ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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Casey got ZFG information somewhere, and it seems reasonable that Casey got the Sawgrass information from there.

Matthew Crisp in his interview with Det. Lee on July 17th said that Casey called him on June 19th about looking at an apartment at Crane Landing, said that she and Tony came by and Casey was left behind. I always thought it odd that an old friend of Casey's wouldn't let her go with Tony to see the apartment. Matthew Crisp also said the next time he saw Casey again was at a Subway on July 7th.

Casey had way too much info about ZG for it to be a coincidence. You don't just come up with that much information about a complete stranger on your own.
I wonder if Cindy will "mike up" when Morgan and Morgan take her on again? That one phrase and Cindy's anger and just plain hatefulness, has stuck in my mind and I always laugh when I watch Cindy and George and their anger when asked to tell the truth.

They, along with Casey will do down.

Bigmomma, thank you for the welcome. I didn't blow you off and ignore you. I didn't know how to reply (and still not sure), and wasn't sure if you got my message.


Exactly. So why didn't the Morgan firm investigate and try to find evidence to support this scenario? :waitasec: IMO that was their best chance of making this case work.

Step One would have been asking ZG for the names of all the apt. complexes she went to in the Orlando area, what she filled out, etc. Step Two would have been document subpoenas to the apt. complexes for anything with her name on it, or at least for blank forms given to potential residents (if, e.g., the filled-out forms were not retained for long). There was also the tattoo shop "connection" between ZG's friend/boyfriend (not sure which) and Casey--did anyone follow up on that?

Morgan needed to connect the dots between Casey and THIS ZG, and IMO he hasn't really tried to do that.
Part of what Cindy stated is in the "facts" portion of the motion. I thought Cindy specifically asked what she wanted to tell Zenaida (or was it Zanny). Didn't Casey say something like, "Tell her I forgive her"???

Hasn't Cindy done enough damage in the name of her daughter?

ETA: didn't Cindy claim that pics were never shown to Casey or something like that? Cindy should watch what she says under oath...again.

With the way that luck runs in favor of the Anthony's, I think that all the judges that have any dealing with them just need to go ahead and tie their own hands behind their backs and duct tape their own mouths shut, because we already know that Cindy is allowed to lie under oath and get away with it. For some strange unforeseen reason the entire family seems to be exempt from the laws of Florida. ---> takes another deep breathe and adds...She feels as she's in a dream of watching the circus from afar with the A's as the Ring Masters, the A's attorneys as the clowns and the judges are really the court jesters in disguise...No wonder there are so many criminals on the loose...let's just smack their hands and call it a day. Or better yet, let's just threaten them with holding them to the letter of the law but let's not follow through. Yeah, that's the ticket. I don't really think that it matters what Cindy says under oath...she wasn't held accountable for her own words before, why would now be any different? These are just my thoughts on it. It's a shame, in today's world, someone can drag you through the dirt and when you try to stand up for your self they are allowed to drag you through the mud as well all because FCA didn't want to be held accountable in the death of her daughter and named an innocent person. ZG did not ask for this. She gets drug through the dirt because of FCA and CA's words on behalf of FCA. Then you have RK that found baby Caylee's remains and they drag him through the dirt because once again, FCA doesn't want to be held accountable for the death of her daughter. FCA drug her father and her brother through the dirt as well. That's some bond that she and Cindy have. I don't recall her dragging her Mom through the dirt. I'm still in the opinion after FCA's searches on neck breaking, etc. and telling Amy that the house would soon be hers, she was planning on putting CA and GA "in the dirt" along side Caylee. Hey, but that's just my opinion. I hope that I didn't go to far off topic.
OK - is anybody else having trouble wrapping your head around an argument and facts supported by admitted lies?
like Cindy Anthony said "the Anthonys aways win"

I don't expect anyone will ever prevail against her. Florida is her rhymes with witch.

Folks - stay the course.

In the grand scheme of life - what have the A's or OCA really ever won?

Blah...blah...blah. This ZG is not THAT ZFG because THAT ZFG, according to Ms. Anthony, could: ride unicorns, shoot skittles out of her azz, leap tall buildings with a single bound. THAT ZFG was smart, well educated, unmarried, had straight teeth, had curly hair that was versatile enough to also wear straight. She was a friend of a friend (nevermind that friend was also imaginay). (Would Ms Anthony have any less taking care of her child? I mean, come on....).
So what THAT ZFG was imaginary, THIS ZG is real, I mean....just look at her. She obviously is not a 10.
(To that I say ... beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Somebody thought she was a 10. I personally don’t think FCA is even a -.5).
Didn't this ZG fill out a card at Sawgrass around the same time KC and TL were there looking at apartments?
Folks - stay the course.

In the grand scheme of life - what have the A's or OCA really ever won?


Thanks for the dose of reality Zippity!

Caylee is dead at the hands of FCA and the love and loss of Caylee in at least George and Cindy's life can never be replaced; no matter how much they pretend all is well and good at Hopespring Drive, it simply cannot be.

