IN -Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #1

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Hey Roscoe Sweetie! How have you been. Sorry, that I have not posted in forever. I still read about it on the MySpace you set up though. How are you and your family? Thoughts and prayers to you and yours as always.


Hey Roscoe Sweetie! How have you been. Sorry, that I have not posted in forever. I still read about it on the MySpace you set up though. How are you and your family? Thoughts and prayers to you and yours as always.



Hey Ang and JDB - and all. Everyone is ok here. I'm fine. Rosco is healing well from his ACL surgery. DH and DS are both well. Just trying to keep busy and not think about how this case is becoming more and more on the back-burner. It's hard not to think in that way when I hear nothing going on with LE. Two year anniversary is Oct and we plan on going there that weekend. Heard there is work being done on the graves. Appears the base or grass and such has been moved and worked on - for the stones. DB calling monument company soon to see when we can 'maybe' expect - praying by 2yr anniversary.
DB is coming in from CAL w/fam for our mom's b-day (60th) over labor day. I'll me MIA for about 2 weeks. No computer at mom's place. It will be nice to have all her kids and grandkids under one place for the first time - there's always someone who can't make it or came later on when the other had to leave.. SO it will be a nice visit for all.

Yea working on the myspace. Been getting emails an messages. Maybe this could be a tool to open up another door - and maybe someone might take interest and get some TV or coverage. Sending to all the myspace areas I can... I've been given a blog on:
Murder Victim Network - myspace:

And her SIL -
Justice For Barbara - myspace:

Maybe more exposure and myspace people/organizations I can get into - might be the ticket - huh?

The Terry and Darleen myspace -

MORE THAT WHAT 'A' is doing. :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

Gosh - just breaks my heart.

Wish I had more to share. Just pluggin along and always luking at all the sights and topix.

Love and hugs.;)
Hi Rosco, I was wondering since the anniversay of this henous crime is coming up if we could contact the local Indianapolis Newspapers and TV media to do story....I wish so bad that it would get national coverage on dateline 48 mysteries something anything damn frustrating...But in time somebody will slip up. I was also thinking about the XBF, it seems funny to me that he all of a sudden popped up and made contact right around the time that we started talking about the $20,000 AND THE POINT ABOUT A DEAL WITH LE, THAT SOMEBODY MAY TURN ON THE OTHER AND IT WOULD BE BETTER FOR THE PERSON THAT CAME FORWARD FIRST AND MADE A DEAL TO TELL ON THE OTHER....Then its like he got cold feet and backed off....I still think if we could get to him and get him to turn on the other person or persons involved and make a deal for immunity...Because we all know A will never admit to anything
Hey phenolred... Yea 2yrs in Oct. Damn is so sad. I just hate this crapp.:banghead: :behindbar :behindbar :behindbar :behindbar :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

We are making plans on visiting in Oct. Stone should be up by then too. Calling monument company next week - might have an idea when to expect.
I know 'P' .. frustraiting that I can't get anyone to bite on this story. The myspace is really a great tool to have on the net. I have been trying to get tons of 'friends' and maybe - just maybe the right 'bite' will happen and this story will break.
I know someone will slip up.. no perfect crime. Time is on my side. Yea - XBF is a real piece of work. Have not heard a peep from him since he 'promised' to go to Iron Man. Don't hold my breath. Such a looser... I really know that he will get his... one day. Just riding on the shirt tails of all the money and drugs that went thru that house after the murders. He participated and enjoyed over my murdered Dad and Darleen's HARD EARNED MONEY... and he told me he never questioned the actions of "A" or the X-CON"S... or asked what and Why not?? You were going to marry her (that's what he told me that night at the LE office the night we arrived) How could someone NOT know what is going on (or just said that to me on the phone in June) and just allow the flow to just continue and not question actions or people or the 'why's'???? I just don't get it.

Storms in the 'Windy-City' yesterday and blew the roof of our house. Can't imagine anything more to happen to us.. but Lord knows if He keeps giving me these 'tests'.. I just might fail one day... :eek: And... DS's room was damaged to where he can not sleep there or play.. Have to make shift a new room for him.. Insurance can't even get out here to review until FRI! Must be very very busy. Said not to do any work until he can review.. SOO more storms tonight. Tarp praying will hold and not get anymore water in to damage more of the house..!! :boohoo:
Better than being in a motel - right.. LOL..:boohoo:

Nothing on Brian's Dream. received an email saying he was really busy and then that was it.. I emailed again like 2 weeks ago.. no reply. Oh well.. just another dead end.. BUT sometimes another road will open from than road ending.; {{Crossing fingers! }}

OK... gotta run.

