WI WI - Mary Ellen Kaldenberg, 17, Kenosha, 14 Feb 1967

I wonder if there's any connection to this murder and the murder-for-hire of the owner of Hub Drugstore Frank Eby on October 24, 1973? Maybe Mary Ellen Kaldenberg did make it to the drugstore and overheard or saw something she shouldn't have. Maybe she walked in on something going on that night.

When you have pharmacists allegedly hiring hit men to kill other pharmacists, especially the owner of Hub Drug, one has to wonder. Maybe the drugstore should have been searched.

Here's the article in the Milwaukee Journal.

I wonder if there's any connection to this murder and the murder-for-hire of the owner of Hub Drugstore Frank Eby on October 24, 1973? Maybe Mary Ellen Kaldenberg did make it to the drugstore and overheard or saw something she shouldn't have. Maybe she walked in on something going on that night.

When you have pharmacists allegedly hiring hit men to kill other pharmacists, especially the owner of Hub Drug, one has to wonder. Maybe the drugstore should have been searched.

Here's the article in the Milwaukee Journal.


Great find! One can never tell. The 6 or 7 year gap between the crimes may throw a monkey wrench into the spanner. Thank you for clearing up the time frame for me on her murder date. If we go with the witches coven theory for a moment, I wonder if she was walking to the store and she was spotted by some of their members (who knew her from school or the neighborhood) and they offered her a ride. Perhaps they enticed her to a party where there was beer and pot. Maybe she thought she was part of a cool and exciting group, and she willingly stayed with them at a members' home for a few nights. They lured her into the car pound as part of the group that was going to perform some sort of ritual in an abandoned hearse. It may have all been great fun until at the last moment she panicked and tried to bolt. That is when the struggle occurred, leaving marks upon her neck. The shoes could have come off during the fight and were put next to her as an afterthought. Once they had her inside of the hearse they ritually and brutally murdered her. A coven would have had enough members to drag her into the vehicle and then hold her down for the numerous stabbing.

I guess, however, the coven theory was a bit too advanced for Kenosha in 1967, and it seems like one of the members would have confessed to it by now. I don't believe a serial killer killed Mary Ellen. I think it was a one-off, and it was committed by somebody she knew. Perhaps she even trusted this person up until the very end. The problem with speculation, one can speculate many alternatives: none that happened. I don't know if I'd credit the murderer with any deep motivations.
Great find! One can never tell. The 6 or 7 year gap between the crimes may throw a monkey wrench into the spanner.

I'll go with the organized crime/ongoing criminal enterprise theory over the coven theory. It's not the end of the gap that might count here, it's the beginning. I'd suppose if the date when Hub Drugstore Frank Eby became owner (and not when he was murdered) was shortly after Kaldenberg's murder, then there might be a connection?

Maybe the message of ending up in a hearse was for the competition, and not for the general public? If you want to muscle in on the competition you send them a message, "What can happen to a customer can happen to you. Sell, or else you'll end up in a hearse."

No organized crime/ongoing criminal enterprises in Kenosha? Heck, maybe even the police are afraid to put this cold case on their website. No update in 46 years?

Maybe the syndicated newspapers are afraid, too. Their short attention span stopped only sixteen months later on May 29, 1968, the date of the last article ever printed on Kaldenberg, anywhere.

Great job on your reporting of this crime here. You are putting the newspapers to shame. I hope this crime is solved some day, in spite of the 46 year silence from the press and law enforcement.

ps: The killer was a serial killer. He murdered Mary Ellen's children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on. He's a mass murderer.
Just wanted to say a massive "thank you" to BugsMoran for all this local information, incredibly useful stuff and also helps us who weren't around to 'see' life there at the time. Much appreciated.

Thanks to pleasestandby too!

It's shocking to me that there's been no updates for almost 50 years!!! wth.
Thank you for your valuable insight, BugsMoran. It helps put the locations in perspective and may eventually help jog someone's memory. The Google Maps link below shows the most logical route from Mary Ellen's home at 2007 64th St. to Hub Drugs at 6300 22nd Ave. (a four minute walk one way according to Google) and would have taken her right by the diner at 22nd Ave & Roosevelt St. Since she never did make it to Hub Drugs, could the diner have factored into her disappearance?

And, of course, the impound lot was about eight blocks west of the drugstore at 30th Ave & 63rd St.

I updated the map to more accurately show your more exact location of Hub Drug, 6207 22nd Ave. The Frost Top is still a general location at 22nd Ave. & Roosevelt St., an address I don't have. Thanks again for your insight.

Wow, what a case, and who would have thought all this criminal activity in Kenosha?!
The setting in which the victim was found has such a signature to it, which is why it is so baffling that this Perp was never caught. Then again, neither was the Boston strangler, so there you go.

