Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #87

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Dec 13, 2021
Morphew Murder Trial Hearings Continues Dec. 14 - by Jan Wondra - Ark Valley Voice

The trial is set for May 2022. During the four-hour-long Nov. 9 hearing, the defense lawyers referenced pretrial publicity and failure to adequately provide information that might have shown that someone other than Morphew was responsible for the disappearance and assumed murder of Morphew’s wife Suzanne. This evidence, they claim, wasn’t presented by the defense at pretrial hearings.
Well, the difference between what business(es) he sold during their marriage was half Suzanne's. Her and possibly his (as you suggest) inheritances are separate altogether. I'd be interested to know IF he did inherit anything.
Suzanne's father didn't die until after Barry had her declared incapacitated. Not sure on the law regarding that point.
I wouldn't call her own daughter suggesting to her mother to get a restraining order 'bolstering' abuse by the prosecution.
We shall see what evidence they have of his abusive behavior, as you say, during the trial. I think it will come down to who the jury believes.
The enhancement is not a jury decision. It lies with the presiding judge at the sentencing.
Happen to be there in the timeline fill in so:
May 10, 03:25 – 03:48 – Barry’s truck door opened and closed – Find Suzanne Morphew

He got in the truck to leave the house at 03:48. The door doesn't open again until the RTD bus stop in Broomfield.

These are both footnotes in the AA:
Barry’s phone entered Airplane Mode at 4:32AM and he altered his numerous prior accounts to law enforcement to match phone and truck evidence when speaking to FBI Agents in April 2021. Barry said he turned left on Highway 50 when leaving his house, the opposite direction of heading to Broomfield, because he saw a bull elk crossing the road. Barry eventually pointed to an area on a Google map that indicated he turned his truck around at an exit in Garfield, Colorado, about five miles in the opposite direction of his trip.
Investigators have driven from the intersection of Highway 225 and Highway 50 to Garfield, a distance of 2.73 miles, an impossible distance to see an elk at or around 4:32AM and follow it in a short period of time. Barry had about 30 minutes to head that way, tum around and head back towards Highway 285. Barry’s truck was seen passing video surveillance on Highway 50 right near the junction with Highway 285 and then again just north on Highway 285 at around 5:14 and 5:16AM.

My real question is, what was he doing in the truck between 03:48 when he gets in and 04:32 when he puts his phone into airplane mode? Is he just sitting in the driveway? Doing donuts in the neighborhood? Running down chipmunks?
In his car, Frazee did communicate with his just murdered fiancee's phone, which was also in his posession (as far as I remember) .......
Would Barry Lie?? Exaggerate? The Medicine Hats aren't major league? ;) Silly me, and here I thought everyone was being sarcastic about Barry owning multiple businesses. Based on what I’ve read in the AA, outside articles and my own life experiences in the commercial construction industry (28yrs) I concluded very early on that Barry is a con man, has been most of his adult life, which is why his businesses weren’t worth anything other than what he could con.

Barry strikes me as doing whatever he felt like, when he felt like it. I think he used work as an excuse ad nauseam for every single minute he was gone (whether working, hunting, fishing, playing whatever) and at some point, Suzanne caught on. I think her older brother David, saw right through Barry much earlier, years earlier.

Barry said Suzanne rode in the mornings…and it’s instantly repeated by the fire chief, the Ritter's etc. As Fire Chief Betram said. “If Barry Morphew tells you something, you can believe it.”

I do believe he made money, a good part, illegally, via his deer farming operation. I’m willing to bet he never filed taxes on most of his income from his farm. Doesn’t seem to be any (inheritance) money of consequence on Barry’s side to speak of, ( I can relate :) most of us can) besides his dad’s estate would most likely be left to Shirley. (as it should be)

Based on the Inheritances left to Suzanne, from her mother and her grandmother (not her dad BTW, all the same side) Shows there was considerable money on her mom’s side from the grandparents and her mom and my guess it was equally divided among all four Moorman children. They certainly didn't leave it all to one child. So between mom and Grandma they were worth at least a million and a half. Knowing that I think it’s typical to expect there were probably generous gifts throughout their marriage. Most people with that kind of money don't wait until their on deathbed. College tuition could have well been in a trust fund since the girl’s birth. I know personally of several wealthy grandparents that made sure of that first thing. $10 grand at Christmas to the families every few years. Help with a down PMT, who knows?

They both worked and were married 6 years before children. Quite a financial boost right there. So they buy a house and Barry plugs along.

