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DNA Solves
  1. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

    I know that with the Noah Chamberlin case the volunteers became a detriment at times. If people don't know the area or what they're doing they can get lost, hurt, or mess up the area for those who know what they're doing. Inexperienced and untrained volunteers need to be supervised, and they...
  2. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

    dont quote me on this, I'm no expert, but I do find that RCMP and Canadian police in general tend to be more tight lipped and to answer questions more succinctly than US police, leaving me feeling more in the dark and less likely to try to interpret anything they say. That's just IME and IMO...
  3. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

    These are very good points, and you're so right. Pretty sure I read a whole bunch of articles, etc. about people being angry and annoyed and complaining about amber alerts recently. Thanks!
  4. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

    Not aware of any family or custody issues, but still investigating. Focus is still to find him well.
  5. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

    Not ruling out anything. Expanding search, not sure of exact radius at this time. Command centre, groups of investigators and search and rescue, supported by aerial RCMP and Manitoba police, dog teams.
  6. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

    Presser started. Over 300 people searching now. Search continues.
  7. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

    i try so very hard not to judge without full info, but my lands it's hard not to judge and get frustrated when you hear things like that, isn't it. Also, thanks for that watcher9. As you can see, I'm not keeping my promise very well. Getting frustrated listening to the presser link's wait...
  8. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016 uncle states that there has been no sign of Chase found yet, also explains there's lots of bush (woods to non- Canucks) and a creek with ice and running water about a half kilometre from the...
  9. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016 so, there's the overnight temp we were looking for.
  10. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

    thanks very much for the link. I guess it's happening at the scheduled time, so I won't hope for much news. Praying, nevertheless.
  11. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016 i never know how to find links to these pressers. If anyone has one for this, let me know.
  12. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016 says yesterday's low was -6.8C, however they have the current temp at -4.8C, and all the other sources say -9, soooo... That may not be accurate. It's the only thing I could find for yesterday though. I think 5-10 degrees below zero C is a safe bet.
  13. CanadianWells

    Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

    Gah! Sometimes I get really frustrated with the amber alert criteria. Is there any evidence it was a parental abduction? I haven't seen any... If not, then how is a missing 2 year old in that cold not a critical, time-sensitive case? �� I'm about to have a 2 yo and a newborn, and...
  14. CanadianWells

    ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #23

    HOLY MOLY. I've been off the site mostly lately, taking a break and checking in every now and then to scan for news. The fact that JM has broken down is huge!!! So many huge things!! This had all better be true. Tbh, I was feeling like this case was going to go cold. I'd held out hope that she...
  15. CanadianWells

    GUILTY NY - Maddox Lawrence, 21 mos, Syracuse, 20 February 2016

    I get what you're saying there-- entirely. I've seen what being laid off in a bad economy did to my husband's psyche for a while there. To make a broad generalization of my own, things like that do seem to affect men differently than women. They're "supposed" to be providers. Definitely not...
  16. CanadianWells

    GUILTY NY - Maddox Lawrence, 21 mos, Syracuse, 20 February 2016

    :gaah: People run families how it works for the family, and they're all different. I don't think being a stay at home dad made him, or will make anyone, a murderer. There are days I'd like to go back to work because I made more money than my husband and because I'm tired, and it wouldn't make...
  17. CanadianWells

    GUILTY NY - Maddox Lawrence, 21 mos, Syracuse, 20 February 2016

    Hear here. I couldn't have said it better. Life is brutally difficult sometimes. I'm on my own 5 or more days a week (sometimes weeks), thanks to my husband working away from home, with my 15 month old who thinks sleep is the work of the devil, I'm pregnant and hormonal and in a new city where I...
  18. CanadianWells

    ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #21

    Just wanted to say thanks to teatime and everyone involved in that interesting conversation on forgiveness and justice. I'm late to the conversation as usual, so not going to drag the thread back with my own response, but I wanted to just say thanks to everyone for the interesting thoughts and...
  19. CanadianWells

    ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #21

    Thanks for pointing that out! I've been wondering about that for a long time. I don't like VDK. To me he screams guilty more than her, but that's just me. I find there are often more pics of dad and kids than mom and kids because moms take them, then never get the action reciprocated. That's...

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