I think the stones represented some ancient burial ritual. I have done some research and come up with tidbits of info, but haven't hit the bulls eye as far as identifying any particular sect of people that conducted this type of stone configuration.
My best theory is that this was indeed some sort of virgin sacrifice, and that the stones probably represented some planetary alignment, or something to that effect. It would be interesting to see if the planets were in some special alignment that night, although how to determine that is out of my area of knowledge.
Wow, what a case, and who would have thought all this criminal activity in Kenosha?!
The setting in which the victim was found has such a signature to it, which is why it is so baffling that this Perp was never caught. Then again, neither was the Boston strangler, so there you go.

I think the stones represented some ancient burial ritual. I have done some research and come up with tidbits of info, but haven't hit the bulls eye as far as identifying any particular sect of people that conducted this type of stone configuration.
My best theory is that this was indeed some sort of virgin sacrifice, and that the stones probably represented some planetary alignment, or something to that effect. It would be interesting to see if the planets were in some special alignment that night, although how to determine that is out of my area of knowledge.

hi i was just looking at this case and well there also was a case in racine wi that happen in 1973 where thay never found who had murdered tina davidson but well i was just wondering that just maybe it may also have some ties to this as well?
hi i was just looking at this case and well there also was a case in racine wi that happen in 1973 where thay never found who had murdered tina davidson but well i was just wondering that just maybe it may also have some ties to this as well?
We don't have a thread, but I have information on her murder in my notes.

Tina Davidson, 15, Racine, March 27, 1973

- stabbed 60 times, struck in head, beaten, stab wound to heart

- lying against a cyclone fence south of 17th St beach near Racine

- struck in head, beaten and stabbed 60 times, had been hitchhiking. Body found 16h St beach area. Victim's mother: "She was with a friend last night…He had a bike last night, but he does have a car. Right after he left, Tina went to her room and came out with a canvas bag. She said she had some clothes in it and was going to take it to a friend's house.




ETA: I started a thread. WI - Tina Davidson, 15, Racine, 27 March 1973

A photo of the back of the hearse with the door open containing what appears to be the cement blocks that were found around the body. Those were some pretty large cement blocks....

A photo of where the hearse was found where it had been up on blocks with arrows pointing to the location...

A photo of the hearse. On the side and back were painted Frankie's Place, Kenosha, Wis. It used to be a hearse but was sold to the owner of the above-named tavern. The owner had at one time sponsored a baseball team and used the hearse to transport the team. He sold the hearse in 1964 to a salesman who used it to store tires until it was abandoned and impounded...

The lot was located on the other side of where 37th Street and the Chicago & North Western Railroad tracks intersect. It belonged to the water department which had given permission to the police department to use that section of the lot for their impound lot.

Note the eight foot embankment in the background where the C & NW train tracks are. It was topped with several strands of barbed wire. The other three sides around the perimeter of the lot were surrounded by a high, wire-mesh fence topped with a single strand of barbed wire.

Water department employees stated the gate was locked at four o'clock every afternoon and wasn't unlocked again util the crew started work the next morning. They said it would have been impossible for anyone to come in the gate with a body and not be seen by employees.

They also stated that it would have been almost impossible for anyone to get over the fence alone, let alone with a body.

Detectives examined the wire at the top of the embankment where they found that it sagged in several places, which showed that people often came though it.

They decided it would be pretty difficult for even a strong man to cross the tracks burdened with a corpse, climb the embankment, lift the barbed wire to get through the fence, clamber down the embankment inside and carry the body to the hearse.

They also theorized that since there was blood inside the hearse it was evident that the girl had been placed inside the hearse shortly after she was stabbed. They also theorized that it was possible Kaldenberg came with the killer to the lot while still alive and was stabbed somewhere in the yard. (maybe forced at knife point?)

The coroner said the girl's clothing was dirty and there were some rips in besides those made by the stabbing. He said those rips indicated the girl had been dragged some distance, possibly along the snow-covered ground. He also stated that the killer must have been a powerful man based on the supposition that the girl was brought over the embankment. He also said the knife wounds had been inflicted with great power.


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She did not have any head wounds or head trauma and I sure hope she was alert so that she fought back and maybe we'll get DNA from her nails. Also I have wondered if fighting back could be why she was not sexually assaulted. She didn't give him the chance. Certainly one theory that I am sure has been looked at since 1967.

Mrs. Kaldenberg had told the investigating officer that Mary Ellen had suffered from emotional problems because of the death of her father and because of her nose, so much, so, that she had received therapy at a psychiatric clinic once a week and, later, once every three weeks between November, 1965 and April, 1966.

There's a possibility that the person who killed her was also under care at that same facility, maybe even with the same psychiatrist, for their mental health issues, probably serious health issues based on the severity of this crime. She probably got to know him in the waiting room and wasn't aware of his issues.

