Motive For Murder

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I work there..there is no wheeling of mice. Typically they use the tunnel system but the Amistad is a new building and I'm not sure if its connected to the tunnel system. I have never, ever, ever, seen mice outside. Ever.

SmokingGun - I'm former faculty there. I've also never, ever, ever seen mice wheeled around on the street.

Amistad isn't connected to the tunnel system, though. Still, it would be unsafe for the mice to be wheeled around outside - makes no sense whatsoever.
Thank you f_stills... I was beginning to wonder if I hallucinated that.
Smokingguns post is relevant. No matter how one likes to believe their dress or manners are not how they are to be perceived, this belief is sorely mistaken. SG is not saying she deserved it, but that 'suggestive behavior' could have triggered it. There is nothing wrong with looking at all angles to see any potential motivations of this horrid crime.

According to statistics, most murders are the result of deviance - that is, putting oneself in social positions that increase the probability of occurrence (cheating, for example). Everything should be open to debate until a case is closed. It's how detectives solve crimes.

Thank You you said what I was trying to say but better!
Smokingguns post is relevant. No matter how one likes to believe their dress or manners are not how they are to be perceived, this belief is sorely mistaken. SG is not saying she deserved it, but that 'suggestive behavior' could have triggered it. There is nothing wrong with looking at all angles to see any potential motivations of this horrid crime.

According to statistics, most murders are the result of deviance - that is, putting oneself in social positions that increase the probability of occurrence (cheating, for example). Everything should be open to debate until a case is closed. It's how detectives solve crimes.

That's funny. I hate seeing people hit their children. I hate seeing women abused by their partners. It triggers me. I'd love to personally take care of each and every abuser. I don't think I'd feel bad killing a child murderer. But I know that's against the law. I know its wrong. So rather than murdering people, I volunteer representing domestic violence victims. I'm still triggered, but I realize its wrong and I act constructively.

If this young man is so "triggered" by a woman wearing revealing clothes, maybe he should have bought her a damn sweater instead of murdering her.

There's no "conversation" to have here. She's not a prostitute with a history of violence. She's a f-ing CHEMIST.
Back to MOTIVE:

In the first few links when they spoke of a man who had scratches, failed the LDT, etc, one of the things mentioned was the situation of 'unrequited love'.

So many of these little tidbits that have been published in articles have turned out to be true even tho many of them have been changed to protect the investigation. Yes, I realize that is unusual.

I think Pat Brown has it right, and it falls into the scorned lover category. The motive would be then he wanted her, and she was taken, and if he couldn't have her maybe nobody would! IMO and see you in a few hours. Go slow :rolleyes:

Nice to see you here SmokingGun
I don't know....mouse mistreatment is just a little too "out there" for motive.

You'd be surprised. A lot of animal techs take their jobs VERY least where I work (university research lab).
Interesting perspective, Sherlock, but I have to tell you that Yale undergrads are a pretty normal, nice (if a little arrogant and entitled), studious set of kids, all told. The grad students are about 10xs duller, if that's even possible. They are not prone to satanic killings, and from what I've heard, even secret society events are pretty tame (in fact, one of the societies had a room above my office and I used to see them carrying in kegs every once in a while. That's about as wild as it got, from what I understand).
That's funny. I hate seeing people hit their children. I hate seeing women abused by their partners. It triggers me. I'd love to personally take care of each and every abuser. I don't think I'd feel bad killing a child murderer. But I know that's against the law. I know its wrong. So rather than murdering people, I volunteer representing domestic violence victims. I'm still triggered, but I realize its wrong and I act constructively.

Bolded by me. But you are stable and sane and an accomplished professional. You have the emotional and intellectual wherewithal to choose to act constructively. This guy sounds like he's had a long history of an inability to control his urges, going all the way back to high school.
Interesting perspective, Sherlock, but I have to tell you that Yale undergrads are a pretty normal, nice (if a little arrogant and entitled), studious set of kids, all told. The grad students are about 10xs duller, if that's even possible. They are not prone to satanic killings, and from what I've heard, even secret society events are pretty tame (in fact, one of the societies had a room above my office and I used to see them carrying in kegs every once in a while. That's about as wild as it got, from what I understand).

Thanks for the input. It seems strange to me that someone would go to the trouble of killing her, and hiding her body, but leave bloody clothing behind. Couldn't they just have stuck it in a back pack? They had quite a number of days before the body was found, and they could have removed it on day one. Very odd they would leave all that evidence lying around. Could be a frame-up too.

The place she was found, is it somewhere the people see or have easy access to all the time? Or does it require a special key or tools to get into that wall?

