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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. C

    Questions on JD and SJ

    JD was on a crusade to "expose" the Satanists in West Memphis. IMO, that's why he conducted his evening patrols. I agree that it was certainly outside his job duties, but, sometimes, that kind of thing happens in small towns. GZ was out of bounds, IMO, in confronting TM - and we all know what...
  2. C

    Public appearances and other forms of cashing in ..

    Here's my problem. Everyone knows that I believe staunchly in the innocence of DE, JB and JM for these horrific murders. I have also stated, on several occasions, that DE has done things, both during the trials and since his release, that I would consider irresponsible and/or inappropriate...
  3. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Once again, I'll state my case. For those of you who've heard it all before, I apologize. This is for anastacia, primarily. Welcome to the board! First, I believe the initial attack occurred in the woods somewhere, not necessarily by the discovery site. I believe that the original intent...
  4. C

    Movies, Books?

    I haven't read that one. It purports to be an unbiased look at the evidence. Might try it.
  5. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Not if you were part of the search effort and knew where people were searching and when they were searching. That would make your concealment task much easier, IMO.
  6. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    I've checked with a "local" who happens to know that TH's pool on May 5, 1993, was scum-covered and hadn't been opened for the summer yet. My source told me that opening a pool prior to Memorial Day would have been highly unusual. Although it is possible that someone in West Memphis had their...
  7. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    But wouldn't the blood in the pool be visible when daylight came? I've never heard it discussed if the pools in the neighborhood were searched or not, or, if I have, I've forgotten. I know the Hobbs' pool was drained and the Byers pool was searched, but it was years later. Good point. ETA...
  8. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    First, Cher, thank you for your kind words. Your theory is well-reasoned. I only have two problems with the crime occurring at the South McAuley home: (1) the closeness (physical) of the neighbors might have made it possible for them to overhear the crime and (2) the physical evidence that...
  9. C


    Very interesting theory as to why Mr. Bojangles went into the woods - and very plausible. My only question is why he hasn't come forward in the ensuing years. I understand why he didn't come forward at the time, but I would think that he would have done so by now - unless he's dead. As I...
  10. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Cher, I will certainly stay tuned! I'm not as close-minded as some believe, and I am open to any reasoned explanation of this crime. As to AH being locked up during the attack, that is certainly in realm of possibility. However, had that occurred, I would have thought that she would have...
  11. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Cher, When did the swimming begin? If it were before PH went to work, she would have known the boys were there. If it were afterward, wouldn't AH have remembered the boys swimming in the pool? Not meaning to totally discount your ideas, but I'm just unsure of a timeline that would answer...
  12. C

    David Jacoby

    TH is a control freak, especially where "his" woman is concerned, IMO. I believe that he simply didn't feel the need to tell her. It's also possible that TH wanted to drive a wedge between PH and SB. Making SB appear a little disobedient would serve TH well. I don't think (as some do) that...
  13. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Yes, they do! That's why I'm still obsessed with this case!
  14. C

    David Jacoby

    I speculate that TH did see SB. IIRC, TH said that he went out to the driveway about 4:30 pm (when SB was due home). It is my contention that he saw SB at that time and gave him permission to stay out a while (until dark?) longer. I think everyone knows where I think TH was (and what he was...
  15. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    I've often heard people in the falsely convicted's position referred to as "poor white trash" or even "trailer trash" from time to time. The point is that people of the lower socioeconomic strata are more likely to be accused of crimes than those in higher economic classes. Sad, but true. I'm...
  16. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    One thing that the quoted poster didn't mention was the effect of poverty on this situation and many like it all over the world. Although TH, TM and JMB didn't live in as abject poverty as the three falsely-convicted men, their standard of living was most likely in the lower middle class range...
  17. C

    David Jacoby

    Yes, that's the question, isn't it? As to PH driving or walking over, IIRC, she wasn't supposed to be driving at the time (which was why TH took her to work). However, as a mother, if I had a working vehicle and my son was missing, I wouldn't let a suspended license stop me! She could have...
  18. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Again, Cher, these questions have been asked over and over. The last one, especially, is the real dead (sorry!) giveaway. Why was he looking for three boys that early on? That stuck out to me right away when I first read it. On a lighter note, does anyone else feel like this is Abbott and...
  19. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    I've been saying this for years! Finding out "why" good ol' TH is "protected" (and maybe by whom) is the key. Yet, AFAIK, no one (at least officially) is concerned. If that's not a conspiracy, what is?!
  20. C


    You mean on TH? Maybe.

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