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  1. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    Hi, back with a lengthy post APOLOGIZE :o I enjoyed myself trying to unravel the chords between the “ bad boys” circling this trial . . I think there is a lot more and I will continue the next days - if anybody interested. No relevance to the trial or appeal, just curious :) Ok...
  2. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    His name is Guil Yahav. It seems he was friends with OP, but also belonged to a bunch of dubious guys - to say the least. I once started digging deeper into how the are all connected, i.e. also with Mikey Schultz and Mortimer. Here is one link quickly about Yahav...
  3. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    [/B] You are SO right ! I am also very uncomfortable with the fact that they don't waist a thought on other prisoners and appreciate he is already treated different from the usual ' non celeb' offender. Which in a way I'm ok with as I don't find pleasure in seeing him suffer. One of the things...
  4. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    Agree, I'm afraid you are right. And as Mr Happy pointed out . . already past his prime. It was just this money milking greediness that angered me. I can find lots and lots of better stuff for him to do in prison than pondering about his career as a runner.
  5. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    I was trying to dig out some insights into REAL LIFE in SA prisons. Strangely enough if you google 70% percent of results is related to . . guess who . . Oscar, quite annoying. So far there is also little to be found from NGOs or other independent sources. So here is a mix for the ones...
  6. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    Makes me sick and VERY angry :mad: The speed in which his manager and coach lay their hands on him - solely to get their OWN careers starting again asap, using OP as their 'vehicle'. It's disgusting. FGS - how can they ever pretend to care about him ??? No matter how one may feel about OP, I...
  7. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    Indeed a very good read, thanks. Apologize if posted already. From the Guardian, hitting in the same direction in a broader context. "There are several ways to “disappear” women. One is to shoot them in the head and cry about the bloody aftermath. Another is not to mention their...
  8. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    :giggle: nooooooooooooooooooooooo, please
  9. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    Hi Estelle, thanks for caring to point out about the "tailoring" . I understood the same way, i.e. a hint on OPs tailoring. Unfortunately I did not pick it up in my reply :-(
  10. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    Hi Estelle, very thoughtful and insightfully balanced post. Special thanks for the BIB. But I feel admitting to what he has done is such a huge step, I don't see him doing it. I worry he will stick with believing his own lies to make it bearable for him and continue. But who knows . . .?
  11. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    New tweet, 1 hour ago "James Grant @CriminalLawZA · I'm strongly in favour of appeal to redefine & clarify DE & error in objecto, & to challenge Seekoei hurdle to state appealing on the law." . . . still not sure how to understand it . . :waitasec: . . . :hilarious: . . laughing at me
  12. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    Um . . . thanks again to ALL here giving me such a warm welcome.. . . . now . . .you please stop flattering . . . it's getting a bit embarassing :redface: BIB . subscribe 100 %, as well as the rest of your post. I've already learned so much all the excellent writers and thinkers here.
  13. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    Thanks again to both, you and Lux for sharing your thoughts in such well put words ! BIB . . . haha . . you are no doubt a master of this ! I so wish OP would pick up the chances to work on his character and behaviour, and emerge a better person from prison. . .
  14. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    wow, huge number of very interesting posts I still have to catch up with !! Same as others I went back to Prof Grants tweets about state's right to appeal and some news articles. What I read between the lines of the NPA spokesperson they may right now be busy with the same question. "It is...
  15. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    oh yes, me too I would love to have time for all the things which don't fit in the daily schedule. But no need for envy on tailoring skills - once you learned it and practice as a job it can be quite boring ;)
  16. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    Hi Estelle thanks for posting this article. SHOCKING to say the least, but somehow not unexpected from what I have read about women in SA myself. Came across an article today about a lawyer arguing that rape - on a minor ! - wasn't really rape as the guy had used his finger, not his penis ...
  17. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    It's a heart breaking read and written very well. Thanks for that. I personally have never been exposed to any violence whatsoever, so I can just imagine. I don't think the Steenkamps will ever feel "gratitude". Someone posted a photo upthread, and I agree you can see relief on their faces...
  18. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    ahem, just to notify . . I'm a female. Paul is the name of my very beloved grandpa born in 1900. He showed true love to my grandma. Visible in photos and very touching postcards he wrote from a prison camp in WWll THANKS LUX :)
  19. P

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    Susza, but textile IS almost same as TAILORING . . it is SO funny somehow :laugh: I am working as a technician in garment manufactoring industries, and it would be a complete "NO GO" to buy garments from prison, i.e. forced labour, unless you knew its a special program or some sort of where...

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