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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    In the links to the witness statements on the right of this page there are a bunch of witness talking about seeing other people out after the shooting, some talking to George who were witnesses and even one who says a cop was taking a picture around of George showing it to them...
  2. Dr.Fessel

    George Zimmerman's injuries #2

    Clean him all up it wasn't like they had to preserve evidence. They had already decided it was self defense.. IMO
  3. Dr.Fessel

    George Zimmerman's injuries #2

    They cleaned blood off of his arms and hands and head.
  4. Dr.Fessel

    The influence of MSM coverage regarding the Trayvon Martin case

    I never followed that just remember dancers and players and the media took a beating on it.
  5. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    No, that is why I said it can be used unconsciously by the brain in a question like this.
  6. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    No you didn't. You said this: "Could you tell if the color of the shirt was black or white or red or green?" She did not say green. She said white, red, or black. Kids are taught in certain grades all about the color spectrum. They are taught white and black are not colors. White is...
  7. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    That might very well be.
  8. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    His story changed as time went on to the ground and pound and MMA style punches.
  9. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    That is why I said you have to watch the video. Sharpton ask her about it.
  10. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    Ground and pound on the cement from what I hear?
  11. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    He is not going to remain anonymous.
  12. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    They did a daytime re-enactment, why wouldn't they do a night time one too if stories were not adding up? Something was not adding up because they charged him with 2nd degree murder.
  13. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    How about 15 minutes of fame like everyone else is accused of? Big shot with big bad story that explains why he never went out there? I don't know just guessing. IMO
  14. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    I never said they would do it to make him change his story, they would do it to prove his story true.
  15. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    I think it is far more likely this witness changed his story because facts would prove him wrong. I asked from the minute I heard his first story how he knew who was yelling when he could not identify the race of either person so how could he see lips moving. I laid stuff out in my yard 30 feet...
  16. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    The mother explains how they led the boy into saying a color for the shirt in this video plain as day.
  17. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    Anyone have any guesses why FDLE asked all the EMT's what Martin was wearing?
  18. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    I have not heard the tape where he talks about the MMA and ground and pound and just caught a snippet of it on youtube. It sounded like the detective and witness were worked up describing it. I can not listen to the one on NYT for some reason. Does it sound like the detective is leading him?
  19. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    I see that written but does that make sense to you? How can he say Martin was on top when he says he can't say how close they were?
  20. Dr.Fessel

    Witness accounts

    From what the state said at the Bond hearing they probably don't need any witnesses, they have Georges statement, the body and where it was at and the bullet casing.

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