FCA, pffftttt, she doesn't have a clue what love and life is really all about, anyway, she has nothing, she is nothing. IMO.

As for ZG, Kronk, TES, each has been damaged in their own way, but no matter how their civil trials legally fare for them, they are all still FAR better off in their hearts and souls than FCA EVER will be. FCA has nothing of any real value, she has nothing that really matters.

IMO, MOO, etc.
Blah...blah...blah. This ZG is not THAT ZFG because THAT ZFG, according to Ms. Anthony, could: ride unicorns, shoot skittles out of her azz, leap tall buildings with a single bound. THAT ZFG was smart, well educated, unmarried, had straight teeth, had curly hair that was versatile enough to also wear straight. She was a friend of a friend (nevermind that friend was also imaginay). (Would Ms Anthony have any less taking care of her child? I mean, come on....).
So what THAT ZFG was imaginary, THIS ZG is real, I mean....just look at her. She obviously is not a 10.
(To that I say ... beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Somebody thought she was a 10. I personally don’t think FCA is even a -.5).

bbm, :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :great:
Didn't this ZG fill out a card at Sawgrass around the same time KC and TL were there looking at apartments?

Tony says he didn't look at Sawgrass (Casey was just tagging along with him and his friend). But Tony and his friend (with Casey) looked at a couple of places, and so did ZG. I'm guessing their lists overlapped somewhere, and ZG might well have mentioned visiting Sawgrass on a form for some other apt complex. I know when I was in my early 20s I filled out several of those forms, and they usually asked what other complexes you had visited in the area (so they could say, "OH and look how our bathrooms are so much nicer than at River Ranch!" e.g.).

ETA: Unfortunately, it looks like no one in the ZG camp has made any real effort to figure out how Casey could have gotten HER name specifically.
Tony says he didn't look at Sawgrass (Casey was just tagging along with him and his friend). But Tony and his friend (with Casey) looked at a couple of places, and so did ZG. I'm guessing their lists overlapped somewhere, and ZG might well have mentioned visiting Sawgrass on a form for some other apt complex. I know when I was in my early 20s I filled out several of those forms, and they usually asked what other complexes you had visited in the area (so they could say, "OH and look how our bathrooms are so much nicer than at River Ranch!" e.g.).

ETA: Unfortunately, it looks like no one in the ZG camp has made any real effort to figure out how Casey could have gotten HER name specifically.

if they had, or if they tried there'd just be another reason why Casey is untouchable.
Didn't this ZG fill out a card at Sawgrass around the same time KC and TL were there looking at apartments?

ZG filled out her card at Sawgrass, I believe on June 17th, the day after Caylee was last seen. It seems more likely that KC found out about ZG's visit to Sawgrass and decided to change Caylee is with my Mom and Dad to ZG to KC's friends. It's not a big stretch to believe KC could have made that connection and it really was ZG. And ZG was driving a car with NY plates on it. Ofcourse anyone who babysat Caylee would have to be a 10 so KC would never have given a desciption of the real ZG and let's just add a middle name just as she did with Jeffrey Michael Hopkins when we know she knew a Jeff Hopkins. And ZG's roommates are actually girls KC went to school with whose first and last names were interchanged. I don't think this is a stretch at all. KC's stories of others are always, always typically much more attractive, better off financially and much more improved than the actual person in real life. It's a fantasy, she can remake anyone she wants into anything she wants them to be. Doesn't mean these people are not real in some form of another. KC starts with a truth and then lies about the particulars. jmo
if they had, or if they tried there'd just be another reason why Casey is untouchable.

No, this would have been easy to investigate without including Casey at all. Definitely discoverable info.

ZG filled out her card at Sawgrass, I believe on June 17th, the day after Caylee was last seen. It seems more likely that KC found out about ZG's visit to Sawgrass and decided to change Caylee is with my Mom and Dad to ZG to KC's friends. It's not a big stretch to believe KC could have made that connection and it really was ZG. And ZG was driving a car with NY plates on it. Ofcourse anyone who babysat Caylee would have to be a 10 so KC would never have given a desciption of the real ZG and let's just add a middle name just as she did with Jeffrey Michael Hopkins when we know she knew a Jeff Hopkins. And ZG's roommates are actually girls KC went to school with whose first and last names were interchanged. I don't think this is a stretch at all. KC's stories of others are always, always typically much more attractive, better off financially and much more improved than the actual person in real life. It's a fantasy, she can remake anyone she wants into anything she wants them to be. Doesn't mean these people are not real in some form of another. KC starts with a truth and then lies about the particulars. jmo

I too believe Casey got ZG's info somehow--but IMO someone (Morgan) should have put 90% of his effort into proving that if he wanted to keep this case going. Then he would have had some evidence that Casey had targeted THAT ZG. Saying, "well, come on, we all know she must have known about the Sawgrass visit somehow" is not admissible evidence.

