NE NE - Corrie Wood, 28, Grant, 20 September 2008 #1

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Nobody has come up with a time that Scott left the bar. Also, if Corrie locked him out of the house and he had to sleep in the truck due to the heck did he get in the morning to find her body? (It has also been speculated that he said he slept at their new house) She didn't open the door for him, obviously. And how could Corrie have locked him out if Red put her to bed and was the last to leave?

Not only did he take over her account. He sent out hate mails to people as well.

That is what is so confusing to me. There are just so many stories floating around. I didn't know if you or anyone else had any answers to these questions. Also, I know first hand about the hate mails he sent out
That is what is so confusing to me. There are just so many stories floating around. I didn't know if you or anyone else had any answers to these questions. Also, I know first hand about the hate mails he sent out

I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you have been affected greatly by this tragedy. We do know for a fact that Scott has a very violent, shady, criminal ridden past. He has proven anger time and time again. His actions on myspace should not be confusing because it goes into his normal pattern of behavior. For this proves he is not a changed man as those claim. Abusers will lash out and blame others for the mistakes they have made. It is their way of coping.

The other thing that strikes me is that if he stayed in his truck, surely the neighbors would have noticed it sitting in the driveway. And I can't see him the type to just stay in his truck, he would have been mad enough to break down a door if he is the type to be mad enough to break in a window.
I can speculate and reason on many aspects of this case but I felt the need to post because there is one part I can definitively answer on. Although people's behaviors can change - people with anger and rage problems do not just turn them off one day. They can learn ways to control and deal with them but they never really go away.

I also think that Scott's "friends" want to defend him publically is great thing. But please - from someone who has been there - in private listen to your own thoughts and know that it is okay for you to have doubts. In my case, when I found out someone I NEVER THOUGHT WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT - was arrested - I was still positive he was innocent.... Convicted. - still positive it was a mistake.... It took me far too long to be logically about the evidence - both concrete and circumstantial.
If Scott was locked out of the house that would have to mean that whoever killed Corrie locked the door behind them, that sounds unusual to me, and as NSC said how would he have gotten into the house in the AM? If he slep in his truck that would mean he had at least his truck keys, don't most people kee their car and house keys on the same chain? If Corrie had the only key, why would Scott not have a key to his own home? If Scott himself did say that it is very suspicious. I wonder what kind of alibi he gave to LE???
If Scott was locked out of the house that would have to mean that whoever killed Corrie locked the door behind them, that sounds unusual to me, and as NSC said how would he have gotten into the house in the AM? If he slep in his truck that would mean he had at least his truck keys, don't most people kee their car and house keys on the same chain? If Corrie had the only key, why would Scott not have a key to his own home? If Scott himself did say that it is very suspicious. I wonder what kind of alibi he gave to LE???

Im not a Scott supporter, just trying to put things in perspective, so dont take it as a support please :crazy:

I could see only one of them having a key to the house, or even neither of them having a key. Growing up in a small town, we NEVER locked our doors, no one in my family had a key to our door on their key ring, ever. So that is reasonable to me that he could have been locked out.
Oh and as a matter of fact right now I do not have a house key on my key ring (but my house is locked up like a fortress!), we only enter and exit thru the garage door, so I only keep my car key on my ring (and yes it has bit me in the booty a few times when the power went And truth be told, I once locked my husband out of the house by disconnecting the garage door power. So it is possible.

Now, how did he get in in the morning??? IIRC, LE said there were no signs of forced entry, so he obviously didnt break in.

I agree that if he did sleep in his truck someone would have noticed. Also, if he slept in his truck, I think he would have been up well before 10 am, no matter how drunk he was the night before. Sleeping in your truck is like sleeping outside, the sun is beating down on you, you hear the traffic going by, the kids playing, birds chirping, etc.
Im not a Scott supporter, just trying to put things in perspective, so dont take it as a support please :crazy:

I could see only one of them having a key to the house, or even neither of them having a key. Growing up in a small town, we NEVER locked our doors, no one in my family had a key to our door on their key ring, ever. So that is reasonable to me that he could have been locked out.
Oh and as a matter of fact right now I do not have a house key on my key ring (but my house is locked up like a fortress!), we only enter and exit thru the garage door, so I only keep my car key on my ring (and yes it has bit me in the booty a few times when the power went And truth be told, I once locked my husband out of the house by disconnecting the garage door power. So it is possible.

