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DNA Solves
  1. shoelace

    Lee Has An Attorney! REVISIT OLD THREAD

    you're joking... right?
  2. shoelace

    Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #2

    wow... and here we are... finally some closure.
  3. shoelace

    George & Cindy's Response to "NO DEATH PENALTY" Decision

    if you really think that they are all involved, why would ANY of them say anything at all about the smell of decomposition? you say cindy slipped... okay fine. but in george's interviews he qualifies what this smell is by stating that he was A HOMICIDE DETECTIVE. who would know better? if he was...
  4. shoelace

    George & Cindy's Response to "NO DEATH PENALTY" Decision

    so what? let them believe or say whatever they want... it's their right, correct? it makes no difference. we all have our theories, and most of us on here have the same one. and remember, folks, it's just a theory. whatever george and cindy want to spin so that they sleep easier at night makes...
  5. shoelace

    You're the would you present your case

    i like where you're going with this...
  6. shoelace

    Observations from attending Sunday, 11/30/08 Vigil

    thank you. i've been trying to say this from day one. these people are not demons. they have nothing to do with caylee's death. they've lost two girls. would anyone act more reasonable?
  7. shoelace

    Observations from attending Sunday, 11/30/08 Vigil

    i completely understand why you would say this. you have found yourself on the most heavily moderated site on the internet. i think that the moderators have their hearts in the right place but i can see why you might have kept yourself silent for this long. please, say what you want because...
  8. shoelace

    In late October 2008, March 2008 becomes significant - why?

    IIRC the blackjack was a phone offered to AT&T subscribers which was fairly feature-rich but had an awful battery life. casey even complained about that as this was a well known issue. it wasn't a blackberry.
  9. shoelace

    Who is the accomplice?

    people are suspicious: i don't agree. here's a kid who had a crush on casey, and probably started to resent her for leading him on a bit while seeing TL. i'm sure it was incredibly frustrating. he hung out with her for a total of two days... the fourth and fifth, but continually received...
  10. shoelace

    Casey's Attorney Files Counter-Claims Against ZG

    a possible book title, "when the trials of life make you thirsty, drink kool-aid"
  11. shoelace

    Who is Annie D?

    that myspace page is sort of weirding me out. we all know that annie's interview is going to be the most damaging and strangest one, as that's pretty much the only one we haven't seen yet. "you've got nothing on me, biitches!" what? she's definitely talking about something. trippy.
  12. shoelace

    Bag of bones found in Econ river/ Blanchard

    there's no way that this is caylee. there isn't sufficient time for her to be completely decomposed like that. right? fingers and toes? c'mon.
  13. shoelace

    Random Thoughts and Ideas

    i bet i'm not alone. when i wake up in the morning, or when i haven't checked the site in a decent amount of time, i check websleuths. i keep having this hope that caylee's body would have been found in that time that i was away, and i'm going to see a post; "caylee's body found in forest."...
  14. shoelace

    showering at Jesse's place

    yeah... she definitely showered at jesse's. i remember jesse stating that he thought it was really weird that she asked to take a shower because it didn't appear as if she needed one. don't really know why he thought that was so strange, but he noted it. he said a few other interesting things...
  15. shoelace

    CocoaMom's Church Theory

    and the decomposition in the trunk?
  16. shoelace

    Reasons NOT To Be Annoyed with TES

    after coming up short in the wooded searches the dumpster idea sounded more and more plausible. the only problem i have with that now is that if caylee was picked up by a garbage truck and so horribly placed in a dump, then why would her defense team put up that information about how if caylee...
  17. shoelace

    Defense's Memo "Leak"

    i suppose that i am not literally supporting them. i do not send them hallmark cards with my condolences nor to i offer to help them out financially during these trying times. but what i do NOT do is go onto message boards with vitriolic hate-filled diatribes and judge them for things that i...
  18. shoelace


    i know that beta-blockers, such as atenolol used for hypertension, can affect the test.
  19. shoelace

    Defense's Memo "Leak"

    exactly. there are so many people on here who spew so much vile and hate toward ca... so much superiority around here. i know that it's easier to hate than to empathize, but it's time to stop. i've tried to say it a few times, and there is a minority of people here who agree, that we...
  20. shoelace

    "The whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

    gotta say, i commend you for saying how you feel. i'm afraid that some people are going to jump down your throat here, but good on you for being honest. thing is, there's really no way that casey doesn't know what's going on. she has been incredibly and ridiculously deceptive from the get-go...

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