WV WV - Alta, WhtFem 37-47, 275UFWV, skeletal in roadside dump, May'01

Christine asked for my help in this. I feel I provided the answers in a post of hers a page back or so, BUT only if things were acted upon properly by the authorities would this have been handled a long time ago.


Has the DNA been done for this UID you feel is a match, the one you mention at being at the Smithsonian?

Is this branch of the Smithsonian in Washington, DC? What entity is in charge of the body?

When Deloris' sister was asked about the DNA and mentioned the FBI took the samples, does she not know what happened after that? Is she not willing to puruse checking with the FBI? She just seems to mention the samples being taken, but nothing is asked after that about it.

I have emailed my DNA expert friend about this case.
My DNA expert friend said the following:

"Only numbers (specimen identification) are entered into CODIS for identification - not names. The relationship between the donor and spec id is outside CODIS. This is a privacy and security control mechanism. You should encourage them to contact any FBI field office to check on the status of their sample and the case. If they have a functioning clearinghouse, have them contact the clearinghouse for help.

If they have no luck, get the family contact their police agency see if they will check NCIC for the missing persons entry. If the agency will check, there is a line stating if DNA has been collected and where it was sent. If that line is blank, checked no, or is not in NCIC have the agency recollect and send it in to us. The sample must be collected and by a law enforcement gency. Checking and sharing and NCIC information outside of law enforcement is strictly controlled and varies by state and jurisdiction. Please tell them not to get upset with their agency if they will not share any information form NCIC for it may be outside of their authority."
-----Original Message-----
From: Christine
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 9:43 AM
To: 'Reginareynolds@wvdhhr.org'
Cc: 'Shadow'; 'jlcahill@wvsp.state.us'
Subject: Deloris Melton

Dear Regina,

I hope this email finds you doing well.

I am emailing from work today, I wanted to touch base with you about the unidentified doe. I have not seen a reply from you since you told me the recent testing ended up NOT being a match, I know you must be busy.

Regina, what can we do? Who can we contact? Sgt. Cahill told me if anyone can help me you can.

Back in November one of our volunteer investigators, a retired police officer from WV thought she had found a match with this UID http://www.wvstatepolice.com/greenunknown.htm

XXXXX (Shadow), my friend and online investigative ‘partner’ and I got together and decided to see how we could see if this was a match. We contacted Monica Caison at Cue Center for Missing Persons because she was listed as the contact for the missing girl Deloris Melton http://www.doenetwork.us/cases/images/DMelton.jpg

When making contact with Monica, I rec’d this email from her:


We are aware and have been working on this since the coroner contacted our center where she had made an error date in her entry years ago. We tracked down the retired officer and working with the new LE as well. We located the KNA for Deloris and had that sent 2 yrs ago and also tracked down the remains which are in WA Institute. We have contacted in writing the doctor over the department and they still have not tested the remains because LE will not pay for it. I contacted the FBI contact we have and they are pushing testing however the LE here must agree or request it and pay for it. So this is where we are at and we just sent another letter again last week. We also exposed the story to media and showed all of our contacts and letters. WE believe it is her. What else do you think can be done?

Monica Caison
CUE Center for Missing Persons

Regina, I then contacted Sgt Cahill who directed me to you. I gave Monica all of your information because she told me she was in close contact with the missing Deloris Melton’s family, she had all of the information. XXXXX (Shadow) interviewed the a family member on several occasions and she told her that no one has contacted her in months, not Monica or LE, and she just doesn’t know what to do, (this is the sister of Deloris). Their father is old and ill and we would like to solve this case before he passes.

I don’t mean to bug you, you are just my starting point right now and would gladly ‘nag’ someone else if I just knew who and what to do 

Again, you can see our discussion on this case here, http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31552

(interviews with sister, correspondence between Monica and I, this is all posted)


I have the sisters contact information if needed.

Kindest regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Regina Reynolds [mailto:reginareynolds@wvdhhr.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:58 PM
To: Christine
Subject: Re: Deloris Melton


I need you or someone to call me in order to make arrangements to get the DNA sample from the family.
Marshall University in Huntington will do the testing at no cost. Family may have to pay a collection fee, should be minimal.