I also don’t think the girls were running late. Late could be a couple of hours (and that’s generous) I think they were due back Mother’s Day night all along. That story was a Barry cover.
The only inheritances we know about are the one's from SM's mom and SM's dad. We have not heard if BM's father left BM anything... my guess in the last couple years it was half and half...half from inheritance form SM and half from the sale of BM's businesses and their joint property. Yes one of SM's grievances was that he used business money at Cabela's. Again that isn't relevant to whether or not he killed his wife, in my opinion. I don't know if her fifty reasons to leave your husband will even come up at trial. But again, I have said repeatedly I could be surprised next spring. I think prosecutor's were trying to "bolster" there enhancement request of abuse but so far we are not privvy to any abuse historically of SM.
I came across this gem while looking for something else. If this isn't abuse of Suzanne, I don't know what is. From the PH...
Stephanie (Butzer) Rose

Aug 9

Harris said at one point, Barry put a gun to Suzanne's head and asked, "Is this what you want?" He had also pinned her to the bed. She threatened to call police, Harris said. He added Barry was worried about how others saw their marriage & wanted "to come out looking good."

I came across this gem while looking for something else. If this isn't abuse of Suzanne, I don't know what is. From the PH...
Stephanie (Butzer) Rose

Aug 9

Harris said at one point, Barry put a gun to Suzanne's head and asked, "Is this what you want?" He had also pinned her to the bed. She threatened to call police, Harris said. He added Barry was worried about how others saw their marriage & wanted "to come out looking good."

No, it was Barry who put a gun to his head.
Would Barry Lie?? Exaggerate? The Medicine Hats aren't major league? ;) Silly me, and here I thought everyone was being sarcastic about Barry owning multiple businesses. Based on what I’ve read in the AA, outside articles and my own life experiences in the commercial construction industry (28yrs) I concluded very early on that Barry is a con man, has been most of his adult life, which is why his businesses weren’t worth anything other than what he could con.

Barry strikes me as doing whatever he felt like, when he felt like it. I think he used work as an excuse ad nauseam for every single minute he was gone (whether working, hunting, fishing, playing whatever) and at some point, Suzanne caught on. I think her older brother David, saw right through Barry much earlier, years earlier.

Barry said Suzanne rode in the mornings…and it’s instantly repeated by the fire chief, the Ritter's etc. As Fire Chief Betram said. “If Barry Morphew tells you something, you can believe it.”

I do believe he made money, a good part, illegally, via his deer farming operation. I’m willing to bet he never filed taxes on most of his income from his farm. Doesn’t seem to be any (inheritance) money of consequence on Barry’s side to speak of, ( I can relate :) most of us can) besides his dad’s estate would most likely be left to Shirley. (as it should be)

Based on the Inheritances left to Suzanne, from her mother and her grandmother (not her dad BTW, all the same side) Shows there was considerable money on her mom’s side from the grandparents and her mom and my guess it was equally divided among all four Moorman children. They certainly didn't leave it all to one child. So between mom and Grandma they were worth at least a million and a half. Knowing that I think it’s typical to expect there were probably generous gifts throughout their marriage. Most people with that kind of money don't wait until their on deathbed. College tuition could have well been in a trust fund since the girl’s birth. I know personally of several wealthy grandparents that made sure of that first thing. $10 grand at Christmas to the families every few years. Help with a down PMT, who knows?

They both worked and were married 6 years before children. Quite a financial boost right there. So they buy a house and Barry plugs along.

I also don’t think the girls were running late. Late could be a couple of hours (and that’s generous) I think they were due back Mother’s Day night all along. That story was a Barry cover.
I disagree. He obviously had a good business going with good accounts and reputation and he sold it for a one million! What's wrong with that! It's the American dream! You don't need a "college degree" to be successful. David said he was a workaholic. He didn't say anything bad about him.
I disagree. He obviously had a good business going with good accounts and reputation and he sold it for a one million! What's wrong with that! It's the American dream! You don't need a "college degree" to be successful. David said he was a workaholic. He didn't say anything bad about him.

