The Trash Bag in Casey's Trunk

Yes but a death band on hair and air samples can maybe seem like hocus pocus to some, but if they told her they actually had tissue and samples from her body - do you think they would disregard that?

Air and hair maybe - but an actual piece of fluid from her body is much more than experimental science - it is DNA fact.
Do I think they would disregard that? ABSOLUTELY.

Go read George's account of sticking his nose almost ON the stain in the trunk and tell me he isn't ignoring it now.

No, he hasn't, but if he attempts to return to Florida to continue his search, LE will force him to take it there immediately. LE believes he planted those beads at the base of the tree where the old beads and cross were originally found. There is an insider belief that he will never take that LD test, ergo he will never return to Orloando to search. It will be interesting to see what actually occurs in the future.

I have no fixed opinion; my belief in LP has fluctuated wildly ever since he first appeared on the scene to bond Casey out.

I will say it frustrates me that he doles out his information so slowly, like tossing bread crumbs to the starving (us). LOL

I agree, there is no disputing evidence like blood and tissue. Blood found in the trunk would be HUGE, yet I can find nothing on Google saying blood was found in trunk. :waitasec:

I never heard of them finding blood or tissue.
Three cheers for Chilly Willy. ITA. :dance:

Uh I don't think they did. TM most likely told LP as they were on the same side for quite awhile. Also LP was around long enough to pick up alot of inside info. inadvertently.

No, he hasn't, but if he attempts to return to Florida to continue his search, LE will force him to take it there immediately. LE believes he planted those beads at the base of the tree where the old beads and cross were originally found. There is an insider belief that he will never take that LD test, ergo he will never return to Orloando to search. It will be interesting to see what actually occurs in the future.

I have no fixed opinion; my belief in LP has fluctuated wildly ever since he first appeared on the scene to bond Casey out.

I will say it frustrates me that he doles out his information so slowly, like tossing bread crumbs to the starving (us). LOL

The FBI told him they would let him take it there on TV. All those arrangements were made before her left. The FBI has offices in most cities.Geeshhhhhhhhhhh

That is bull about "if he returns" to Florida. Got a link to any of that?

Unless it has been recently they have not contacted him yet to take it. They have to set it up and then you go into their office.
I have to believe that if Caylee's remains were found the family would be told.I think we would know .What would be the point of keeping that a secret from everyone? LE has said they have forensic evidence that Caylee is dead. I suspect they have more of the testing back and it's more conclusive.
The A's choose not to acknowledge the evidence.

I believe the Ants have been told as all of us have been told by LE. They said Caylee is dead and they are not going to search anymore. That single hair is a Caylee "remain",any further remains that they have recovered (scalp,tissue,body fluid from purging,blood,etc.) that obviously don't require visual identifacation from the family will probably be introduced at trial. I'm sure they have quite a bit of forensic evidence that added together will give a reasonable person more than enough to convict her.
I never heard of them finding blood or tissue.

It was all in the media. I feel since you are missing a lot of the facts in this case, you might want to go back to a lot of the early threads here and read them.
I agree, there is no disputing evidence like blood and tissue. Blood found in the trunk would be HUGE, yet I can find nothing on Google saying blood was found in trunk. :waitasec:

I think it was all discussed in NG threads. Even Dr. Lee said "basketball size stain". Can't remember for sure though.
In conjunction with this discussion regarding LP knowing that tissue was on the outside of the garbage bag, I also have to wonder why it is that LP is waiting until January to come back and search more. Is it because he does know something about LE finding Caylee's tissue on the bag, and he is just stalling about coming back, because LE has told him something about Caylee's location? IIRC LP has raised $50,000 for a continued search. Why wouldn't he come back right NOW and search. IMO, I think LE has told LP about a tissue match, and quite possible LE has also told LP that they know the location of Caylee's body, and so LP really doesn't need to search any longer. Could LP be stalling on the so called search until the trial starts, because he knows that the search will not be necessary? LP definitely knows more than we do, and I do believe he does have connections with, if not OCSO, most definitely the FBI.
I didn't know anyone could be forced to take a LDT. However, LP has no qualms about doing it and told them he would gladly take one. He is the only one in this case that is willing as far as I have seen to date.
Do I think they would disregard that? ABSOLUTELY.

Go read George's account of sticking his nose almost ON the stain in the trunk and tell me he isn't ignoring it now.

