Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? POLL

  • John

    Votes: 124 8.4%
  • Patsy

    Votes: 547 37.2%
  • Burke

    Votes: 340 23.1%
  • An Intruder, (anyone including someone known to them)

    Votes: 459 31.2%

  • Total voters
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the poll doesn't include the best answer - the evidence doesn't reveal the killer in its current state and our level of knowledge.

it is looking more and more like the ramseys aren't involved, though. this assumes the dna location evidence as revealed in 48 hours mystery is accurate.
My Take said:
the poll doesn't include the best answer - the evidence doesn't reveal the killer in its current state and our level of knowledge.

it is looking more and more like the ramseys aren't involved, though. this assumes the dna location evidence as revealed in 48 hours mystery is accurate.
I think it is safe to discard the DNA evidence in 48 hours. Tracey's documentary is full of opinions which have been represented as facts.

Tom Bennett has been working on the new investigation for over two years now. He was hired to focus on the intruder theory and he has access to every piece of evidence, every lab report. He has also been working under a "no leaks" ruling.

I think it is significant that Bennett broke his silence after the CBS programme to set the record straight about the DNA evidence:-

Contrary to what was reported on a "48 Hours" special that aired Saturday night on CBS, DNA evidence found in JonBenet's underwear doesn't necessarily belong to the killer, Boulder County District Attorney's Office investigator Tom Bennett said Monday. The office took over the Ramsey case two years ago and entered the DNA evidence into a national database for the first time earlier this year.


"The DNA on the underwear may be from the killer, but it may not be," Bennett said. "It's minute DNA, like from a cough or sneeze. ... You can't just jump to conclusion it's positive proof that will trace back to the killer."

Bennett — a retired police detective with more than 30 years on the job — said nobody from CBS or "48 Hours" contacted him about the special. Instead, private investigators once hired by the girl's parents, John and Patsy Ramsey, offered their theories on the DNA and possible suspects.

"I would simply say this is dated news," Bennett said. "It is not indicative of any breakthrough because it's not a breakthrough."
Jayelles said:
I think it is safe to discard the DNA evidence in 48 hours. Tracey's documentary is full of opinions which have been represented as facts.

Tom Bennett has been working on the new investigation for over two years now. He was hired to focus on the intruder theory and he has access to every piece of evidence, every lab report. He has also been working under a "no leaks" ruling.

I think it is significant that Bennett broke his silence after the CBS programme to set the record straight about the DNA evidence:-

Hi Jayelle, Its been awhile.

Thanks for the info about Bennett, I think the record needed to be set straight.

I have been a fence siitter for years but, now I feel the Ramsey's at least were involved in the cover-up.

Why am I not surprised? Because any logical person would know that DNA on the panties could have happened so many places at so many different times. To try to base your whole premise an intruder did it on something that slim is ludicrous. Goody that Bennett came forward. Just wish his knowledge and point of view was as widely publicized as the CBS program!
BrotherMoon said:
Right, one or two distraught but otherwise normal and even "savy" adults, strangle, beat and fingerbang the still warm corpse of their beloved daughter and manage to do it in such a way that some pathologists conclude the strangulation came first. Then they write a note with a ransom amount that contra-indicates a kidnapping for ransom.
This the first time I've tried to respond to something. I am really new at this.Am I the only one left on the planet that doesn't think the ramseys did it?
pennygram said:
This the first time I've tried to respond to something. I am really new at this.Am I the only one left on the planet that doesn't think the ramseys did it?


According to this poll, 27% of the people here are of your persuasion.
Can I change my vote? I have read 5 books, several long articles, and tons of posts on the internet. I believe that the Ramseys are not guilty now. And I'm not changing my mind this time. :rolleyes: I'm switching to the intruder theory.
I believe Patsy killed her own daughter accidentally in a rage after Jonbenet wet the bed again,or may have had a dispute in the bathroom about Jonbenet's hair colour,because there was bleach found in the bathroom apparently,and Patsy was known to dye Jonbenet's hair blonde.I think the blow to the head came when Patsy threw her against the bath tub,or a counter or something in the bathroom,and knocked her unconscious.Panicking,I believe the strangling,etc was all set up.I read in a book that Jonbenet had been shaken,as if,someone was trying to bring her back to consciousness.Thats why I believe her death was an accident.
from day one, I suspected that professor with the beard - the guy that played santa claus - mcreynolds I think his name was. anyway, I hear he died but DNA could be obtained from any children he may have had - if he had any - anyone know?
jokar said:
from day one, I suspected that professor with the beard - the guy that played santa claus - mcreynolds I think his name was. anyway, I hear he died but DNA could be obtained from any children he may have had - if he had any - anyone know?
Bill McReynolds is survived by two sons and a daughter but there is no need to check their DNA. His was checked at the time.
Bill's son was a convicted felon, do we know if he was his biological son? Should everyone be dna tested, fathers, mothers, kids?
Can testing a daughter, clear a father?
How many of the samples were actually compared, how many were lost, or remained on shelves?
jokar said:
from day one, I suspected that professor with the beard - the guy that played santa claus - mcreynolds I think his name was. anyway, I hear he died but DNA could be obtained from any children he may have had - if he had any - anyone know?
Santa didn't do it, he was investigated and cleared.
I voted Patsy Ramsey, but im not sure which or both ramseys did it. I used to be intruder did it , but after reading here , forums for justice and at a candy rose there is no doubt in my mind the ramseys killed jonbenet.
You're in good company, cynpat2000. I myself was a die-hard RST until I had, what alcoholics refer to as, a moment of clarity.
SuperDave said:
You're in good company, cynpat2000. I myself was a die-hard RST until I had, what alcoholics refer to as, a moment of clarity.
SD, it would interest me: was it one specific thing which finally tipped the scale for you to the RDI side, or did you suddenly see 'the whole picture' where most pieces of the puzzle fit in?
a moment of clarity.
So true. Patsy did it. I came here after the Karr fiasco. The Ramsey case was a 10 year old memory to me...never paid much attention. Did not have an opinion either way...didn't know enough about the case. Only that the Ramseys were highly suspected of being involved in JonBenet's death.

