State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-13-12

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I am confused to why the defense did not bring in CY's pjs or allude to them in the first trial.

They had to know her PJ's showed signs of her sitting her on the bathroom floor and that is how she possibly made the marks on the wall.

This is strange, because it completely takes out the personal part of Jason being the one to clean up CY!!

It means she could have or was trying to clean her feet by standing on her step stool.

Also, today we learned there were more of CY's prints on the carpet than originally known.

I would think this would be something the defense will make a big thing about, and, are happier tonite than last week.

All along all we heard was who else but Jason would clean CY?

Well, maybe no one !!

Am interested in Otto's input as well, they were all over this as a possibility.


I want to go on record as saying I don't not believe there is any way in this whole wide world that child cleaned her own feet, especially given the amount of blood that was originally on her considering the tracks. A person who still wears a diaper can't clean anything thoroughly. Most of them can't even put their own shoes on.

I almost have to believe that people who think her capable of that don't have a lot of experience with 2 year olds. That's JMO, I might be wrong of course.
This is such an elemental question I'm ashamed to ask because I should Jason right or left handed?
cammy, perhaps you should send an e-mail to the defense.
According to their opening, they were under the impression CY was totally least that is what Klink said in his opening.
I want to go on record as saying I don't not believe there is any way in this whole wide world that child cleaned her own feet, especially given the amount of blood that was originally on her considering the tracks. A person who still wears a diaper can't clean anything thoroughly. Most of them can't even put their own shoes on.

I almost have to believe that people who think her capable of that don't have a lot of experience with 2 year olds. That's JMO, I might be wrong of course.

I don't know.
We can clearly see her footprints on the stool attempting to do so.
Wasn't it testifed that she took her own diaper off when she woke up in the am?
That she only wore one when she went to sleep?

To me, this could screw up the state's timeline as well, if CY did this in the am.

As, far as socks, SS testified that she had trouble putting socks on herself.

Guess what? CY had no socks on when found.

Wouldn't Jason put socks on her?, the house was cold.

The only way she would not have socks on is cause she could not do that herself.

And, the shoes in her bed?
Was she attempting to put shoes on without socks, and that is why she had a flip flop sandal as well?

Something is weird about this.

If they take away the theory that only her Dad would clean her up, and they can prove she did it herself, this is going to be a big thing to overcome.

Maybe the Pros was playing on defense today, bringing this in before they do.

JMO, of course.
Right handed (watched him write notes in court)

Thank you. I just reread the autopsy and noticed that most of her injuries were on the left side of her head, face, and body. Probably no significance, I didn't notice it last year when I read the report the first time.
Thank you. I just reread the autopsy and noticed that most of her injuries were on the left side of her head, face, and body. Probably no significance, I didn't notice it last year when I read the report the first time.

Was the hand print on the wall his left hand?
I don't know.
We can clearly see her footprints on the stool attempting to do so.
Wasn't it testifed that she took her own diaper off when she woke up in the am?
That she only wore one when she went to sleep?

To me, this could screw up the state's timeline as well, if CY did this in the am.

As, far as socks, SS testified that she had trouble putting socks on herself.

Guess what? CY had no socks on when found.

Wouldn't Jason put socks on her?, the house was cold.

JMO, of course.

The house was cold because JLY didn't fix the heat pump. I doubt he'd worry about socks for the child. After all, he left his pregnant wife and toddler alone in a cold house with a broken garage door. :seeya:
There is no way CY would have laid in bloody clothes from 3 am until she was found, they would have been wet and she would have been cold.

And, there would have been some bloody impressions of her clothes on the bed in either the master bedroom or her own room.

No, I think she did not try to clean herself up until closer to the am, and then went in the master bedroom and into the bed.

She still was unable to get her toes perfectly clean though, and asked MF for help.

"Will you get the washcloth into............."
Was the hand print on the wall his left hand?

I can't remember. JTF will know if it has ever been determined. Maybe he's still around and can answer. Would be interesting to know.
I am confused to why the defense did not bring in CY's pjs or allude to them in the first trial.

We never heard there was blood on them before.!