I have read it and seen the footage. But is he ignoring it because he actually believes she is alive or because he CHOOSES to ignore it knowing she is dead?

Smelling the stain is very different than someone telling him the DNA of rotting flesh and fluid in the car matched that of Caylee. The only way to ignore that is to believe that the entire LE and labs are setting them up and framing their daughter.

I think George knows and knew the very day he smelled that trunk that she is dead, he has made comments alluding to this several times..but I think George is easily swayed and his wife will not ALLOW him to publicly say she is dead or even say it in her presence.

the A's more than anything do not want to give the public and LE the satisfaction of admitting she is dead. no way.
Just because the family was told.....doesn't mean they would believe it. As long as they keep searching for a live Caylee, they can keep getting donations in. The leeches (KFN & NLH) that have jumped on the sinking A's ship want everyone to believe that Caylee is alive and well........somewhere. The longer these 2 orgs. can keep her being alive, the better it is for their coffers also.

Ot again,but I'm starting to believe the leaches surrounding the A's were the ones considering the money .It certainly helped the A's [ George thinks he found a new career!],but I think their main objective is to save KC. Reasonable doubt. We've seen them say one thing to the public and another to LE so we know they lie about what they know.
They would call off the search because they don't have the funding and manpower to continue looking without any knowledge of where to look.

Fair enough. But slowing down or halting a search after a reasonable period of time is alot different than REFUSING to investigate a "live" tip lead. The evidence would have to be pretty convincing for them to do that.
I agree, there is no disputing evidence like blood and tissue. Blood found in the trunk would be HUGE, yet I can find nothing on Google saying blood was found in trunk. :waitasec:

I don't remember them ever saying that it was blood specifically Chilly, I only understood it to be a stain..but then they talked of the way they knew the position of the body, that alone leads me to believe there was either blood or bodily fluids that have been tested, we just haven't seen those reports yet.
I agree that there may not be a link directly stating blood and tissue, but I almost know with certainty she didn't weigh enough to make a huge imprint that would lead them to say they knew the position her body was in.
So what do you think the stain was found in the trunk that George found first and that LE subsequently did intricate testing on?!

What do I *think* it is, purge from the corpse of Caylee Anthony.

What have we seen it confirmed to be? Haven't seen anything confirming the source of the stain. Maybe I missed something from a legitimate source, but to my knowledge it *could* be anything.

If they have blood and tissue they would have DNA that is not dependent on deducing that it could only come from Casey or Caylee and we know one of them is alive. Keep in mind the protesters and the CHAOS around this case, Casey being out on bond because they couldn't go to a grand jury with the evidence in hand yet. If they had blood source DNA this would have been shut down earlier and with much less drama, chaos and debate.
It was all in the media. I feel since you are missing a lot of the facts in this case, you might want to go back to a lot of the early threads here and read them.

I think it is best for you not to be rude. Not sure why you are so angry. I have a blog where I write about this case in detail and I may have missed the reports about finding blood and fluid, however there is no need for you to get so upset.

I personally have never read anything like that. sorry that upset you so.
If my granddaughter were missing and LE found the remains months later and didn't tell me... I'd be HIGHLY P-O'D. Wouldn't you?? That's lawsuit city right there.

Yes I would be. But what are the legal requirements? To notify the next of kin, who would be KC at this point in time. Do you think KC passed that info. on to the A's? And if she did, CA would dismiss it as only SCIENCE. It's like talking to brick walls.
LE has told the A's they don't believe Klee is alive. If the A's were to act as if Klee weren't alive before trial, that would finish the case already for KC. :doh:
If my granddaughter were missing and LE found the remains months later and didn't tell me... I'd be HIGHLY P-O'D. Wouldn't you?? That's lawsuit city right there.

It might be distressing, but legally they have NO RIGHTS in this case. They insert themselves in all of it, but legally they have NO RIGHTS. KC is an adult and they can't even talk to her lawyer unless she agrees. Caylee was not their child and they were not her guardian, so they have no rights.

All I can find in Florida law is the parents have (and I can't even verify if that is a legal statute) to be notified, but not even that if they are charged with anything pertaining to the child.
How could I know this was discussed early on if it wasn't?! How did this come out and I am the only one who could possibly have seen it?! GMAB! I am not going to research it for you.

wow...with all due respect, discussing it and seeing in documents from LE are two different things.

CW - I've never read this in all that I've read either...

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