State vs Jason Lynn Young 6-15-11

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Special Agent Morrow just gave a fantastic description of how she made a shoe impression standard. Great job, Special Agent! She seems to be in her groove now; no longer seems nervous. Very, very thorough lady. I'm glad to have someone like her in the crime lab. :great:

Edit to say that I can see how this shoe sole didn't come up with the FBI latent imprint specialist was searching for "hearts" in the coded descriptions of the shoes.
She certainly is precise and detailed in both her investigation and testimony.
She needs some water. Her mouth is dry.

MBA guy from that other trial drank all the water and chewed all the ice in the entire courthouse so now they're out! ;-)
So JLY popped into a Dollar General to pick up footwear. :)
He said all those called today were for this one case. And that the judge swore them, all the jurors, in, and then dismissed them. I don't recall it ever happening in that order, actually being sworn in and then dismissed. Hubby wasn't looked at for any other case, just what ever this particular criminal case was. But he was actually sworn in, hand on the bible and all, before being dismissed. Just seemed very strange and secretive. We were hoping there hadn't been anything in the Teghan Kliba/Jonathan Richardson case, he didn't want to be on that one.

I have seen it where the jury was sworn in and then a 'deal' was made. The jury was then thanked and dismissed.

I was actually chosen for a jury where they question you. But I was dismissed from the jury box, not by the def or pros, but the judge! :eek: Seems there was only LE witnesses who would be called. One of the forensic experts on the list was most likely from my daughter's lab. I don't even know, it could have been her though! ;) We don't talk about her cases. It's a no-no! :( darn!

That was a fast-paced, action packed afternoon of testimony.

Last WRAL camera pan showed what I would call distress on the defense teams' faces (at least the face of the guy who always sits to JLY's left.) They had to know this was coming, though. Maybe it's why they aren't objecting much overall in the trial.
A bit 'off topic', but did anyone local see Jenna Nielsen's father on the news last night? Jenna Nielsen is the 8 1/2 months pregnant news carrier that was stabbed to death June 14, 2007 around Lake Wheeler Rd. Another of the young, married mothers killed in this same time frame of MY, NC, JA, etc. I watched him on the news last night, and the way he spoke, it appeared to me anyway, that he *thought* he knew who did the crime. Didn't hear anything about her husband or other children. Simply the way her dad worded his remarks, something on the order of "I wanted to go after him myself, but my wife explained to me we had to let the system take care of it...etc." Words to that effect. I just got the feeling he knew or thought he knew who killed his daughter. Anybody else see him and get the same sort of feeling hearing his words?
The only thing in this 11-2-06 photo recovered the next day was the 11-2-06 USA Today. Mysteriously missing from his luggage:

1- Size 12, black HP Orbital shoes
2- Dark pullover w/ single chest stripe
3- Blue Jeans
4- Leather gloves


BTW, Klink was cleaver yesterday. He wanted us to think the bluejeans and belt found in a suitcase (exhibit 60), were from JLY's suitcase....NOT
JLY's suitcase had only 3 pairs of shorts, a Tshirt, polo shirt and a shaving kit.
Does anyone know if LE checked the printer or computer to see what time those EBay printouts were made?


IIRC, the prints were dated 11/02/06, at 7:08pm -- one more thing to cross off his to-do-her-in-list...
A bit 'off topic', but did anyone local see Jenna Nielsen's father on the news last night? Jenna Nielsen is the 8 1/2 months pregnant news carrier that was stabbed to death June 14, 2007 around Lake Wheeler Rd. Another of the young, married mothers killed in this same time frame of MY, NC, JA, etc. I watched him on the news last night, and the way he spoke, it appeared to me anyway, that he *thought* he knew who did the crime. Didn't hear anything about her husband or other children. Simply the way her dad worded his remarks, something on the order of "I wanted to go after him myself, but my wife explained to me we had to let the system take care of it...etc." Words to that effect. I just got the feeling he knew or thought he knew who killed his daughter. Anybody else see him and get the same sort of feeling hearing his words?

I saw it but took his words as he would have liked to investigate on his own but had other responsibilities (job, family, etc.), not that he specifically knew who the suspect was. I so wish they could find her killer and bring him to justice. That case weighs heavy on my heart and I'm reminded of her every time we go to the state Farmers' Market. :(
I love this defense attorney's accent.

If you're referring to Bryan Collins, he's a mountain boy, too. Grew up in North Wilkesboro, Wilkes County, NC. He was the leading candidate when ballots were cast by the Wake County lawyers for ADA position. Our man Stephens made the final decision.
Uh, oh!

The def attorney is trying to discredit the forensics?

Emphacising how the forensic lab was WORKING with the pros. Trading info.