Hi Rosco, I was wondering since the anniversay of this henous crime is coming up if we could contact the local Indianapolis Newspapers and TV media to do story....I wish so bad that it would get national coverage on dateline 48 mysteries something anything damn frustrating...But in time somebody will slip up. I was also thinking about the XBF, it seems funny to me that he all of a sudden popped up and made contact right around the time that we started talking about the $20,000 AND THE POINT ABOUT A DEAL WITH LE, THAT SOMEBODY MAY TURN ON THE OTHER AND IT WOULD BE BETTER FOR THE PERSON THAT CAME FORWARD FIRST AND MADE A DEAL TO TELL ON THE OTHER....Then its like he got cold feet and backed off....I still think if we could get to him and get him to turn on the other person or persons involved and make a deal for immunity...Because we all know A will never admit to anything

I so hate to hear about all of your troubles. And your frustrations with the case. Just try to take it easy girl and relax. I think you need some down time.



Hey Ang. Thanks. All is good tho. Nobody hurt. Just a little adjustments to the living arrangments but DS is a sport and will get new room and carpet for him. His pleased (LOL). Insurance claim is not tho:doh:

OOOOHHH.... Rved a call... It is told that "A" had just been admitted to detox center and baby T is under protective custody of the State. Sources say BF beat "A" up and that she was drunk and full of drugs and is now in 72hr control of the State. Monday a hearing will take place regarding baby T. :eek: . Also told that Sheriff is trying to get search warrent for house. LE everywhere on property yesterday. I pray LE will speak to her after she comes down and she might be in a condition to talk. Maybe if "A" knows something this 'end of the line' she is experiencing might open up some information? I still feels she knows 'something' and is not saying anything. Might be really eating her up inside.. maybe the money is running out.. maybe having a new baby crying and wanting attention is getting to the best of her?

I'll be in touch. Nothing so far this morning.

All my love.


I so hate to hear about all of your troubles. And your frustrations with the case. Just try to take it easy girl and relax. I think you need some down time.



...OOOOHHH.... Rved a call... It is told that "A" had just been admitted to detox center and baby T is under protective custody of the State. Sources say BF beat "A" up and that she was drunk and full of drugs and is now in 72hr control of the State. Monday a hearing will take place regarding baby T. :eek: . Also told that Sheriff is trying to get search warrent for house. LE everywhere on property yesterday. I pray LE will speak to her after she comes down and she might be in a condition to talk. Maybe if "A" knows something this 'end of the line' she is experiencing might open up some information? I still feels she knows 'something' and is not saying anything. Might be really eating her up inside.. maybe the money is running out.. maybe having a new baby crying and wanting attention is getting to the best of her?...

WOW! this might be the beginning of the end. Please keep us updated. I've been thinking about you and all you have had to live through, praying for justice. :blowkiss:
Rosco, did you ever hear what happened to the baby after the hearing? Was it put into foster care? Did "A" get out of rehab. I hate to hear she got beat up by her bf, no one deserves that, though it does tell you a little about the company she kept. I wonder if she pressed charges and had his butt thrown in the clink.
Rosco, did you ever hear what happened to the baby after the hearing? Was it put into foster care? Did "A" get out of rehab. I hate to hear she got beat up by her bf, no one deserves that, though it does tell you a little about the company she kept. I wonder if she pressed charges and had his butt thrown in the clink.

It may be a few days for Rosco to update, I know she went on vacation without internet access.....but she deserves a break!
Hi Rosco,

I haven't posted lately, but I've never stopped thinking about this case and praying for justice. I just had to tell you that I dreamed about this crime last night, don't know why. I was in the living room of your parent's (now "A's") house. There were others there w/ me, including you. The living room was the only furnished room. Looking down the hallway, the place was trashed. "A" was there w/ baby "T" and a social worker. "A" looked terrible and scared like she had been forced to talk. A search was being done of the property for the murder weapon believed to be buried on it. There were men all over the property searching. It all seemed so real. You were sitting there crying and I hugged you.

Just know that you are still in my prayers. I would love to see your SIL get custody of baby "T" like she had hoped. I do hope "A" is at her breaking point and will confess w/ what she knows.

Sorry about your roof. It sure seems like when it rains, it pours. Try to stay positive and look for the rainbow.
WOW Kah thats amazing....Hopefully Rosco will be here soon with her updates for us, I know she knows more now and will fill us in
I just found this tip posted on Topix INTERESTING

Well some of you may know that Mongo's Pigeon River Fest was this past weekend. I heard something interesting that people were talking about. While listening to the scanner and someone heard that police had a vehicle pulled over and the license plates came back to Terry and Darlene Anderson. The vehicle was a Silver Jeep! According to my family who knew the Andersons and also a reliable source that was kind of keeping track of Amanda and checking on her and the baby. Nobody knows who in the Anderson family would be driving a silver jeep. And it seems like if it would have been a vehicle owned by Terry and Darlene whomever was driving it would have had to get the plates registered in their own name by now. Maybe it is nothing and it is legit but thought maybe it could be the break in the case the LE needed.

here is a link to the topix foroum
I read that too about the jeep. Also on that site, is mentioned that "Baby T" is being taken care of by her "Uncle Shane". Who is he?
I've been so busy - sorry for being off. Lots going on the home-front. Trying to keep head above.

