Germany Germany - Dirk Schiller, 3, Harz, 10 March 1979

Another question, perhaps I've just missed this: Are there photos of Sonja and her husband's other children around? Would be interesting to compare them to this gentleman.
For the many of you here who are expert sleuthers: Is there a way that the age-progressed photo can be professionally -maybe with computer software or something- compared with the actual photo of the Chilean? And would this be something available to amateurs/general civilian types? Or have I been watching too much CSI? That's entirely possible...............

oh, great question, I was wondering same question since german authorities won´t do anything because they did close Dirks case
Thanks a lot for your question!!!
Heidi, Dirks mom

It looks like Heidi is awaiting DNA results to see if a person is her son. No details really other than his mother-in-law contacted her and he is apparently unaware. (assuming I am translating correctly). If Heidi still checks in, maybe she could elaborate?

well, I´m updating since I´ven´t been able to reply, ....yes, we had other match, another young man,also 36 years old and pretty much look alike, but DNA results unfortunately did not match :-(
Roberto Yáñez Betancourt y Honecker was born 1974/5. Dirk vanished in 1979.
So how could Roberto be Dirk?

hello and thanks for your interest!
My son Dirk Schiller was born 1975 and we have 2 different dates of Robertos birthdates, my son was abducted at age 3 1/2 , so why not? I do not understand your question
Heidi, Dirks mom
I couldn't sleep, so I logged on here and read this from beginning to end.

My heart goes out to you and your family!


As an adult with an open fontanelle, is there anything special that one would notice? For example, could one play sports such as football or basketball or would that be too dangerous?

#thank you so much! God bless!
this is actually a very good question and the answer is I don´t know !
My 2 daughters and myself have open fontanelles, but we never played football,soccer,basketball... I guess a doc specialist in neulorogy may be able to answer to your question
Heidi, Dirks mom
Dirk Schiller - your son was taken on a country road in former East Germany. Can you please tell us what the initial law enforcement response was after you reported him missing?

I don't want to put you through rehashing painful details, its just that the initial police response can often give us clues as to where to look and where not to waste our time.

I also hope that the man in question relents about DNA tests.

Roberto(possible match) did not agree to the DNA test yet, he stopped writing to me long ago.
After i reported my son missing,and firemen and police did not find him, they said he drowned
Heidi, Dirks mom
I just wanted to extend to you, the Schiller Family, my most sincere prayers and hopes that your beloved son Dirk finds his way back to his loving family. God will have your answers someday soon. I have read this entire thread and feel tremendous compassion for you all. I was honored to perform with a ballet company years ago in several of your fair cities......and will never forget the warmth and kindness of the townspeople I met. They opened up their homes to us (strangers!) and we were overwhelmed by the selfless acts of generosity. As I read through your reminded me so much of the loving families I had the privilege to know for a brief period of time.
May God bless you all.....and especially your dear Dirk. XOXO

photo of Roberto and my son Dirk for comparison
hello and thanks for your interest!
My son Dirk Schiller was born 1975 and we have 2 different dates of Robertos birthdates, my son was abducted at age 3 1/2 , so why not? I do not understand your question
Heidi, Dirks mom

If Roberto is Dirk, that would either mean Honnegger's daughter suddenly had a 3 year old child in 1979 or her child suddenly didn't look the same after March 1979.
If Roberto is Dirk, that would either mean Honnegger's daughter suddenly had a 3 year old child in 1979 or her child suddenly didn't look the same after March 1979.

well, there is no evidence Honeckers daughter had a baby in 1975/76, Roberto said he was born in october while his mother said it was in april, there is a couple of photos showing a 3 or 4 years old boy, no photos of her pregnancy, either an article about honeckers becoming grandparents,Erich was a dictator and the whole family was pretty supicious,all photos were left and found after they escaped,so maybe you can find something because you can read german, I´d aprecciate it
I think the easiest way is to rule Roberto in or out is to find somebody in Germany who was close enough to the Honnegger family (a servant, aN guard) to confirm that there is a possibility that Roberto ist Dirk or that there is no possibility.

I don't think that Roberto will agree to take an DNA-test. It is a very scary thing to face the possibility, that you are not the person you thought.
The internet is an amazing thing. I think it will help to bring you the clues you need to get an answer to your long journey. I wish someone could get a hold of his hairbrush or toothbrush and just do a dna test for goodness sake...maybe the mother in law. Might not hold up in a court of law, but you would know for sure...

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