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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Ravyn

    JonBenet's Dream Team

    Well maybe the LE have it in evidence cause I think that is one of the important pieces also in this case....Case if JonBenet was indeed choked by it then the collar would show that....
  2. Ravyn

    Study of the Ransom Note

    The two gentlemen watching over your daughter do not particularly like you so I advise you not to provoke them Now if this was a real ranson note what would this tell the person or any law enforcement that came into the situation that JonBenet was not in the home...And take focus off the...
  3. Ravyn

    PR/JR wrote the RN to explain their dead daughter in basement

    But you done said he was suspect thought you knew that for sure....But if he was caught I would hope his background would be check but since that time with Amy he must had changed his ways cause no other reported cases like that....
  4. Ravyn

    JonBenet's Dream Team

    Did the LE ever check JonBenet's red turtle neck shirt or was this one of the items that walked out with Aunt Pam....
  5. Ravyn

    Study of the Ransom Note

    You will withdraw $118,000 from your account. $100,000 will be in $100 bills and the remaining $18,000 in $20 bills Now why would an intruder ask for this if just planning to kill JonBenet.... Represent a small foriegn faction with JR saying this was a inside job... Why,would PR cross...
  6. Ravyn

    Still Asking Questions Here

    Thanks,I was thinking he was and I wish we can hear something new...Cause we need something new out here...
  7. Ravyn

    Still Asking Questions Here

    Now since we have a new DA as anyone heard anything new about this case...
  8. Ravyn

    PR/JR wrote the RN to explain their dead daughter in basement

    And if this guy was a suspect wouldn't above everyone DA.Lacy would be screaming this from the rooftops...But yet went after a man that wasn't in Boulder at the time..He was in Alabama with his family...
  9. Ravyn

    No Honor Among Thieves

    And I wonder if this investigation really starts pointing to JR if there will be one more note from PR saying she did kill JonBenet...With everything else I feel about JR,he would have a ace in the hole....
  10. Ravyn

    Study of the Ransom Note

    And it don't explain an intruder either that was wanting money....Why,was JonBenet found dead in the basement,true we have enough she dies in the RN...She dies not that she's dead in the basement....And I still like to know why,not take her out the front or the butler's door...Now if they came...
  11. Ravyn

    Study of the Ransom Note

    Common words to prove a point well I think we all do that...But lets say with what some posters say that both R's wrote the RN together and JR was the main one talking now would PR do her way or the way someone over her telling her to do it....With alot here that says it don't sound like PR well...
  12. Ravyn

    Study of the Ransom Note

    You and your family are under constant scrutiny, as well as the authorities. Don't try to grow a brain, John. You are not the only fat cat around so don't think that killing will be difficult. Don't underestimate us, John. Use that good, southern common sense of yours. It's up to you now, John...
  13. Ravyn

    JonBenet's Dream Team

    Now if this has been posted sorry but I haven't found it yet...Now PR wanted JonBenet and herself to match at the White's party...Now if JonBenet wore or strangled with the red turtle neck did the LE find any fibers from it on her body....Or a ploy just in case PR red fibers was found....Cause...
  14. Ravyn

    PR/JR wrote the RN to explain their dead daughter in basement

    same here and but I can see alot of different scenarios in this case and all don't point at the R's but alot of IDI's here says the R's couldn't do this but yet talk about Burke could had so really alot of people here is RDI and IDI but don't say nothing....
  15. Ravyn

    Study of the Ransom Note

    I asked this when I first started posting here about keeping your enemies closer well since politics is always a factor in this cause that is not the case this case is one big smoke screen and it all coming down to who have favors.. We see it everyday in government they sure don't keep their...
  16. Ravyn

    Study of the Ransom Note

    So how it sounds the RN was destoyed before the experts had a chance to study it...So a photo copy how can the experts really study a photo copy just curious here...Cause looking at a photo copy how do you tell the pressure a writer used...
  17. Ravyn

    PR/JR wrote the RN to explain their dead daughter in basement

    And the IDI's fights hard to prove JR and PR couldn't had done this but in the same breath blame BR a nine year old....So really what is the difference...BR is still a Ramsey....
  18. Ravyn

    PR/JR wrote the RN to explain their dead daughter in basement

    Now I don't have Mommy issues I have great Mom...But when you really watch the actions of the R's and the oldest saying around comes to my mine Actions Speaks Louder Than Words....Add up alot a factors in this case and yes you can see PR all the way....
  19. Ravyn

    JonBenet's Dream Team

    I'm wondering if that why she didn't like the doll cause she felt like one herself...And they did have an agrument over a shirt Christmas morning...But maybe JonBenet wanted something else that Christmas and got the doll that looked like her...I wonder if it look like JonBenet every day or the...
  20. Ravyn

    JonBenet's Dream Team

    Only way I can see PR losing it if JonBenet didn't want to do pagants anymore if JonBenet herself got bored with looking like a doll and with everything PR did for her winning at those pageants....But thats my own opinion but for sure PR put alot of time and money into it so maybe JonBenet say I...

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