FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #31

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IMO my thoughts would be broken and I would most likely talk in circles if I were going thru what DT was going thru as those interviews took place.

Thank you!

For reference, this video is from Wednesday morning, 10/21. (Uncut: Somer's Mom, Clay Sheriff Brief Media)

Reporter: Did she have a backpack ... that morning?

Diena: She was wearing a matching sweat suit outfit, and she did have a backpack.

Reporter: ... you don't have the backpack?

Diena: She's got like 5 or 6, and she rides to school with a neighbor and I leave for work in the moring ... so I'm not for sure what backpack she had.

(For reference, in the MPR, Diena said black book bag. And there is no mention of purple and/or HM in this video.)
In the video Ccane first posted, http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid10363234001?bctid=45725057001, (Diena Thompson Addresses The Media) Diena described the clothes in more detail:

I listened a few times to get this ... hope I got it right!

It was a ... like a cranberry-colored jumpsuit with a matching top to the bottom. Up the sides of the legs and up the sides of the arms is a pink silky strip, and then she had a black shirt underneath. She had rainbow-colored tennis shoes, and she had gray and blue striped ankle socks on. And her hair bow was red.

I'm not reading anything more into the word jumpsuit instead of sweatsuit other than she misspoke.
Well you are much better at an explanation of the emotions! :) Yes, I agree if the crime was carried out - due to Somer was going to tell or was going to tell - or mom already found out and wanted SP to talk to her???! OR a possible threat to her not to tell turned into a accidental death. Taking her and slamming her down could have caused a head injury?

Agreed, Mom went to the park to look for sib there is a ton of other things that brought me to this conclusion --I need to sit down and write them all out and find video clips- we also know there was some evidence taken from the park. Something is not right here. Whether this hunch is right or wrong -

I wanted to write about this last night about reading a comment elsewhere - how the person mentioned they think it is a bad PRANK gone wrong - this is a smokescreen, mom and kids know what happened to Somer - In my mind the word PRANK stands out at me --- is it possible it was a prank? Possibly by older siblings? Was someone trying to pay her a lesson for running off? Or bad behavior? Just another avenue to explore.

...Good at emotions...lol, that's what I get in trouble for but yes, I guess you could say it is an area I am better in, I sure am bad with numbers, locations, things like that. Right brained.

I have to think it was an anger crime in your theory. If you consider the incest angle, how long it might have gone on, in many cases family members suspect but just can't face it. Somer having emotional and behavior prob. sure fits with that. I don't know - is Abby from ST or she from another dad? I know the older bro. is different dad. Point being that who could Somer go to...but if on that day or before she said, "I'm going to tell" I can see him panicking and doing something. I can't figure on it being a prank.
Hallelujah! I thought on this and what I recall was the concensus that "they could not CONFIRM knowing what time she left work that day" I think the dentist's quote was up near the top, like a by-line kind of thing, right? And Co-worker's Express Sympathy ( I won't quote that because I am drawing from a hazy, hazy memory of it) might have been the title or something to that effect. I was pretty sure I hadn't dreamed it because I have bumped into others posting in reference to it once or twice before too, on N4J. I presumed they either saw it on their own or had read our exchange and clicked on the same response link I did.

I can't really say Hallelulia until (1) it can be validated (2) there is some kind of credibile link to back it up so that nobody will say it is a rumor and (3) it does not become another subject that people are going to use to accuse those who are questioning it as being hard-hearted, uncaring and unsympathetic to DT, the person who is the subject here.

When this holiday insanity is over, if I ever get a day off, I am going to go to Jax4 and re-read all of the interviews again. I wish they would re-visit the subject, don't you?

