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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. anne11

    Christmas Morning Picture of Burke and JB...

    I think they were trying to find the source of some the crime scene fibers. it was either JR's scarf that was a gift from his daughter Beth or one PR had bought to give as a christmas gift
  2. anne11

    Christmas Morning Picture of Burke and JB...

    Respectfully snipped from Toltec's post from 2007 i think, It was John who finished the roll of film in the hallway, snapping away randomly. He managed to get a shot of the scarf on the wet bar and a note pad on the hallway table.
  3. anne11

    UK UK - Martin Allen, 15, London England, 1979

    I remember Earls Court as having a large Australian contingent and with his father working for the Australian High Commision perhaps there is a link, I found this article from The Australian...
  4. anne11

    Cords, Knots, and Strangulation Devices

    I have been thinking that the cord used for the ligature shoud have skin cells from the perp caught in the weave, maybe the echonolgy to retrive the DNA was not available at the time but I was listening to Tricia's True Crime radio from the 16th April and Dawna Kaufmann mentionned that the lab...
  5. anne11

    Identified! MA - Provincetown, Race Point, 'Lady in the Dunes' WhtFem 27-49, UP11840, Jul'74 - Ruth Marie Terry

    I read that there was a bandana found with her does anyone know if there is a photo available
  6. anne11

    Was BR involved? #2

    Hi Aynia, she bought the pineapple fresh and pre-prepared PATSY RAMSEY: Usually I would buy those -- I 3 bought pineapple, it was fresh pineapple that had been 4 peeled or whatever they do to it, and core it and cut 5 it up a little bit, or some that had been fresh that 6 was sealed...
  7. anne11

    Was BR involved? #2

    I think she seems to back track a little, firtsly saying he would eat the pineapple and then he doesn't like fruit much and was not likely to have got a bigbowl of pineapple as a snack.
  8. anne11

    Was BR involved? #2

    Regarding th pineapple; TOM HANEY: Do you eat or does anybody in the 15 family eat a bowl of pineapple? 16 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, the kids both ate 17 pineapple, but I would never serve a bowl like that of 18 pineapple. I would think I would put two or three 19 pieces on their plate with the rest...
  9. anne11

    Was BR involved? #2

    I have a theory that there was a gift missing from BR christmas list that he expected to receive, maybe a bycycle (JB and PR had new bikes for christmas) I remember PR mentioning that children got almost all of the items their christmas list (if I remember correctly it was in Death of...
  10. anne11

    Cords, Knots, and Strangulation Devices

    I was watching a tv programme on a UK serial killer who killed people with a ligature described as a windlass, the knot has some similarities to that used on jb mainly the looping over the paint brush handle.
  11. anne11

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #1

    I witnessed the drinking culture myself when travelling through York, the train was boarded by a large number of drunk and very rowdy people returning to Teesiide, and it is pretty well known that there is a bar for every day of the year in York...
  12. anne11

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #1

    Regarding the amount of bodies pulled from the river Ouse, there are 365 bars in York and it seems have become a destination for binge drinking, unfortunately.
  13. anne11

    France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo #1

    I find the anti-semitism particularly revolting with wenophobia nt far behind, someone at school told my daughter to go back to Armenia, I just said its pronounced England.
  14. anne11

    France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo #1

    The printers Creation Tendance Decuverte have no link to Charlie Hebdo, they specialise in visual communication such as decals for windows; cars etc
  15. anne11

    France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo #1

    Hi yes thepolice and gendarmes do stop and search, on people and vehicles if they do not like the look of you, I ive in a small town and there are often stops on roundabouts to check papers and if your vehicle conforms to the rules if it doen't its a minimum of 150€ amend. They can also...
  16. anne11

    France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo #1

    On December the 15th the counter terrorism section of the police were arresting suspected jihadistes that had previously visited Syria, perhaps that stirred up the hornets nest I don't know . But proliferation of mosques preaching wahhabi Isalm in France is not helping the situation.
  17. anne11

    Identified! MA - Provincetown, Race Point, 'Lady in the Dunes' WhtFem 27-49, UP11840, Jul'74 - Ruth Marie Terry

    I found a reference in this articlehttp:// abut the teeth removal and on a tv program when they were working on a facial reconstruction the upper and lower front teeth were missing. Has there been any news on the...
  18. anne11

    GUILTY France - Fiona Chafoulais, 5, Clermont-Ferrand, 12 May 2013 *Arrest*

    I found this article,,1825764.php apparently Cecile was charged with hiding a body and not helping a person in danger with a maximum sentence of 5 years, but with the...
  19. anne11

    GUILTY France - Fiona Chafoulais, 5, Clermont-Ferrand, 12 May 2013 *Arrest*

    There are laws here that divorced or sperated fathers must see their children every other weekend and at least half of the school holidays so I was wondering why the bio dad did not notie the bruises. I cannot make my mind up on the bi dad one artice indicated he got Cecile into hard drugs and...

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