The Search for Caylee-Possible Physical Locations

Hi again Josephjordan. You are doing such a wonderful thing by searching for Caylee. I have enjoyed all of your postings and the latest clothing finds as I stated earlier, may bring light to Caylee or even another mystery that needs solving. There are so many missing babies out there. Please keep us informed if you are still doing searches and also if you see anyone else doing searches. I am so brokenhearted and saddened because this case leaves me thinking that nobody is searching for Caylee except a handful of LE people and the grandparents and the brother. I know your group has been searching, THANK YOU! Caylee DESERVES Finding whether it be a joyous occasion or a tragic one. I am too far away to assist with the physical searching but I do keep the fliers passing online. I search for online clues and pass them to LE in hopes that perhaps by chance, something will be brought to light that will bring this beautiful baby home. Please keep searching.
did anyone notice on the gray underwear in Josephjordan's pictures of the clothes he found, there is a hair on it? It is on the back top of the gray underwear. Maybe this is Casey's hair. JMO
Was this the park that Casey told her brother Lee she went to for some reason, not fun or work or something like that?

The part where she said she went for "not fun or work" was actually Universal. She told Lee she had been in Blanchard Park (where the stuff was found) and that maybe she lost her cell phone there.
The location behind the elementary school was searched with cadaver dogs already.
Hi. I'm posting this reference to a small (2 page) thread, as reference for a possible place to search for Caylee's body.

The location and reasons are self-evident in the thread.

If I lived anywhere near FL, I would go and look myself, but I'm far away.

This is a longshot, but it has been weighing on my mind, and I keep thinking about it, so I thought I would post it here in case somebody might have the time to go look, if it's worthwhile.

If someone does decide to go poke around, if you wouldn't mind PMing me to let me know, I would really appreciate it.

If this should be posted in a different thread, please let me know.

Thank you very much,

Most bodies are recovered with a 5 mile radius of where they are missing. start close move outward, keep a grid. I was part of the search team efforts to recover the body of Danielle VanDam. She was found less then 2 miles from where were were searching. It's seems frutle and overwhelming when you are out there. But the Laura Recovery search team found her. They were very well organized. The fact that a shovel was borrowed from the neighbors indicates the Caylee was buried. Look for soft soil, shallow grave. Most likely this place is going to be within easy access from a road or not far from it. Carrying dead weight even that of a child would get difficult after a time. She shouldn't be far from a road or where a car could get to.

The fact that Casey is petite and thin would also support your theory that the child was buried close by. Casey would likely not be up to a long trek and hard carrying.
This is good stuff Nedthan. Working from this.... she borrowed the shovel and had it how long? Estimate an hour (I think the neighbor said) to an hour and 1/2. Big Question here - did she leave the house at ALL before she returned the shovel? If not then it would be very difficult to figure out how far she drove. If so, then figure 1/2 to 3/4 hours to put Caylee in the trunk, 5-10 mins to drive to new spot, another 1/2 to 3/4 to rebury Caylee. She couldn't have gone far.....

They have searched the GG's parents property, so she is not there, but it appears that she was. Tying down the date that Casey borrowed the shovel is key here. The car was abandoned on June 27th. So there are 2 or 3 days - 24th to the 27th in which Casey could have driven anywhere. Trying to narrow this down will be difficult, but not impossible.


I think I remember the neighbor said she did not leave the house.

My guess is that she temporarily interred Caylee somewhere in the yard. Maybe the covered sandbox.

Cindy and George DID have other shovels, BTW.
Further thought - what day were the gas cans taken? The 24th right? That means there are 3 days unaccounted for, providing she borrowed the shovel on the 24th also.


I think the neighbor said she borrowed the shovel on the 18th. The cops think the child died shortly before 1500 on the 16th.
btw i dont live in fla but in my dream with caylee .. it was heavily wooded but in a clearing there were LOTS of trees and misquitos were biting me badly but not caylee .. are there alot of places like that in fla ? ive never been there so i dont know but it was in a woods very very heavy woods
Does anyone think that this is just a big game and that she is trying to keep Caylee away from Cindy?

