GUILTY UK - Brianna Ghey, 16, murdered in Culcheth Linear Park, Feb 2023 *2 teenagers charged*

I'm relieved to see the sentences, 20 and 22 is higher than it might have been, and 20 for ER seems fair; he had interest in violence and already owned the knife but I think without having SJ for a friend there's a good chance he'd never have progressed so far as to actively try to kill; if treated wisely and kept away from other "friends" who'd encourage such acts (probably unlikely when in prison for murder!), there's at least some chance of rehabilitation, so given his age, fair enough.

SJ I'd have liked to see get whole life as it's very clear she's a little sociopath in the making, taking pleasure in others' suffering, kill lists, such detailed fantasies. I can't see any way she can be rehabilitated, but I understand sentencing guidelines and rules mean 22 is about as good as she could've got - I just hope the parole board are really on the ball when her 22 years is done, as I suspect by then she'll be every bit as dangerous, while having learned to hide her pleasure in what she's done.
I'm relieved to see the sentences, 20 and 22 is higher than it might have been, and 20 for ER seems fair; he had interest in violence and already owned the knife but I think without having SJ for a friend there's a good chance he'd never have progressed so far as to actively try to kill; if treated wisely and kept away from other "friends" who'd encourage such acts (probably unlikely when in prison for murder!), there's at least some chance of rehabilitation, so given his age, fair enough.

SJ I'd have liked to see get whole life as it's very clear she's a little sociopath in the making, taking pleasure in others' suffering, kill lists, such detailed fantasies. I can't see any way she can be rehabilitated, but I understand sentencing guidelines and rules mean 22 is about as good as she could've got - I just hope the parole board are really on the ball when her 22 years is done, as I suspect by then she'll be every bit as dangerous, while having learned to hide her pleasure in what she's done.
If I'm remembering this wrong, someone please correct me. But IIRC with the James Bulger case it was Robert Thompson who (at the time) appeared to be the coldest and most callous and disturbed of the two and Jon Venables who appeared the most remorseful.
Yet now it's obviously the other way around. Since being paroled Thompson has (as far as we can tell) reintegrated into society successfully, but Jon Venables behaviour out on license has been catastrophic.
I guess we can't tell just how their rehabilitation will progress (or regress) throughout their sentences. Obviously Scarlett has got off ot a pretty bad start, but there's a long way and a lot of maturing to go!
If I'm remembering this wrong, someone please correct me. But IIRC with the James Bulger case it was Robert Thompson who (at the time) appeared to be the coldest and most callous and disturbed of the two and Jon Venables who appeared the most remorseful.
Yet now it's obviously the other way around. Since being paroled Thompson has (as far as we can tell) reintegrated into society successfully, but Jon Venables behaviour out on license has been catastrophic.
I guess we can't tell just how their rehabilitation will progress (or regress) throughout their sentences. Obviously Scarlett has got off ot a pretty bad start, but there's a long way and a lot of maturing to go!

That's a very good point, although I will say that Thompson and Venables were only 11, while these two are 15, and I think 15 is a good bit nearer to the final personality, plus we've seen a lot of SJ and ER's own words, while RT and JV's then apparent personalities were more written by the media with some input from psychiatrists.

It would be better if SJ could be rehabilitated, obviously it's ideal to aim for as few people as possible being dangerous adults, I'm just very doubtful based on what we've seen so far.
And after one day’s harrowing evidence in court during the trial last December he returned to his accommodation, breezed into his bedroom and quickly changed into his ‘Christmas jumper’, eager to participate in that night’s festive activities

Hardly fits the narrative of the "socially awkward" boy we were told about.
I actually think that is a beautiful statement from the family.

Nice to see that Scarlett’s family back the sentence and support Brianna’s family
I agree.
It is good to see humility, seemingly true remorse and respect towards Justice system.

I was pleasantly surprised reading the statement.

Their lives are ruined as so many others'.

I hope law enforcement take note of the Judge’s finding as to motive here.

Sentencing, Mrs Justice Yip said: “You both took part in a brutal and planned murder which was sadistic in nature and where a secondary motive was hostility towards Brianna because of her transgender identity.”


Almost childlike mistakes made by this would-be serial killer'​

Mr Pratt concedes that Jenkinson told a psychiatrist that she 'enjoyed' her part in the murder, but questions whether the case can be considered as sadistic under the law.

