MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #2

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If JO is hit on the street, why does the glass follow him up onto the grass? Wouldn't he drop it at the point of impact and the glass would remain in the same general vicinity as the taillight fragments?

I don't mean to suggest that the presence of the glass by his body automatically means it's a conspiracy. Although I find it unlikely, I suppose it's possible that he held onto the stem as he struggled to crawl forward after the collision. But it's puzzling no doubt.

Edit - I wonder what part of the glass was by JO's body? Was it the stem, the bowl, just a small shard? It's kind of interesting that they talked about the glass today but we didn't see any pictures, like we did with the blood.
Imagine if the PD implemented the basic of basics procedures in their start of the investigation.
Like… idk, getting a PCA or even asking to look (and getting permission) in the house for a matching set of cocktail glasses (or a shoe).
There’d be more answers, and even those could’ve played into CW’s favor.
There’s so much carelessness and ineptitude that the only possible explanation to all this IS a coverup.
If this was a crime thriller depicting “a standard approach to an investigation “, we’d all walk out of a movie theater within minutes.
I believe the judge will be revisiting the testimony of Katie McLaughlin today. One of the photos that has surfaced since her testimony is one of her at a baby shower with Caitlin Albert just 8 months before JO died on the Albert's front lawn. Instead of being coy, McLaughlin should have been straightforward. This is a tough defense team and I literally winced when she said she went to high school with “someone named Caitlin Albert". It remind me of A Christmas Story. "Flick? Flick who?"
#KarenRead & the defense team are in the courtroom, with 10 friends & family behind her. I don’t see any pink on the supporters.

Family & friends of John OKeefe have entered the courtroom.Someone asked about the seating arrangements in the courtroom.It is tiny, and I doubt it regularly has this many people in it.That means #KareanRead supporters are behind her & the defense. There are usually 10.

John OKeefe’s family & friends, also 10, sit on the left of the courtroom, facing the jury, which is on the right. The evidence screen is also in the right, facing the jurors, but OKeefe’s family can’t see the screen.

There are 17 jurors, & 10 members of the press. We are in a small area behind the OKeefe family, facing the jury. We can’t see the evidence screen, but often watch the stream on our devices.

Our space is outside the judge’s chamber, and we have to squeeze together or leave the area when the judge enters or leaves.

There is also a pool photographer & video photographer. They are the only media allowed to take pictures or record. They are behind the jurors. “Pool” means they share their images with all the media. That’s where the live stream comes from.

So generally there are about 65 people in the courtroom, and it’s snug.


Good morning from Norfolk Superior for day 6 of testimony in the Karen Read trial.

We are expected to go until about 1pm today.

One of the things I believe I heard Jen McCabe say on the 911 call yesterday is “we just flipped him over”.

Others heard the same. That would mean JO would have initially been face down.

I had never heard that before yesterday.

We are waiting to get a clean version of the call from the court.

Canton police Sgt Goode returns to the stand.
Yannetti on cross.
Asking about the key swipe system at the Canton Police Dept.
Asking who has cards, how the swipe data is stored, access to data.Goode says he doesn’t know.
Yannetti introducing redacted key swipe logs from Jan 29.

Judge asks if prosecution & defense agree on submission & redactions.
Yannetti is back up.Yannetti asking about Goode’s police report. Did you review between yesterday and today?
Goode: yes, I scanned it.
Y: did you speak to anyone about it?
G: No

Y: did you speak to anyone from the prosecution?
G: no
Yannetti hands Goode the police report

Goode is looking at two face sheets. The reports appear to be identical.
Goode identifies a photo on one exhibit.
The other face sheet has a different photo.
Y: These are both your reports?
G: they are, can I explain
Y: Mr Lally will let you explain.
I’m asking questions

9:36 AM · May 7, 2024

The 2 face sheets of the reports are labeled - one “P”, one “Q”

9:37 AM · May 7, 2024

Goode is looking at two face sheets. The reports appear to be identical.
Goode identifies a photo on one exhibit.
The other face sheet has a different photo.
Y: These are both your reports?
G: they are, can I explain
Y: Mr Lally will let you explain.
I’m asking questions

9:36 AM · May 7, 2024

The 2 face sheets of the reports are labeled - one “P”, one “Q”

9:37 AM · May 7, 2024


WHY did that judge sustain the objection to enter the different photo into evidence?

Judge dismisses jurors. She's not happy about the way the two reports were entered into evidence. Wants them cut with scissors.

9:51 AM · May 7, 2024

Judge to lawyers: "We're taking an awful lot of these jurors times. We're taking days and weeks... Let's not squander it.... Let's move this case along."

9:51 AM · May 7, 2024
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