They had to know her PJ's showed signs of her sitting her on the bathroom floor and that is how she possibly made the marks on the wall.

This is strange, because it completely takes out the personal part of Jason being the one to clean up CY!!

It means she could have or was trying to clean her feet by standing on her step stool.

Also, today we learned there were more of CY's prints on the carpet than originally known.

I would think this would be something the defense will make a big thing about, and, are feeling a little better tonite than last week.

All along all we heard was who else but Jason would clean CY?

Well, maybe no one !!

Am interested in Otto's input as well, they were all over this as a possibility.

Good job, Otto!!


I am always amazed at how 2 people can look at and hear the exact same thing and come away with totally different views on what they just saw and heard.

I have exactly the opposite reaction as you to what you have described in your post above.

I can see absolutely no reason why the DT would benefit from Cassidy having blood on her clothing or anything else divulged today. To me, it is crystal clear why they would not bring it up at all. It does nothing to their side whatsoever, IMO.

I am equally as shocked as you are that it did not come out in the first trial but for opposite reasons. I am stunned the prosecution did not introduce it as evidence.

If he injured his left big toe with the weapon (baseball bat?). I can understand why he was propping against the wall with his left hand. I missed that in the first trial. JMO
The house was cold because JLY didn't fix the heat pump. I doubt he'd worry about socks for the child. After all, he left his pregnant wife and toddler alone in a cold house with a broken garage door. :seeya:

It was 77 degrees the day before in Raleigh.....and just the beginning of November.

I am sure these things were all on their to do list.....they would get around to them.

Jason's friend testified about a home warranty plan that they both were looking into.
Thank you. I just reread the autopsy and noticed that most of her injuries were on the left side of her head, face, and body. Probably no significance, I didn't notice it last year when I read the report the first time.

Her head was facing toward the closet (left).
I can see how the wounds were on the left side of the skull, around to the back
I am always amazed at how 2 people can look at and hear the exact same thing and come away with totally different views on what they just saw and heard.

I have exactly the opposite reaction as you to what you have described in your post above.

I can see absolutely no reason why the DT would benefit from Cassidy having blood on her clothing or anything else divulged today. To me, it is crystal clear why they would not bring it up at all. It does nothing to their side whatsoever, IMO.

I am equally as shocked as you are that it did not come out in the first trial but for opposite reasons. I am stunned the prosecution did not introduce it as evidence.


I see it as a major plus for the defense, but will wait to see if they go anywhere with it.

If they can eliminate the personal factor, the Daddy factor that only Jason would clean his daughter up, then, wow..

I don't know.
We can clearly see her footprints on the stool attempting to do so.
Wasn't it testifed that she took her own diaper off when she woke up in the am?
That she only wore one when she went to sleep?

To me, this could screw up the state's timeline as well, if CY did this in the am.

As, far as socks, SS testified that she had trouble putting socks on herself.

Guess what? CY had no socks on when found.

Wouldn't Jason put socks on her?, the house was cold.

The only way she would not have socks on is cause she could not do that herself.

And, the shoes in her bed?
Was she attempting to put shoes on without socks, and that is why she had a flip flop sandal as well?

Something is weird about this.

If they take away the theory that only her Dad would clean her up, and they can prove she did it herself, this is going to be a big thing to overcome.

Maybe the Pros was playing on defense today, bringing this in before they do.

JMO, of course.


The only thing the footprints on the stool indicate to me is that Cassidy was standing on the stool at some point in time or another.

In my mind, I can not remember one time that my toddlers stood on a stool to clean their feet. (raised 3 kids and have a 4 yr old granddaughter now so have been around toddlers a fair amount in my day)

To brush their teeth, wash their hands, or look in mirror or to reach the light switch, etc, but to clean their feet? Nope. That doesn't even seem logical to me.

Cassidy was shut in that bathroom for a period of time and it had to have been whenever the perpetrator was in the house. IMO, it is unlikely she was able to turn the door knob to open the door and was there until such time as someone let her out. During that time, she walked around the bathroom in her bloody socks (one was on the floor), there appeared to me to be both barefoot prints and stocking prints so she at some point in time had socks on and sock(s) off. She stood on the stool for something, she sat on the floor and rubbed her feet around on the wall, and just in generally stayed in there doing miscellaneous activity waiting to be let out of the bathroom.

