jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Because Travis liked the name Iris for a girls name... not sure about the "20" maybe she thought she only stabbed him twenty times.

The testimony about the flowers she sent made my freakin' skin crawl. She is so damned creepy that she doesn't even GET how completely creepy that was.
Good evening scorpio and everyone :seeya:

I caught the last few minutes of JVM's show and heard that also. What women are being referred to? I can't understand it. From what I have heard of the testimony today, Martinez is doing a superb job!


Now watching NG


If you are a woman and you don't believe Arias raise your hand (I would thank this to raise my hand it I could!)
Jodi rattles off the baby girls' names they discussed: Iris, Hinkley, Megan, Reagan......

A little freaky that John Hinkley shot President Reagan.

If you ask me, JA pulled these names out of her arse, and her murderous subconscious came sliding out with them.

Some other baby names JA considers.... Chapman, Lennon, Kennedy, Oswald, Lincoln, Booth.
Janie the Winetrap lady on JVM feels that the video of Travis holding a gun will do Travis more harm.

The video will open the door though for his friend Dave Hall to testify that Travis did not own a gun.

Who you gonna believe? The answer is anybody but Jodi, and her attorneys.

Did she forget it wasnt Travis with a gun?:banghead:
Was anyone else struck by the stark difference between the 48 Hours footage with her smiling, almost ecstatic facial expression and baby-talk voice, and the woman currently on the stand? She has aged badly.
But jodi of arc was doing grandma a favor! She was letting her keep her memories of TA as a good boy, instead of finding out he was actually a woman beater and a pedophile. Oh, and promiscuous too!

And she was willing to go to prison to protect him! St. Jodi of Arc!

Why would she assume Travis' grandmother knew what baby names Travis liked? Maybe she did, maybe she didn't... if she did, it's a cruel act to send such flowers - reminding his grandmother that he would NEVER be able to have a little girl... and name her Iris.

Even if Grandma didn't know - JA claims to have known, and sent the flowers specifically for that reason.

The favorite baby name of the boy you raised into a healthy young man (who was viciously murdered by the woman sending the flowers) who would never have children - and never name one Iris.

I feel sick.

I thought it was spot on.

I don't doubt you! You are the professional not me...

This is what I recall

the dead thing is an uh oh resulting from their

And if they kill the person that abandons them it puts them back in control of the situation

Narcissists must always be in control. Jodi is a definitely a narcissist.
Narcissistic personality disorder:
• Are self-centered and boastful
• Seek constant attention and admiration
• Consider themselves better than others
• Exaggerate their talents and achievements
• Believe that they are entitled to special treatment
• Are easily hurt but may not show it
• Set unrealistic goals
• May take advantage of others to achieve their goals
Other common traits of narcissistic personality disorder include the following:
• Preoccupation with fantasies that focus on unlimited success, power, intelligence, beauty, or love
• Belief that he or she is "special" and unique, and can only be understood by other special people
• Expectation that others will automatically go along with what he or she wants
• Inability to recognize or identify with the feelings, needs, and viewpoints of others
• Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her
• Hypersensitivity to insults (real or imagined), criticism, or defeat, possibly reacting with rage, shame, and humiliation
• Arrogant behavior and/or attitude
Darn it.. I'm handi WS'n today on tablet so forgive me can't copy paste lyrics to Psycho Killer by ironically the Talking Heads if some one can grab 1st few verses appreciate it lol!!

I thought 16 Going on 17 was an appropriate Von Trap song for her ;)
When a Jury goes home such as this one and they have TV's I know they are instructed not to watch TV, no computer, or rather no coverage of the trial... there is no way to check that, it is on the honor system right? I hope
Just tell the 4 year old no! Poor cat....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My daughter when little bathed our cat in the shower every night. Until he got big enough to fight back. Lol. It was a trip. He is 17 years old and sitting in my lap right now.

Ok. I really am going now.

We're back. That was...delightful.
Kitty must be bathed every week or every other week at the most, or she starts to smell like corn chips. Literally.
Love Sack. Love Sack. Love sack.
Is this some regional term for what most people call a BEAN BAG CHAIR ??

Never heard the term love sack in my life ... JA seems to relish mentioning all the "grinding" she was into, and "No we weren't in bed - we were in a Love Sack".

Enough of this evil murdering low life.
Time for a Valium ... She's worn on my last nerve today.

