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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    Identified! VA - Chesterfield Co., BlkMale UP14890, 18-99, James River bank, Mar'16 *Hassan Alkebu-Lan*

    Is he in NamUs or anything yet? Any cause of death released?
  2. M

    Identified! CT - Granby, Enders Rd , WhtMale 18-30, UP10037, braided goatee, hair in ponytail, multiple scars, T-shirt w/ "FERGUSON", Sep'77 Patrick Andrew Nopper

    Yeah, WOW, that is a creepy "reconstruction!" Why did LE not just release the postmortem photograph itself?? How could it be any worse/more disturbing? UID had a four-inch long BRAIDED goatee, SOMEONE should remember this man!
  3. M

    TX TX - Austin, WhtMale 40-75, UP12160, found in abandoned trailer, clothes, Jan'14

    "Death Due to Natural Causes" plus "Contact APD Homicide Main Line"? UID was found in a utility trailer, I wonder if he was a landlord or hired to work on the property? I wonder what happened there?
  4. M

    NV NV - Las Vegas, WhtMale 30-60, UP8016, tattoos: Shirley Burke, "Justine & Robin", Josh, Sep'04

    Yes, please, someone should submit Kieran Burke! The tattoos alone (since we do not have any pictures of the man) make it a great possibility, IMO.
  5. M

    MI MI - Highland Park, WhtFem 15-25, UP12115, nickname "Bill", may be runaway from Ohio, Mar'76

    I actually think she looks very close! (keep in mind that UID had overdosed, that the "recon" is based very closely off a photograph of a relatively pristine very-recently deceased person) And as Rose Cole was running and hiding from a cult, it could definitely make sense that she was found so...
  6. M

    Identified! CO - Denver Co., WhtFem UP12412, 40-60, found burned near dumpster, Feb'83 - Hope Waddell

    Hmm, she looks pretty dang close to the sketch of the UID. But that's quite a long time to be alive but unaccounted for, July 1967 to February 1983.
  7. M

    NJ NJ - Jersey City, Liberty SP, WhtMale 30-45, UP6785, shaved head, clothes, sunglasses, Jul'08

    Thanks for the warning! I wish they'd not paste scary uncanny-valley eyeballs onto dead faces! I'd personally rather see plain ol' morgue photos, it's better than being startled by fake eyeballs staring back at me.
  8. M

    MI MI - Detroit, WhtFem 19-29, UP11897, 'Pat', 26, two kids in CA, Nov'89

    Hmm. Patricia Gutierrez seems like the best possibility for submitting - no picture, could be anyone! UID did say her name was Pat, which could very well be true! Sherie Graves is out of the age range, with some probably disqualifying scars (although the UID died in a fire, who knows what got...
  9. M

    Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

    GOOD. Those Sandy Hook (and/or September 11th) "truther" people who think the victims are all fake are APPALLING - harassing grieving parents must be about as low as a non-violent person can get. I think the basis of that particular brand of conspiracy-theorism is actually (paradoxically)...
  10. M

    TX TX - Madisonville, UnkFem 2-6, UP15905, feeding tube, in suitcase, clothes, blankets, Sep'16

    Oh, wow, I had not heard of that case. That's different from the Spears case: supposedly Hannah Overton was feeding her little boy salt as PUNISHMENT? But then "Multiple inconsistencies and errors plagued the state’s case against Hannah. Rather than being force-fed salt, evidence...
  11. M

    Identified! MD - Bel Alton, Blk(or Bi-Racial)Fem 25-35, UP2716, no dental work, light complexion, Jun'98 - LaQuanda Williams

    Good possibilities! Remember that UID had been dead about a week, left outside, during June. Presumably her skin was nowhere near pristine, so I would not rule out a missing person for something superficial like a birthmark. Doe Network says that UID had "No visible scars, marks or tattoos"...
  12. M

    TX TX - Madisonville, UnkFem 2-6, UP15905, feeding tube, in suitcase, clothes, blankets, Sep'16

    Nope: they would need a warrant to search the medical records of EACH individual who is a possible identity (as I understand the law).
  13. M

    AR AR - Whitehall Motel in El Dorado, WhtFem, 81UFAR, 18-21, Jul'91 - #2 - Kelly from VA

    I am sorry, I did not mean my post insultingly at all. (Reading it again I see how meanly it comes across.) The "garden variety psychopath" was a quote from another poster; I do not consider UID a psychopath, just a troubled woman doing the best she could. Should some one delete it for me? (I...
  14. M

    Resolved TX - Euless, BlkFem, UP1817, 39-45, stabbed to death at airport, Apr'02 - Name withheld

    OH, it was at a BUS STOP NEAR the airport - okay, I didn't read enough! That makes it way harder, she could be anyone, going anywhere. Ugh.
  15. M

    WA WA - Kent, wooded area @ Frager Rd, WhtFem 40-60, UP14083, in suitcase, clothes, adultdiaper, May'15

    Hmm. You might be right there. I know adult diapers are relatively expensive things to buy regularly (which made me think "not homeless") but I don't know how many municipalities have programs which make them more accessible.
  16. M

    Identified! OH - Cleveland, WhtFem UP15630, 22-28, in factory boiler room, Jul'84 - Name withheld

    Oh, yes, that is horrible. I definitely would have been one to bound down to the boiler room, expecting to find a kitten or two in need of help, what an awful shock to find a dead human! Creepy creepy creepy!
  17. M

    OR OR - Salem, WhtMale 40-70, UP8447, in sleeping bag, ID bracelet 'Jeremy', Nike Tee & jeans, Aug'93

    Sad. What a lonely death. I hope he was at least warm in that sleeping bag. :(
  18. M

    Australia Australia - Tamam Shud Case - Male, Dec 1948

    Well, if you go far enough back, we're all related to everybody. Think of how many people are descended from Charlemagne. Or Tamerlane! Geez.
  19. M

    WA WA - Seattle, WhtFem 30-50, 159UFWA, alias 'Mary Anderson', copper IUD, breast surgery scars, Oct'96

    Regarding the IUD, she may have just not been able to get it removed. In a country without universal health insurance, it costs money to get IUDs and Norplant rods removed. She may also have been appropriately cautious regarding the risk of pregnancy (many 40-50ish women get complacent when...
  20. M

    WA WA - Seattle, WhtFem 30-50, 159UFWA, alias 'Mary Anderson', copper IUD, breast surgery scars, Oct'96

    I think these similarities are due to these people not wanting to be identified, not wanting to "burden" their families. EDIT: But not knowing what happened to a loved one could be a lot more upsetting than knowing they killed themselves.

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