trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118

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Is court over for today? If so why? Sorry I am working and can't keep up.
How do you live with a woman for 4 years and never leAve her alone with your child? That just seems so odd to me. He never ran to the market or went out with the guys, and left his son home with JA?

DB seen RED FLAGS with Jodi, a parent knows it in their gut.

I still think Jodi accused Travis of being a pedophile because she's the real one hiding behind the camera. Easy to project onto someone else to save her own behind. She's vile and evil. ---was going to write, would you leave your dog with her? ....uh, NO!

Makes me laugh every time... Love you Juan! :beats::D
On one program on HLN, it was mentioned that Travis had bought an engagement ring for one of his former girlfriends. It didn't mentioned who it was, but they said that the ring was stolen. Some people think that Jodi stole it.
How many people have deleted all of their emails, texts and voicemails after watching this trial??
What engagement ring???

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One of Travis's friends said that he (Travis) had an engagement ring that was meant for a woman he'd dated before meeting Jodi and after a Jodi visit it was gone.
Unless the court had prior knowledge of ALV's illness and that it might be given consideration if she suddenly felt ill.

I wondered about that too. Maybe she tried to call in sick this a.m. and was told to go ahead and try it and see if she could 'stomach' it.
OMG Let's get on with the case.:banghead::argue:
ALV certainly could have gone to a medical aid walkin clinic and gotten meds or had her physician call her in something to a pharmacy in AZ. What appeared circumspect is that at no time did we see the witness communicate with the defense team. Did ALV speak to the judge and tell the judge she was I'll and could not continue?
I'm sure she's not under subpoena. And she can stop working for the defense any time she wants--slavery has been outlawed I hear. :)

Please oh please do let let my kids know slavery has been outlawed. I will never get them to unload the dishwasher ever again if they knew. :please:
She may be diabetic.

unless she was lying in the hallway in a low blood sugar coma, i don't see why she couldn't drink some orange juice and then have some protein while they called early lunch. my son is type I he has low blood sugar episodes and recovers quite quickly (an hour or so). when it gets really bad he will do really freaky things like he's on drugs or drunk.

eta:katiecoolady beat me to it!
i had no clue who judge perry was so i went and youtubed him,he needs to be here,like 31days ago.

seems like he takes no carp
How much you want to bet "ill" means "have to pack and catch a plane for another paying gig"?

Seriously I hope one of these reporters (like Beth) finds out what she was /is so ill with it would hold up a trial of this $$$$magnitude$$$$.

She covers it up very well...right up to the time she asks for a break. How did she know she wouldn't recover, or at least try, over the 90 min lunch hour? Hour and a half? something's not right here.
I thought according to Jodi's testiphony...she lived in Travis' house for months.
OK, Jodi called her mother, whom she "loves" but doesn't have a good relationship with, to help her move back to Yreka.

This is not how it's done in the Mormon community, especially for a single woman. You call the bishop and ask if the elders quorum can help you load. You have everything packed up and they come and load it for you. Then you drive and the elders quorum at the new ward help you unload. I moved this way many times.

If she were an active member, she would know this because she would be receiving calls to help people unpack/move and would know that people coming in were using Travis and his friends' help to unload trucks.

Her being unwilling to do this tells me that she was not considered an active member and it supports my theory that she was being shunned due to word getting around that she was a dangerous stalker.

Now another thing coming out. Jodi only wanted Travis to be happy--she wasn't jealous at all. She didn't even kill him. In fact, there's no mention of the murder in any of these journals. IT would be a notable event, so it must not have happened.

This is how Alyce LaViolette is willing to twist and distort the facts to support her client, regardless of the known true facts of the case. I hope the mods don't mind my saying this, but what a betrayal of every true victim of domestic violence she has ever helped. Might as well hang a sandwich board sign on her (since she is old school and has no facebook page).

It should read: Expert for Hire, Willing to Defend Perpetrators for $$$.
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