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  1. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #19

    Honestly, it isn't even close to being the same stuff as with China. They came up with an idea, they negotiated with the Malaysians, our high court decided against it. And then nothing happened for 3 years.
  2. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #19

    Well, that was years ago, a few Prime Ministers ago and we always try and off load our asylum seekers to other countries. We may have boundless plains to share, but we don't actually like sharing them. Everything is an emotive and hot topic here. Our government came up with the deal, our high...
  3. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #19

    That just sounds like they are being respectful to me. They said they had "a lot of experience", not that they were the only ones with experience or the most experienced. Of course it is a loss for the company they lost people and saying anything else would be cruel.
  4. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #19

    LOL, what? We have we ever been against Malaysia. Considering we have had military co-operation with Malaysia for decades, I'm really not sure what you could even mean.
  5. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

    LOL, I love the comments. Especially the debrief one. Every time my husbands says he needs to be debriefed or debrief someone I always giggle and makes immature jokes. After 12 years, it still hasn't gotten old.
  6. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

    I think it would be pretty Un-Australian not to help, especially when it is so close to our border. We're the lucky country and we like to share our good fortune, unless you need to come by boat of course. We also have strong military ties with Malaysia. We send soldiers on rotation to...
  7. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    I have no idea what is at Pine Gap! I've heard aliens but I haven't been able to verify it! Seriously, I don't know what kind they have. I know Malaysia asked Aus and the US for the images but they were declined. The only thing I've read about it is that we are being used by the US to spy on...
  8. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    Our government seems absolutely sure it is here and that they will find it west of WA. I wonder if they've seen something on the images from Pine Gap and Jorn.
  9. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    Yeah I know. I thought you were saying that the Captain might have been out of the cockpit because it was the co-pilot saying goodnight. I would have thought the co-pilot would have said it regardless.
  10. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    I thought the Co-Pilot was the one who communicated with air traffic control? At least that's what all the Air Crash Investigation leads me to believe.
  11. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    Agree totally. Remember when that American soldier killed all of those people in Afghanistan? I imagined what I would do and say if it were my husband accused of a crime like that. What could I say that people would believe? He didn't do it? nah, no one would believe me anyway. When my DH...
  12. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    I agree. I don't think the chopping and changing is anything suspicious. I think we have just been privy to too much of the investigation. I imagine in any investigation many ideas are floated and investigated then they are either disproved or investigated further. When a crime is committed the...
  13. MLO

    Mom Jailed for Breastfeeding While Drinking, Waitress Fired Over It

    I know! Just imagine, she could use *shudder* formula :tantrum:
  14. MLO

    Mom Jailed for Breastfeeding While Drinking, Waitress Fired Over It

    <modsnip> Are you saying that Obstetricians, paediatricians, lactation consultants and midwives aren't smart enough to raise babies? Heaven help us! I know some of each and they all think it's fine. Years of study and training and research to learn all this stuff and really what they needed was...
  15. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    No way! You'd stop off and buy a lotto ticket on the way home I reckon. They did an amazing job, working through all the problems one by one and getting it down safely. He used to be a RAAF pilot didn't he? You'd have to have nerves of steel to be a RAAF pilot so it's no surprise he kept calm...
  16. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    Have you read about the Qantas flight 32? It amazes me that the pilot got it to the ground, let alone with no injuries. There is an Air Crash Investigation episode about it called Titanic in the Sky (or something like that).
  17. MLO

    Who Is Katheryn Deprill? ‘Burger King Baby’ Searches For Birth Mother On Facebook

    That sounds like a really prefect ending. They both wanted to find each other, there is forgiveness, they want to continue the relationship and she has the support of her adoptive Mother. What more could you ask for?
  18. MLO

    Mom Jailed for Breastfeeding While Drinking, Waitress Fired Over It

    There is a risk in feeding a baby formula too, but we don't go around calling the police every time we see someone feeding a baby crap in a can. We think "poor baby" tut and walk away.
  19. MLO

    Mom Jailed for Breastfeeding While Drinking, Waitress Fired Over It

    Did the waitress ask for a sample of the breast milk so that she could use the test strips? Yes momrids, I used kellymom all the time while I was breastfeeding. I've spent a total of 5 years breastfeeding so I used her a lot. Thankfully my friendship group is mad up by a large number of OBs...
  20. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    Yeah, the plane is in poor taste. It wouldn't work with a gun, knife, lion, rabid dog, or what ever else can kill people. It doesn't work with a plane either.

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