GUILTY KY - Trey Zwicker, 14, beaten to death, Louisville, 11 May 2011 #1

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Now I'm getting confused again. Didn't I hear Amanda, Trey's mother, testify that she and Gouker had sex twice for a *advertiser censored* movie they were making, banana and all. I remember that part because I happen to be eating a banana at the time that Amanda was asked if a banana was utilized in the *advertiser censored* movie. I don't think I can ever eat another banana again.......:banghead:

I didn't mean to confuse you but..............:Bananahi:.............:Banane45:

Yes, that's what I think. Gouker's "confession" seems really fake to me. Also I don't think even Gouker would have been that stupid to do it in that way...didn't he think someone would discover the body and then point it to the 2 guys who ran away?? And then the whole cover-up run...none of it sounds thought-out. My gut is telling me the kid did it, not thinking of any of the consequences afterwards. I don't know...maybe he did...I really don't know what to think. I think the kid did it, and then they both panicked and just ran.

The thing with the bat, that I didn't hear the testimony of how do they think either Little Josh or Gouker took the bat to the ditch...wouldn't Trey have wondered what it was for because it would have been too dark to play baseball?? I think it was the bat not the pipe, but didn't hear the ME's testimony. Also would Little Josh have had enough strength to do that to Trey with a bat? He seems like a scrawny kid and Trey seemed to have more weight on him.

Also, all Gouker did today during his testibaloney is convince me he did not murder Trey. That is why he was so evasive and wouldn't give any details. He couldn't because he wasn't there. IMO.

That's my thinking, Trey maybe wanted to try weed for the first time and had to wait until his Mom and JG were asleep before he could sneak out (since she busted him the first time).

Don't know if JG knew what was up beforehand but I do think he's just covering for his boy. He was very evasive when asked about the details of Trey's death, I don't think he knew them.


I was talking with my hubby about that very thing this afternoon. I noticed JG very closely when they ask him to recall what happened and usually when that happens a person's facial and eye expressions show they are recalling the events asked about.

But today when asked..............nothing..........he had a blank look on his face as if he had no clue. He cant recall because he wasn't there when it was being done.IMO
Yes, that's what I think. Gouker's "confession" seems really fake to me. Also I don't think even Gouker would have been that stupid to do it in that way...didn't he think someone would discover the body and then point it to the 2 guys who ran away?? And then the whole cover-up run...none of it sounds thought-out. My gut is telling me the kid did it, not thinking of any of the consequences afterwards. I don't know...maybe he did...I really don't know what to think. I think the kid did it, and then they both panicked and just ran.

The thing with the bat, that I didn't hear the testimony of how do they think either Little Josh or Gouker took the bat to the ditch...wouldn't Trey have wondered what it was for because it would have been too dark to play baseball?? I think it was the bat not the pipe, but didn't hear the ME's testimony. Also would Little Josh have had enough strength to do that to Trey with a bat? He seems like a scrawny kid and Trey seemed to have more weight on him.

If Cassie's testimony is truthful, then I think you would have to be right. I don't see how JG could have been involved until after the fact within that time frame.

If Cassie's testimony isn't truthful then.....gah. Who knows?

I'm signing off for the night, looking forward to tomorrow's testimony, maybe Cassie's other half can shed some light on things.
It matters to me. I'm not the District Attorney, I'm just trying to make sense of the evidence.

Hope that didn't sound snarky. It wasn't intended to be personal at all. In the courts eyes, it doesn't matter who did the murder, as JY is not charged with murder. Do you think JY knew nothing or didn't help his Dad or just didn't commit the murder? Personally, I believe JY was involved in the murder. JMO.
I liked Cassies' RED Hoodie, in true gansta style. She mentioned that JY always wore red and white shirts. I believe her,no reason not to. Seems to me Gouker planned it and used his son to carry it out. The rest is smoke and mirrors.
Watching the dad's replies to questions about killing the cat & dog...oh my god. It makes me wanna hold my little dogs so tightly. I hope he gets his in jail. Surely there is someone even more sinister than him in prison who will give him his comeuppance.
I wonder if Trey tried to sneak out to call his Dad?