That's part of it. I also think she thinks, "no body, no case." Which is incorrect.
I totally agree with this. Start the search "close to home" to quote Casey.
Personally, I think she put Caylee's body in a trash bag with other trash and then in a dumpster she knew would be dumped ASAP. And I wonder why she didn't report the car stolen?

One of the cops said he thinks she knew it would be towed, and just hoped it would disappear into the impound lot. She apparently did not anticipate that he lot would write to her parents.
I would think think that Casey would have had Caylee there when the grandparents were not home. Sometime between June 22 at 6:00 p.m. to June 24th at 11:00 a.m. The same period of time the gas was stolen.

Soooo if something happened to Caylee before the June 22nd, than Casey had to keep her somewhere - maybe the trunk, between June 16th to the 22nd? That's a long time..... :confused:

If Caylee was at the grandparents during this time, how would Casey have gotten her there without the grandparents noticing something? Cindy was asking to talk to Caylee on almost a daily basis. Unless, Casey hid Caylee while the Grandparents were at work?

I too am just "typing" out loud here. The timeline is a problem because of the hugh time span.

If we believe Casey's 31 days - that does take us to June 16th, right. So she did something with the baby on June 16th and was ready to party by June 20th. Was she staying with Tony at this point or still at Amy's?


June 16th to the 18th.
Posted on the media thread by Patience:Family of Missing Toddler Caylee Anthony Mum on TV Reports of New Concrete Slab in Yard,2933,390054,00.html

The family of an Orlando toddler missing for more than a month won't answer questions about a tip that a new concrete slab was poured in the grandparents' backyard over July 4 weekend, shortly before they reported the child missing.

It turned out just to be a few cinder blocks- not a slab.
Newbie here........i think Casey did leave the car there wanting it to be towed and I agree with whoever said she thought the car would just dissappear. I dont think Casey buried Caylee. I think shes too lazy and self absorbed to take the time. I think she threw that poor little girl in a dumpster somewhere and I wish they would search the landfill before its too late..if it isnt already. I know its a huge cumbersome ordeal to search the landfill but its something..
Newbie here........i think Casey did leave the car there wanting it to be towed and I agree with whoever said she thought the car would just dissappear. I dont think Casey buried Caylee. I think shes too lazy and self absorbed to take the time. I think she threw that poor little girl in a dumpster somewhere and I wish they would search the landfill before its too late..if it isnt already. I know its a huge cumbersome ordeal to search the landfill but its something..

I think she may have dumped her into a pond. But, I think she would have chosen a pretty spot, or a favorite spot of Caylees, and told herself it was a "burial."
This is so exciting! This is where I was hoping we would lead into...maps, coordinates, triangulation, stomping around and looking. I swear, if I didn't live out here in WA I would be there with you too. I am there in spirit and truly excited! Now, I know what the feeling is about , but please check it out FOR THE MAPS....They have excellent maps and locations already to use.
I should mention as well that I have been having dreams lately with a lot of chaos and people and darkness and excitement. Recurring dreams, same scenario. I'm not a psychic, but I have a feeling that Caylee will be found soon. Dreams have lots of people, chaos, loudness, like we found her body. Wonder if these dreams were associated with this little gathering starting up now?!
Hi. I'm posting this reference to a small (2 page) thread, as reference for a possible place to search for Caylee's body.

The location and reasons are self-evident in the thread.

If I lived anywhere near FL, I would go and look myself, but I'm far away.

This is a longshot, but it has been weighing on my mind, and I keep thinking about it, so I thought I would post it here in case somebody might have the time to go look, if it's worthwhile.

If someone does decide to go poke around, if you wouldn't mind PMing me to let me know, I would really appreciate it.

If this should be posted in a different thread, please let me know.

Thank you very much,


ETA Update Tue Sep 2: I did more research on this, and found several other things of interest, such as proximity to Amscot. I emailed all the info to LE.

Well darn. Was trying to update my original post and ended up adding another. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that.
From another thread:

Originally Posted by QuietStorm

Aerial view of Sawgrass Apartments, where Casey says she "dropped off" Caylee. Very disturbing.

Has Tim, Eqqusearch stated that this lake will be searched??

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