No you don't need a degree, I am with you, I'm not judging that. People can get a bit overbearing. Lots of people do very well in life without a degree and some have them but it doesn't matter frankly. That said,

I am So Sorry genuineusa77, I think you are sincere and not trolling...just a certain level of denial going on, both my statements can be clearly documented

Statement from David Moorman (brother of Suzanne Morphew) Saturday May 8, 2021

The past year since Suzanne’s disappearance has been trying. But as my sister Melinda said, Sherriff John Spezze is a man of his word and along with the tireless efforts of all the other enforcement agencies involved, they have cleared a key hurtle in unwinding the mystery of this tragedy. I want to thank all involved along with the citizens of Chaffee County for their work, support and caring demonstrated during the last year. While my silence has been interpreted as not caring, within hours of being told of Suzanne’s disappearance nothing seemed to add up. My suspicion of foul play quickly grew, especially knowing my brother in law’s personality. I committed myself to letting the authorities do their job, staying out of the way, and waiting for a result I knew would take time, patience, and a lot of hard work. In a time when law enforcement in under attack, we, the Moorman Family, feel blessed to have a such a dedicated and professional group working on Suzanne’s case. While the arrest is good news it is only one of many steps that will be required to bring Suzanne justice and our family and her many friends’ peace and closure. Suzanne is never far from our minds, as her gentle nature, smile, and unforgettable belly laugh are very much missed. As my sister Melinda said she was our “rose among thorns”. In the coming months we will be forced to come to grips with the details of a murder that is still unimaginable. I am constantly hounded by the question, “how did we get here?” How does a man take the life of his wife and the mother of his daughters? How do character flaws turn you into a murderer? Is it nature or nurture? Nothing I say here will change minds and I will leave it to the experts of FBI to outline at the trial the cunning personality traits of Barry Morphew. As we look toward the prosecution and a trial, we can only hope for full confession and learn the whereabouts of Suzanne. I doubt that will happen and we all will be left with hearing horrific details that were perpetrated by pure evil. As my father, Gene, lay dying of cancer, there were many moments he was brought to tears thinking about his granddaughters, Mallory, and Macy. In one of our final conversations on the matter, I pledged to him that three of us, Melinda, Andrew, and myself would help them bridge this horrific event and do whatever we could to help them develop into the women Suzanne envisioned. Despite what they have been told, we love them and want to let them know we are here for them as we all move forward. I want to thank all who knew and loved Suzanne and all those who have followed this tragedy for their support. I also want to wish God Speed to the Linda Stanley and the prosecuting team as they prepare for the trial. I would ask one final thing. If you are so moved, please make a generous contribution to your local shelter or program for domestic abuse because no one, regardless of status or money is immune. Brother of Suzanne Moorman Morphew David S. Moorman

Selling the Business Page 56 of the AA

Barry told Matt that he was making $200,000 to $300,000 per year and the client list in his phone alone was worth the investment. After paying the initial $189,000, Matt and the others agreed to pay Barry·

$50,000 per year over the next four years, due on August 1st of each year. They paid $50,000 to Barry in August 2019 and $50,000 in August 2020.

Matt told Agents that Barry's business was possibly worth $20,000, instead of the $389,000 they

paid. Barry used his relationships through the church and his supposed good reputation to fool Matt and his family into buying a worthless business. Matt's father refused to allow Matt and the others to hire an attorney and sue Barry because he did not believe in lawsuits. His father felt it was his fault for agreeing to be the guarantor and he planned to pay off the debt.

Barry sold his BLM business once before, to Seth Pickett and Kyle Cambre, though he called the business "BLM Landscaping LLC" and left out "Services" from the business name. Matt found out after he bought the business from Barry that Pickett and Cambre also figured out BLM was worthless, and they refused to pay him the rest of the money they supposedly owed Barry in 2015 or 2016. Matt said he would have stopped paying also, except his father was the guarantor.
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No you don't need a degree, I am with you, I'm not judging that. People can get a bit overbearing. Lots of people do very well in life without a degree and some have them but it doesn't matter frankly. That said,

I am So Sorry genuineusa77, I think you are sincere and not trolling...just a certain level of denial going on, both my statements can be clearly documented