I think she was put in there by whomever murdered Michelle to keep her out of the way for a bit until they finished doing whatever cleaning of themself, changing clothes, etc, that they needed to do then they brought her out of the bathroom and got her situated (back to bed by whatever means they used) then left.

I don't know.
We can clearly see her footprints on the stool attempting to do so.Wasn't it testifed that she took her own diaper off when she woke up in the am?
That she only wore one when she went to sleep?

To me, this could screw up the state's timeline as well, if CY did this in the am.

As, far as socks, SS testified that she had trouble putting socks on herself.

Guess what? CY had no socks on when found.

Wouldn't Jason put socks on her?, the house was cold.

The only way she would not have socks on is cause she could not do that herself.

And, the shoes in her bed?
Was she attempting to put shoes on without socks, and that is why she had a flip flop sandal as well?

Something is weird about this.

If they take away the theory that only her Dad would clean her up, and they can prove she did it herself, this is going to be a big thing to overcome.

Maybe the Pros was playing on defense today, bringing this in before they do.

JMO, of course.


First of all, a 2 year old standing on a step stool in the bathroom in no way implies that she was trying to clean her feet. Any more than it implies she was trying to brush her teeth or put on some eyeliner. That is a huge assumption you've made. All that means is... she stood on her step stool when she was in the bathroom by herself for some time.

As far as the sock go - 2 year olds can take all sorts of stuff off. Its far far easier than putting things on, far fewer motor skills and coordination.

The motor skills and amount of coordination and thoroughness for that little person to get in the nooks and crannies between her toes, to be able to get round the edges of a foot (you have to look at each foot from 3 angles to be sure it's totally clean) would be miraculous.

And if she did by some stretch of the imagination manage to get her feet clean - she did even the parts that are hard to see - heels. And she left what she could see...nail the course of being so thorough? Nuh uh.
I see it as a major plus for the defense, but will wait to see if they go anywhere with it.

If they can eliminate the personal factor, the Daddy factor that only Jason would clean his daughter up, then, wow..



In my mind, JY has a lot more than just did he or did he not clean up his daughter before he left the house to deal with before he is in the clear on these charges of murder.

That is only one small piece of the puzzle and not a major one in my mind.

There are many, many pieces of this puzzle that form the finger that is pointed straight at him and even if that one aspect is removed (did he clean Cassidy up or not) doesn't even create a blip to me at all.


The only thing the footprints on the stool indicate to me is that Cassidy was standing on the stool at some point in time or another.

In my mind, I can not remember one time that my toddlers stood on a stool to clean their feet. (raised 3 kids and have a 4 yr old granddaughter now so have been around toddlers a fair amount in my day)

To brush their teeth, wash their hands, or look in mirror or to reach the light switch, etc, but to clean their feet? Nope. That doesn't even seem logical to me.

Cassidy was shut in that bathroom for a period of time and it had to have been whenever the perpetrator was in the house. IMO, it is unlikely she was able to turn the door knob to open the door and was there until such time as someone let her out. During that time, she walked around the bathroom in her bloody socks (one was on the floor), there appeared to me to be both barefoot prints and stocking prints so she at some point in time had socks on and sock(s) off. She stood on the stool for something, she sat on the floor and rubbed her feet around on the wall, and just in generally stayed in there doing miscellaneous activity waiting to be let out of the bathroom.

I think she was put in there by whomever murdered Michelle to keep her out of the way for a bit until they finished doing whatever cleaning of themself, changing clothes, etc, that they needed to do then they brought her out of the bathroom and got her situated (back to bed by whatever means they used) then left.


In order for CY to get water to do anything, she needed to stand on the stool to reach the sink.

Now, that we know there was blood on her pj's that appeared she was sitting on the floor and putting marks on the wall, it all makes perfect sense.............

I could never figure out how her Pj's were not bloodied, today we learned they were.

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