State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-13-12

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Ok, so CY had blood on the bottom of her pj's and on the seat part also. She had walked in the blood, layed on the bathroom floor in the blood she'd dragged in on her feet, put her feet on the wall, and made prints. IMHO, I doubt CY even knew what that was on her feet. Or the significance of it, anyway. We are horrified, an innocent 2 yo, is curious.

By the time MF came, CY had removed her socks. There were more little footprints on the carpeting than LE originally thought, which indicates to me her feet kind of cleaned up themselves by walking on the carpeting. But remember, MF said she had blood between her toes. So it doesn't appear her feet were washed at all.

As far as I can see, about the only thing JY did, IF he did it, he gave her medicine and turned on the music in her room. Of course, now JY would say sure he knew the music didn't work for CY anymore like MY told MF, but my bet is he didn't know MY didn't use that anymore. Heck, he seemed to come unglued when CY messed her pants.


I could be wrong but I do not think MF said there was blood between the toes. I thought she said there was only some dried blood in the toenail beds. I think she compared it to taking nail polish off your toes and then having some left deep in the beds of the toenails. I do think someone cleaned Cassidy's feet and disposed of wipes or wash cloth or whatever was used to clean them. I also think that person was JY
I too think JLY used a wet wash cloth and wiped her feet and hands clean.
The PJ's likely were changed, as she would have smeared blood all over the shirt and pants trying to get it off her hands (at the very least)

I'm still thinking the blood described today on the leg and butt was a very small trace amount. She could have picked up a small amount when she got in her parent's bed and a small amount of mostly dried blood was transferred from her mom's side.

I sure wish he held the pants up for the jury to see. The testimony left too many unanswered questions.
The whole idea about the child being carried came from the false belief that there were no footprints on the carpet between the bedroom and the bathroom. We now know that wasn't true. There are footprints. Without the footprints, the theory was that someone carried the child to the bathroom. We can now exclude the theory that the child was carried to the bathroom. She walked to the bathroom on her own. There is only one set of prints in the bathroom, so we know that no one else was in the bathroom with her. There doesn't seem to be any evidence supporting the idea that someone washed her feet, drugged her or carried her. It's not easy to shake off all the rumor and look at the case with fresh eyes, but it's well worth it.
The whole idea about the child being carried came from the false belief that there were no footprints on the carpet between the bedroom and the bathroom. We now know that wasn't true. There are footprints. Without the footprints, the theory was that someone carried the child to the bathroom. We can now exclude the theory that the child was carried to the bathroom. She walked to the bathroom on her own. There is only one set of prints in the bathroom, so we know that no one else was in the bathroom with her. There doesn't seem to be any evidence supporting the idea that someone washed her feet, drugged her or carried her. It's not easy to shake off all the rumor and look at the case with fresh eyes, but it's well worth it.

Who said there were no prints in the hall?
The 7/2007 SW clearly stated there were.

There were many child prints in blood by her mom and the closet
There are no child prints walking across and out of the bedroom.

Yep, she was carried out of the room and set on the hall floor, then led into the bath and the door was closed.
Yes, the evidence suggests this happened.
The only rumors I've seen are the ones posted on message boards, based on beliefs and assumptions and must-haves and should-haves and misinterpretations and sometimes spin. When in doubt... legal docs and testimony trump all.
The whole idea about the child being carried came from the false belief that there were no footprints on the carpet between the bedroom and the bathroom. We now know that wasn't true. There are footprints. Without the footprints, the theory was that someone carried the child to the bathroom. We can now exclude the theory that the child was carried to the bathroom. She walked to the bathroom on her own. There is only one set of prints in the bathroom, so we know that no one else was in the bathroom with her. There doesn't seem to be any evidence supporting the idea that someone washed her feet, drugged her or carried her. It's not easy to shake off all the rumor and look at the case with fresh eyes, but it's well worth it.