He says he acknowledges the 'ferocity' of the attack and the 'substantial element of premeditation'.

But he says there were 'extraordinary, and almost childlike mistakes made by this would-be serial killer'.

He said he acknowledges the murder was committed in a public area populated by dog walkers.

Mr Pratt says the 999 call made by a dog walker which was played at the trial will 'linger, I'm sure', in the memories of many'

I know they have to use whatever they can - but really - childlike mistakes - that's mitigation ?
I don't think it's mitigation. I think it's true. In two years time they might have been a lot more careful and not been caught so fast and started to proceed on with the list.
I watched Mrs Justice Yip's sentencing as it happened, but I have got a lot out of reading the transcript of her remarks in full today. Linking it here for those who want to read it, too, especially for those who don't have access to the video of sentencing due to region, technology, or disability.

I don't think it's mitigation. I think it's true. In two years time they might have been a lot more careful and not been caught so fast and started to proceed on with the list.

I think also, because it was in part a fantasy, that is why so much of it was committed to text. Girl X can never really know if Boy Y will go through with it. He can never really know if she is serious. I suspect he didn't really know if he would do this until the last moments
Killer Scarlett Jenkinson was moved to a new school and met Brianna Ghey after drugging a younger pupil with a cannabis sweet, the BBC can reveal.

Jenkinson faced being expelled but was instead moved to Birchwood Community High School in Warrington, Cheshire.
She later tried to poison Brianna before murdering her in February 2023.
BBC News has been told Birchwood School was not aware Jenkinson had drugged another pupil. Warrington Borough Council said a review was under way.

Police say the incident was recorded as a spiking.
"The matter was reviewed and the victim's family spoken to," a Cheshire Constabulary statement said. "They did not support further police action so the matter was passed to the school to provide ongoing support."

A 30 min programme on BBC iPlayer (account needed) for anyone interested.

Killer Scarlett Jenkinson was moved to a new school and met Brianna Ghey after drugging a younger pupil with a cannabis sweet, the BBC can reveal.

Jenkinson faced being expelled but was instead moved to Birchwood Community High School in Warrington, Cheshire.
She later tried to poison Brianna before murdering her in February 2023.
BBC News has been told Birchwood School was not aware Jenkinson had drugged another pupil. Warrington Borough Council said a review was under way.

Police say the incident was recorded as a spiking.
"The matter was reviewed and the victim's family spoken to," a Cheshire Constabulary statement said. "They did not support further police action so the matter was passed to the school to provide ongoing support."

A 30 min programme on BBC iPlayer (account needed) for anyone interested.

How can a school accept a pupil transfer without knowing the full details of why that pupil was excluded / at risk of being excluded. A CTF file should have also been transferred between schools which would have logged her attendance & behaviour which would have flagged up this issue. There would also have been a secure safeguarding file which would have had details of this incident inside it. Discussions between Culceth, Birchwood and Warrington Council would have surely taken place regarding the incident - I’m not buying that Birchwood were unaware.

I would also gather Scarlet would be required regular contact in school with the councils mosaic drugs & alcohol provision.

I’m not buying this - the schools are also in quite close proximity to one another - pupils talk so I’m sure rumours would have quickly gone round the school about what Scarlet had done in her previous school.
How can a school accept a pupil transfer without knowing the full details of why that pupil was excluded / at risk of being excluded. A CTF file should have also been transferred between schools which would have logged her attendance & behaviour which would have flagged up this issue. There would also have been a secure safeguarding file which would have had details of this incident inside it. Discussions between Culceth, Birchwood and Warrington Council would have surely taken place regarding the incident - I’m not buying that Birchwood were unaware.

I would also gather Scarlet would be required regular contact in school with the councils mosaic drugs & alcohol provision.

I’m not buying this - the schools are also in quite close proximity to one another - pupils talk so I’m sure rumours would have quickly gone round the school about what Scarlet had done in her previous school.
I agree, usually when a school accepts another student they know exactly why a student has been expelled.

Sometimes however I believe, and this is going back a few years from when I was a school governor so it may have changed now, it was my understanding if a school has spaces the local authority will push that school quite hard to accept the child, however that's usually only if the school has appropriate provision in place. Either way the school and usually some members of the governing body of that school will know. The safeguarding officer would have to have been involved.

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