MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #2

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Apparently many Karen Read defenders are now suggesting the judge is biased against her. Maybe the judge is in on the conspiracy too!?? How deep does this conspiracy go? The whole state of Boston is out to get Karen Read apparently. Lol.

I really like this judge! She’s a breath of fresh air. We’ve seen a lot of judges in these high profile trials (looking at you Judge Glanville in the YSL trial) lose control of their courtrooms and it’s a mess. If it hadn’t been for this judge, the defense would’ve turned this trial into a circus with their bs conspiracy theory. They’ve already turned the public discourse into a dumpster fire with their propaganda. I think she’s acutely aware of this and determined not to make the trial a joke. JMO

Personally, I don't think she's biased. She's given the defense significant leeway to make their case when she could have hamstrung them. For example, she's apparently going to let in evidence of Officer Lank interceding on behalf of the Albert brothers in the past.

However, having watched most of the pretrial hearings as well the trial to date, I feel she has a certain about of disdain for the defense attorneys. She's made several snide remarks to them (but for the most part not in front of the jury). In particular she seems to dislike Alan Jackson. I don't know why. Maybe because they asked her to recuse herself. Maybe she doesn't like a non-local interloper. Or as a former public defender maybe she resents these high-priced attorneys in private practice. Who knows, maybe they are rude to her in private. Others have noted it as well, and not just KR defenders. I've seen more neutral trial watchers mention it as well.
Lally objects to all of it. Judge Cannone is allowing Jackson to ask about: Relationship with Albert’s, not one entity, must do it individually. Some leeway in the incident of the fight, where when, the role he had in handcuffing or detention, & the filing of report against Lank

No federal investigation or sued, that they were found not guilty.
Jackson is to go no further. Lally can get into the animosity between Brian Albert & Lank.
Judge tells Jackson - you did this in 10 minutes yesterday, don’t take an hour.
Jackson seeking further guidance.

5 minute break.

We’re back.
Judge asks Jackson to let her know before he begins his line of questioning, as she has an instruction.
Sgt Michael Lank, Canton Police Department sworn in.
Lally establishing Lank’s experience, role, job responsibilities.

Establishing how he came to respond to the scene.
Arrived at 6:24
Establishing who else was on scene.

Jurors are listening, many seem to write in their notebooks every time
Lank mentions a name of a person at the scene.
Lank talking about his interaction with Jennifer McCabe.
Explains contacting State Police, dispatch center.
State Police investigate deaths.

Lally asking about the weather conditions.
When her arrived OKeefe was in the ambulance.
Lally was going to ask about injuries, but a sustained objection shifts him to Lank’s convo with McCabe.

Lank says McCabe told him the people at 34 Fairview were sleeping.
Lank later saw a light on, went to the home & entered through the main door. He spoke to homeowners Brian & Nicole Albert.
Lally asking how he knew Brian Albert.
He was the oldest or the Albert brothers.

Lally establishing that Lank has lived in Canton since he was 5, he coaches youth sports for about 10 years.
Describes relationship with Brian Albert as “civil”.
Describes Brian & Nicole, especially Brian, as dishevled.

Lank describing how he secured the crime scene: tape, police cars.
Describes seeing leaf blower process, documented in report and video.
Rehashing the blood drops & drinking glass discovery.

Lally publishes an exhibit on the screen, picture of Fairview, Lank using laser to point out where evidence was retrieved.
Lank did not interact with #KarenRead

So the officer on the stand right now testified he did go into the home. 3 times! Didn’t see anything out of order.

Defense first question will be — Isn’t it true you went into the house to help clean up the evidence of a beating? Hahahaha……

Defense is losing all credibility! This was a terrible defense strategy.

so what are you suggesting happened?
I'm not suggesting anything.

The testimony was that this was a cover sheet. The date/time and some other details of the incident don't change - that's why they are the same.

Over time these reports are updated. I would assume with additional interviews, details, evidence, photos... whatever. All of that information is contained within the report - presumably with dates and times of the updates.

The defense was keying on the photo on the cover sheet... implying it was some kind of effort to make it look like that photo was taken on the morning of the incident vs. being added later.

This, of course, is silly. Any information about that photo would be contained in the ACTUAL report. Why did the photo on the cover sheet change? What would this even accomplish (if it's yet another part of the big conspiracy)?

The officer who was questioned didn't know... it didn't seem like a manual process he was familiar with (ie. he or anyone was dropping and dragging photos to create a report) and he suggested it might even be the software just grabbing the last photo added to the report or similar.

OF COURSE - this would be all be very easy to verify, if the defense actually cared to.

The broken glass appears in court !!

Proving what? Not so sure.... :rolleyes:
I'm not sure it proves anything... but it certainly is a weird thing to exist if the conspiracy is that he was beaten in the house (attacked by a dog, too!) and dumped in the front yard.
So the officer on the stand right now testified he did go into the home. 3 times! Didn’t see anything out of order.

Defense first question will be — Isn’t it true you went into the house to help clean up the evidence of a beating? Hahahaha……

Defense is losing all credibility! This was a terrible defense strategy.

oh,good. how did the basement look?
Why do you say that? Didn't we hear specific testimony yesterday about two officers going into the house that morning?
Oh I missed the testimony yesterday afternoon. So this whole ‘no one went into the house’ bellyaching by defense yesterday morning was immediately proven false by the afternoon? Ha! And now here’s another officer saying he went into the house 3 times. Again, this is a good reminder that whatever defense attys say in the media is utter bs! It’s all done to manipulate potential jurors and influence public opinion. JMO
Blood in solo cups secured from Lt Gallagher who lived near the scene.
Lank detailing how the evidence was transported.

Secured in “temporary evidence”.
Lank explains the process.

Lank is identifying a cardboard box with red tape on it.
Lank is directed to open the boxLally puts on purple evidence gloves, is taking out evidence bags.
One contains the broken drinking glass.
Lank removes it, and holds it for the jury to see. Puts it back.

Some jurors were leaning toward to see the broken drinking glass.
Lank removed the gloves, Lally retrieves the box
Lally at Feb 4 now.
Lally returns to Fairview because Chief Berkowitz called saying he had discovered evidence.
Lank reports the weather had warmed, snow had melted

Lally asking about where the plastic glass was found, near where OKeefe’s body was.
Lank photographed it.
Contacted State Police. A trooper arrived on the scene, and the item was secured.

Lally hands Lank 2 photographs of the plastic that Chief Berkowitz retrieved.

Photos are up on the screen for the jurors.


Oh I missed the testimony yesterday afternoon. So this whole ‘no one went into the house’ bellyaching by defense yesterday morning was immediately proven false by the afternoon? Ha! And now here’s another officer saying he went into the house 3 times. Again, this is a good reminder that whatever defense attys say in the media is utter bs! It’s all done to manipulate potential jurors and influence public opinion. JMO

Oh he entered the house and determined right there that everything looked great? Did he go in each room? Each Floor? Or did they just use see through vision to get a gist of things on other floors and rooms?
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