Now, how did he get in in the morning??? IIRC, LE said there were no signs of forced entry, so he obviously didnt break in.

I agree that if he did sleep in his truck someone would have noticed. Also, if he slept in his truck, I think he would have been up well before 10 am, no matter how drunk he was the night before. Sleeping in your truck is like sleeping outside, the sun is beating down on you, you hear the traffic going by, the kids playing, birds chirping, etc.

That makes sense. I also live in a small town but I do lock my doors when I am not home and in the evening. Perhaps because I read here and know the kinds of things that can happen anywhere at any given time!!

If he were locked out the night before there is obvoiusly no way COrrie could have unlocked the door by morning unless you could assume that Corrie got up and unlocked the door for Scott at some point and went back to bed. That would mean that whoever killed Corrie would have done so with Scott there sleeping in the driveway though. Possible but it doesnt make a wholt lot of sense to me.

I hear ya on sleeping in the car!! I did it once and it was quite uncomfortable I must say. I would not be able to sleep like that until 10 am!!
I know there are a lot of new people coming into this thread. I thought it would be important to show the deflection that occurred originally in this case. There are a lot of posts to weave through, so I took the liberty of doing it myself. I am sure some of this below will be easy to spot and compare to the posts in BC and WS. I think it is important to colaborate what is going on here. It is obvious that someone is upset that this case is not being forgotton about, still. :mad::blowkiss:

Last, everything I have commented on is in my own eyes as a reader. Unless, I state the confirmed facts. I think the more we talk this out the more it is going to make some sense.

Courtesty of True Crime Report:

Good friend said:
It's pretty bad when people in a small town talk and don't know exactly what happened. All I know is, is that I lost a good friend. She was passionate about her kids and especially her boyfriend, with whom I am good friends with. The past is the past. I will miss you Corrie, you were truly a good person. Rest in Peace!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 09/23/2008 at 05:19:39 PM

Another one of Scotts friends. Posting only a short time after her death.

great friend said:
I do know about his tear drops cause I know the man very well and no they don't mean what everyone thinks they mean. He is a great man and would never have hurt Corrie, he loved her and always will no matter what. All I ask that if you don't know the story about his ink don't say anything. To many people are judging and don't know the truth. Corrie will be well taken care of and will be dearly missed. Rest in Peace Corrie we love you and miss you.
Your Great Friend
Posted 09/25/2008 at 10:58:47 AM

This is the start of the deflection. I think the "no matter what" is an interesting comment. No matter what... No matter how bad things were? no matter no see my point here.????

Lincoln NE said:
Please don't read into Scott's history or his tatoo's. That was in the past. Simply that the past. Scott and Corrie were creating a wonderful life together and were raising children together trying to make life work like any other couple. I only met Corrie once and she was such a wonderful gal. She made me feel like I was her new best friend in just one night. Scott is the most caring man you could meet and they were over the moon for each other. DON'T point fingers at Scott. When the truth comes out (and it will) Small town people talk way too much....There will be justice and you will all pity yourselves for pointing fingers in the wrong direction. This is a tradgedy and justice will prevail. God bless you Corrie.
Posted 09/25/2008 at 04:02:37 PM

What was in past?? His violent history?? It was stated on Blue Crime Hunter that everyone knows Scott is a white supremicist. It shows those numbers right on his dating profile. Apparently, his tatoos represent these types of feelings. Nothing past about his tatoos in my opinon. And if you only met Corrie one time and Corrie and Scott were together for two years, how could he really know if Scotts behavior was in the past????

An Acquintance said:
Are you kidding me? Scott has always been a loose cannon! I feel terrible for the friends and family of Corrie, as I grew up in the area too and know the family. DO NOT underestimate what he is capable of!
Posted 09/25/2008 at 05:35:39 PM

Well, this is true - all we need to do is look at his record.

me said:
The ex is a great guy and an even better father, i should know, im the boyfriend. I cant say much cause of the position im in. But know this, in time your questions will be answered. I wish i could show you my Corrie, she's an Angel on my shoulder.....Posted 09/26/2008 at 12:32:30 AM

I think Bobbisangels said another killer made a similar comment to this angel comment. Creepy.
In time, our questions will be answered? They have NOT been answered yet. And he certainly did not answer them when he posted on Blue Crime Hunter yesterday. :furious:

Friend said:
As a friend of Corrie and Scott, I am deeply upset with this taking of a young lady. I feel for all the families involved. Yes including Scott and his family. Situations like this bring out the evil in alot of people. This evil finger pointing and accusations HAVE to STOP. No one knows who did this. Scott loved this women no one else. Please dont pass judgement!!!Dont point the finger unless you want the finger pointed at you for not knowing the facts. Corrie rest in peace We miss you.
Posted 09/27/2008 at 01:43:06 PM

DEFLECTION.... and the "Scott loved this women no one else" - this strikes me as odd. Could play into my third child theory which is not dead yet just waiting on more info. Why would someone post this if there would be nobody else, factualy speaking?? Someone posting this could have had information about another person but didn't realise their words. Thoughts? Feeback???

whatever said:
why doesnt everybody stop talking and start listening to the facts she was with two girls that brought her home and the girls from what i got lived 18 miles from grant so why would they leave and take her home and leave scott at the bar when they were already in their home town?{kinda sounds weird to me}! Scott is a wonderful guy and loved corrie more than anything, Corrie was brought home by two girls they were the last ones to see her alive, to me from all the facts that ive heard from scott and friends i would maybe say that this sounds like a girl did it! Anybody think of that, why does it automatically have to be a guy?
Posted 09/28/2008 at 07:09:36 PM

This was untrue. Still sounds like some deflection.

Friend said:
I wish everyone would stop talking about the whole tattoo thing. I have 4 myself. Does that make me a criminal? And who cares what kind of song Corrie had on her myspace page, maybe she just liked the song. It's just so aggravating how someone can just assume it's the boyfriends fault. Those two loved eachother so much. They did everything together and with their kids. Don't look too hard into something that is not important. Like the songs and how someone looks on the outside. Never judge a book by it's cover. It's not up to us to judge people. Corrie will be terribly missed. I will miss her smile and how she made people laugh. Miss you much Corrie. We love you!!!!!!!!!
Posted 09/29/2008 at 07:19:07 PM

Personally, I like to listen to music with my moods. I am certain this isn't the case with everyone. But it is something that could be significant. If the reports are true about Corrie being physically abused by Scott then this "story/song" is very fitting. As a girl, I always look for songs with lyrics that mean something to me. (I am uncertain what her prior song was - someone had once posted it but the song history was erased but I do remember it being complete opposite from this type of song)

The lyrics of the song are very interesting:

In the first days of the spring time
made you up and split from one thousand enemies
made a trail of, of a thousand tears
made you a prisoner inside your own secrecy

There's a ghost in me
who wants to say "I'm sorry"
Doesn't mean I'm sorry

At the first hour of the springtime
made you up and split from one thousand enemies

now I see you from the corner
clock strikes
and I know you will be drinking alone

There's a ghost in me
who wants to say "I'm sorry"
Doesn't mean I'm sorry.

Go to her myspace and listen to the song and read along with the lyrics. I would love everyones feedback!!! I also was informed that the blackish hair color was new compared to what it used to be. Women that can be in distress can do things to severely alter their looks. (more on this later)

a close friend said:
u poeple dont know what u are talking about iam the only one that took her home that nite. keep saying what u r saying! we will find out the truth when it comes out please let us get though this with out all the b.s.. it would be great for everyone to shut up and wait for the truth. we have to so u can to. i will allways love corrie no matter what happens she was my bestfriend. now what???Posted 09/29/2008 at 08:18:06 PM

No matter what happens, again. Weird. Any thoughts??

a close friend said:
i was being a friend to a friend that ASK me to take her home think about it u people r so stuip that u would belive that the dogs did it!!!! u want the truth then wait for it like the rest of us.
Posted 09/29/2008 at 09:17:58 PM

WOW :eek: So Corrie asked for the ride home then. Does this mean that Scott drove Corrie to Venango? It wouldn't make sense for Red to drive to Grant and take Corrie back to Venango to the bar. Corrie ASKED for a ride home. Meaning, there WAS an issue with Scott?? Or as claimed, Scott wasn't ready to go home?? If she was as drunk as people claim, a caring and thoughtful boyfriend would have driven her home hisself.