Only have a sec.
I was hoping you would weigh in on this.

You are not kidding, once you get past the rumors, and hear real testimony, it's completely different.

The same thing happened in the first trial as well about other things.

But, nothing like today, nothing like this!

Jason was supposed to have changed and cleaned up CY, yet left her in the same pj's with blood on them?
Shelly Schaad identified the little pj's and choked up.

This changes everything, imo.
Not positive, but I know he stayed there with the victim until they arrived, and he held his hand.

I don't know how you can KNOW that, this storyline came from a known habitual liar !
Thanks ... I don't think anyone cleaned the child. I think she was awake and very busy, like a 2 year old, for hours before Meredith arrived. It's quite possible that she jumped under the covers when she first heard Meredith in the house. I think this is where the prosecution overcomplicated the case, but they needed to tie Jason to the scene and explain the child being well and in good spirits ... what better way than to say that he drugged his daughter, cleaned her up and tucked her into bed.

If we eliminate the drugging and cleaning, it shortens the timeline in terms of things that Jason supposedly did in 65 minutes, but it also loosens the connection between Jason and the crime scene. It seems like the prosecution was really desperate to tie him to the scene and tried to do it through his daughter by omitting blood evidence.

I wish the prosecution would make this point more clear because I feel like it is a subtle thing at the same time it is not... IMO of course but what I feel is similar to Casey Anthony burying Caylee where her family buried all their pets... to me that face tied her to the crime scene like some sort of unconscious behavior...

For that same reason is why I feel that the missing jewelry box ties him to the crime scene. A family friend made that jewelry box and JY step father Gerald worked for the man that made that jewelry box in Brevard. Jason wanted to take that jewelry box IMO not so much necessarily the contents. I am speculating but it is just another hinky to me.

A close friend of MY stated that there are other things too but the prosecution are not bringing up... this is her quote "fwiw my friends & I know that he did this....there are some things that I don't understand why they haven't been discussed at trial...."
Also stated from someone close to MY "one thing that couldnt be introduced is there was a partial print of Jason's at the hotel that could link him to the camera being moved up & rock in wasnt enough of a print, not enough points to confirm him w/o a doubt though"

JY gets a lot of lucky breaks... an evil man that I got tangled up with once and it was awful had the same type of luck... weird how that is.
Surgery for a bruised nail:waitasec:

My girlfriend's teenage daughter drooped a heavy table on her big toe. * you know the ones where the legs fold under they are 6-8 feet long maybe 3 ft wide...

Anyway! she brought her into the office and the girl was SCREAMING the blood under the nail had deformed it.
The "old school" doc I worked for heated a PAPER CLIP with a bic lighter, wiped it down with an alcohol swab and stuck it right thru the middle of the nail!
I'll spare you the gory details...
BUT She IMMEDIATELY stopped crying!
She said the pain had been unbearable!

I'm ok with him suffering tho :D
in fact someone could do that to him everyday once he is found guilty!
I want to go on record as saying I don't not believe there is any way in this whole wide world that child cleaned her own feet, especially given the amount of blood that was originally on her considering the tracks. A person who still wears a diaper can't clean anything thoroughly. Most of them can't even put their own shoes on.

I almost have to believe that people who think her capable of that don't have a lot of experience with 2 year olds. That's JMO, I might be wrong of course.

And she sure couldn't do it while standing on a step stool. LOL !
I want to go on record as saying I don't not believe there is any way in this whole wide world that child cleaned her own feet, especially given the amount of blood that was originally on her considering the tracks. A person who still wears a diaper can't clean anything thoroughly. Most of them can't even put their own shoes on.

I almost have to believe that people who think her capable of that don't have a lot of experience with 2 year olds. That's JMO, I might be wrong of course.