Obviously LE has interviewed and re-interviewed her co-workers and have their own theories. Unless one of them (or an acquaintence) shows up on a talk show like Nancy Grace we probably won't ever find out.
I remember a still shot taken with a telephoto lens or camera zoom of the one lone ambulance on the scene. That was what put a thought cloud over my head with question marks on it. Cause you KNOW they would have had those big rolling labs that were parked at the OPAA down there for sure!!
But, that's all I'll say because I remember what happened last time I went down that road. I dont' want to get any rotton tomatoes thrown as I have to go to work shortly!! ;)

I remember a video where a female reporter is pointing over to the landfill and saying "here we have the landfill" but it was way in the background just like the old Johnny Carson NY scene, KNWIM? No videos that I can recall on the premises. Maybe they think it is gruesome, or LE prohibited filming in case they would stumble across the body when they were being filmed?

Do you think in such a high profile case they would have anyone but the top gun do the autopsy? Then again, I bet there was more than one.

There sure have been some autopsy messes - where the ME made mistakes and I recall some were called on the carpet, dragged through the press...refresh my memory here. A few top guns lost their clean career records. It must have been a tough one, in any event. Again, maybe LE has prohibited this info from being released because look how they are keeping COD under wraps and they might be afraid of a leak from the ME office? Sell the info to the Enquirer or something?
I think perhaps if we knew what went on in the home over the w/e, we'd have a better idea as to who/what happened that day. I wonder if something occurred (maybe Sun) which would explain why DT felt this time Somer missing meant something was really up. Maybe temper and angry threats from someone seemed more serious this time. The SP part of the story has never added up, and I wonder if he was there b/c DT was nervous of something happening that day.
She didn't want to go to school that day, she gets in disagreement, fights, apparently runs off regularly. I take this to mean she was acting out most likely b/c of something very negative in her life. A cry for help, that she herself didn't understand.

Having said that although the area around Somer's house seems fine, down by GPE it's actually creepy to me but I think LE must know based on cod that it's not a SO. Duh... SO's can't live that close to a school....

The thing about the SO's and the RSO's hit me this morning: LE having found her, could probably determine to some extent whether it was a sexual assault because of her clothing or lack thereof...and other clues. They have so much experience dealing with these types of crimes! Of course an autopsy could definitively answer in detail.

But I am thinking that LE knew/knows it was not a sexual crime - for one thing, that would take a lot longer and there would be greater risk of being discovered (her yelling or something, a struggle - did they find any signs of a struggle around purported crime scenes in their investigation?). And so, knowing this, they quickly ruled out RSO's and did it publicly so that the perp knew that his goose would be eventually cooked. It sure narrows down the field, doesn't it?

Now LE is saying they have not definitely ruled out anyone, but the did say they were not looking at RSO's as prime suspects before.

I HOPE AND PRAY that this perp gets really, really confident and, ignorant as he is, just screws up and hangs himself.
I AM going to throw out yet another theory here.
This morning, I talked about SRP's (school-related personnel) being around the school after the kids leave.

There are wonderful, wonderful cafeteria and maintenance people who work hard and don't get paid as much, but that is not the subject.

There are also a lot of these people in low paying jobs who find jobs where there are little children around. Some move from place to place. Some really befriend little children, especially kids who have problems and are looking for someone nice to talk to that they see every day.

I think it is plausible that if Somer hung around the school yard playing and waiting to decide to come home, she would have been a very easy target for - say - a janitor/maintenance worker who was cleaning out the rooms and etc. Some are there very late - they mop all of the hallways, etc.

I still hold to my theory of who did it. But if anyone is interested in sleuthing this aspect, go for it and best of luck.

And isn't it sad that in today's society even a nice maintenance worker who would befriend a little girl could be put into the category of suspect?
Unrelated to anything talked about recently ... but here originally they had the superintendent's name wrong. Not sure who David O**** is. Did find someone here with that name. And of course, also the policeman who had trash idea).

From First Coast News (saw snipped on another board; story later revised to include Ben W. as superintendent.)

Edited here because although he is adult whose name appeared in mainstream media, it was apparently in error.

Owens is the Superintendent, Wortham is the Assistant Super
where does the last name Lamb come up in this case....I know it does, just can't remember where...anyone?
there is a M. Lamb, head custodian at the school......do not know of a connection tho...
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