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  1. T

    CA - Stephon Clark, 22, unarmed, fatally shot by Sacramento police, 18 March 2018 (CNN)Sacramento police officers shot and killed a black man in his grandmother's backyard because they believed he was pointing a gun at them, police said. But investigators say they did not find a weapon at the scene...
  2. T

    Gun Control Debate #5

    Wait. Are you comparing skipping some class time for the purpose of exercising 1st Amendment rights to... racial slurs?
  3. T

    Gun Control Debate #5

    HA! I forgot about those. Both of those were excused in my high school. High Catholic population in a rural community.
  4. T

    Gun Control Debate #5

    As it turns out, there is no "permanent record" that will destroy a kid's future and missing one day of school won't ruin their lives. Does anyone else remember the school and parents using that old permanent record scare tactic? I do. It's one day. It's more important that they understand and...
  5. T

    Gun Control Debate #5

    I hope everyone is this up in arms when Seniors participate in skip days lol
  6. T

    Gun Control Debate #5

    It's more likely that the higher concentrations are in areas where parents encourage (or at least don't punish) their children to be aware and active in political discussions and demonstrations, as they should be.
  7. T

    Gun Control Debate #4

    There will always be humans who want to do mass harm to others. That's been proven throughout history. That's also why it's up to each society to make it as hard as possible to carry out an attack like these school shootings. It's why it's so hard to get mass amounts of fertilizer and park a...
  8. T

    Gun Control Debate #4

    I don't think we can discount the fact that some weapons are way more dangerous to yourself and innocent victims than others. Of all possible self defense weapons, a handgun in the middle of the night is the worst option.
  9. T

    Gun Control Debate #4

    Lemme know when machetes and pepper spray can fly through a wall and kill a sleeping child lol Pepper spraying yourself isn't lethal. Just. So much flat out wrong information here. Yeah wtaf
  10. T

    Gun Control Debate #4

    There are other alternatives to firearms for self defense. Baseball bats Add barbed wire for extra WTF CRAZY PERSON factor! Fun for all involved! Machete Pepper spray Tasers Fire extinguiser True fact: A scared, half asleep, panicking individual firing a handgun is more likely to...
  11. T

    Gun Control Debate #3

    Yeah well I didn't make those comments so it's not applicable to me. Hunting for sustenance is also different from hunting for sport. Being vegan/vegetarian is fine and a choice people can make for themselves, however, attacking the way other families and humans since the dawn of time have...
  12. T

    Gun Control Debate #3

    Hunting to feed your family is not at all the same thing as playing video games but cool.
  13. T

    Gun Control Debate #3

    It would be GREAT if aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll those other food options were something I could do in my backyard and not have to spend money on. Unfortunately, I live in an arid environment and tbh don't have the time nor energy to grow a giant greenhouse...
  14. T

    Gun Control Debate #3

    Yo this thread took a turn for the what the ****.
  15. T

    Gun Control Debate #3

    That's how it always is with us. During deer season, we just sit in the same tree stand that's been there for decades and wait. Some areas may have fewer deer but then you just have to figure out where they are using knowledge of the area, the animal, and how to track them. Whitetail are...
  16. T

    Gun Control Debate #3

    Sometimes the best path is the one that goes from A right to B, versus zig zagging left right and center. I feel like we're zig zagging with all of these grand ideas to arm teachers and post guards, when the straightforward path is to restrict access to the types of firearms that cause mass...
  17. T

    Gun Control Debate #3

    Another example of the public not realizing how easy it is to get information, how quickly gossip/info spreads in a school environment, and the liabilities involved in having any, much less just a few, teachers armed.
  18. T

    Gun Control Debate #3

    So a private enterprise is punished by the government for something well within their rights to do... And we're cool with this because at least the NRA members get their way?
  19. T

    Gun Control Debate #3

    Opening fire in a confined space full of panicking children is the last thing anyone, especially civilians, should ever do. That's a sureFIRE way to rack up more bodies. I'm constantly surprised by the lengths Americans will go to protect guns like these.
  20. T

    Gun Control Debate #3

    If the 2nd Amendment is meant to keep us armed and ready for a tyrannical takeover or some such, and it is our "right" to be armed any which way we choose, why is this illegal to own?

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