Statement from David Moorman (brother of Suzanne Morphew) Saturday May 8, 2021

The past year since Suzanne’s disappearance has been trying. But as my sister Melinda said, Sherriff John Spezze is a man of his word and along with the tireless efforts of all the other enforcement agencies involved, they have cleared a key hurtle in unwinding the mystery of this tragedy. I want to thank all involved along with the citizens of Chaffee County for their work, support and caring demonstrated during the last year. While my silence has been interpreted as not caring, within hours of being told of Suzanne’s disappearance nothing seemed to add up. My suspicion of foul play quickly grew, especially knowing my brother in law’s personality. I committed myself to letting the authorities do their job, staying out of the way, and waiting for a result I knew would take time, patience, and a lot of hard work. In a time when law enforcement in under attack, we, the Moorman Family, feel blessed to have a such a dedicated and professional group working on Suzanne’s case. While the arrest is good news it is only one of many steps that will be required to bring Suzanne justice and our family and her many friends’ peace and closure. Suzanne is never far from our minds, as her gentle nature, smile, and unforgettable belly laugh are very much missed. As my sister Melinda said she was our “rose among thorns”. In the coming months we will be forced to come to grips with the details of a murder that is still unimaginable. I am constantly hounded by the question, “how did we get here?” How does a man take the life of his wife and the mother of his daughters? How do character flaws turn you into a murderer? Is it nature or nurture? Nothing I say here will change minds and I will leave it to the experts of FBI to outline at the trial the cunning personality traits of Barry Morphew. As we look toward the prosecution and a trial, we can only hope for full confession and learn the whereabouts of Suzanne. I doubt that will happen and we all will be left with hearing horrific details that were perpetrated by pure evil. As my father, Gene, lay dying of cancer, there were many moments he was brought to tears thinking about his granddaughters, Mallory, and Macy. In one of our final conversations on the matter, I pledged to him that three of us, Melinda, Andrew, and myself would help them bridge this horrific event and do whatever we could to help them develop into the women Suzanne envisioned. Despite what they have been told, we love them and want to let them know we are here for them as we all move forward. I want to thank all who knew and loved Suzanne and all those who have followed this tragedy for their support. I also want to wish God Speed to the Linda Stanley and the prosecuting team as they prepare for the trial. I would ask one final thing. If you are so moved, please make a generous contribution to your local shelter or program for domestic abuse because no one, regardless of status or money is immune. Brother of Suzanne Moorman Morphew David S. Moorman

Selling the Business Page 56 of the AA

Barry told Matt that he was making $200,000 to $300,000 per year and the client list in his phone alone was worth the investment. After paying the initial $189,000, Matt and the others agreed to pay Barry·

$50,000 per year over the next four years, due on August 1st of each year. They paid $50,000 to Barry in August 2019 and $50,000 in August 2020.

Matt told Agents that Barry's business was possibly worth $20,000, instead of the $389,000 they

paid. Barry used his relationships through the church and his supposed good reputation to fool Matt and his family into buying a worthless business. Matt's father refused to allow Matt and the others to hire an attorney and sue Barry because he did not believe in lawsuits. His father felt it was his fault for agreeing to be the guarantor and he planned to pay off the debt.

Barry sold his BLM business once before, to Seth Pickett and Kyle Cambre, though he called the business "BLM Landscaping LLC" and left out "Services" from the business name. Matt found out after he bought the business from Barry that Pickett and Cambre also figured out BLM was worthless, and they refused to pay him the rest of the money they supposedly owed Barry in 2015 or 2016. Matt said he would have stopped paying also, except his father was the guarantor.
Look at the estate they lived in, in Indiana. That alone shows accomplishment. As far as the business goes, maybe these people did not run the business as good as Barry! Yes, there are people that buy businesses and run them into the ground, I'm thinking of one right now. As far as David goes, I meant to say Andy who said Barry was a workaholic.
Barry played baseball, he skated. He's probably got that GenEd degree they handed out to NCAA athletes in the 90s.
Apologies to all my lovely US friends - but way down here in Oz it's been a running joke for decades that in the USA you can get a university degree majoring in basketball, etc, and cake decorating :D.
What was Barry doing in his truck from 3whatever am to 4whatever am?

Probably took him the long to figure out how to reset the clock.

I have the same question along with his time outside Men’s Warehouse. Wth was he doing? Talking on the phone? Perusing online *advertiser censored*? Checking off his to do list? Hopefully we learn exactly what he was doing both times. IMO
I disagree. He obviously had a good business going with good accounts and reputation and he sold it for a one million! What's wrong with that! It's the American dream! You don't need a "college degree" to be successful. David said he was a workaholic. He didn't say anything bad about him.
We know the job he had scheduled for the weekend Suzanne was murdered was a rebuild to correct problems with his original work. Shoddy workmanship that has to be redone isn’t exactly good for business. IIRC there was also an issue as to whether he should have even scheduled work at the site for those days. It had something to do with the regulations for that site. Someone more familiar with that part of it can probably explain better.

One doesn’t need a degree to be successful but IMO Barry spent more time trying to appear wealthy and successful and oh so busy, busy, busy than he actually spent doing quality work.
Apologies to all my lovely US friends - but way down here in Oz it's been a running joke for decades that in the USA you can get a university degree majoring in basketball, etc, and cake decorating :D.

