SIDEBAR #19- Arias/Alexander forum

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I'm watching 9/11 Emergency Room on TLC. I've never seen this program before; it is about treating the injured on September 11.

Hard to watch, but fascinating as well, bringing back so many memories of that day. I remember having the TV as soon as my sister called me and told me what had happened. The news coverage after the towers collapsed mentioned medical personnel being prepared for an onslaught of injured, but the expected numbers did not materialize.

This program brings to light just how many people were injured and were seeking help even before the towers collapsed. A triage area was set up in the shadows of the towers and was obliterated when the south tower fell. Some of the injuries were horrific; one woman was almost cut in two by landing gear that fell on her and almost sliced her in half. Many people had serious burns from the jet fuel.

My next door neighbor was in the Coast Guard at the time and helped to evacuate people from lower Manhattan. He said that it was a terrifying day where everything was sheer pandemonium. So many people rose above and beyond the call of duty that day and for many, many long days afterwards.
She tweeted after that motion was filed. Her tweets seem to come in flurries, with no rhyme or reason behind them. Just when it seems that she may have stopped, she tweets again.

She's got to be a DT's worst nightmare.

Hi gcharlie :seeya:. I'm expecting more tweets from her before the next hearing date. I'm sure her DT has had many "talks" with her about courting the media (social and otherwise), but she continues to ignore them.

I'll never feel sorry for Nurmi and Willmott though. They knew the kind of case this was when they got onboard. And it wouldn't take a genious to see what they were up against right from the beginning. They should just finish it now and stop trying to do the impossible. Get her behind bars at the big house and let her appeals begin. She'll never get out.
Josie, how is that ankle doing? And what lovely color is it now?

Bruising is nearly gone,my actual foot where it's broken (the top,the bit that faces the ceiling) isn't sore but the back of my ankle is sore now kinda like a pulled muscle feeling. Just want to get back to normal now,never thought I'd say it but I miss grocery shopping

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
I'm watching 9/11 Emergency Room on TLC. I've never seen this program before; it is about treating the injured on September 11.

Hard to watch, but fascinating as well, bringing back so many memories of that day. I remember having the TV as soon as my sister called me and told me what had happened. The news coverage after the towers collapsed mentioned medical personnel being prepared for an onslaught of injured, but the expected numbers did not materialize.

This program brings to light just how many people were injured and were seeking help even before the towers collapsed. A triage area was set up in the shadows of the towers and was obliterated when the south tower fell. Some of the injuries were horrific; one woman was almost cut in two by landing gear that fell on her and almost sliced her in half. Many people had serious burns from the jet fuel.

My next door neighbor was in the Coast Guard at the time and helped to evacuate people from lower Manhattan. He said that it was a terrifying day where everything was sheer pandemonium. So many people rose above and beyond the call of duty that day and for many, many long days afterwards.

It's still hard for me to even talk about. Took me a very long time for the sound of planes flying over to fade back into the background like a ticking clock. .... If one is low or loud, I still feel panic.
Bruising is nearly gone,my actual foot where it's broken (the top,the bit that faces the ceiling) isn't sore but the back of my ankle is sore now kinda like a pulled muscle feeling. Just want to get back to normal now,never thought I'd say it but I miss grocery shopping

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus

Hi Josie, glad to hear you are doing better. The feet or legs are hardest to lose. Impossible to do anything or go anywhere. I hope you have help with the children, thats a handful especially at their ages. Take care.:grouphug: :seeya:
It's still hard for me to even talk about. Took me a very long time for the sound of planes flying over to fade back into the background like a ticking clock. .... If one is low or loud, I still feel panic.

Linda me too. We are about 9~10 miles from Cleveland International , sometimes they are loud or "weird" (like AirForce One) and it sort of throws me.When it happened the silence of NO planes was deafening. They come in low over our backyard.. :seeya:
Linda me too. We are about 9~10 miles from Cleveland International , sometimes they are loud or "weird" (like AirForce One) and it sort of throws me.When it happened the silence of NO planes was deafening. They come in low over our backyard.. :seeya:

It really was very eerie not hearing planes in the sky that day. Friends of mine were air born from here to Seattle and had to return. A day none of us will ever forget.
There's no really good reason, but somehow, I am feeling very angry right now. Angry, towards psycho killer Ja and what she did to Travis.

How is it, that someone like her could have gotten by all those years, without someone picking up on her problems and interceding?

How is it, that she was able to commit the heinous, horrendous, crime against Travis, who was so obviously light years ahead of her in absolutely every aspect of life?

That Monster was obviously obsessed, envious, coveted, what Travis was, what he had, and what was in his future. A future that she finally learned that she would never, ever share. The 7 Deadly Sins? Well, there ya go.

