OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #3

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unless he left his cell phone someplace else......

Yes but someone was carrying on a conversation with her on JC's phone via text. I think the last text that JC sent is more important to verify his location at that time. Because if it wasn't him that sent those texts then we have an accomplice.

Happy friday, everyone! Still on the fence here - though yesterday I played devil's advocate suggesting JC's innocence. So today, just for fun, I'm going to play on the other side of the fence.

What if JC is guilty? If he did kill Katelyn, there are two possible scenarios here. Either it was premeditated to some degree - and I'm taking anywhere from "I'll do it on the night of the carnival and build an alibi..." to entertaining a more general threat of "I'll never let her leave me," and perhaps daydreaming about where he'd hide a body if something ever happened. Or, it was a crime of passion where he snapped, panicked, and then hastily covered it up.

The crime of passion aspect is very intersting to me. I think in those scenarios, the perp either breaks down and confesses immediately, or they try their best to cover it up. I can't, however, see an otherwise "good" person (relatively speaking, of course) who just hit a little too hard or choked a little too long being able to just carry on in the face of such public scrutiny, police investigations, Nancy Grace's shrill questioning... not to mention the guilt they'd be feeling. It takes a special type of sociopath (ahem, Casey, Scott Peterson, Mark Hacking, etc etc etc etc) to just deflect all that and keep going. It would take a pretty strong character to be able to do that - and so far, I don't see Mr. Carter as having much strength of character at all. So in my mind (which changes often and is often wrong :) ) I'm down to two scenarios - either JC is guilty only of being a somewhat slow, stoned delivery guy, OR he is a premediated murderer. I just think if it were an accidental "snapped" sort of situation, someone like JC would have cracked by now.

Unless - this new silence is him cracking? See - I'm changing my mind already!

What does everyone think? Just assuming for a minute that he was involved in murder - could someone like JC really withstand the pressure if he really were just a good ol' boy who snapped?

I think they fought and he snapped. I think he disposed of her body either in a landfill or in a body of water. I am not so sure that he will crack. I believe he is more capable of holding himself together than we think.
To all:


I'm almost certain that Bill Cunningham stated the other day that he would be talking to Chief Dickey of the Fairfield police dept. again. (I recall that he said "in a couple of days")

Let's all try to tune in. He does ask good questions and he is always able to get someone from law enforcement on his show due to his being a practicing attorney in the past.

According to news reports, as of yesterday, LE is not going to be speaking to the public about the investigation, if this is true, I don't think there will be any comments from Chief Dickey, or any other LE personnel.
I think they fought and he snapped. I think he disposed of her body either in a landfill or in a body of water. I am not so sure that he will crack. I believe he is more capable of holding himself together than we think.

I been thinking about landfill all night. I not thinking the pert put her there just that were she ended up.
I think they fought and he snapped. I think he disposed of her body either in a landfill or in a body of water. I am not so sure that he will crack. I believe he is more capable of holding himself together than we think.

I can see both points on this. Of course we, as "normal" people, would think we could never harm a loved one without feeling horribly guilty and immediately confessing. But, when you're actually facing possibly going to jail for the rest of your life, or at least a significant portion of it, you might be surprised at how well you can hold it together.
To all:


I'm almost certain that Bill Cunningham stated the other day that he would be talking to Chief Dickey of the Fairfield police dept. again. (I recall that he said "in a couple of days")

Let's all try to tune in. He does ask good questions and he is always able to get someone from law enforcement on his show due to his being a practicing attorney in the past.

What time is his show on? I am still mad at 'ol Willie over the whole Ryan Widmer thing, but I might be willing to forgive him for one day.
And sadly I think even the dimmest of perps has the same gut reaction - first thing to do is hidd the body & pray your *advertiser censored** off that no one finds it! JMO

These days it seems the dimmest ones get away with the most; Casey Anthony, Misty Croslin, Celina Cass's killer....
I'm really quite astonished LE hasn't searched the landfill, given that there was a festival with lots of trash and presumably extra receptacles there.

It's extremely irritating that LE refuses to speak about the investigation. They really should be holding a press conference here and there to keep the community apprised.
Markham's fiance explains conflicting statements made to Nancy Grace

He said he had a voice stress analysis test shortly after Katelyn went missing, not a polygraph test. The voice stress analysis is a form of a lie detector test.

Carter said he now realizes the difference between a polygraph and a voice stress analysis. He says Nancy Grace didn't give him a chance to explain what kind of lie detector test he took.

Carter says he will no longer speak live on Grace's show, and will only speak to her producers. He feels her interviews stopped being focused on Katelyn and zeroed in on him.

Read more at link: http://www.fox19.com/story/15384565/markhams-fiancee-explains-statement-on-nancy-grace

There you go folk, another victim of the Nancy Grace show.
He told friends at KM's birthday party that he took a polygraph, before he was questioned by NG.

I find it hard to believe in 2011 that someone doesn't know what it looks like to take polygraph test. Dr. Phil does polygraph tests, and shows people hooked up with the wires and stuff. Maury Povich does it. All sorts of shows do polygraphs.

