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DNA Solves
  1. L

    Why Burke's Voice on 911 Call Is The Smoking Gun

    Um, his record of solving cases. Duh. He was kown for going back in and re reading case files to find anything missed before. That is usually common in a cold case file. Duh. It is also common in a regular homocide, which Eller did not require his detectives to do. Duh. If you call that...
  2. L

    this is my opinion of course

    Lots of people here bash the R's. they bash Lou SMit, they bash DA Hunter, why is Fleet any better? What makes you so certain he didn't know where the light switch was?
  3. L

    this is my opinion of course

    Um, not write a 3 page ransom note and hide her body in the basement. It's got to be one or the other. Can't be both. I think we all have heard stories of people moving bodies in the middle of the night. Ever heard of plastic garbage bags? There are lots of ways to get a body out of a house...
  4. L

    Why Burke's Voice on 911 Call Is The Smoking Gun

    Um, obviously they did--the case isn't solved yet. Obviously this case neede more than that. You can be disrespectful all you want towards the man, it just makes your discussions seem weaker. How have his ideas inhibited justice for JBR? Could it also not have been the *advertiser censored***d up crime...
  5. L

    this is my opinion of course

    If that is the case, why not "hide" her in a room that was not so unknown to others? Why not try to get the body out of house? Why stage a kidnapping, then leave the body in the house? Makes no sense.
  6. L

    Why Burke's Voice on 911 Call Is The Smoking Gun

    Does that mean he should actually be judged by people who have worked a homocide beofre as opposed to every single detective assigned in the Ramsey investigation? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves talking about an old man who was just trying to avenge a little girls death. The...
  7. L

    this is my opinion of course

    That all works except how would the R's know that the detectives assigned would be so inept? (Just because it was Boulder?)
  8. L

    Perfect Murder, Perfect Town.....

    I think you may like this book, it gives alot of different angles into the story. I am a little over halfway done, and I haven't been able to decide yet who I think did it. I am truly stuck on the fence now!
  9. L

    Perfect Murder, Perfect Town.....

    I have read all except Thomas' book....... Do you think the instrusion of the media and leaks given to the caused a miscarriage of justice in this case?
  10. L

    Perfect Murder, Perfect Town.....

    Did you totally miss the point? I would really rahter not read a book that is going to shove a theory down my throat, I would like to be able to decide for myself. That is why I like this book, it's not too over the top guilty OR innocent in any way. It presents BOTH sides of the case, which...
  11. L

    Perfect Murder, Perfect Town.....

    Hi everyone! I am just now reading "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town" by Lawrence Shiller. I was wondering if you guys had any info I might be interested in, I also have a couple of questions I figured you guys could answer for me about things I am already curious about in the book. One, was...
  12. L

    has this case been discussed in comparison?

    It's cool, I don't post on this board much, but the similarities between these 2 crimes made me stop and think. Books are great (I personally have about 276 that I read over and over again--don't ask me why I counted them, I needed more bookshelve space and went off on a tangent) I have a...
  13. L

    has this case been discussed in comparison?

    Books don't really make that much of a difference. One could read many different versions of the death.
  14. L

    has this case been discussed in comparison?

    I thought the police could not verify a cause of death, and I thought they could not say fro sure wehter or not she was sexually assaulted due to the decomposition of her body??
  15. L

    If the Perp Posted

    IMO the offender might be anti-Ramsey. I think he might just enjoy the fact that some of the posters here who are anti-Ramsey get so worked up, I think he might get off on that. There have been a few serial murderers who were police officers and ambulance drivers who would make sure that they...
  16. L

    Head Blow

    Not necessarily. Over kill can mean just simply inflicting more damage to the victim than is necessary to be dead. If PR killed her daughter, do you not think that is personal? That there was a relationship there? The fact that a 6 yr old girl was choked with a ligature and then beaten in...
  17. L

    Do we have a mole?

    What post? On this thread? All I posted was that I have a mole, but my mom calls it a beauty mark...(tsk, tsk, LOL)
  18. L

    Head Blow

    Maybe overkill. (are you familiar with that term?) Maybe she was unconcious, woke up, the killer panicked and whapped her in the head.
  19. L

    Do we have a mole?

    I have a mole, my mom says it is a beauty mark....
  20. L

    Blunt Force Trauma

    But if PR did this (for whatever reason) why would JBR have vaginal bleeding? Unless she had been molested right before?

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