Acquintance said:
to "Posted 9/29/08 at 10:12:32pm"

First off "A close friend" has just as much right as you do to post on here and second of all I have heard what she is saying and still haven't had anyone tell me she has kied at all. She has every right in the world to defend herself. Everyone on here should be thinking of Kayleigh and keep your stupid Theories to yourselves, leave the detective work to the detectives...... Corrie you will be greatly missed!!
Posted 09/29/2008 at 10:45:57 PM

Anger and deflection. Someone is guilty in this small town. That's for darn sure.

great friend said:
Don't worry about her myspace page just worry about the "close friend" she was the last one and she knows something. I feel so bad for Scott and the two kids that don't have their mom but at least they still have Scott and he is a GREAT father and always will be we all truly love them and will always miss Corrie.
Posted 09/30/2008 at 10:00:59 AM

Well well....Scott is a great father?? Where is his older son?? Great father he is and role model. Landing in prison not even being around for this youngin to be with his "great" dad. Why is Corrie being called Wyatts mom??? Where is Wyatts biological mother?? I hope she is alive and safe!!! God bless her. Don't worry about the myspace page??? DEFLECTION!

Thisisoutof control said:
For the comment about cleaning up the crime scene these people really werent doing this. These people want to know what happened and are saddened to lose a close friend. At the point they were told that it was not suspicious. The cops left leaving the door open. I know this isnt how Corrie wanted this to be. Please give everyone peace and be respectful to everyone, atleast Corrie. Threatening people is going to do no good. You can say killing is wrong, but then you say you want to take care of someone doesnt sound right to me. Corrie i wish this never happened to you we all love you and miss you and know you are in a better place!
Posted 09/30/2008 at 10:20:40 PM

First bold - confusing here.
Better place?? Better place my foot! Corrie deserves to be with her little girl. And now she is gone because some monster killed her!!! This isn't a car accident, it's MURDER.

great friend said:
Just to clear this all up. I and a few others are the ones who washed the sheets and let me get you the facts before you start judging. The house was released to Scott after everyone left and the sheriff stated that is was done and the house was released. The sheets were washed WHILE A SHERIFF was present and the SHERIFF gave us permission to wash them so there is the truth he knew it was being done and so how was anything being hidden. The sheets didn't come clean so they were thrown away and the sheriff also new about that so please tell us how we were hidding ANYTHING if the sheriff was present when it was being done. Here is the truth step by step so stop talking crap if you don't know the whole story. I love Corrie and miss her dearly and same with Scott he is a GREAT man and always will be to us no matter what. Please don't post if you don't know the whole story as it hurts people and makes up lies.
Posted 10/01/2008 at 10:44:33 AM

Gosh darn it, there is that "no matter what" those three words continue to irk me. Sounds like a similar post that was posted yesterday on Blue Crime Hunter.

someone said:
The sheets weren't blood soaked, just an FYI for everyone.
Posted 10/01/2008 at 02:45:26 PM

Thats Messed Up!! said:
I would seriously like to know who the hell keeps loging into Corrie's MySpace page...I went to her page this morning and someone freakin deleted ALL her comments!! Who in the hell would do that?? Why would someone go in there and delete all of the comments that her friend have left before and after she passed away?? That is just messed up and in a way demented! I think Corrie would be pretty freakin pissed off about that...WHY would someone do that?? That is seriously messed the person who is doing that: you do you think you are and why do you feel that you have to right to destroy the things that Corrie made, and erase what her friends have left her as final words?? So far since this happened, a friend was deleted, her business information, and now ALL her comments...don't you have your own MySpace account to mess up???!!!
Posted 10/04/2008 at 09:57:18 AM

The start of myspace. Two weekish after her death. Just enough time for rumors to swirl and tempers to flair. JMO.

no longer home said:
don't know if any of you heard but scott was cleared. They stated that the beatings Corrie received were too small for Scott to have done it. They suspect it was a woman...

More deflection.

a friend said said:
are u people retarted or just totally uneducated, the my space comments are more than likely not being deleted wow did you know that u can make your comments not available to be seen by everybody just like you can make your my space private you ever think of that or do you just not have anything else in your life to do than worry about frickin my space how old are you anyways!Posted 10/06/2008 at 03:11:41 PM

Come on now. We had confirmation that Scott was in her myspace. Clearly, someone is angry here.
Goodness NSC, I came home to find a novel here :blowkiss:

This obviously took you a very long time and you put a lot of thought into this nice work!

Corrie will be well taken care of and will be dearly missed.

Corrie will be taken care of? How is she to be taken care of? Someone murdered this poor woman!