The pros went out and bought a particular shoe because forensics told them what they needed.

I hope he's not going to try to show the forensics is tainted by prejudice towards the pros?

FWIW, my forensic chemist daughter said that's why they've been pushing, in different states and areas, to completely separate the forensics from LE, to make them completely 'independent.' Because when the chemist KNOWS what they're looking for, it kind of is suggestive to their findings. As they say in her business, 'the forensics is only as good as the person interpreting it.'


But certainly that would never, never, never happen in North Carolina?!
The only thing in this 11-2-06 photo recovered the next day was the 11-2-06 USA Today. Mysteriously missing from his luggage:

1- Size 12, black HP Orbital shoes
2- Dark pullover w/ single chest stripe
3- Blue Jeans
4- Leather gloves


BTW, Klink was cleaver yesterday. He wanted us to think the bluejeans and belt found in a suitcase (exhibit 60), were from JLY's suitcase....NOT
JLY's suitcase had only 3 pairs of shorts, a Tshirt, polo shirt and a shaving kit.

Thanks for the list.

I do wonder if WCSO did try to have that photo enhanced to confirm those are gloves he is trying to fold into the paper. Maybe, maybe not but it sure looks like gloves and I thought perhaps if they believed them to be gloves, the ADA should havve figured some way to get that thought into testimony.
They haven't yet submitted evidence or testimony about JY's feet yet? Have they?


If they did, referring to the damage to his feet from size 10 shoes, I missed it. I think (hope) this testimony will lead up to it.
Thanks for the list.

I do wonder if WCSO did try to have that photo enhanced to confirm those are gloves he is trying to fold into the paper. Maybe, maybe not but it sure looks like gloves and I thought perhaps if they believed them to be gloves, the ADA should havve figured some way to get that thought into testimony.

I would like to know if the USA today was the Thursday edition or the Friday edition? :waitasec:
Easy to get shoes cheap at a number of places (Dollar store, salvation army thrift store, etc.)

So, here is scenario from the defense, as it appears to be at this time:
2 different men entered the house, without needing to break in, or they were professionals who could break in without leaving any trace.
They snuck into the house making no noise and then surprised her to the extent that she was not able to call 911.
Neither of them sexually assaulted MY, whom they came upon when they got up to her bedroom.
Rather than making quick work with a gun or knife, one or both of them tried to strangle her to death. One or both of them then beat MY to death.
They wore different sized shoes and both walked in the blood and made tracks.
They left no fingerprints or almost no prints inside the home. A possible exception is that one of them was interested in a shoe shine box in the closet.
They each took one drawer from the jewelry box, but left many other valuables including her purse, which was in plain sight and which they probably had to walk by twice (both coming and going from the home.)
They either did not wake up the child while delivering "at least 30 blows" to a likely screaming woman, or they decided, after brutally beating a young pregnant woman to death, not to kill a child who did wake up and might have seen then.
Either MY gave her own toddler adult cold medicine laced with a controlled substance (one which is known to induce sleepiness), or one of the two men gave her some.
After tracking blood around the bedroom, they managed to leave the house without tracking further blood down the hallway or stairs.
Either before or after the murder, they both had a smoke and left their butts behind.
Meanwhile, someone besides the defendant randomly propped open a door, unplugged a camera, and then later moved the same camera in Virginia. Either that or several people at the Hampton Inn conspired to make false reports to LE. The store clerk who gave an eye-witness account of JY buying gas, positively identifying both him and his vehicle, was mistaken and confused.

Did I get it all? What am I missing? I'm sure we'll find out more.
One of them cleaned up CY and helped her memorize, "Daddy did it."
He id'd her written proposal to be on PT after the baby was born.

As an aside, if you aren't watching, when this guy was looking over the document for id'ing, he held his mouth, just so, looked to me, he was emotional and MAYBE going to maybe even shed a tear.

I can't imagine, that's how I feel when talking about certain loved ones we've lost.

He liked her. He said she was a good mom and a good employee. He was willing to work with her on her proposal of PT. Michelle suggested a 3 month trial period to be sure it would work. It had been approved by upper management.



Yes, fran, I caught that, too. Almost made me cry... <sigh>
Speaking of ID'ing, has it been said who ID's MY's body? Just curious as to who had to do that task. :(
I would like to know if the USA today was the Thursday edition or the Friday edition? :waitasec:

Someone testified to that and I cannot remember who it was - maybe Sternberg, that the USA Today in the explorer was the Friday/weekend edition. But I am not at all sure how JY would have been shown in the video from the front desk at a few minutes before 12 carrying that newspaper - clerks said they didn't deliver it until after 3 or 330 am.

It is not clear to me what paper he could have been carrying in the photo, nor is it clear to me if that paper was recovered.
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