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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. gaia

    A clue as to why no one was arrested

    Thanks for the link. Your input is greatly appreciated!
  2. gaia

    A Dream

    If anyone wants to know more about dream symbols, a good beginning is in the THE HERDER DICTIONARY OF SYMBOLS and MAN AND HIS SYMBOLS, the latter being originally written by Carl G. Jung - edited by others. :cool:
  3. gaia

    NE article about Patsy?

    People walk around you every day with psychosis or in a dissociative state and NO ONE notices. It's all inside most of the time. Sometimes outside behavior reflects it, but everyone I've ever spoken to or has a mental illness tries with all their might to hide it. Good heavens, nobody wants...
  4. gaia

    Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

    Why am I not surprised? Because any logical person would know that DNA on the panties could have happened so many places at so many different times. To try to base your whole premise an intruder did it on something that slim is ludicrous. Goody that Bennett came forward. Just wish his...
  5. gaia

    A Dream

    I haven't had a JonBenet dream yet, but I do want to say dreams have more than one level/interpretation. BroMoon is on track with his post, but there is also the literal level to consider. Dreams are your inner self telling you things in story form to get you to pay attention, see what's being...
  6. gaia

    A clue as to why no one was arrested

    BroMoon, I agree with what you said in your last post. I'm wondering if a person regresses easily (especially if he/she is very fragile psychologically) when terribly frightened. This is what happens to PTSD folks. The suggestion triggers old or compensating behavior and weird things start to...
  7. gaia

    A clue as to why no one was arrested

    Soooooo, does this mean Ward Churchill is someone to be saved and protected because he has the right to speak (lst amend.) as well as challenge students to think? Orrrrrr, is he being embraced by the Boulderites because they're pseudo-liberals who think they must? If that's true, 'ole' Ward...
  8. gaia

    A clue as to why no one was arrested

    Sis, yep, you're right on target. Pass the brie and pinot grigio, please....pullllllleaaaaasssssee!! Bro, are you kiddin' me? Boulder doesn't know what to do with Ward Churchill? Surely not. After all, Ward MUST be embraced wholeheartedly by a community as open and intellectual as they...
  9. gaia

    Why didn't the officer who searched the basement see the open broken window?

    I think the officer was not used to following protocol about securing a house where a child was missing. He was probably hyper and nervous and did a cursory search in the basement. Besides, he was told the child had been kidnapped. Armed with that knowledge, he probably believed the child...
  10. gaia

    A clue as to why no one was arrested

    Are you saying Boulderthink is a belief in "looking at the bigger picture" and sees the murder of JonBenet as an aberration amongst it's educated, moneyed, forward-looking, new-age residents? Following that idea, the worst thing to do would be to punish these parents (Patsy especially) for an...
  11. gaia

    Ramsey Friend, Member of "Small Foreign Faction", Was Never Investigated

    I'm not available for the shot you could take on me if I disagree with you. I don't. To me, Burke is a likely suspect. He is so naked I'm shielding my eyes. The deal is, I just can't believe Burke could hide the truth in the face of intense scrufiny. Yes, he was summarily dismissed from...
  12. gaia

    Why Patsy did not kill JonBenet

    I can't quite agree with you on all your theories. As for the idea there were others in the house, I'm sure that's quite possible, but it takes quite a lot of cojones to kidnap a child. The people in that house (workers) weren't stupid nor does it seem they were drug addicts. Uh-uh. The...
  13. gaia

    The Intruder as a Friend

    Perhaps you kids are like me. I love to wrap my brains around stuff, but hope someone else does the digging. When I first read the books, I was ready to debate anyone. Now, I'm just hoping and trying to hook someone else into doing the "dirty work". Sorry. I'll quite posting. Folks should...
  14. gaia

    Sequence of Events Questioned

    What is the consensus amongst you guys? You're stellar in presenting your ideas about what happened. Let's try this. Let's grant I'm stupid. That's easy. Now...... What is the best, most supported scenario? Who says so? Who are you? Why? What do you have to condemn other...
  15. gaia

    Am I the only one who finds this alarming???

    Yep, Eagle, I hope you'll clarify. I'm too lazy, but I honestly thought that stuff happened between Fleet and JB at Xmas. Is this true or not?
  16. gaia

    Future of Forensics

    You're going to think I'm dopey, but I think the advance of forensics will also support an advance in "other methods" like psych profiles, psychics, handwriting analysis, the whole gamut. I believe there are lots of ways to trap a rat and when one skill gets better, another follows. :cool:
  17. gaia

    I find it strange

    Hope this thread doesn't sink into the dark recesses. It's a good query. I'm intrigued. I want to know. Deal is, I'm just lazy and have a new puppy. As soon as I start to research something, the crazy cooter wants to go outside! HELP! Oh well, at least she keeps me active - against my...
  18. gaia

    Killer Types

    I dunno, but I believe anyone who'd walk into a foreign house, find a child they might or might not be addicted to, murder her, stage her body in the basement, write a ransom note, and get away without ANY detection is HOUDINI. Has to be. Most people interested in messing with a child are...
  19. gaia

    Charlevoix Propagandist, Some in Boulder?

    Kids, all kinds of "I did it" groupies always seep out of the woodwork, don't they? Sheesh, that's just the problem. We get all concerned about the periphery of "carnival clowns" we're shown every other day. It's easy to start believing in a "conspiracy". It is for me, anyway. Deal is, I...
  20. gaia

    Charlevoix Propagandist, Some in Boulder?

    Your points are good ones. Many things about the Rams rubbed people the wrong way...still do. Many folks on this board seem to abhor them. I also interpret the info you posted as being a part of the picture the Rams painted for the world. To me, their display of wealth, Patsy's beauty...

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