It looks like many of Scott's friends only defense for him is "that was in the past" What had he done to change? He is still getting in trouble with the law and we have heard from people close to Corrie that he was physically violent with her. There is nothing to support that he has changed I think he was just lucky enough not to get caught in anything that landed him back in jail.

DEFLECTION.... and the "Scott loved this women no one else" - this strikes me as odd. Could play into my third child theory which is not dead yet just waiting on more info. Why would someone post this if there would be nobody else, factualy speaking?? Someone posting this could have had information about another person but didn't realise their words. Thoughts? Feeback???

If Scott loved Corrie and no one else I would like to know why he was posting on internet dating sites.

Personally, I like to listen to music with my moods.

I myself listen to music that matches my mood. On my myspace especially I select songs that match how I am feeling or what is going on in my life at that moment.I think that the song does have something to do with how Corrie was feeling at the time she put it on her page.

Also in relation to the myspace Scott was deleting her comments and sending nasty messages to friends after Corrie's death which is very odd behavior. Was he perhaps jealous of her close relationship with the certain friends that he sent these messages to??

Ok, that's it from me for now dinner is ready and I'm starving!! :)
Hi All,

I see a lot of new people here. Let me introduce myself. My name is Tricia Griffith and I am the owner of Weblseuths.

Would one of you wonderful posters write me a re-cap of what has gone down with this case and post it please?

Thank you,

Without having to look back through all these posts, has anyone figured out where Scott was from the time he left the bar until he called 911? I was told from someone that talked to Scott a few days after Corrie's death, that Scott himself said he couldn't get in to the house because Corrie locked him out, so he slept in his truck that night. Another question I have that has been bothering me for a while is why he would delete comments on her myspace page? It's a fact that he took over her account shortly after her death, so why would someone that is mourning the loss of their loved one want to erase such kind words to Corrie?

If he is guilty, he could have said he went to the house but he was locked out as part of his story, to explain why he was at the house if a neighbor happened to see him in those early morning hours.

Hypethical/Scenario: After he murders Corrie, he takes a few moments to think of his next steps. He unlocks a window downstairs and leaves, locking the front door on the way out. He drives to a location (maybe Acousti, which is only 2 min driving from their house or their new house, etc.), waits until morning, then returns to the house. He either unlocks the door with found/spare keys (“I remembered I had a spare set of house keys I kept at Acousti”) or he knocks on the door, doesn’t get an answer, and climbs through the unlocked window (per his plan). He explains to LE later that he climbed through a window as part of his story. I don't know, maybe something like this?

I think he's probably talked his way out of a lot of things in the past with his criminal background, so I’m sure he worked up what he thought was a reasonable story for LE if he’s guilty.
Hello Tricia :)

NSC would be the best for this but I think that I can give a quick recap for you.

Corrie Wood was murdered in her home after celebrating her 29th birthday with friends at a bar a couple of days early. This happened in a small town and tensions seem to be running very high. The autopsy showed that Corrie was beaten to death. She was found in her bed by her bf, Scott at roughly 10 am the morning following the B day get together. Corrie did not ride home with her BF that night. A friend brought her home that friend's name (a female) has not been released.

At this time the only name that has been released in the case is her bf Scott who we have been discussing as a POI in this case.

Steve Huff outlined the case here:( He had to shut down comments as it was becoming very heated and unproductive)

Let me know if you have any additional questions

Edited to add at this time there have been no arrests, no recent media coverage and no statements from LE
I guess I am just catching this now. I don't see ANYWHERE or RECALL anyone ever saying he left the scene to go to Red and Loomis house. Am I wrong???

Mendara, I couldn't agree more.


I think there was some confusion on the blog with different names.

Someone posted first that they (meaning Lacy & husband) got involved because scott called them after he called 911 and then he went and stayed at their house while the police were investigating.

Then someone posted after that in their scenario "Scott leaves the scene while cops are there goes to RED and LOOMIS house?"

That was followed by the post "I never left the scene an went to red and loomies house."
Thanks for bringing all those posts together, NSC. I vaguely remembered all of these and couldn't remember where I'd seen them. I know that was a lot of work. :blowkiss:

You're sure right about the deflection! It seems that, if one of your friends were murdered, you'd want people to look at every angle and to dig up as much information as possible, no matter where it might lead. But not these posters, most of whom are Scott-supporters:
(Excerpts from your quotes of True Crime Report comments.)

It's pretty bad when people in a small town talk and don't know exactly what happened. . .The past is the past.