I have made contact with Shadow, she will contact Viriginia, I also contacted Monica with an update....to get them all together.......now we wait....again. :)
I made contact with Virginia, hopefully she will be speaking with Monica today. Let's pray that the test actually gets done this time so this poor family can have some answers. They have waited way to long. Great job Christine. Your persistence is what has gotten us to this point. :woohoo:
I made contact with Virginia, hopefully she will be speaking with Monica today. Let's pray that the test actually gets done this time so this poor family can have some answers. They have waited way to long. Great job Christine. Your persistence is what has gotten us to this point. :woohoo:

Shadow....you made this match! Great Job! Kudo's to you! Let's just hope it's her....after all the naggin' I have done..I'm gonna look really dumb if this is not a match! ;)
Congrats to Shadow for finding it and to Christine for being persistant and to all of you who have worked on this.
And Christine it is never 'dumb' to get them to at least take a look. Considering the family believes this is a possibility, they just needed help to get someone to listen.
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 1:38 PM
From: Cuecenter@aol.com
To: caseinvestigator@charter.net
Subject: Re: FW: FW: Deloris Melton
Size: 9 KB

I have already spoke to Regina and XXXXX (Deloris' Sister) and gave her the number of Mary who will be setting up the appointment to collect the DNA through North Myrtle Beach Police Dept. Thanks

Monica Caison
CUE Center for Missing Persons
PO Box 12714
Wilmington, NC 28405
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 1:38 PM
From: Cuecenter@aol.com
To: caseinvestigator@charter.net
Subject: Re: FW: FW: Deloris Melton
Size: 9 KB

I have already spoke to Regina and XXXXX (Deloris' Sister) and gave her the number of Mary who will be setting up the appointment to collect the DNA through North Myrtle Beach Police Dept. Thanks

Monica Caison
CUE Center for Missing Persons
PO Box 12714
Wilmington, NC 28405

So, if it is being done by the police as stated above, there should be no "collection fee" as I explained via email.
So, if it is being done by the police as stated above, there should be no "collection fee" as I explained via email.

Thank you Kelly for your assistance 'behind the scenes' on this one. I did give the information you provided me and the family should NOT be charged any fees...if they do what you instructed.
Thank you Kelly for your assistance 'behind the scenes' on this one. I did give the information you provided me and the family should NOT be charged any fees...if they do what you instructed.

I just wanted to thank you too Kelly. The information that you gave us was really appreaciated.
You're most welcome.

Now you have some valuable info on how this should be done. I'm sure it will be needed in the future with so many UIDs out there.

Now if we can get our law passed in all 50 states, we wouldn't have these issues! (Campaign for the Missing.)

Do consider helping with this. Contact me for more into.
I just got done reading this thread and thought I was about to fall off my chair when I read the Family would have to pay a small fee for the testing. Thank God this is not the case. You all have been tenacious. I love it. It certainly was twisting and turning but you all have done a great job.

I just want to leave a link here in case anyone wants to see the funding that was already available for this.State by State listing amounts.


I just had to go look when I read the Family might have to pay any money at all. I am really glad to read this thread. I have been getting a little bummed lately and I think this should be bounced up into the good news thread . You all should be proud that you helped this girl and her Family , I could not imagine being able to put one foot in front of the other after something like this.I was really glad to read this. Thanks!
Talked to Monica @ Cue today...she was FANTASTIC! She talked to me for some time about a project I am working on and was EXTREMELY nice and helpful!

She is FULL of information! She has been working with missing and UID's, I believe she said 15 yrs, with no guidance and resources back then, can't even imagine.

Anyway...DNA is supposed to be collected this week.

On pins and needles here.
Talked to Monica @ Cue today...she was FANTASTIC! She talked to me for some time about a project I am working on and was EXTREMELY nice and helpful!

She is FULL of information! She has been working with missing and UID's, I believe she said 15 yrs, with no guidance and resources back then, can't even imagine.

Anyway...DNA is supposed to be collected this week.

On pins and needles here.

...and now we wait.
...and now we wait.

Again...and NOT too long this time...I will call Monday..and you stay in touch with sister, as a matter of fact, touch base will ya? See if she knows it's being taken this week?

I can't wait to see the results of this. Great job Shadow and Christine! :)
Again...and NOT too long this time...I will call Monday..and you stay in touch with sister, as a matter of fact, touch base will ya? See if she knows it's being taken this week?


I talked to the sister of Deloris yesterday. She is waiting to hear when the samples will be taken but it is supposed to be this week.

No matter how this turns out, you have so much to be proud of.

You all didn't just sit around, you did something, and you did it in a professional way. You were able to get to the right people to get action. That is so hard to do.

Now, I am on the edge of my seat right along with you. Please email me as soon as you know. tgrif@xmission.com

Thanks everyone.
All I can say is WOW! I haven't been around much, but check in from time to time. I have family from Greenbrier as well, actually one of my ancestors married a Melton! Christine, you have proven yourself to be quite an advocate and you should be proud. Shadow, you are my personal hero.:blowkiss: Good luck to all involved.

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