OR OR - Ethan Swiger, 22, disabled, still missing, Klamath Falls Gospel Mission, 16 Dec 2019

Hey everyone,

Bootsey1989 has now been verified as an insider in Ethan's case. As an insider, our VI does not have to provide links to what they state and it is up to members how much weight to assign to the information provided.

Please treat Bootsey with respect at all times. If you disagree with something they have to contribute, please do not challenge them or argue with them in any way.

Posts that were previously removed pending verification have been reinstated.

Thank you Bootsey1989 for being here for Ethan, and to all WSers who are here to help determine what has happened to Ethan.
Hey everyone,

Bootsey1989 has now been verified as an insider in Ethan's case. As an insider, our VI does not have to provide links to what they state and it is up to members how much weight to assign to the information provided.

Please treat Bootsey with respect at all times. If you disagree with something they have to contribute, please do not challenge them or argue with them in any way.

Posts that were previously removed pending verification have been reinstated.

Thank you Bootsey1989 for being here for Ethan, and to all WSers who are here to help determine what has happened to Ethan.

Thank you
I hadn't seen Ethan's thread before today. Caught my eye because I grew up in Klamath Falls. IIRC, there is a canal not far from where Ethan was last seen. I don't see any indication it was ever searched. Bootsey - do you know if it ever was?
Bootsey, do you know if Ethan ever actually made it back to the mission? That is, did he make it "home" and then leave, or did he never make it there Dec 16?

He was dropped off at the missing by his grandparents. They where the last people to see him. He had Marijuana on him so he couldn't go into the mission. He was waiting for someone inside to come out to him and that last we know anything. I talked to him 45 min earlier and he was try to get Me to pay for a ticket to get him to grants pass. He went missing the 15th not the 16th. He was reported January 2nd when he didn't call his dad for his disability money. So what ever happen to him happen between Dec 15 and January 2nd. But noone has seen or talked to him since December 15.
How often did you talk to him? Did you find it unusual that you hadn't heard from him since the 15th? (Just trying to figure out his normal behavior). (And if you'ere up to answering more questions, what's in Grants Pass? Did he normally have marijuana on him?)
How often did you talk to him? Did you find it unusual that you hadn't heard from him since the 15th? (Just trying to figure out his normal behavior). (And if you'ere up to answering more questions, what's in Grants Pass? Did he normally have marijuana on him?)

I talked to him sometimes he go 3 weeks with out talk to me all the way to 3 month. Most the time 3 weeks tho. Be he wanted to see his son. I found it odd that he didn't reconnect me after he said his phone died. I tried many time calling and text him keep going to vmail but gave up after Xmas. I'm in grants pass with his son and his dad and grandparents live here. He is originally from here. Yes he normally had Marijuana on him. But never took to mission. He told me he was going to get his stuff back from someone that stole his car. Which idk how he got a car. That's what he told me 2 days before he went missing. The night before he went missing he was tell me about Kelly and how they where a couple.. but later found out that she had a boyfriend.. You are more then welcome to ask questions.
Hi, Bootsey1989, I just found this thread. It was very brave of you to come to WS and give all the information you have on Ethan. Your son is very handsome!!! I admire you for being a good mom to him.
I really hope you get some answers soon. My heart goes out to you and your son and to Ethan's family as well. God Bless!!
Hi, Bootsey1989, I just found this thread. It was very brave of you to come to WS and give all the information you have on Ethan. Your son is very handsome!!! I admire you for being a good mom to him.
I really hope you get some answers soon. My heart goes out to you and your son and to Ethan's family as well. God Bless!!

Thank you.

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