It may have been stated by someone already,but this makes total sense to me.
The toddler was covered in blood at some point after the attack on MY... "someone" -not a random killer semi cleaned the blood off of her feet at least WITH A WASH CLOTH! It was still fresh in her memory the next day so she asked the aunt to get a wash cloth for mommy.
In my experience at least toddlers usually only ask for "band aids" for boo boos NOT wash cloths!!!:waitasec:
It also makes me fell more certain JY cleaned up before he left the home. (CY may have woken up during this time) heard the shower running and started walking around. JY may have had to stay long enough to get her back to sleep before leaving. upon awakening and walking around looking for daddy again in the am her feet got bloody again so she attempted to do what daddy did the night before... clean her feet! IDK... Toddlers at that age are well known for "parroting" the parents behavior.
It also explains why no evidence was found in his vehicle.

Did CY have a toxicology screen done? If not she should have! I can envision him giving her a large dose of benedryl or the like to hasten her sleep to ensure she stayed asleep for awhile.
So, do I understand you to be saying that your theory is that Cassidy got on the stool to get water to clean her feet?

What did she put water in? How does a 2 yr old even know to do this? How did she then manage to get her feet into the water while all the time not getting her self soaked with the water she cleaning her feet with? How did she keep any of the water from splashing on the floor and thereby smearing all those bloody footprints into just a mess of blood smears all over the floor?

I don't even see how any of that is possible.

Cassidy did not clean her own feet. Impossible for this to be accomplished by a 2 yr old.

It is too bad you have to break it down and repeat these things over and over, logic should play into some of the comments we read on these boards.
It is more important, imo, that the killer kept the bloody mess confined to the master bedroom and hallway/bath than whether or not the daughter was cleaned up and by whom. I've never heard of a random killer doing such a great job housekeeping in my life. LOL !
Shelly Schaad said 'it was so cold in the house she kept her coat on the entire time.

And I didn't hear 'they were both looking into it'. I heard Jason was supposed to do something about it. Somehow Michelle doesn't look like the type of person who would think committing a fraud upon a warranty would be her style. Because that's what it would be, obtaining a home warranty *after* something was already broken. Perhaps that's what he was waiting for to fix the garage door too?
Michelle was dressed as if it was very cold in that house, and wasn't a point made (first trial) about Michelles' TOD hard to determine because the temp in house so cold ?

If only common sense were more common. sigh...
TOD estimates are always a range. The faster the M.E. can get to a victim's body, the better the estimate. In this case the range is 6 hours. In the Cooper case the range was somewhere around 8 hours. Unless someone is with a victim at the moment they pass, the exact TOD can't be known.

Some suggestive clues in this case are all the lights being on in the house as seen around 3:30am, along with a light colored mid size SUV at the house.
It's hard to 'eliminate the drugging' when you have a dropper, containing the meds, with the child's DNA on the dropper end, sitting right there on her shelf, next to the meds.

Good LQQKIN Out gracielee ! Ya gotta watch these boards like a hawk I tell ya!
It's like some weird version of whack-a-mole. You get one factual misrepresentation out of the way and 2 more pop up.
The whole idea about the child being carried came from the false belief that there were no footprints on the carpet between the bedroom and the bathroom. We now know that wasn't true. There are footprints. Without the footprints, the theory was that someone carried the child to the bathroom. We can now exclude the theory that the child was carried to the bathroom. She walked to the bathroom on her own. There is only one set of prints in the bathroom, so we know that no one else was in the bathroom with her. There doesn't seem to be any evidence supporting the idea that someone washed her feet, drugged her or carried her. It's not easy to shake off all the rumor and look at the case with fresh eyes, but it's well worth it.
The bold/red portion of this post I totally agree with and this supports the belief that she was locked in the bathroom for a period of time. What random killer would do this ? After the brutal overkill in the master bedroom, this person would have knocked that child who knows where if he came upon her during or after the murder. The beating Michelle took has RAGE written all over it. Someone in that frame of mind doesn't just cool off and take care of a child, UNLESS that child is HIS !
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