I HATE THAT TERM--"Love Sack"--it reminds me of all the weird sex Jodi was involved with. And I hate the way she says it--reminds me of something gross.
OK........I've done the you tube since home on the am portion, but croakerqueen123 hasn't put up pm trial video off to eat dinner and catch up on threads until they are posted!
favorite baby girl names? Iris, Reagan, Megan Hinkley
Hinkley shot Reagan

Megan Reagan has a nice ring to it though. I see where she is going with this, so of course, Irises are the flowers she sent. Again, it all makes sense in Jodi World.
Regarding Ryan - I really do believe she was being honest about that. She seemed truly mad at the suggestion she was on top of him and adjusting him. More mad than when JM says "when you were killing Travis." Weird.
<snipped by me>

IMO - I recall that Ryan seemed embarrassed about having to talk about what happened sexually; his face was red, and he suggested at things without fully saying it outright. I felt bad for the guy.
JA is full o' it as she is with everything.
Good evening scorpio and everyone :seeya:

I caught the last few minutes of JVM's show and heard that also. What women are being referred to? I can't understand it. From what I have heard of the testimony today, Martinez is doing a superb job!


Now watching NG


Seems the main person on JVM show that was running that line of bull hockey was Janie Weintraub.
She's ALWAYS taking the defense side of arguments. (she was all pro baby killer Anthony during that trial too)
I wish I could let all the "talking heads" on cable know that Juan is not being graded on daily performance like this is some kind of game. He is working for a VERDICT of GUILTY of 1st degree murder. "Women" who feel sorry for this piece of garbage lying on the stand, acting like it's appropriate to smile for a mugshot because her murder victim would, should do something else with their time. They have no grasp on the reality that the real victim in this case was slaughtered in his bathroom--taken by surprise by a stalking psycho who is not sorry in the least.

Rant over.

Rant of the day! Thank you! :great:
I have to share that although I've been grateful my DH has come home from work every day since the trial started engaging with me for the Aft. session even forgetting to take out the trash one night lol. He's put up with hot dogs and hamburgers, coldpizza, crock pot meals and frozen lasagna. But he's made me so darn mad sometimes because I feel he wants to contradict my opinions and play devils advocate all the time grrrr.

But it finally occurred to me tonight he's actually a 13th juror. He knows she's guilty of course but is always pointing out the buts. He said tonight JM needs to focus more on the actual killing and hopes JM hammers that home in the Jurors minds soon. Much more on his intelligent point of view I won't elaborate on but in many ways he's right.

He hasn't read for days and days like we have, he hasn't watched hours and hours of video, he's the ideal juror and I finally figured it out tonight.

Top Sirloin for Mr. Pizza tomorrow!

He sounds too smart to be a Dolphins fan. :waitasec:

What I have learned today?

-God can be subpeonaed
-You can have a phone call with no conversation
- you can roll off of someone without being on top of them
-When someone hangs up on you it does not mean they do not want to talk, call them back over and over


The dweeb psychologist on NG stated that Jodi had to kill Travis because he had rejected her and she had fear of abandonment.

Errrrr....killing Travis removed him completely from her life. LOL That's the ultimate abandonment. LOL
That is not a act of someone with a fear of abandonment. She killed him because she is a narcissistic psychopath and was very ANGRY that she couldn't get exactly what she wanted (a new host to support her parasitic lifestyle).

I think it makes sense, but he couldn't explain it well enough in the minute or less he was given. I think JA would rather have him dead than have any other woman get him. If he's dead she's not gonna get him, but neither will anyone else. I think it finally sank in that he had no interest in marrying her so if he's gonna cut her out of his life. She's gonna make sure he's not a distraction for her.

It has happened to me by my psycho ex and the only reason I am alive is because someone happened along and scared him off after i had lost consciousness. Three things I remember...his angry, twisted face, what he was saying to me over and over and then everything going black. I had no bruises or lingering marks. jmo

Thank God! :hug:

Did anyone else find it odd that she said this was the first person she'd ever killed? Does that make you think she's killed before or was planning to kill again or it's just meaningless?
I can't believe that at no point during the investigation or questioning did she say I want a lawyer. I think she thought she could sweet talk her way out of it. Just to watch her while Lt. Florez is questioning her is just about the stupidest thing she did.
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