Since the neighborhood kids had been taking a shortcut through the impound lot gate and then up the embankment across the tracks for years to and from school to home, it's possible that this person also once took this shortcut when he was younger and deemed it a good spot to hide a body. If it was possible to check patient records from back in 1967 and then see if any possible suspects went to a school near the impound lot and lived across the tracks, that might be a lead. The killer could have been a teenager. Police didn't have seven of them take lie detector tests for nothing.

As far as head wounds go, the boys who found her stated they saw visible nasty bruising, caked with a dark substance that looked like dried blood.

These students were teenage boys, one 15, the other two 13 and on their way home from St. Mary Elementary School, 7400 39th Ave, taking a short cut through the lot.

After they saw the body, they ran to a gas station and told the attendant, who didn't believe them, nor did he call police. So, they ran back to the lot and told a water department employee they saw who was locking the gate. He then looked, saw the body and called police.

Interestingly, a tipster who called in to the police stated that another girl had taken Mary Ellen to a Kenosha discount store earlier in the afternoon of her disappearance.

I thought of Dennis Brantner, who had worked at the Jupiter Discount Store, 430 Main St. in Kenosha, according to a newspaper article from October 21, 1974 Racine Journal Times. Jupiter Discount Store was just 10 blocks north of where Tina Marie Davidson was found dead. 61 year old Dennis Brantner was recently arrested in Kenosha, WI for the murder of Berit Beck. When I did the math, though, it showed he was only 13 at the time.

It would still be interesting, though, to see if it was that same discount store...and who worked there at the time.


The coroner said Mary Ellen had been slashed six times in the neck, once in the back and four times in the body. Two of the body wounds, one under each breast, could have killed her since the tip of the knife blade penetrated the heart. One of the neck wounds also cut the jugular vein and blood loss from that wound could also have caused death. It was believed the weapon was a hunting knife. I think the 12th stab wound was in the forehead, or stomach?

I wonder if the non-slash wounds were in a sign of the cross formation?

On another note, I also thought it interesting that the father of Luigi Aiello (also with the same name) worked for many years at American Brass, right across the street from the Kaldenberg residence. Aiello killed the son of the Kenosha County Sheriff.

Can anyone tell me if the boyfriend she was going out with showed up to the house to pick her up at the schedule time he was suppose to??​

Yes. Mary Ellen left for the drug store at about 8:30 pm. Her 19 year old boyfriend arrived about 8:45 pm. He stayed around and talked for awhile with her mother. He then left to go look for her. He came back at 10:15 pm and said he couldn't find her and was giving up looking for her. He then left and called back at 12:15 am for any news. Later, assuming she had come back, he came over at 7:10 am that morning to take Mary Ellen to school before he went back to work at the printing firm where he worked since his graduation from Tremper High, where Mary Ellen was going to school. That evening, her boyfriend picked up Mary Ellen's 14 year old brother and they again searched for hours. Of the seven boys who took a lie detector test, he was one of them.
The coroner said Mary Ellen had been slashed six times in the neck, once in the back and four times in the body.

I meant to say, "The coroner said Mary Ellen had been slashed six times in the neck, stabbed once in the back and stabbed four times in the body."

BTW, here's a photo of her...


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She vanished on a Thursday evening, February 9, 50 years ago and was likely murdered that night.

I wonder why her boyfriend was coming over at 8:30 pm on a school night. That seems unusual to me but her mother apparently knew about it so probably nothing there. She was not home too much earlier due to her band practice but I guess they couldn't wait to see each other until Friday weekend.

Ramblers were made in Kenosha so there were probably dozens of that make, model, color and year in the town. I wonder if the factory workers got a discount on a purchase of the cars they were building.
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the board and have been interested in this case for a while now.

My dad's side of the family is from Kenosha and my dad went to Tremper at the same time as Mary. My uncle owned the bar a block away from the Kaldenberg house for many years (it is now a convenience store). He would close it down for holidays and host there so I am very familiar with the area. I also went to college in Kenosha. My other uncle worked at the automobile factory a few blocks away and they did indeed get a discount.

Look forward to discussing the case with you all.

Mary Ellen Kaldenberg left home (2007 64th Street) at approximately 8:30 PM on February 9, 1967 to go to a local drug store. On February 13, 1967, her body was discovered in a junked vehicle in the area of 3701 65th Street.

She was seventeen years old and died as a result of multiple stab wounds. At that time, this area was a junked-vehicle storage lot on the property of the Water Department.

If you have any information please call the Kenosha Police Department’s Detective Bureau at 262-605-5203 or Kenosha Area Crime Stoppers at 262-656-7333


Mary Ellen Kaldenberg - City of Kenosha

Maryellen Kaldenberg (1950-1967) - Find A Grave...

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