Here is some information that I know.

Yes - "A" gave up Baby 'T" to Shane - temp custody. There was a court date and the judge was so angry that he gave a 30day extension for a 'cooling off period for HIMSELF' as he was so upset with the issues. He told "A" that she must take drug test weekly until the next court date. I doubt she will pass the first week. BUT - she is NOW in the system and if she fails they might hold her in contempt of court order and maybe judge will come down hard on her. I doubt she can last.

I was also told that baby had NOT had any shots. She was NOT on formula (she is 5months old) - she was on 1% milk. She had open sores all over her little body. These sores "A" told the judge ((that the doctor said )) were Chicken Pox. The courts had yet to find ANY doctor note confirming this. I was told by a very reliable source that they have a person who witnessed BF (father of baby) burning her with a cigarette. :behindbar :behindbar :behindbar

"A" was taken to detox center becz she threatened suicide (25Aug). When LE arrived the BF was found on the roof with a pistol in his hand - fearing and calling the killer/s were coming for him. Paranoia??? BF had permit for pistol and was not taken into custody. It has not been confirmed that BF beat-up "A" at any time.. "A" said that the house is haunted and that she can not sleep there.

"A" gave Shane Baby 'T" cuz he is the least threatening and he's close (Kendallville) - IMO.. Why did she not call her "aunt and uncle"??? Cuz they were never close nor part of HER life or mine. Her and BF never looked back after they handed her over. Nothing went with Baby - no food, car seat, clothes.. nothing.
Walked out of the courts and headed out to BF p's place in MI. You know what she needed to do. She was in detox for days - she needed to get high.
I don't want anything to be looked as harsh with what I am writing but as far as I am concerned Shane has never been part of my life, Brother's life or "A"'s life until the day Dad and Darleen were murdered. I NEVER met him until the day I found Dad and Darleen murdered. Dad nor Darleen never talked about him to me nor had Shane been open to try and establish a relationship with his two sisters and brother. He is an only child...I know there had been contact and Dad w/Shane and Dad did have pic's or two of Shane but never spoken about him to me nor did Shane ever visit. I have been told by a few long-time friends of Dad that Shane has never been confirmed thru DNA to be Terry's son. It's been almost 2 yrs and he has yet to take a test to confirm. There has been some question of another man involved while Dad was with Shane's mother.
But - It's all good... I have no hard feelings.. it's just I have not accepted another brother in my life until it's been proven and he has yet to do that. So - until it's proven Shane is just a person who wants to help - that is all ...IMO.
Other family calls him 'Uncle' BUT believe me "A" never thought of Shane as a brother or an Uncle to her baby. I remember while I was there in Oct 2005 and 'A" made a comment to me about "why was 'HE' here"? And the last time she seen him (Shane) was probably YEARS ago... they lived 25miles from one-another.

I am glad that Baby "T" is safe and not with "A" and BF.. that is a blessing. So that's cool that Shane is taking care of her. ANYTHING is better than with her and BF!!!!!!!!!!!

OK... gotta go. This desk is a nightmare. Off for 10days and it all comes to a standstill until I return ...

oh now maybe people will believe what we have been saying all along....
see is/was on drugs...if she is cabable of doing this to an innocent baby or letting it happen she is capable of doing or letting something happen to her parents

so, now I'm just scared she could OD or kill her self before the truth comes out and then you will never know what happened.
OMG the BF was on the Roof with a gun sounds JUST LIKE the meth pyschosis we have been talking about for months.
burning a baby with cigarettes he should be in jail and have some 6ft 300 lb man burn his *advertiser censored* with eye for an eye
HAUNTED??? well no wonder or is this more pyschosis....maybe the key will be getting this new BF to talk. to save his butt from jail for child abuse.
what do you know about the Jeep thing?
oh now maybe people will believe what we have been saying all along....
see is/was on drugs...if she is cabable of doing this to an innocent baby or letting it happen she is capable of doing or letting something happen to her parents

so, now I'm just scared she could OD or kill her self before the truth comes out and then you will never know what happened.
OMG the BF was on the Roof with a gun sounds JUST LIKE the meth pyschosis we have been talking about for months.
burning a baby with cigarettes he should be in jail and have some 6ft 300 lb man burn his *advertiser censored* with eye for an eye
HAUNTED??? well no wonder or is this more pyschosis....maybe the key will be getting this new BF to talk. to save his butt from jail for child abuse.
what do you know about the Jeep thing?