This sounds like back-peddling to me.
If he hasn't taken a polygraph...why not???
He told friends at KM's birthday party that he took a polygraph, before he was questioned by NG.

I find it hard to believe in 2011 that someone doesn't know what it looks like to take polygraph test. Dr. Phil does polygraph tests, and shows people hooked up with the wires and stuff. Maury Povich does it. All sorts of shows do polygraphs.

This sounds like back-peddling to me.

Right, because I envision a polygraph test to be when you are hooked up with wires. I have only had one and it was years ago. It was for a retail job and they only asked me if I ever stole and took drugs. I imagine since then they have changed but I have seen them on shows and they seem like they would be different than a voice stress analysis test. Is there anyone here in LE that might be able to explain?
He told friends at KM's birthday party that he took a polygraph, before he was questioned by NG.

I find it hard to believe in 2011 that someone doesn't know what it looks like to take polygraph test. Dr. Phil does polygraph tests, and shows people hooked up with the wires and stuff. Maury Povich does it. All sorts of shows do polygraphs.

This sounds like back-peddling to me.

I can see that he would not know the difference. I don't watch any of those shows, and while I have seen the "wire" type of polygraph in the past, I guess I might assume that the voice stress analysis was the newer technology but might still be called a "polygraph test".
If he hasn't taken a polygraph...why not???

In his defense, I would never take a polygraph, and I am an extremely law-abiding person. I don't trust them. However, I would also be up front about that, I would never say I had taken or was willing to take one.

But, he did say he was willing, and people are growing more suspicious of him by the day. If LE hasn't asked him (they won't say), why doesn't he go to them and offer to take one? It seems unlikely that they would turn him down, and if they did, he could at least honestly say that he offered and they refused.
I think JC's family needs to take up a collection and buy him a new shirt. Every time I see this dude, he has on the same blue and white checked shirt. They should have taken it into evidence!

On another note, I wonder if he had to produce the clothing he was wearing on the night of her disappearance. I'm just so upset that LE isn't saying jack squat that it's worrying me that they may not know what they're doing and haven't followed proper procedure. Did they even put up caution tape around the crime scene?

I guess it's all these crime shows I watch and how so many of these brilliant detectives solve so many difficult and puzzling cases. I'm praying that Katelyn's is one of those cases that gets solved.

I'm with you on that. I've wondered about the police from the beginning, I mean for almost 2 weeks all we heard was "they don't suspect foul play"

And it was like 3 days later before they even went into here apartment and "took some things away " for examination.

And as far as the tape goes, no, we drove by the Friday after and there was not tape, nothing to show you that anything had happed there.

I think the police would get more feed back if they gave SOME information.
I mean some may have seen something but doesn't make the connection because
the Police are giving no timeline, nothing.
I would not put it past Nancy Grace to have edited that interview and shown it multiple times and twisted things out of context her self. He was wearing the same shirt apparently... I doubt it is really live at all.

I wouldn't talk to that shark under any circumstances. Her MO is to first be all understanding and sympathetic to suck you in by believing everything then tear you apart like a hyena with every statment you make.
I can see both points on this. Of course we, as "normal" people, would think we could never harm a loved one without feeling horribly guilty and immediately confessing. But, when you're actually facing possibly going to jail for the rest of your life, or at least a significant portion of it, you might be surprised at how well you can hold it together.

I think that's an excellent point - and something I was failing to consider in my previous post. I think it's the sociopaths that pull it off to such a convincing degree - Scott Peterson, for instance, was still fully engaged as "concerned family man" until Amber Frey surfaced. Casey Anthony had everyone fooled for 31 days until Cindy showed up demanding to see little Caylee. I could go on and on and on...

I can certainly see how even a "normal" person's psyche would push into self-preservation mode, and that fear and need for self-protection would override any guilt. But for someone with any sort of conscience, that must be exhausting. So, maybe you go through the motions to the best of your ability, but those little cracks start to surface regardless? Maybe you start to disengage from the missing person's family a bit, because you have to be 100% "on" around them, and you know they're scrutinizing your every move. Maybe you show up for the searches to apepar concerned, but the idea of actually crawling through the woods in 100 degree heat is just too much - after all you're body isn't actually producing any "panicked" adreneline. Maybe you appear on a couple of sensationalistic "news" shows to play the role of concerned fiance - but people are actually paying attention are quick to point out when your stories don't add up.

Yes - I can definitely see that scenario as well. Ugh - back on the fence for me!
I can see that he would not know the difference. I don't watch any of those shows, and while I have seen the "wire" type of polygraph in the past, I guess I might assume that the voice stress analysis was the newer technology but might still be called a "polygraph test".

I don't know, would the police label it a "polygraph" test if it wasn't? Would you think it was a polygraph if they said, "are you willing to take a voice stress analysis?" I suppose they could have explained it, as in, it's like a polygraph, but I have trouble buying that.

I was using Dr. Phil and Maury as an example of how common-place polygraphs are on television. They are also seen on shows like Law & Order, CSI, maybe even Dexter, a show he admits watching, since Dexter works with LE and is frequently in a police station.
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