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  1. S

    What if Prosecution said Chloroform was the murder weapon vs. Duct Tape

    I think the only think Juror 3 understood was that she was getting a free hotel for a few weeks along with food and drink. She thought it was an all-inclusive vacation.
  2. S

    What if Prosecution said Chloroform was the murder weapon vs. Duct Tape

    With this particular jury, the case was closed after Baez's opening arguments. Nothing that was shown was going to change their minds, unless there was a video of Casey committing the crime and throwing the body in the swamp. They are unreal...and UNREALISTIC.
  3. S

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    Then don't vote for death. I don't know how many times it's been repeated that there were lesser charges that had nothing to do with the death penalty. Even the Murder 1 charge didn't mean she would get death.
  4. S

    Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

    Casey was an ADULT when she got pregnant and had Caylee. If she hated her parents so much, then she should have moved out, got a REAL job and moved on with her life. Hundreds, thousands of people do it every year. I give her no excuses. Her parents were good enough for her to mooch off of as...
  5. S

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    I don't really think so because listening to these jurors, they wanted exact proof and evidence that Casey and Casey alone did it. They wanted solid, without-a-doubt proof...they were not seeing anything else, IMO. Jennifer Ford said it that they didn't know that Casey did anything, that being...
  6. S

    2011.07.07 Release Date Announced: Casey Will Be Released Wed. 7/13 or is it 7/17?

    I don't know, I think the DT loves the attention and press following them, no matter how much they pretend to hate it. They WANT to get that picture of them walking out of the jail with Casey on their arm...isn't that what CM said when he first joined the case. I think JA said it best (forget...
  7. S

    Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

    I truly believe that even Jose Baez is SHOCKED that 12 people actually fell for his 'theories'.
  8. S

    Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

    The fact that J. Ford said it was "easier' to imagine the accidental drowning than the chloroform and duct tape makes me FURIOUS. Of course it's easier to imagine!!! That's not what this was about! I really need her to go away and quickly. She makes my blood boil.
  9. S

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    Initially I thought that when this jury got out and saw some of the evidence that was inadmissible in court, they would really regret their decision. Now I am pretty convinced that they won't even bother to view anything.
  10. S

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    I've watched Juror 3 in a few interviews now and I don't like her at all. Not just because of the way she voted, but because of her demeanor, attitude and explanations. She says stuff and is so matter-of-fact in her belief, but it MAKES NO SENSE. She said on Greta last night that the SA did a...
  11. S

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    LOL, that was the whole point ;)
  12. S

    Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

    Jennifer Ford should just go away. She is not doing herself any favors. Go to Disneyworld on ABC's dime...a place CAYLEE, the child Casey MURDERED, will never get to go. Go there, have fun, stop talking. Kthanksbye.
  13. S

    Cindy's cousin speaks out about George's guilt

    I don't believe anyone in that family for one second. They are all liars and now they are trying to cash in on this. "We finally have proof,....but you have to buy the book" Kiss my butt, they will not get one penny from me.
  14. S

    Where do we go from here?

    This one is done and over, unfortunately. She will be a free woman in a few short days and I've come to peace with the fact that I have to accept that. Linda did say that every baby loves their mother. Children are so loving and forgiving...maybe Caylee forgave ICA for her actions and wants...
  15. S

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    Disney owns ABC! according to wiki: Disney also owns and operates the ABC broadcast television network; cable television networks such as Disney Channel, ESPN, and ABC
  16. S

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    I'm pretty certain DISNEY owns ABC. :maddening:
  17. S

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    In the letters that Cindy's brother emailed her 3 years ago, he said that she never left George because of the financial aspect. Now Casey will come home, Cindy and her will get rich, and George will be bye-bye. We have not heard the last of the Anthony family drama.
  18. S

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    Aww how sweet now that Cindy's family knows Casey will be free and rich, they are suddenly supporting her. BARF
  19. S

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    Anyone with half a brain knows how to get out of Jury Duty. JMO
  20. S

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    So ABC paid Baez for the Caylee photos and then sent a juror to Disneyworld? sitting on hands.

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