MI MI - Curtis Twp, WhtFem 30-50, UP8371, many healed fractures, gap b/w upper front teeth, Oct'94

It's been 2 1/2 months since you called it in. I'm sure that they won't think you are badgering if you call for a follow-up.
Thank you. Since this is the first one I've ever turned in, I didn't know what the time frame might be. I will try to reach them in the next day or two.
Health issues had me pretty much down for the count for a few days, but I now have a call (and an e-mail) in to the chief of detectives. Will let you know when he gets back to me.
I got an e-mail from another detective who has been working this case. She did not confirm or rule out anything. But she did tell me that this information had already been submitted to the Michigan Doe's agency about a year ago. She also asked what my connection was to the case and to the missing woman. I wrote back (leaving out any mention of Websleuths, as required) and explained that I grew up there and was hoping to help bring closure to the family. Still waiting for any further news or contact.
She did not confirm or rule out anything. But she did tell me that this information had already been submitted to the Michigan Doe's agency about a year ago.

I wonder what was done on this possible for the past year.

It sounds to me like Michigan DOEs sat on the info, or passed it on to some LE agency who sat on the info. And when you made your call-in and then a follow-up, somebody actually took a look at it and said "Hey! - maybe there's something to this!".

That's why it's important to follow-up if you make a call-in. Too many agencies say "I'll get right on it.", and then throw it in the case-file and forget it.
In an e-mail (regarding a separate issue) to Trooper Krebs of the Michigan State Police, I brought up this case, and asked if she could find out what ever became of b4e's submission, and whether this one had been resolved.

I'll keep you all posted on any replies.
thanks Carl. the inertia of the authorities is unsettling.
the UID is now in Namus as of 1/11/11:


only one rule out is there and that is Frances Kiefer.

B4E, you might want to reach out to the Namus contact person. there is no local contact person listed in the Namus profile.
Did anyone ever hear back about this possible match? I ran across Jennifer Delap again tonight and just wondered...



I'm looking at this again and see that Jennifer's spouse is the primary suspect in her disappearance. Could she have ended up in Michigan? I'm thinking probably not. Since the spouse said she was on her way to Newport, she's probably somewhere in Oregon and he was covering his bases in case she was found between Boring and Newport. Just a hunch.


As for Connie Royse?



Connie went missing June 1, 1990. Our doe was found in 1994, but they think she was at her location for 1-4 years. Unfortunately, there isn't much physical information to go on.

I tried contacting the poster who said they were submitting Jennifer a few years back and haven't yet gotten a reply. But I really don't think this doe is Jennifer and feel Connie could be submitted.

Definitely. IMO it seems that Connie would be a better match based on proximity alone. Plus she seems to resemble the UID more in my opinion especially with her prominent gap. I'd say you should "go for it!"
Wow, Kimster, I think you're on to something. Good find!
Wow, Kimster, I think you're on to something. Good find!

Thanks but if this is a match, it belongs to Mtrooper. I've just been cleaning up old threads and such and happened upon it.

It's good to review the old ones once in awhile with a fresh set of eyes. :rocker:

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