New Search Warrants Issued for Huckaby Home and Church 4-14-09

New Search Warrants Issued In Cantu Case 4-14-09

It sounds like Melissa is talking and (hopefully!) leading them to what they are looking for. I pray this is true, and I hope the evidence is still intact for LE to find. This needs to come to an end as soon as possible so Sandra's family won't have to endure a long, drawn-out process.
How does she intend to explain away the sexual molestation charges, I wonder?
How does she intend to explain away the sexual molestation charges, I wonder?

Maybe she won't. Maybe she will admit to the molestation and that's where the "accident" comes in. That she never set out to kill her. Just a thought.
this is just my opinion... but this woman seems to be letting us have a peek at her sociopathy just about now! Explaining away everything to try to make the story fit in a neat little box... just like the profiler said she would do!

And on the other side we have Grandma Connie saying we only have "tracy pd's side" of things (gggrrrooooaaannn... please stop the ride so I can get OFF!)
It sounds like Melissa is talking and (hopefully!) leading them to what they are looking for. I pray this is true, and I hope the evidence is still intact for LE to find. This needs to come to an end as soon as possible so Sandra's family won't have to endure a long, drawn-out process.

I'm praying for this to be true also! If so, what a difference from Casey Anthony with her hard as steel mindset. This Melissa seems frail and ready to fold.
If the leak is true and this child was murdered in the church... it is, at the LEAST kidnapping if we are to believe her little accident story.

This is a woman who doesn't want to go to jail and pay for what she has done. It is disgusting. (moo of course)
dang... I cannot remember which video it was I watched... .but they took out yellow legal size envelopes from the church (like papers or something)...

did you see this video?
I posted it above. It is interesting. Supposedly the MHP search was done again because she admitted to writing the 'note'
My question is, are the mailboxes located at some central location? Or, does each
home have its own mailbox? The zip codes would indicate that each home has its own box.
Also, would the video camera on Sandra's home have "caught" Melissa finding a note near her home?
Ah, the note. Well, who didn't know she wrote or made up that note?!

The accident leak is another twist, but not unexpected, imo. It goes along with the arrest and the charges against her. Many people were speculating about a confession and this sounds like a confession to me...except it was no accident and LE knows it.
Personally, I think she is the one who was slashing the tires on the family car/s.
Since she wrote it or made it She never "found" it anywhere.
I getcha, I'm a little slow sometimes. Still, it would be interesting to see if
she was captured on video at any time going by the house. Specifically,
walking by the house.
Especially BEFORE she kidnapped, raped, and murdered Sandra. I would want to see those videos dating back from the time the cam went up until we see Sandra for the last time. :(
What the SWs could have been for today:

1. Foreign Object

2. Surveillance equipment left by FBI before.

3. Writing instruments for the supposed note (paper, pens, pads, pencils, envelopes)

4. Something hidden which she gave up or hinted about during last night's contact with family.

Can you think of more?

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