For some reason, she wanted everything that Travis had and was, and she finally learned that she would never, ever be able to live up to that, be worthy of that. She could never, would never, be worthy.

That is what was her breaking point.


Oh, what a bummer, that reality. What an absolute bummer. Especially for a narcissistic BPD as that murdering subhuman piece of #%@& JA.

God, I would seriously love to get my hands on that thing. She, imo, doesn't even deserve to be able to live her life out in prison. It's too good for her.

Ok, thanks for letting me vent. :sigh:
There's no really good reason, but somehow, I am feeling very angry right now. Angry, towards psycho killer Ja and what she did to Travis.

How is it, that someone like her could have gotten by all those years, without someone picking up on her problems and interceding?

How is it, that she was able to commit the heinous, horrendous, crime against Travis, who was so obviously light years ahead of her in absolutely every aspect of life?

That Monster was obviously obsessed, envious, coveted, what Travis was, what he had, and what was in his future. A future that she finally learned that she would never, ever share. The 7 Deadly Sins? Well, there ya go.

For some reason, she wanted everything that Travis had and was, and she finally learned that she would never, ever be able to live up to that, be worthy of that. She could never, would never, be worthy.

That is what was her breaking point.


Oh, what a bummer, that reality. What an absolute bummer. Especially for a narcissistic BPD as that murdering subhuman piece of #%@& JA.

God, I would seriously love to get my hands on that thing. She, imo, doesn't even deserve to be able to live her life out in prison. It's too good for her.

Ok, thanks for letting me vent. :sigh:

neesaki, I know how you feel. I would like to get her and throttle the living ch*t out of her. She is a sadist.I honestly think she is proud of what she did to him. She definately deserves the DP..but I will settle for LWOP.. They cannot let her out on the streets again ever. I do believe people knew she was dangerous and capable of anything!. They were afraid of her, scared crapless!!! you know "Oh dont say anything she'll get upset dont rock the boat".. Well know they can all live with what she 's done. It is such a shame that a decent man had to pay for their fears. Why so much smiling and LOL. in court? We both know why!! :stormingmad:
She's never went this long without tweeting. My hopes are up. :D
It's still hard for me to even talk about. Took me a very long time for the sound of planes flying over to fade back into the background like a ticking clock. .... If one is low or loud, I still feel panic.

I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be to live with that,our house is right in the flight path to and from the airport (we're quite close to the airport) and it is very loud and I panic every time a plane flies over which is like every 15/20 mins.

I remember one day I literally thought a plane was coming down right into my house I had never heard anything like this before, my house was shaking and everything. Turned out it was a fighter jet flying low on a training mission. We aren't far from the army base either.

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
She's never went this long without tweeting. My hopes are up. :D

It's possible defense found out who she was tweeting through and convinced them to stop. That it just would not benefit her in the penalty stage. jmo
She's never went this long without tweeting. My hopes are up. :D

There was a long stretch from May 29th to June 22, IIRC.

AZ Family tweeted that her account was closed on May 8th:

AZ FamilyVerified account ‏@azfamily
#JodiArias' Twitter account (formerly @JodiAnnArias) has now been deleted.
6:44 PM - 8 May 13

It was reopened a few days later. I think perhaps Donavan Bering was getting into some hot water over her contact with CMJA and this downtime may have been when CMJA was trying to find another person to tweet on her behalf?

Youtube shows some of her tweets before they were deleted. The description of the video also gives some good information

It's possible defense found out who she was tweeting through and convinced them to stop. That it just would not benefit her in the penalty stage. jmo

Agreed. Don't know if Donovan is still on probation, but, if so, it could be pushed and Donovan receive a probation violation for contact with a convicted felon. I think that would stop me in my tracks. All fine and dandy to be friendly to someone you met in jail, but if it means going back to jail, no way. (I have never been in jail, knock on wood. Just sayin'.)
Sunday night football!!!

This my 1300th post!! Just call me Gabby!!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!! I was super lazy.
RE: tonight's blog talk, there is a rumor Bobby Juarez is writing a book and I would LOVE to read that. Apparently, he had his own Jodi ordeal, as well.
RE: tonight's blog talk, there is a rumor Bobby Juarez is writing a book and I would LOVE to read that. Apparently, he had his own Jodi ordeal, as well.

I've heard that rumor as well, along with him supposedly hating her. I am very interested to know of his experiences with her and any other insight he might have to offer. Who knows, maybe he even has the skinny on Matt MacCartney's role in all of this. They were buds at one time.
Wow, the show is so good tonight. Love love love hearing from Sky Hughes. It is making the picture even clearer to me.
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