Who found her body? I didn't see any mention of how her body was discovered, only that cadaver dogs sniffed out the bloody clothing.
They may have been worried the blood would bleed through their backpack.
Thanks for the input. It seems strange to me that someone would go to the trouble of killing her, and hiding her body, but leave bloody clothing behind. Couldn't they just have stuck it in a back pack? They had quite a number of days before the body was found, and they could have removed it on day one. Very odd they would leave all that evidence lying around. Could be a frame-up too.

The place she was found, is it somewhere the people see or have easy access to all the time? Or does it require a special key or tools to get into that wall?

Who found her body? I didn't see any mention of how her body was discovered, only that cadaver dogs sniffed out the bloody clothing.

According to one of our maintenance staff, you can get into a mechanical wall chase with a butter knife. This was posted on the NH independent.
In order for someone to feel superior or exercise control over another, he or she must have been given that power prior. For this reason, I could see a possible previous unhealthy fling between the two that gave him the 'courage' to exercise this power; that is, to feel comfortable scornfully directing someone clearly superior in every way. I could be dead wrong, but I don't think a hidden admiration or obsession, coupled with something as trivial as mouse etiquette, would lead to such an unbound rage. Her taking back her power with gusto however, could've caused a struggle of epic proportions.

I don't think he felt superior to her. I think he felt inferior to her and since the only thing he had over her was physical strength, he used it. That's why I'm so glad that petite Annie fought back so hard that she may just have left LE the evidence they need to convict her killer. It will mean that, ultimately, she even beat him at his own crime. I'm going to hang on to that hope while we wait for RC's DNA results to come back.
When a person is murdered all parts of their life get examined,that is how they find out who killed the person in most cases.No one likes to hear anything bad said about the victim.
Is there video evidence of RC entering and leaving the building that directly corresponds with the times his cards were used?
Hi, new here..took a couple of days to get approved.

I am familiar with the medical center at Yale. I can resolve a lot of these misconceptions.

1. Normally, researchers don't give out their personal cell phone numbers to custodial mouse techs. RC's job was to manage the mice colonies. That's what they do. They don't participate in research at all. If he sent her a text about managing a colony, it was likely because his girlfriend might see the text message and they were trying to hide a relationship.


Not sure about Yale, but at the university I work at, the techs have my cell phone number. If something happens to one of our animals, I'm the primary contact and they have to be able to get in touch with me if need be.
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The day we start criticizing men for being "somewhat promiscuous" is the day I'll take this argument lying down. Pun intended.

I see gorgeous men all the time. I work on Wall Street. Some of my coworkers talk about their penthouse apartments overlooking Central Park. Their JDs and MBAs from Harvard. I see them in their perfectly tailored $6000 Armani suits, going into court in Brooklyn to represent underprivileged youth accused of crimes for free. One just surprised his mom, who worked 2 jobs to put him through college, by going to the bank and secretly paying off her mortgage. He has the body of adonis, shiny full head of hair, the smile of a TV news anchor. I want him. I'd probably sacrifice my future first born to have him.

If I decide to TAKE what I want, and rape and kill him, would ANYONE... ANYONE ever say, "well, he was attractive, intelligent and rich - he was asking for it. He was acting "suggestively" around lawlady."

Give me a break. That conversation would NEVER be had. They'd probably paint me as a scorned sl*t and pull up some old facebook pictures of me on vacation - and ignore the 15 hour work days and law degree.
Interesting that the NHPD talked about getting calls about DNA (specifically on the clothes, lab stuff, etc.) within hours and getting an arrest warrant within two hours. They haven't gotten anything yet to arrest him with.

I'm afraid they've got the wrong bloke. He just happened to be someone she messed with last summer......

bold by me. Is this something you witnessed yourself? I'm leaning towards him having a "thing" for her but she wouldn't give him the time of day. He probably went home to his "girlfriend" and complained that Annie was the one trying to mess with him...therefore creating a false scenario and making his girlfriend angry with Annie. Contrary to people saying that he's a fairly good looking guy, the pictures that I've seen of him make him look bloaty & frumpy. Some pics, though, are at good angles & make him look decent. Annie is much prettier in the photogenic sense than compared to his girlfriend, that's for sure. I haven't even found a single post in which Annie cusses extensively, or uses the foulest of language. I have, though, on RC's girlfriend. I wonder if this is something RC built up and cooked up, made to look like something it really isn't...maybe to mislead his girlfriend from his true actions & intentions.
According to one of our maintenance staff, you can get into a mechanical wall chase with a butter knife. This was posted on the NH independent.

But who would know it was there to access? Is it common knowledge to students that such an area is wide enough for a body or a person to fit? I'm just trying to get an understanding how familiar someone would have to be with it.

If she was hidden there, then I doubt they would have transported her very far, if there are cameras around. The murder scene would probably be nearby.

I can't find articles about what she was wearing. Was she wearing the clothing she disappeared in? Or was she nude?
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