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DNA Solves
  1. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    There are also a couple of Sæby in Jutland, so it's a bit confusing. Anyway, you are right. Probably doesn't matter :-)
  2. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    The autopsy report, or at least parts of it, was read out at the last court hearing. However, there was a publication ban on that particular part. That means every journalist present would have heard it, but they are not allowed to report about it. Judging from how the proceedings went after...
  3. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    Not in the slightest. None of the people who knew him very well thought he could kill someone. Many still don't. Nobody with any significant personal knowledge has come forward to say: I knew it! The fact that he likely killed Kim Wall does not change what people used to think about him.
  4. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    That's a great observation. Considering how he later described the events he would certainly have remembered her surname. Pretending he didn't was not an attempt to play ignorant (oh, that girl! I didn't really pay attention), it was distancing. It wouldn't have made any difference to anything...
  5. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    I just thought we needed a danish insider joke :-) In my view erhvervspraktikant is even lower than intern :-)
  6. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    I agree. I also find he overemphasize the emotional aspect. I’m not a mental health professional, but I have always had in interest in the field, and know people working with mental health. I have also known people with various mental issues (PTSD, Psychotic, depression, anxiety). People...
  7. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    Yes, Ekstra Bladet was atrocious! They must have been interns (or erhvervspraktikanter :-) ) . You could literally see how they lost track when trying to answer a question from readers.
  8. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    That is probably right, but remember the "transcript" is done by journalists (and not the top range ones) while they sit in court listening (it's pretty hard to do). Quotes are not always direct quotes (like an interview), but rather "he said something like". A lot can be lost in transcription...
  9. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    Oh, I didn't think you were lying. I just wanted to see the context. Strangely I followed the BT live reporting, but must have missed that. Thanks.
  10. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    I can't find the thing about joking. Please post a direct link or a screenshot. You are mistaking "får lov" (is/are allowed) with "får lov" (can/being able). The same in danish, but very different in English. It's not about being allowed by someone, but about being able. Having a space where...
  11. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    Movie death? Peter Madsen claims Kim Wall suffered severe open skull fracture from a combination of the heavy hatch slamming down on her head and falling 12 feet down afterwards. From his description it's clear both blood and brain was flowing from her head. That's not a fractured skull, that's...
  12. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    Where did you get the thing about joking with Kim about the hatch?
  13. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    It's a bad translation. What he really says is that he is attracted to women who aren't afraid of expressing their sexuality (read sexually confident women).
  14. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    This shows how far the tower hatch opens. It's certainly not impossible someone would grab the handle on their way up. However, it looks like you would grab it when part of your body is through the hole (like the woman in the picture). That might pull the hatch down on you, but it wouldn't slam...
  15. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    It's the other way around. The deck hatch opens flat against the deck. the tower hatch opens 100 dg. I don't even think the deck hatch was functional.
  16. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    That's the deck hatch. The tower hatch does not open the same way.
  17. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    I have followed the case pretty close in Danish media and this is the first I hear about such a call. I have been saying from early on, that the police must have had reasonable suspicion before Peter Madsen came ashore (he was virtually arrested the moment he sat foot on land). It ties in with...
  18. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    I kinda think they have to. If you declare yourself innocent it's only natural you'll appeal pretrial custody. I don't think they expected the higher court to change the verdict.
  19. M

    GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

    The accident part is certainly quite possible (in particular with the new information about the hatch). However, Kim Wall was cut to pieces and made to sink. This is not something you do in a mad haze. This was meticulous work. It took time. There is absolutely no way Peter Madsen could somehow...

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