a young perp.
What is the usual trash found in a public restroom that LE might have been interested in - aside from the more "personal" items, (such as feminine hygiene products - which I seriously doubt they'd collect)?
Paper towels comes to mind, unless that restroom only has those blow dryers.
But what would have drawn their attention to discarded paper towels (if that's what they collected). Blood?

What else might they have collected as potential evidence that would either be normally found in a public restroom or not normally found - i.e. something out of place, something unusual.

It can't be her tote bag or lunch box, since those are still missing.

Just brainstorming here.

BBM: Ahhhhh... maybe that's it! If we are supposed to be looking for marks on face, cuts, etc.. that would mean blood. He washed his face/hands in the OPAA restroom! Then, think about that news clip where DT is talking about driving to the OPAA to talk to the LE, and then the video goes black.... something had to have occurred in or around the restroom...hmmmmm
Ya'll are bringing out an interesting thought.

If the perp has defensive wounds on him/her - maybe they were not that big and strong.

I could probably not control a 7 yr. old well enough for them not to get some kind of shots in - but I bet a big guy could.

I do wonder about a young perp.

Excellent observation, Mommya!

And if a young perp, even if family members (such as mom or dad of the kid) noticed scratches, bruises, etc., and even if they allowed themselves to believe their kid was involved, who is going to turn their own kid in?

Is that why NO ONE has come forward (that we know of).

ETA: what I meant to say is - would they turn their own kid in? It would be a tough thing for a parent to do - especially based on just a suspicion.
1) Somer's body was discovered in landfill
2) She left school at the regular time and began walking home.
3) Somer routinely wandered around and no one knew where...
4) DT flagged down sheriff's officer DSC.
5) Burned home on Gano searched and then LE went across the street to the park
6) Gano house was proclaimed a crime scene.
Anybody have a problem with this, so far?

You do good work doggies! Looks great!!
I just had a call from a friend who still lives in Jax -- there was a gang rape one month ago of a woman on Godwin (Riverside) who was riding a bicycle. This didn't come out for a couple of weeks after it happened. Then, an elderly woman was raped in Avondale (near Riverside).

No one, including Somer's school, was informed of the attempted abduction one week earlier.

Does anyone see a problem here?

I had dinner at five points and they were all concerned wiht any women left alone.. It terrorized the neighborhood, its an area of jax I love, but its an ecclectic (sp) group.. mostly young n poor and artsy. cross the river to avondale which is old neighborhood and very pretty.. Jax is largest city in US. These are all diff PD, i think.. duval, st johns, and clay counties.
Excellent observation, Mommya!

And if a young perp, even if family members (such as mom or dad of the kid) noticed scratches, bruises, etc., and even if they allowed themselves to believe their kid was involved, who is going to turn their own kid in?

Is that why NO ONE has come forward (that we know of).

Excellent point, sorrell!
Leaving the area - CWG
missing work on the afternoon - CCP?

Thats strange that you say this about missing work?

Today I was reading the comments on the first press release and someone said that at 6:30 a officer in clark park was asking if she saw somer

"I have never seen her. I was at the park with my daughter when a police officer asked me if I had seen her and gave me her discription and name."

"When I came home from the park I look online and I found nothing so I sent them an email. About 15 mins later this was posted. I know if it were my daughter I would want it to be breaking news."


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I've wondered if maybe they found a pair of broken glasses-maybe sunglasses-in that park restroom. I'd think they'd be hard to trace, especially if they weren't prescription. Maybe that's what led LE to think injuries to head, face? If the glasses were broken, there would have to have been some sort of altercation, especially if the frames were damaged, I'd think.
And maybe they took them out in some sort of LE evidence bag, making a witness think it was a purse? I can't see LE taking ANYTHING out of ANYWHERE without its being in some sort of approved bag. Chain of command, and all that...

Me neither. I don't know where it came from that it was a purse. If it was and was considered evidence, I would think that they would have bagged it so noone could see what they carried out of there. If it was glasses, what at that house would lead them to go straight to that bathroom? That is puzzling to me. I have wracked my brain trying to figure that out, and I'm still drawing a blank. You'd think that whatever it was in the bathroom matched something they found at the Gano house. Anyone's guess as to what it was is as good or better than mine, cause I just can't imagine.
I am almost-I mean almost positive-that I read that the Gano house was labeled a crime scene.