When I heard that a suspect (Karr) had been arrested for her murder in August...it was like re-awakening this 10 year old memory. I am now a mom with three daughters (5 years and under). When I heard the news regarding Karr, I started to cry. I cried for the PR and JR. My heart ached for them. I couldn't imagine the horror and pain they must have gone through. I knew Patsy had recently died and I was sick to my stomach thinking all these years the Rs have lived with the brutal murder of their daughter and being suspected of it. How do you live with that?

When the Karr case started to crumble and was obviously a sham, I started learning about the case via the web (a candy rose). As a casual observer, I never knew the facts of the case.

I consider myself as having a good deal of common sense and a healthy skepticism. After learning about the JBR case, there is no doubt in my mind that Patsy Ramsey killed JBR. Not sure at what point John got involved but I suspect he was involved in the staging. I think it was an accident (the initial blow to the head caused by rage). I think it was a toileting issue or during hairdyeing with an unccoperative JBR. I think JBR was obviously completely unresponsive and her skull was obviously crushed...then the staging. Why the staging...they justified it...after all it was an accident and they had another child to take care of. They couldn't go to jail.

I still cry when I think about this, the injustice, the poor kid who never got a chance to grow up. Yes, Patsy did it. And John helped.
I consider myself as having a good deal of common sense and a healthy skepticism. After learning about the JBR case, there is no doubt in my mind that Patsy Ramsey killed JBR. Not sure at what point John got involved but I suspect he was involved in the staging. I think it was an accident (the initial blow to the head caused by rage). I think it was a toileting issue or during hairdyeing with an unccoperative JBR. I think JBR was obviously completely unresponsive and her skull was obviously crushed...then the staging. Why the staging...they justified it...after all it was an accident and they had another child to take care of. They couldn't go to jail.

Yeah, it's not a big leap of imagination.
I still cry when I think about this, the injustice, the poor kid who never got a chance to grow up. Yes, Patsy did it. And John helped.

I am enraged at this murder, compounded by the knowledge that they got away with it and they FLAUNTED it!

I'm not kidding. Patsy's own words: "If you think I did it, let's have a trial and get it over with." Translation: "even if we did it, you'll never prove it."

SD, it would interest me: was it one specific thing which finally tipped the scale for you to the RDI side, or did you suddenly see 'the whole picture' where most pieces of the puzzle fit in?

Rashomon, I told this story once before, but for those not familiar with it, a little of both. I was die-hard RST until about June of 2000, because that was the now-legendary ST-LKL face-off. That was the first chink in the armor, as it were. Sort of a one-two punch: John's sitting there smiling like the Emperor in "Star Wars," totally convinced that he's above us poor mortals while a clearly drug-impaired Patsy tries to use her (she thinks) irresistable sexual charms to try and win this man ST over, FOLLOWED up by the resignation of their head PI, Ellis Armistead, citing "events taking place in the media," as if we didn't know what that meant. He said his conscience would no longer allow him to take part in the lie that the PIs were looking for the killer. he actually said that when he went into the case, he knew that parents are overwhelmingly the killers of children, and that he knew his job was not to look for leads, but to protect them. Don't forget, he was one of the architects of the attempted hit-job on Tom Miller!

That was the first chink in the armor.

In May of 2001, that chink became a huge dent with Lou Smit's "traveling intruder show" where he proved, to me, that the window-entry was a phony. Watching this scrawny man flail around in the window well like a snake in a rat maze kind of did me in.

By the summer of 2002, the huge dent had become a gaping hole, not only because of the revelations about the palm and boot print stuff, but because the most notorious RSTs of all were doing the same thing to the Van Dams that they laid at the feet of their enemies.

That, to resort to cliche, was indeed the straw that broke this camel's back!

That was it! Everything else just kind of fell in after that.

After all: once you eliminate the impossible, that which remains, however improbable, is the truth.
Not only did they flaunt it,they also threw just about all their friends under the bus !! It's one thing to have an accident and try to cover it (I don't think that was the case though,I think it was intentional,even if they didn't plan it),but it's just plain another to point the finger at people,friends at that,whom I beleive they know are innocent.Totally disgusting.
I see that by voting for JR I'm in a decided minority at the moment.
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