According to JG's testimony from today and his statement, Trey walked out onto the porch while JG and Trey's Mom were having sex. Disgusting. Also, if JG offered Trey to smoke pot at the house, why would he need to got to the "spot" with JG to smoke out. Not buying it one bit. JG testified he didn't want Trey to tell his Dad because his Dad would call CPS. I bet you that Trey was sneaking out to call his Dad after he saw JG smoking pot and Mom and JG having sex on the porch. JMO.
IMO Big put little up to it and arranged the timing and scenario. Little thought he was cool, pleasing big and Big told him he'd arrange to get them both off. But why Amanda covers for Big is beyond me........she's probably glad to blame it all on Little (who I think actually DID the killing) thus, in their Hatfield-McCoy world, all is even (sorta..)
Exactly! She KNOWS it was little...Makes me sick to think how Gouker used Amanda while her son was being killed.
LOL and no one seems to be able to account for who was sleeping and where! They are all congenital liars.
Is it possible that JY did this all on his own, to 'impress' his twisted father?
I wonder if Trey tried to sneak out to call his Dad?

According to JG's testimony from today and his statement, Trey walked out onto the porch while JG and Trey's Mom were having sex. Disgusting. Also, if JG offered Trey to smoke pot at the house, why would he need to got to the "spot" with JG to smoke out. Not buying it one bit. JG testified he didn't want Trey to tell his Dad because his Dad would call CPS. I bet you that Trey was sneaking out to call his Dad after he saw JG smoking pot and Mom and JG having sex on the porch. JMO.

I have a lot of problems with JGs ever changing stories.

JY said he was allowed to smoke weed all the time around his dad. So why would Trey have to sneak away from the house to do pot anyway? Its obvious to me that Amanda wouldn't care. If JG wanted it then she would be fine with it.

Then he said one time he murdered him because he stole a plate of food that was supposed to be his. That is so damn lame. A kid could come up with a better tale.

Then he mentions eye for an eye and then he says he wanted to murder eye for an eye doesn't have to mean taking Trey's life. It can easily mean a life for a life but then I don't believe that BS story either.

One thing I will never be convinced of and that is Trey going down with JG in the dark woods. I don't think Trey liked this man nor would go anywhere by himself with him. BUT I do believe when JoshY was at Amanda's house earlier they may have gotten together to meet each other down in the woods to smoke pot. He would go with someone his own age though, imo, but why would he go with an older man he didn't trust when that man smokes pot in his own home. Maybe Trey didn't want Amanda to know he was going to smoke pot. Maybe she was stricter on him for some reason.

And he says that he confronted him. If Trey was confronted then why are his mortal injuries to the back of his head and body like he was blind sided and never saw it coming?

If JG really did this .........the man who is all about shock and awe and boasting about what a bad *advertiser censored* he is........then why wouldn't he want to relish in telling it in great detail. Calling the Prosecutor sadistic was a cop out as if he isn't? Seriously I wanted to puke.

And his refusal to even answer the most simple questions today such as when they went down there shows me he is lying. Yet he gave times on other events that happened that night. He wasn't there and he cant remember every lie he has told nor can he remember all the evidence there is either. So he doesn't answer because he knows he can screw up and say something that wouldn't line up with the crime scene. That is why he wanted to see the photos so he could try to vaguely say he killed Trey without actually saying anything.

IMO his father put him up to it

He may have but that is no excuse. He needs to do hard time for taking the life of a 14 year old teen who had never harmed anyone.

There have been notorious parent/child teams before and they were dangerous as a bomb when working in tandem with each other.

Imo, I don't think he did put him up to it. I think he did it on his own knowing it would impress his father.

Also, all Gouker did today during his testibaloney is convince me he did not murder Trey. That is why he was so evasive and wouldn't give any details. He couldn't because he wasn't there. IMO.


I agree. He was trying way too hard to show just how evil he is and to distract the jury.
He may have but that is no excuse. He needs to do hard time for taking the life of a 14 year old teen who had never harmed anyone.

There have been notorious parent/child teams before and they were dangerous as a bomb when working in tandem with each other.

Imo, I don't think he did put him up to it. I think he did it on his own knowing it would impress his father.


I see it that way as well. Josh was eager to please his father and to show his loyalty. JMO
Hi, I'm trying to pick up on this case. Geez Louise!!! hard to figure who is telling the truth, if anyone.:floorlaugh: :seeya:
Does anyone have a link to josh youngs interrogation video! I found one on youtube but you can't hardly hear them?
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