They didn't say, "murder scene, "but rather "crime scene".

If it was the murder scene, I think it would still have crime tape, but I don't know. I hope I never see a murder scene house ,so I don't know how long they would keep up crime scene tape.

What was the heavy equipment? The dumping the dumpster makes kind of sense, but wouldn't they just get some dumpster guy come and dump the stuff in a secure location if they wanted to do that?

The high school kids were out for awhile. Enough time for them to do activities, good and bad.

I read on the neighbor boy's (Gano)MS that homecoming was going to be the next week, was it?

Maybe some kid was really upset because he was out of it socially.

There was a kid on that MS that was labeled as violent on one of those little squares that have cartoon characters. I looked him up and he seemed kind of like a guy they teased a lot. Just jumping to conclusions here. He is an athlete.
Hey Chee - I edited my post that you quoted to add that it would be a tough decision for a parent, based on just a suspicion. I would like to think that if it's true it was a kid, that the parent(s) wouldn't cover it up.
Ya'll are bringing out an interesting thought.

If the perp has defensive wounds on him/her - maybe they were not that big and strong.

I could probably not control a 7 yr. old well enough for them not to get some kind of shots in - but I bet a big guy could.

I do wonder about a young perp.
Older girl could, too-one that was used to tussling w/youngsters. I just can't let go of the girl thing. I guess it's from Elizabeth Olten's case, but still...
1) Somer's body was discovered in landfill
2) She left school at the regular time and began walking home.
3) Somer routinely wandered around and no one knew where...
4) DT flagged down sheriff's officer DSC.
5) Burned home on Gano searched and then LE went across the street to the park
6) Gano house was proclaimed a crime scene.
Anybody have a problem with this, so far?

Hi doggies - starting over is a great idea! Just a note: #3 is in dispute cause that information came from a former babysitter (maybe one that Somer didn't care for). Mom D. denys that Somer wandered and said 'if she did, no body told me'. LE never said a word about her wandering etc etc. I'm not so sure that Somer's wandering is a 'fact' at this point. mho
Yep, someone cleaned out the house while the others looked - and now what is everyone going to do with all of this money -- nobody has to work anymore.

I'm so sorry - this is just making me sick, so I'm going to get off of here -- thanks, Sadnpod, to giving the phone numbers to ST --

Wow, what a money-maker! Does anyone think that no one else, no idiot, is going to think of this?

BBM It has already been done, the Shannon Mathews case.
And that would be in addition to the well over $13,000.00 she has already received. It is really getting obscene, how much do these people require? In the comment section in one of the papers; someone stated PC quit his job, not sure how true that is of course. Although the public has a right to donate to whoever or whatever this wish, sometimes it is not clear where the money is going and sometimes it changes. I hope Diena shows class & respect for Somer by keeping the minimum they need and voluntarily put the rest towards the reward fund or something to that effect.

IDK, but have heard from two sources that more than 150,000 has been raised... I went by that fund raiser today WHAT A GOOD TIME! NOT!!!!!!!!!!! It made me literally sick to my stomach, but it was kinda fun tellin the bikers about one particular "charity" that tried to charge me for answers. SCUM. IMO. The event today went strictly to the "Thompson Family Fund" which btw does not include ST (duh).

What bothers me more is that someone out there could have info they are not telling waiting for all these fund raisers to end for the reward money to go up, which it doesnt seem to be doing. What bothers me is that people.. MOTHERS are selling their children, there is a huge slave market in several countries, anyone who thinks slavery is abolished, needs to think again.

This charity follows all the missing, abducted, dead children around florida offering assistance (in what way i still dont get) and weasels their way into meeting pastors, and other people who are giving and get money for their "non profit". Think of how much money you could make doin this, just in florida. TOO MANY people are making money off the death of a child. Its disgusting. sickening.:sick: I wouldnt expect class... ut only my opinions.
We also know that the Gano house was proclaimed a crime scene. We also know they went in there with heavy equipment and did digging. I can't remember if the article said they dug up concrete or not.

u got my vote
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