All I ask that if you don't know the story about his ink don't say anything. To many people are judging and don't know the truth.

Please don't read into Scott's history or his tatoo's. . . DON'T point fingers at Scott. Small town people talk way too much.... you will all pity yourselves for pointing fingers in the wrong direction.

This evil finger pointing and accusations HAVE to STOP. No one knows who did this. . . Please dont pass judgement!!!Dont point the finger unless you want the finger pointed at you for not knowing the facts.

why doesnt everybody stop talking and start listening to the facts . . . to me from all the facts that ive heard from scott and friends i would maybe say that this sounds like a girl did it!

I wish everyone would stop talking about the whole tattoo thing. . . It's just so aggravating how someone can just assume it's the boyfriends fault
. . .
Don't look too hard into something that is not important. . . Never judge a book by it's cover. It's not up to us to judge people.

stop talking crap if you don't know the whole story. . .

Please don't post if you don't know the whole story as it hurts people and makes up lies.

Don't worry about her myspace page just worry about the "close friend" she was the last one and she knows something.

do you just not have anything else in your life to do than worry about frickin my space how old are you anyways!

u poeple dont know what u are talking about . . . . it would be great for everyone to shut up and wait for the truth. we have to so u can to.

u want the truth then wait for it like the rest of us.

keep your stupid Theories to yourselves, leave the detective work to the detectives...
November 6, 2008 7:46 PM
Blogger Blue Crime Hunter said...

Folks, let's keep the trash talking to a minimum. Also, please do not post from the same IP address pretending to be several people sticking up for one another. You know who you are. Thanks.

Naturally, there are going to be accusations flying around in a murder case. Especially, when there has been no new information released.

Scott, since you have decided to come out as yourself into the blog, why don't you make your case heard? You have to understand why the folks would think you would be a prime suspect. Your criminal past for one and normally the partner/spouse is prime suspect #1 in a murder. Please explain to the folks what your theory is and if you have taken a polygraph to clear your name? I think the townsfolk have good reason to be concerned when there is an unsolved violent murder that occured in their town. They want to know their children and families are safe.

Blue Crime Hunter

November 6, 2008 9:14 PM

This is from the owner of the blog. Scott likely only has one supporter.
me said:
The ex is a great guy and an even better father, i should know, im the boyfriend. I cant say much cause of the position im in. But know this, in time your questions will be answered. I wish i could show you my Corrie, she's an Angel on my shoulder.....Posted 09/26/2008 at 12:32:30 AM

I found this one odd. How does he know that in time our questions will be answered?
me said:
The ex is a great guy and an even better father, i should know, im the boyfriend. I cant say much cause of the position im in. But know this, in time your questions will be answered. I wish i could show you my Corrie, she's an Angel on my shoulder.....Posted 09/26/2008 at 12:32:30 AM

I found this one odd. How does he know that in time our questions will be answered?

They wouldn't unless they knew the answers. :crazy:

Steadfast, Great post and thanks. You did a great job on your post. It is remarkable looking at all the negativity lined up together. I can say it over and over...the anger is overwhelming. :blowkiss:

If he is guilty, he could have said he went to the house but he was locked out as part of his story, to explain why he was at the house if a neighbor happened to see him in those early morning hours.

Hypethical/Scenario: After he murders Corrie, he takes a few moments to think of his next steps. He unlocks a window downstairs and leaves, locking the front door on the way out. He drives to a location (maybe Acousti, which is only 2 min driving from their house or their new house, etc.), waits until morning, then returns to the house. He either unlocks the door with found/spare keys (“I remembered I had a spare set of house keys I kept at Acousti”) or he knocks on the door, doesn’t get an answer, and climbs through the unlocked window (per his plan). He explains to LE later that he climbed through a window as part of his story. I don't know, maybe something like this?

I think he's probably talked his way out of a lot of things in the past with his criminal background, so I’m sure he worked up what he thought was a reasonable story for LE if he’s guilty.

This is a good theory! Nice work. :blowkiss: Somehow I am starting wonder if certain people are covering up for him. What if he told some BS line of a story to his "Friends" and they bought it. She came after me with a knife and I had to stop her and I nailed her up against a wall and she accidentally hit her head??? Maybe they helped him devise a plan?? Otherwise, why would his "Friends" be so dead set on nobody talking about this??? It does NOT make any sense whatsoever. Maybe they are his FAKE alibi's???? I don't think he would be getting away with this for this long with out having someone in choots with him. In this small of a town. I would LOVE to know the statements made to LE. I wonder if LE is having problems because someone did claim to be with him and his alibi and now LE has to disprove the alibi as well as Scott??? So, Cloud...anything is possible with your theory!!! What does everyone think about this???