Yeah, in the 90s and early oos in particular the GenEd degree was what the athletes got if they weren't playing sports to finance a real degree. We know, we laughed too. Now the NCAA makes the universities actually attempt to get the football players legitimate degrees or they can't play.

Oddly, this has lead to an interesting influx of Australian kickers. What're y'all up to down there?
Look at the estate they lived in, in Indiana. That alone shows accomplishment. As far as the business goes, maybe these people did not run the business as good as Barry! Yes, there are people that buy businesses and run them into the ground, I'm thinking of one right now. As far as David goes, I meant to say Andy who said Barry was a workaholic.
Suzanne brought the money. True he worked hard, but he was also volatile.
Barry is in court at 1pm Mountain tomorrow. They've blocked out four hours.
Colorado Judicial Branch - Court Docket Search
Thanks for the heads up. Homicide lasagna it is and if I start it now I will have it perfected by the time BM is really under it. I’m gonna guess he’s not a lasagna type guy. Meat and potatoes! For one because Suzanne never ate a full meal and Barry likes to share on one plate. And does the dishes while overlooking her half full coffee cup. IMO
My, my, friends. You've been so busy composing the most interesting information and speculation. Thank you!

I've enjoyed a few cocktails because it's my birthday and only drink alcohol about twice a year so I hope this post makes sense. All of this is my own opinion with a few facts in the mix.

RE: Barry's failed baseball career
I think Barry was thrilled he was chosen in the draft. The only reason he moved his um to Canada was because there was a $20,000 signing bonus involved. Otherwise, he could care less about the sport. It was his father's dream; not his own. jmo

I don't think his father gave him a dime for mad money spending. I recall stories of Barry selling beaver tails or turkey breasts and in the winter he sold bales of hay and raked pine straw while in high school. Didn't he sell used golf balls he found on the golf course at night?

This is a man who loves the great outdoors and knows more about certain parts of nature than most of us would ever care to know. Didn't he kill his pet squirrel when its tail was bushy enough to sell for profit? He knows how to make a buck.

Let me be clear. I adore a working man. I wish I'd married a man who carried a lunch pail and worked hard nine hours a day and came home to dance with me in the kitchen. Instead, I married a highly intelligent narcissistic sociopath who wore a suit to work. He managed to hide his true nature for several years.

The remainder of the marriage was like walking on broken glass. I stayed for my daughter's sake and hoped to leave when she graduated but waited until she was out of college so she'd have a "home" to come to on the weekends. Huge decision that caused me great C-PTSD. Had a major panic attack the other day that lasted nearly three hours. It came out of the blue for I haven't spoken to him since the day I escaped, over 20yrs ago, which took major secretive planning. Unlike Suzanne, I knew my life was in danger.

X called late one night to tell me he was holding the Glock to his head. I said, "So... whatcha want to do that for?" By that time, I was disconnected from the marriage.

Let me tell everyone reading here that when a narcissistic man threatens suicide with a gun pointed at his own head, then he can become a homicidal maniac without thinking of consequences as long as he wins. He wins all the money, the business, the house, the vehicles, the child.

That's what Barry wanted. He wanted to win. He knew Suzanne was the unique doll whom everyone that met her adored. She was the rose among thorns. He wanted to win when she wanted to leave. His only thoughts were killing her in order to stop her because if she left him, that would mean he lost. He would be a loser. He is a loser.

He murdered that sweet lady in the cruelest fashion imaginable. JMO He used a tranquilizer dart. Whether or not he had to chase her in order to inject her, I don't know. But, I do know Suzanne knew sheer terror in her final moments on earth.

If she was ever rude to him, then he deserved it because being mean was not her nature. She was in love with life, her children and in love with the thought of being free from Barry. She deserved to be free but he stole that from her. He's a thief.

Barry wanted to win the money, the business, the house, the vehicles, the children.

Narcissists think they are perfect yet they are highly critical of others. Barry taught conned their children into believing he was perfect. He taught conned their children into believing that Suzanne was flawed in her thinking. That's where we are today. When those precious children hear the prosecutors lay out the extraordinary evidence of a father who chased his wife with a poisonous dart in order to end her life, they may be crushed by the dastardly scheming. Humans don't survive well, much less thrive, once evil enters their lives.

Yet, I'm prepared for them to still believe in him even when my heart knows they will lose if they don't break those ties that bind. I hope one day they will walk away like I did and never speak to him again. jmvhoo

This is only my opinion. It is only my speculation based on a painful marriage and blessed for the very happy life I have today because I turned away from an evil doer and never looked back. Cheers to a Conviction!
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