I don't know of any silver jeep that Dad or Darleen owned. Never when they were alive. Interesting about LE pulling over and LP coming back under their name. Why not arrest the driver? I don't understand that...

DB is currently in Mongo. I just found out that there was a court hearing and "A" and BF were 4hrs late. DB will fill me in on information. DB went to see graves since he was driving distance away and not in CAL... and to see Baby "T"...

Hi Rosco,

I haven't posted lately, but I've never stopped thinking about this case and praying for justice. I just had to tell you that I dreamed about this crime last night, don't know why. I was in the living room of your parent's (now "A's") house. There were others there w/ me, including you. The living room was the only furnished room. Looking down the hallway, the place was trashed. "A" was there w/ baby "T" and a social worker. "A" looked terrible and scared like she had been forced to talk. A search was being done of the property for the murder weapon believed to be buried on it. There were men all over the property searching. It all seemed so real. You were sitting there crying and I hugged you.

Just know that you are still in my prayers. I would love to see your SIL get custody of baby "T" like she had hoped. I do hope "A" is at her breaking point and will confess w/ what she knows.

Sorry about your roof. It sure seems like when it rains, it pours. Try to stay positive and look for the rainbow.

WOW... what a dream. Incredible. Oh.. how I pray that something true comes from your vision. You have me tearing as I type with your warm thoughts and hugs for me in your dream. ((hugs for you too)). I think the breaking point for 'A' is coming slowly but soon. I shared your dream with DH and DB.

I do know that court today was to confirm temp custody of baby "T" to Shane. Judge asked BF to do a drug test and he declined. Said he was a drug user and would fail. Told judge he will come back in 3months and take the test. Good LUCK!!! I do not know of anything else yet. Have not spoken to DB yet. They are enjoying time with baby "T" right now. ((SMILING!!!)) Good for them.

Thanks for your prayer and thoughts. All my love.
Oh Rosco, (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))

Holy crap has A lost it! A 6 month old baby on 1% milk. That alone steams me. All that money for drugs, not enough for well being checks or even formula. AT LEAST baby T is in good hands, regardless of the family dynamics.

A has a long hard road ahead of her if she ever wishes to regain custody of her daughter. May I make a suggestion? Regardless of your personal feelings for this Uncle, and regardless of whether or not Terry was his father, what is important here is that baby. If you and your family plan on having any relationship with her, my suggestion is to put those feelings about Shane to the back of, or out of your mind. T is innocent in all this, and she deserves the opportunity to know her family without all the adult nonsense. I'm not dismissing you feelings, they are valid, however us Single parents have a saying, you have to love your child more than you hate your ex or your ex's family etc. and this kind of applies here.

Was it ever determined who the father is? Or did bf sign paternity papers? or is this Q's child? Just some unanswered questions.

I'm real curious about the license plates, if they did come back to Terry, how or from who did the driver of the car obtain the plates? That might be a good lead!

Our prayers always
Oh Rosco, (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))

Holy crap has A lost it! A 6 month old baby on 1% milk. That alone steams me. All that money for drugs, not enough for well being checks or even formula. AT LEAST baby T is in good hands, regardless of the family dynamics.

A has a long hard road ahead of her if she ever wishes to regain custody of her daughter. May I make a suggestion? Regardless of your personal feelings for this Uncle, and regardless of whether or not Terry was his father, what is important here is that baby. If you and your family plan on having any relationship with her, my suggestion is to put those feelings about Shane to the back of, or out of your mind. T is innocent in all this, and she deserves the opportunity to know her family without all the adult nonsense. I'm not dismissing you feelings, they are valid, however us Single parents have a saying, you have to love your child more than you hate your ex or your ex's family etc. and this kind of applies here.

Was it ever determined who the father is? Or did bf sign paternity papers? or is this Q's child? Just some unanswered questions.

I'm real curious about the license plates, if they did come back to Terry, how or from who did the driver of the car obtain the plates? That might be a good lead!

Our prayers always

For sure Cubby. My thoughts exactly regarding 'S'... For sure. "T" is very much in a better situation and I am very glad that he has taken her and will protect her. Like I said before - to me he is just a person (for now) that wants to help and it's fabulous that he has. But I will question his family connection until he chooses to confirm the facts. I wont assume anything like others until there is proof - but regardless he is taking care of "T" and for everyone in our family we are very happy. DB and SIL w/boys are currently there w/baby and 'S' enjoying some time b4 they head back West...

All love
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