If Scott loved Corrie and no one else I would like to know why he was posting on internet dating sites.

To be fair, I think the dating sites have a reality of being before Corrie. Except for the Yahoo 360 profile, this one had a date on it. And he still put the twisted steel and sex appeal on it - :yuck:

Lorin, Your the best :blowkiss: I will fill in a few things if thats okay? I will bold them :)

Corrie Wood was murdered in her home after celebrating her 29th birthday with friends at a bar a couple of days early. This happened in a small town and tensions seem to be running very high. The autopsy showed that Corrie was beaten to death. She was found in her bed by her bf, Scott at roughly 10 am the morning following the B day get together. Corrie did not ride home with her BF that night. A friend brought her home that friend's name (a female) has not been released. The crime scene was prematurely released by LE and the corners in Nebraska have no formal medical training. It is complaint in many other cases that have issues due to lack of experience in the cornors office. Not until the following day did the prelim autopsy show she was murdered. It is also alleged that Corrie and Scott were in a fight that evening at the bar, hence him telling her to get her stuff and to get out. Later, it was said that he would take his stuff and get out. Must have been serious if this holds water. After she leaves the bar, most of what is being written is us WS's taking small amounts of real info and trying to make a theory out of it.

At this time the only name that has been released in the case is her bf Scott who we have been discussing as a POI in this case. There are other names that some of us know as fact and are researching. But nothing formally announced to the public. Her ex-husband is not a POI and has been cleared as a POI. He currently has full custody of their daughter

Steve Huff outlined the case here He had to shut down comments as it was becoming very heated and unproductive)

Let me know if you have any additional questions

Edited to add at this time there have been no arrests, no recent media coverage and no statements from LE

There is a timeline one of us has. We can send this to you if you like. I could also draw something up more formal. We are hoping to get some more publicity on this case. I have spoken with a reporter out of Omaha and now have heard nothing. As well as many of us have been emailing locally and nationally. Honestly, if GVS was in this town I would almost cut off my small pinky toe to gurantee this would be cracked wide open!!! :)

One other thing. Scott is a known white supremicist, has been incarcerated a few times and has a record a mile long!
I know I said I would post more on Corrie's drastic change in appearance. I have confirmed with someone who was close with Corrie that this was not her normal look:

The first pic is the "new" look and the 2nd pic is the "old" - Also, my source did tell me when she did this but I would be lying if I said I remembered. I thought this person told me June but I will have to double check.

Now I have been doing some reading on this. It was only my general knowledge that sometimes abused women will go through drastic changes in appearance. My sister had been through this phase as well. But I am wonder if she had suffered some Post Traumatic Stress Disorder if he was harming her (though, we have people on here that say he was physically abusive which would not surprise most of us)

Check out this link:

I am posting from the behavior section. Yes, I know people change their hairstyles. But my source said she had never been this dark and it too struck my source as odd. Food for thought.


innappropriate laughing
excessive activity (cleaning, shopping, working, cooking)
foul language
change in appearance
make up
seeking company
increased sexual interest
taking high risks
compulsive washing
can't get going
preoccupation with body
increased sleep
legal drug use
lack of sexual interest
preoccupation with safety


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NSC thank you for posting those pics. Based out your comment earlier I was looking at her myspace pics and I also noticed a big difference in her appearance.

I thought that her usual look was very cutsie honestly the look reminds me of several pics I have of myself that is one of the reasons I connected to this case so quickly I think.

The new look is much more serious and mature in my opinion. Thank you for doing the research I would have never tuned in on the change if you had not pointed it out.
NSC thank you for posting those pics. Based out your comment earlier I was looking at her myspace pics and I also noticed a big difference in her appearance.

I thought that her usual look was very cutsie honestly the look reminds me of several pics I have of myself that is one of the reasons I connected to this case so quickly I think.

The new look is much more serious and mature in my opinion. Thank you for doing the research I would have never tuned in on the change if you had not pointed it out.

Thanks Lorin :blowkiss: I just can't get over the appearence and the song on myspace.
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