Mother's & Father's Texts. When? Where?
@NuttMegg Thx for your post.
If MSM quote of LE's complaint's quote of text* is accurate, is a bit unusual that TEXT has full sentences, std. grammar, NO abbreviations? Maybe w med training & experience, she maintains calm demeanor regardless of circumstances?
And HIS responding texts, w no abbrev's, etc?
HOW did they go to hosp? Why text in transit?
A. Did both Mo. & Fa. ride in AMBU. TOGETHER?
If so, is it likely she since that text* in ambu, w him right there? Unless one parent was in ambu med bay & other in front cab, they could talk or whisper to ea other, so why text?
B. SEPARATELY, w Mo. in ambu & Fa. driving car?
Or would she have been focussing only on dau, perhaps offering guidance, wanted or unwanted, to EMTs?
C. If they went to hosp together in ONE CAR then why TEXT instead of talk? Unless they had dau(s) w them?
D. Other way to hosp, e.g., Uber, neighbor, relative? Together or separately?
Both ^ points puzzle me.
Maybe or likely because I'm the only person left in the US who doesn't text.
* "The interim complaint also shows Scholtes received text messages from his wife while their daughter was being taken to the hospital stating: “I told you to stop leaving them in the car, How many times have I told you?” "
"He responded, “Babe, I’m sorry!” She then said “We’ve lost her, she was perfect,” and he responded by texting “Babe our family. How could I do this? I killed our baby, this can’t be real.” "
Father may have been distracted by PlayStation when toddler died in hot car