I don't think I ever saw any link for the "ZG was driving a car with NY plates on it" allegation. And if it was said by ZG's lawyers back when they also said that Casey had described ZG's car and named her kids, I think it would have to be discounted as part of the "early confusion" that they said also made them accidentally have her swear under penalty of perjury that her name was ZFG.
No, this would have been easy to investigate without including Casey at all. Definitely discoverable info.

I too believe Casey got ZG's info somehow--but IMO someone (Morgan) should have put 90% of his effort into proving that if he wanted to keep this case going. Then he would have had some evidence that Casey had targeted THAT ZG. Saying, "well, come on, we all know she must have known about the Sawgrass visit somehow" is not admissible evidence.

I don't think I ever saw any link for the "ZG was driving a car with NY plates on it" allegation. And if it was said by ZG's lawyers back when they also said that Casey had described ZG's car and named her kids, I think it would have to be discounted as part of the "early confusion" that they said also made them accidentally have her swear under penalty of perjury that her name was ZFG.

I don't have a link for this because it was so long ago but ZG was driving her brother's car and he had NY plates on the car.

Is it possible that M&M were able to discover a link to how KC found out ZG had visited Sawgrass and they just have not disclosed it yet? I still think the link has to do with the tattoo shop. jmo
I don't have a link for this because it was so long ago but ZG was driving her brother's car and he had NY plates on the car.

Is it possible that M&M were able to discover a link to how KC found out ZG had visited Sawgrass and they just have not disclosed it yet? I still think the link has to do with the tattoo shop. jmo

This is the problem-people say ZG was driving her brother's car and it had NY plates, but no one can seem to say where that came from. Was it a rumor? I know we discussed this a few months back, and I apologize if anyone managed to come up with a link and I've forgotten, but I sure don't remember it.

And keep in mind that Casey didn't say anything about NY plates that I recall either.

The link could definitely be through the tattoo shop. If M&M have figured it out, they will for sure need to mention it in response to this motion, so we'll know pretty soon.
"I just went to look at an apartment and filled out an information card," Fernandez-Gonzalez said in an exclusive interview today with "GMA." "My suspicion is they probably gave her [Anthony] the information from the card."

The card included the names of two of her daughters and the make and color of her car, which is the same information that Anthony gave the police, said Fernandez-Gonzalez and her attorney John Morgan.

This is the problem-people say ZG was driving her brother's car and it had NY plates, but no one can seem to say where that came from. Was it a rumor? I know we discussed this a few months back, and I apologize if anyone managed to come up with a link and I've forgotten, but I sure don't remember it.

And keep in mind that Casey didn't say anything about NY plates that I recall either.

The link could definitely be through the tattoo shop. If M&M have figured it out, they will for sure need to mention it in response to this motion, so we'll know pretty soon.

I don't know if this helps,but in this conversation between Nancy Grace and Keith Mitnik (ZFG Attorney) he tells Nancy that Zenaida had NY plates at the time... scroll about half way down the page.

I don't know if this helps,but in this conversation between Nancy Grace and Keith Mitnik (ZFG Attorney) he tells Nancy that Zenaida had NY plates at the time... scroll about half way down the page.


Statement #101 of the defendant's undisputed facts says that Z(noF)G has NO family in NY. She comes from Massachusetts. Obviously it can't be true that ZG was driving her brother's car with NY plates if she has no brother in NY.
I know it's not a popular opinion, but I strongly feel that Z(no F)G and Morgan should be charged with fraud for the way they've attempted to deceive the court in the filing of this suit. I can accept that Morgan may have gotten one or two unimportant facts wrong, but he got EVERYTHING wrong. Odd that he had ZG's correct name on the contingency agreement - apparently he wanted that to be legit. Either he's incredibly dishonest, along with Z(no F)G, or he has Jello where his brain should be. Either way, he shouldn't be practicing law. Heck, he makes Baez look like a choir boy.
This is the problem-people say ZG was driving her brother's car and it had NY plates, but no one can seem to say where that came from. Was it a rumor? I know we discussed this a few months back, and I apologize if anyone managed to come up with a link and I've forgotten, but I sure don't remember it.

And keep in mind that Casey didn't say anything about NY plates that I recall either.

The link could definitely be through the tattoo shop. If M&M have figured it out, they will for sure need to mention it in response to this motion, so we'll know pretty soon.

I don't believe there is a link. I think Casey made up the name, just like she made up so many other names, and that no one was more surprised than Casey to find out that someone with a similar name visited Sawgrass.
This is the problem-people say ZG was driving her brother's car and it had NY plates, but no one can seem to say where that came from. Was it a rumor? I know we discussed this a few months back, and I apologize if anyone managed to come up with a link and I've forgotten, but I sure don't remember it.

And keep in mind that Casey didn't say anything about NY plates that I recall either.

The link could definitely be through the tattoo shop. If M&M have figured it out, they will for sure need to mention it in response to this motion, so we'll know pretty soon.
We spent so long trying to figure it out...and couldn't. I doubt that Morgan would even be able to. The only person who knows is still not talking.
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